thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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I’m one of the best field agents they’ve got.
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
im so tired tonight. i was gonna try to get to everything but i went to do a long reply on kate and just. flopped. so im gonna lay down, watch some streams, and go to bed, but ill get to things tomorrow i promisee.
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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          ❛ i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s really not that simple. ❜
          “        Gods, I shouldn’t be alive let alone ‘ere. How do I go about getting back?”
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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marvel moodboards ⇨ {3/?} sharon carter
i really respect why she does the things she does.  
                          -emily vancamp
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
today is sharon carter appreciation day. :))
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
@earthbcrn liked for a starter!!
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       this is stupid. she was one of the best spies s.h.i.e.l.d ever had and she’s reduced to ducking down behind a cubicle at a library because two c.i.a agents are poking their noses into something that’s probably way above their pay grade as it stands. their quiet murmurs with the librarian have died out a few moments ago, but sharon can’t risk checking to see if they’re gone or not. instead, she shifts to the right and motions exaggeratedly towards a woman sitting closest to her. ❛ there’s a great explanation for all this, i promise. ❜ she definitely looks like a serious weirdo right now, she’s sure. ❛ but could you tell me if the pair in the suits that were up at the front desk are gone or not?? ❜
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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Emily VanCamp getting excited about the Sharon Carter action figure.
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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you remind me of someone. someone who died. 
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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      ❛ shouldn’t you be a bit more concerned that your car’s mostly likely been stolen?? ❜ a raised brow is directed towards the other, but there’s no hint of judgement in sharon’s voice. it’s a genuine question, at least, but it doesn’t surprise her that it’s happened to begin with --- not in a city like new york, that seems to be tumbling with tourists lately. ❛ i’d suggest uber over a taxi. they’re cheaper, usually much nicer. of course, you could also take public transportation too. ❜  
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       – ♛     she’s been sitting in that same position for almost an hour. planted on the curb, her patterned jacket underneath her so that she was not touching the ground directly. the tips of her fingers are clasped around a strand of hair; kinked eyebrows showing evident FRUSTRATION. the place was becoming isolated, only a few people still left as she props her chin on the palm of her hand. the sound of footsteps nearing her catches her attention. ❛ i give my car to valet man and he does not bring it back. viejo estúpido. ❜ THEN AGAIN, the man she assumed was valet was wearing torn up clothing and said things like I’ll be whoever you want me to be, baby. it wasn’t so much her CAR she was worried about, Papa will just wire her money to get a new one. ❛ what do i do? take taxi? the seats are dirty. smells like skunk and old people eat crumbled muffins in backseat. ❜
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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the au where sharon and peter go undercover as siblings and peter doesn’t understand what undercover actually means ( @spideypeter)
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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      ❛ i’m not too broken up about it, luckily. ❜
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❛ i could do that, but i’m paralyzed with not caring very much. ❜
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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Sharon Carter Appreciation Month: Day 16
You’re tougher than anything life throws your way. You are.
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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Marvel Edit: Agent 13: Sharon Carter
“I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage at a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. And she said, “Compromise where you can. Where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, ‘No, you move’.”
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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       she nods once, slow and thoughtful, and purses her lips in thought. it’s a valid concern. sharon’s not sure she’s ever seen tony like he is now and, while they might not be amazingly close, she saw him a fair number of times. ❛ yeah. it is bad, there’s no undermining that, unfortunately. ❜ she sighs, fingers tapping idly against the side of he jeans, ❛ i think...that the accords were a step in the right direction. they needed to be revised and things needed to be discussed further, but i do understand the need. and tony --- he’s just trying to do the right thing. he has his own demons. and no one taught him how to deal with those any better than steve or the others can deal with their own, either. ❜  
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          when she says that word, his eyes glance up for a quick second and nod towards her. though she wasn’t there when they fought, clint still considers her a part of their team. a breathless chuckle escapes as he looks back downwards. “i think i’ll find my way back to the others… but i’m not sure if they’ll find their way back to each other… i heard what happened… all the fighting after i was in prison and it sounds bad… what about you though? how do you feel towards tony and the accords and all this shit?”
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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     she huffs out a laugh, leaning forward in her chair as she shakes her head. ❛ you wound me. ❜ sharon teases gently, lips pursed as she considers her words. eventually, all she can do is shrug.  ❛ we flirted, kissed once after i’d gotten his gear back to him. it didn’t mean anything substantial, obviously. we’d both just become fugitives and who knew when i’d see him again. ❜ she isn’t upset about it, not more so than something she could get over in a couple of days at least, so she shoots laura a smile meant to reassure, ❛ okay, okay. i’ll think about it then. ❜  
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“maybe in your dreams.” the woman retorted, laughter passing her lips softly. “basically and there’s nothing wrong with that. i’m happy with clint, but that doesn’t mean i can’t live through your experiences. but what exactly happened with steve? because between you and me, damn he is fine.” laura admitted with a sheepish smile. “who says there’ll be another one anytime soon? but can you just promise me that you’ll just think about it?”
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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Gerard Way ( x )
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thirtccns-archived · 8 years
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      ❛ how could you ever be mad at me?? i’m an angel. ❜ she’s definitely being sarcastic with that one, a faintly dramatic flutter of her eyelashes prove as much. ❛ are you saying you’re living vicariously through me for this research and gossip?? ❜ she teases with a raised brow and an amused smirk. ❛ i’m not giving up entirely. just until things blow over, which will be --- who knows, really?? the next apocalyptic level event, most likely.  ❜
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“no we can’t because then i’d be mad at you and we both know that it wouldn’t end well.” her own laughter mixes with sharon’s at her comment, her head shaking in amusement. “definitely not me. but at least yours had a fitting person.” she remarked before her smile fell slightly. “you can stop having retro, but you can not stop yourself in general. there are some fine looking people around here, and i can’t act, so you have to think about it for research and gossip.”
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