thin-up-buttercup · 3 months
pro@na tip #2.
if you aren't hungry enough to eat a food you don't like, you aren't hungry enough to eat period.
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
1. Water, coke zero, tea
2. Stay busy
3. Have regular meal times 3 times a day (sometimes 1 snacktime)
4. Include at least 1 high volume, filling food in every meal (e.g. protein powder, konjac, salad, other veggies, high in fiber stuff... you know them)
♡ you know yourself and what you crave often. Buy it, separate in small portions and freeze all except one. If you crave, you crave, it's hard to fight it
♡ if you can't resist your craving, eat the small portion. Especially if the time point is close to your next meal
♡ I usually plan all my meals for the next day the evening before. If you have eaten a crave portion, reschedule the next meal afterwards to tomorrow and use this as the current meal
♡ set weekly calorie goals, not daily. I have a calorie amount for each week also with variation over the month. This keeps your metabolism tuned.
♡ if you have overeaten one day, lower the calories for the other days in the week, but not the 1-2 days after. Overall you should stay in your weekly limit
♡ don't weigh yourself after you've eaten a crave portion. We hate ourselves enough already 😶‍🌫️ breaking down over weight and getting emotional makes it even harder to control your appetite.
6. Little cheats
I do it like this: I take 5 % of my weekly calorie limit (yes, I calculate it for each individual week). Then I take different snacks I feel I'm going to like and put them in the 'cheat box' in the fridge. I don't eat them immediately but log them in my tracker on the 1st day of the week.
Whenever I feel like it during the week, I can take out a small piece and eat it, without feeling guilty or shamefully logging it in the tracker.
7. If you are up to binge, stand in front of the mirror looong on the way to the kitchen. You will turn around often. If thats not enough, sit down and stare at your thighs. As long as it takes to make you just get water.
8. Imagine everything you would binge and count the calories and calculate how much weight gain it would cause. (1 kg is ~7000-7500 kcal, for me I think its less like 6000 but idk if thats in my head)
Yes, I have cravings and thoughts of binging. But you really just need discipline. To make it a bit easier, I have the above little cheats to trick myself.
Bc 100 % discipline and staying under your calorie limit every. single. day. is really hard. Hope this helps ❤️ xoxo
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
50 excuses for not eating
(Found them on the internet)
1. You’re not hungry
2. You don’t like that certain food
3. You ate a big breakfast and are still full.
4. You’re allergic to that food
5. You ate earlier
6. You have a sore throat
7. You’re vegetarian/vegan
8. You’re saving your hunger for a big family dinner
9. You have tooth ache
10. You have stomach cramps
11. You feel sick
12. You have a stomach ache
13. You’ll eat something later
14. You have a mouth ulcer
15. You bit your tongue and it hurts too much to eat
16. You’ll eat when you get home
17. You’ll eat when you get hungry
18. You don’t have any money to buy anything
19. Invent an illness where it hurts when you eat but when you don’t it’s fine
20. You don’t feel like eating right now
21. You just ate something
22. If you have braces say you just got them tightened and they hurt
23. You’re still full from lunch
24. You have a nut allergy
25. You don’t like that food unless it has a particular sauce/dip/dressing that isn’t there
26. You’re craving one particular food which you’ll have later
27. You ate too much earlier
29. You ate all your food and have none left
30. You can’t be bothered right now
31. You’re fasting for religious reasons
32. You ate with someone else
33. You need to finish your homework
34. You need to finish studying
35. You’re busy doing something ‘important’
36. You have an intolerance to a kind of food
37. You want to go for a run later and don’t want a full stomach
38. You forgot your lunch
39. You forgot to bring a snack with you
40. You overate earlier
41. There was a bake sale earlier and you’re stuffed
42. You’re going out to eat later
43. You ate out earlier
44. Your doctor put you on a special diet
45. Your dietitian put you on a special diet
46. You’re fasting because you have a fasting blood test soon
47. You don’t want anything right now
48. You’re taking part in a famine
49. You don’t have time to eat
50. Nothing looks appealing
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
im gonna get so fvcking thln in 2024
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
tips #1
if you’re hungry and don’t want your stomach to get noisy, drink zero calorie cola or monster, chew gum, drink hot tea/coffee, or a lot of water.
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
i love how having an ed takes your emotions away. like yay not stressed about anything else in my life (that's a fucking chaotic circus) i'm only horrified about c@ls and gaining weight ~ ✨🪷🌿
life is much more simple when you don't eat and it works for me way better that any meds or therapy ever 🤷
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
for someone who hates f00d I sure do think about it a lot
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
anti-binge guide:
~ read this list 20 times ~
count to 100 very slowly
talk on the phone with someone
clean up something gross (bye I never did this one to be honest, lmao. no thank yo)
go out on a walk
pour salt over craving food (also a popular one I never did. a bitch just didn’t like to waste salt or food like that. i say that while heavily relying on number 10 🤡)
make a list of triggers + avoid them // find low cal fibrous, filling alternatives
go outside and do 20 pushups + 100 jumping jacks (the jiggling was enough of an anti-binge lmao); bonus, do in front of a mirror (this is just cruel but also effective so idk yall, take your gander)
take a shot of ACV (LIGHT IT UPPPP lmao, pretend you’re clubbing but the vodka is vinegar and rather than feeling buzzed and happy, you’re miserable and desperate. but babes, we gotta romanticize this, so party it up anyways lmao)
c/s (wastes food, but worked wonders for me. just make sure you have at least a bite at the end, and rinse the mouth, but don’t brush to preserve that enamel)
listen to a podcast / read a book
watch something gory
write in your diary
make a food planner for next week
calculate the deficit yoo’ll maintain for the week and the lbs progress if you don’t binge (it feels like a reward then, to refrain)
online window shop for clothes you want to fit in
dance / go on a run
take a shower/bath
do some self care. attend to those emotional needs rather than using food as an emotional crutch. sis is not your therapist.
chew on ice (i was never this desperate lmao)
plan a controlled metabolism day and work the foods you want to binge on now in that day to practice moderation and portion control while also reinforcing discipline
STOP if you have already started. you don’t have to continue. you’re okay. you still have control. stop now and prove it to yourself.
learn some biology (human anatomy, physiology, etc)
✨some affirmations✨:
~ repeat these to yourself for as long as it takes for the urge to binge to go away ~
food does not hold power over me
i don’t actually want this
*this food* actually really grosses me out
i don’t even like to eat
i’m going to put this away because i don’t need it and i listen to my needs
i am such an intuitive eater. i know when to stop eating naturally
its so easy for me to not eat
not eating is so easy
i take care of my emotional needs rather than numbing them away with food
food won’t make me feel better. self care will
i take care of myself.
i am committed to taking care of myself
i don’t even want to eat anymore.
i have no appetite. i never do
this food taste so gross and it lingers in the mouth. why would i want to eat something like that
i naturally crave fruits and vegetables.
i naturally eat healthy
i feel so much lighter and happier when i don’t eat
i feel better now that i said no to *this food*
i don’t really need food
i am actually really thirsty. i need water, not food
i am okay
i have control over myself and my body because i listen to it and take of it
i have discipline because i am naturally built for this
i am okay
i will be okay
this urge is not the end of the world. i don’t have to give in
just because i have a desire, that doesn’t compel me to fulfil it. i have more self control than that
i am okay.
i will be okay.
i am strong
i am okay
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
*doesn't eat* *feels miserable*
*eats* *feels miserable*
either way I'm miserable, I might as well be th1n right?
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
you ever wanna break up just to be able to ✨be you✨ (st@rve)?
yeah, me too :/
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
- You FULLY support recovery and WANT people to recover.
- You think people should AVOID “@na coaches” AT ALL COSTS.
-You are against “f@t-sp0” . (becosue it’s just down right wrong.)
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
My Safe Foods (Under 300 Calories)
⟡Strawberries - I have always loved strawberries!! They're only 6 calories per each (large) berry. Come to think of it...why don't I go on a strawberry only diet..?
⟡Raspberries - My second favorite compared to strawberries, raspberries are super low in calories (65 per each cup). I like to eat them with a sweet fruit.
⟡Grapes - I love green grapes, they're only (about) 30 calories per 10 grapes.
⟡Tangerines - Pretty good snacks for me when I am on the go! 47 calories for these <3
⟡Cucumbers/Mini Cucumbers - I love to eat cucumbers with my main meals. I have texture issues with food sometimes so I like to put the mini ones chopped up in wraps or salads. Normal cuc has 16 calories per cup ands mini has 15 per veggie.
⟡Iceberg Lettuce - Literally the only kind of salad I will eat. I like crunchy leaves! One cup shredded is 10 calories!
⟡Tomatoes - I am hesitant to put this one on my list, bc I have never cared for them, but they're pretty good in wraps or sandwiches. A normal sized tomato is 22 calories.
⟡Skinny (brand) pasta - 9 calorie pasta! It's great but the texture reminds me of mushrooms, so if you're not into that probably steer clear. You get a decent portion for only 9 calories so it can look like you're eating a lot if people are getting suspicious.
⟡Rice Cakes (and anything similar to this) - I like to put fruit on top, haven't yet tried cottage cheese. Low cal and feels like a lot of food, 60cals (lightly salted ones).
⟡Wheat Bread - I hate white bread so I just eat wheat instead. It's about 69 calories each slice. I don't eat bread that often, and when I do it's toast lol
⟡Mini Tortillas - 90 calories per wrap and feel filling for when I'm having thoughts of binging.
⟡Raspberry Tea Drink Mix - 5 calorie drink mix that soothes cravings for high calorie juice, AND helps me drink more water. I use the crystal light mix!
⟡Mock-meats - I get pretty sick and lightheaded when I have to stand over a hot stove for long periods of time, so pre-made stuff has always been easier to cook for me. I ate a lot of fried crap, or I would wait too long and the meat would go bad. Fake meat made of tofu and other plant material is a great alternative for me. I like the taste, it lasts longer, and it still has mounds of protein. I love the shredded chicken (190 per 1/3 cup) for small wraps. I also eat the sausage links (200-ish per each link) but I usually will only eat about half. Interested in joining my discord server?
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
being a junkorexic is so weird because yes I am terrified of gaining weight yes I still eat like shit
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
im not hungry im just bored.
im not hungry im just bored.
im not hungry im just bored.
im not hungry im just bored.
im not hungry im just bored.
im not hungry im just bored.
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
Why the fuck
is the quality of my day based off if I eat or not!! I get so depressed after I eat SO WHY THE FUCK DO I STILL EAT
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
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my dream body
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thin-up-buttercup · 4 months
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