Hi there, my name is Christina L Hendricks and I live un Shreveport, LA. Well I'm not sure how or what to expect from this but I have had my rights if HIPAA violated from a outpatient treatment hospital that I chose to fire for not helping me when I point blanked asked for help as in told them I was very depressed about things going on in my life n that I had had a constant chest pain from anxiety for over 4 weeks. The director of the program point blank told me that because I had missed the previous week were I had a dr note for due to neuropathy and couldn't walk very far that no cause I missed a week. I explained to her that i needed to talk to dr about the way I was feeling n that u needed to help and she refused me again. So I asked her if the whole reason for me unable to see the dr was because I was our n she said only people who are coming to program have that tight n if I can make it a mouth full n not miss then I could see the dr. Granted I'm not going to lie n I am educated in psychology but no degree in. Explianed that I was sick with dr note n that when a mentally ill patient comes to you for help u dint deny them u help them cause um here to tell you that it's very hard to ask for help for that issue cause u fear that you will not ever get threw it. I got upset n pulled my counselor out n to the administration office and told her what all was going on n said and informed her that by them denying me that right for help that "IF" by chance something happened and/or I got worse and left they could be liable for their actions Well I went to group and talked about how u felt about the whole thing n being treated like basically crap for asking for help n I looked up other facilities for my own personal self to try n TRULY help me out for my mental health issues. N when I went to leave I asked one more time about it and told exactly the same thing. Well I fired them told them I was going to get a nee facility to help me with getting better for they seemed not to care about me or my emotional state of feeling. I hugged my counselor and told her I have 4 new one to call about the next couple of days. Told her I would let her know that I'm not going to do it again alone. So she new this n welcomed me to call her ANY day I may need her till then. Well as u was leaving hospital I was walking across the parking lot and was hit by a car by where my laws were violated because the same director who denied me told the driver, the officer, the EMT'S not to mention the fact of about 15 other people who have gathered around that I did it Intentionally to hurt myself and to get meds. Therefore my statement was not taken by the officer n was treated as a joke to the point of when being rolled into ER I heard them say that I was pill shopping and basically wasn't really cared for as the dr walked in lifted shirt sent me to xray and I never saw him again. I buzzed the nurse and told her that I was hurting really bad in my lower back n the middle of my thigh and she said that the dr said my xrays were normal and that I was to take tylenol or ibuprofen for which I asked if I could have that n was denied any medication. So let's say the least I sort of lost my mind a little bit by screaming at them that I hoped if they were ever hit by a car that there would be giving nothing to them or for them n I said except tylenol or ibuprofen as well. Well they discharged me pretty quickly after that was said. And as they were wheeling me out I told them I guess I was going to have to remove my own stint from arm since they weren't going too. N well enough they did then they did officially escorted me out. Well in thinking about everything n what went on I went to a different hospital emergency room and well got told there that I was not goi kn g to get ANY medication and I was pill shopping and well to take ibuprofen n tylenol for it. Well I still have not been PROPERLY checked out nor sent to ANY treatment for help because I'm on SSDI for my mental illness and can't afford it out of pocket because I'm a single parent of a mentally disabled child who has also epilepsy, ADHD,ASTHMA, GI ISSUES, AND AUTSTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER. I felt that if I found a lawyer to help me with the litigation process I could get treatment and move on but I was wrong about that one aspect too. Because I was deemed to have intentionally done this I was the one at fault on police report n I went back n gave my statement for what happened n it hasn't been changed yet and it has been now going into 3rd month of. And cant find ANY lawyer that will take case cause of what all was said n happened or just plainly scared to rock the boat with 2 hospital's the police department n not to mention the lady who hit me for which wasn't paying attention and when she got out of her car was on phone say let me call you back I just hit somebody with my car, then asked if I needed medical help for their conversation was over. The accident happen on 08/07/2018 and it has been going down hill from there for I am in more mental anguish overall the findings of as too added physical problems that either I've cracked my teeth or fractured jaw or both from clinching threw pain to having a bleeding ulcer for over 5 weeks from the ibuprofen I'm taking cause can't get nothing done properly. Well I am also very concerned with the fact of really trying not to GIVE UP on everything around me but I'm still holding a bit there for my child who is beside himself and also stressed out over me his mother. So that's my dilemma n not sure of what or how or even if you can or would help me with but thought if I turned to the media for this situation something would give n I'd get needed helped n treatment for. My number is 318-455-3310 If you should have interest in your help in or on or even advise on it all. Hopefully praying you will, Christina L Hendricks Shreveport,LA., 71107
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