thin-bandit · 4 years
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binge eating is awful. it’s stressful, extremely upsetting, and it can make you feel out of control. but overcoming binge eating is possible. there was a time when i thought i would never beat the binge cycle that i was trapped in, but with hard work and dedication i was able to fully recover. i’ve grown so much through my experience, and i picked up a lot of useful tips and tricks along the way. so i put together a bunch of resources that will hopefully help you get through this too. it’s a long post, so buckle up. let’s get into it

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beat cravings:
drink water
or peppermint tea
chew mint gum
gargle mouthwash
suck on ice cubes
brush your teeth
find healthier alternatives to the foods that you crave. fruit instead of candy, miracle noodles instead of pasta, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, popcorn instead of chips
distract yourself:
study or do homework
clean your room
paint your nails
do your makeup
take a shower or long bath
shave your legs
do a face mask
write a story or in your journal
work on an art project
read a book
make cute diy gifts for your loved ones
organize your closet
go for a walk or run
try on/plan outfits
take a nap
go shopping
run errands
just get out of the house and away from the kitchen
call up a friend
binge prevention tips:
tell someone! having a support system can do wonders for your recovery. they can hold you accountable and encourage you.
get rid of all trigger foods. seriously, go through your kitchen and throw out everything you have the tendency to binge on. i used to binge on ice cream every single day until i tossed it out. chocolate, cereal, peanut butter, whatever your vice is
 say goodbye. “if it’s there, you’ll eat it.”
tip #1 can be tough if you don’t live alone. opening up to your roommates about your problem can really help them understand the seriousness of it. one thing you can do is keep all of your food in a separate area, and train yourself to eat only from your own stash. in binge eating disorder recovery, i kept my food in an entirely different room from the kitchen (thanks, minifridge) and it helped me so much!
also, don’t buy food products you’ve binged on before. never go to the grocery store hungry, because you’ll be more likely to fill your cart with things that aren’t great for you (or your binging).
crash dieting often results in the development of binge eating. don’t restrict your calories too much if your goal is sustainable fat loss. furthermore, you’re gonna need energy to get through your workouts!
if the urge to eat is strong, make food that requires cooking/baking. i usually toss a sweet potato or some into the oven because it’ll take an hour or so to be ready to eat. by then, the urge to binge has often subsided.
always stock up on high volume foods, like vegetables. one of my favorite binge prevention techniques is to buy giant bags of veggies that i can just throw in the microwave. they’re huge- for a very small amount of calories, so if i eat a lot, it’s totally okay. (i like the ones from greengiant.)
meal prep meal prep meal prep! make your meals beforehand (in cute lil containers if you like) and this can help you stay on track. if you want to take it a step further, you can even buy the ingredients you need day-by-day to completely eliminate any chance of binging. (although this means going to the grocery store every day.)
set alarms for when you eat your meals. i just use an app on my phone for this. it helps because when i get a craving i am able to tell myself, just a little while longer until the next alarm and then i can eat.
include plenty of protein and fiber in your diet. they help keep you full! but it’s also important that your diet includes carbs and fats as well. a lack of any nutrient can cause your brain to send signals to your body that you need to eat. besides, you need all of these things to function!
don’t completely deprive yourself of any food you love. moderation is key.
get proper sleep! you should aim for around 9 hours of sleep per night. not getting enough sleep is linked to overeating, a slowed metabolism, and an increase in appetite.
never skip breakfast! every time i skip breakfast i always end up eating way too much later in the day.
and of course
 stay hydrated. 💧
how to make an anti-binge box:
it’s a good idea to keep a stash of helpful items somewhere in the house. i keep mine in my room because i tend to binge at night. here’s some ideas for what to put in your anti-binge box.
bottled water
flavored sparkling water (good for soda cravings).
tea bags
jump rope, dumbbells, or other exercise equipment that you can grab and go
motivational quotes/pictures
low calorie snacks like rice cakes, applesauce, jello, etc. (sometimes the act of chewing/eating will help ease the urge to binge.)
important phone numbers in case you need to call someone to help
intermittent fasting for binge prevention:
ah, intermittent fasting
 it’s all the rage these days. normally i would roll my eyes at such diet trends, but this is what finally helped me get over my binge cycle!
i use the 16:8 fasting method, which in my opinion is the most effective for binge prevention. you have an 8-hour eating window in which you have all of your meals, and then you don’t eat for 16 hours.
my eating window is from 8am to 4pm, because i am more likely to binge in the evenings. even if i start to compulsively overeat during the day, i am able to stop at 4pm because it’s become a habit to do so.
your personal eating window can be whenever you want it to be, but i highly recommend the majority of your fasting to be during sleep.
intermittent fasting has several other benefits, but it can also cause health issues for some individuals. you should do your own research before determining whether or not intermittent fasting is for you.
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what to do after a binge:
don’t panic. it takes 3500 calories over your basal metabolic rate to gain one pound. most people burn around 2000 each day, so if you binged on 4000 calories today, you won’t gain even half a pound! remember this if you step on the scale and it says you’ve gained several pounds overnight. i promise that you have not- the weight gain comes from water retention, food, and waste.
step away from the kitchen. go to a room where you can calm down and recuperate. your bedroom, a cozy den perhaps. just get away from the source of your distress.
find some way to relax. take a shower or soothing bath, watch an episode of your favorite tv show, curl up with a good book, exercise if you feel up to it.
if you are having a panic attack, move to a space where you will be less likely to hurt yourself. make sure there are no sharp things around. then just float along with the panic attack until it subsides; recognize that you are not dying and that this panic attack cannot hurt you, and just roll with it. ride the wave until it’s over instead of fighting it. (and call someone to be with you if you can.)
don’t try to starve yourself the next day, as this will likely only lead to another binge. trust me when i say that binge-starve cycles are the worst. besides, one single binge will barely impact your weight. just accept that it happened and move on.
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dealing with the physical pain:
binge eating can be painful and very uncomfortable. it may feel like you’re about to burst. here are a few of my tips, researched and learned from experience, to help with the bloating and other physical symptoms that might occur after a binge.
drink tea. peppermint tea is excellent for soothing a bloated belly, but all teas have benefits. though i would suggest that you avoid caffeine right now, as it can make your anxiety worse.
try a heating pad. this can help with the pain.
sit still, close your eyes. lie down and allow your body to recover from the shock it has just received.
take a hot bath or a warm shower. relax, baby.
drink water. but don’t drink too much too quickly, or you might get nauseated.
do not force yourself to throw up (purge) because binging is already a shock to your body. vomiting is even more of a shock. you can do a lot of damage by purging, and it can be really hard to stop once you start. just don’t do it.
try to do some light yoga/stretching if you can, but don’t do strenuous exercise yet. allow your body to digest the food.
go to sleep. hit the reset button and start fresh tomorrow. sleeping is great for settling your stomach and healing your body. 
treatment options:
often times, binge eating is triggered by an emotion or stress. consider talking to a therapist who can give you strategies to combat this. therapy can help you get down to the root of the problem and find out what’s causing that stress. compulsive eating can also be helped with therapy.
work with a dietician or nutritionist. sometimes when another person plans out your foods and meals, it can help you stay on top of things. it can be good motivation too.
if things are really bad, consider seeing a psychiatrist who will prescribe you meds to help you stop binging. some meds can help with impulse control and appetite. it’s totally ok if you need prescriptions to help you out
 there’s no shame in taking medicine!
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list of international suicide hotlines
binge eating disorder association
national eating disorders association
eating disorder hope
national eating disorders hotline (1-800-931-2237)
national suicide prevention hotline (1-800-273-8255)
chat with a crisis counselor (Text 741-741)
ask me anything | my answered asks
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if you’re in eating disorder recovery, you may find that you’ve started binging. relax, breathe, and go with the flow. i know that it’s not fun and it’s emotionally stressful, but your body is very smart and will do anything it takes to keep you alive. it needs nourishment. it needs fuel. and chances are, you need to gain some weight before you’re healthy. your body will know when it’s time to stop eating so much. right now it’s trying to get as much food as it can, because it doesn’t know when it’ll be starved again. when you reach a healthy weight/replenish nutrients you’ve been lacking, you will stop binging. trust me
 i’ve been through it myself. it is not forever.
and if you’re in recovery, try to keep in mind how much your body is healing right now. (if you’re not recovering, you’re dying.) also, your metabolism is returning to normal- which is pretty cool!
binge eating is not your fault. it’s an actual disorder and that means that it’s an illness. you are not a failure or a loser, you are suffering and your pain is very real. what you’re going through is valid. you are such a badass for getting out of bed each day. 
i remember feeling so hopeless during the worst of my binge eating. i thought that it would never end and i would never stop gaining weight. i didn’t want to live anymore. fast forward six months later and i’ve never been happier. please stick around kiddo, cuz’ life really does get so much better. 
it doesn’t matter if you don’t think you’re sick enough. you deserve treatment, you deserve help and a beautiful life. you’ve got this! stay strong my lil warrior. ❀
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thin-bandit · 4 years
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low calorie “pizza” 🍕
120kcal tortilla (poco loco)
-60% calories ketchup (or just ketchup light)
mozarella light
toppings, i used mushrooms and then spinach
mine was 170kcal and it shouldn’t be more than 200kcal for you too!
get a tortilla, top with ketchup, a little mozarella and toppings
then put it in the oven for about 10 minutes in 200°C but just look after it
just make sure that you put a lot of toppings instead of lots of cheese, mushrooms and spinach are safe for sure
it was suuuuper yummy
stay safe ! ~ belle
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Think you eat too much to have a problem?
Many active people (women included) eat 3000+ calories a day and stay plenty lean.
The recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 for women and 2500 for men.
The recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 1500 for women and 2000 for men.
A 5-year-old needs about 1400 calories or more every day.
The minimum daily calorie intake for a long-term diet without medical supervision is 1200 for women and 1800 for men. Eating less than that eventually leads to starvation mode (a real–yes, real–state of biological stress characterized by decreased metabolism, increased cortisol production, and heart, brain, organ, bone, and muscle damage).
A 2-year-old needs about 1000 calories or more every day.
Most people can’t even imagine eating 1000 calories in a day. You’ll get 1,357 Google results if you search for the exact phrase “1000 calories is way too low” or “1000 calories is way too little”
but you’ll get even more results if you Google the same phrases for 1200 calories, because few people consider dipping below 1200.
A 3-digit daily calorie intake puts you at high risk for binge-eating, slowed metabolism, bone and muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal issues, infertility, hair loss, mood swings, and depression. Oh–and sudden death.
900 calories is less than what a completely sedentary, 5'0", 80 lb, 70-year-old woman burns daily (keeping in mind that your metabolism slows with age).
A very low calorie diet, also known as a starvation diet, is 800 calories a day or less. It is prescribed by doctors to obesity patients who need to lose weight quickly, is specially formulated to be nutritionally complete, and is monitored by medical professionals to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and death. It is considered an extreme diet.
600 calories a day or less is literal starvation.
500 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average 1-month-old.
400 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average newborn.
300 calories is less than what the adult brain alone burns every day.
-Mod Lia
Your problem is real and valid...Stay Safe and feel free to write me if you need a friend. You are fucking gorgeous💛
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thin-bandit · 4 years
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I made this big plate with fried rice! AND ITS ONLY 104 CALORIES and it’s so easy! just wanted to share it with you all here on tumblr even though it’s nothing fancy and you can probably find a lot of recipes like this one
all you need is:
200g of cauliflower rice (46)
100g of corn, peas and carrots (in total!) (58)
spices - i used salt, pepper, garlic and curry
then you just throw it all in a pan! i’m not really experienced with cooking but I prefer to steam the veggies in the pan for a few minutes before throwing in the cauliflower. hope this helps!
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Skinny Sugar Cookie
2 tbsp whole wheat flour - 50
1 tbsp mashed banana or applesauce - d7
1 tbsp 0 cal sweetener
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch salt
Opt 1/2 tsp sprinkles - 15
Microwave flour 30 seconds and stir. Microwave at 15 second intervals until the flour reaches 165 degreesF. If you don’t need to heat treat your flour, skip this step.
In a small bowl cream applesauce/banana/butter and sweetener. This should be smooth yet clumpy, use a fork
Add vanilla, flour and salt and stir to dough. Enjoy!
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thin-bandit · 4 years
🌟Low Calorie Meals🌟
(an enormous masterpost of ed food)
Oatmeal n Berries - 200 calories
-Measure 1/3 cup dry oats (100), cook on medium heat in 1 cup water until it begins to boil. Turn off heat.
-Measure 1 cup frozen blueberries (80), dump into hot oatmeal ~unless you like room temperature better, but I prefer frozen because they create a better flavor release in the hot oatmeal~
-Cut up four strawberries (20), toss into oatmeal or arrange it pretty on the top :)
Fruit Parfait - 230 (using Dannon and oatmeal) 265 (using plain greek and granola)
-Measure 3/4 fat-free, plain greek yogurt (90, depends on brand) OR use Dannon Light n Fit greek yogurt, any flavor (80)
-Pour in about 3 tbsp almond milk (5), mix together until smooth ~adds volume for less calories~
-Measure 1/4 cup granola (100) OR 1/4 cup oatmeal (75), dump it in there
-Measure 3/4 cup frozen bloobs (60), dump em in there
-10 raspberries (10)
Higher calorie but SO filling and satisfying!
Fruit Salad Bowl - 185 calories
-1 banana (100), cut up in a bowl
-1/2 apple (40), cut up in a bowl
-4 strawberries (20), cut up in a bowl
-15 raspberries (15) in the bowl
-1/3 cup almond milk (10)
Filling and SO delicious
French Toast 1 - 185 calories (Walden Farms syrup) 200 calories (Log Cabin syrup)
-3 slices Healthy Life light bread (105), toast for about a minute to start
-2 egg whites (35), in a bowl
-3 tbsp almond milk (5), splash in the egg white bowl
-Add cinnamon, sweetener, and salt and black pepper (SO good, trust me), whip together
-Dip the bread in the egg white mixture on either side and place on a skillet/pancake skillet for about 4-5 minutes on each side. Toast again if you like it more crunchy!
-Add Walden Farms 0 Cal pancake syrup OR sugar-free Log Cabin syrup, 1/4 cup (15)
-8 strawberries (40) OR 1/2 cup blueberries (40) OR half an apple (40)
French Toast 2 - 195 calories (Walden Farms syrup) 210 (Log Cabin syrup)
-Make the french toast as directed above (145)
-2 Tbsp peanut butter powder (50) mixed with zero cal syrup or sweetener and water
-Spread on french toast evenly, top with zero cal syrup OR sugar free (15)
You can add any topping you like for more calories, it’s up to you!
PB Toast - 170 calories
-2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70)
-2 tbsp peanut butter powder (50) mixed up with a sweetener packet + some water OR zero cal syrup
-1/2 banana, sliced (50) and placed on toast
Add any zero calorie syrup you like! Walden Farms has caramel syrup, chocolate, pancake, strawberry, blueberry, etc
Egg Open Toast - 186 calories
-2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70), toasted
-2 egg whites (35), cooked and scrambled, add salt + pepper to taste
-1/4 medium avocado (75), spread over toasted bread
-Divide egg scramble onto the two bread slices
-2 cherry tomatoes, sliced into small pieces (6), sprinkled on both toast slices
-Add Frank’s Red Hot Sauce (0) + any seasoning you like!
Egg white Sandwich - 184 calories
-2 Slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70), toasted
-1 slice kroger fat free american cheese (30), place on hot toasted bread
-2 egg whites, cooked thoroughly (35), salt + pepper + seasonings, place on top of cheese
-Two tomato slices (~9), place on top of eggs
-2 slices thin-cut turkey breast (40), place on top of tomato slices, sandwich with last bread slice
(optional) Mustard/Frank’s Red Hot Sauce to taste
Banana Nice Cream - 200-210 calories
-1 1/2 frozen bananas (150) throw in a blender
-Few drops of maple extract + vanilla extract
-1/3 cup almond milk (10)
Blend until creamy
-1/2 cup blueberries on top (40) OR 8 strawberries (40) OR 1/2 apple (40) OR my personal favorite, 2 tbsp PB powder drizzled on top (50)
(Lunch is typically something very small for me. It’s never been really a “full” meal. In our family, dinner is always bigger than lunch)
Garden Salad - 135 calories
-3 cups Spring Mix Greens (20) in a bowl
-3 white mushrooms (10), sliced, cooked or uncooked based on your preference!
-Five cherry tomatoes (15), sliced
-1/4 white onion, medium (10), diced
-Any Walden Farm 0 Cal salad dressing (thousand island, italian, ranch, bacon ranch, honey dijon, etc) OR your own favorite fat-free dressing (add calories)
Mix in a large bowl, and voila!
-medium apple on the side (80)
Tuna Salad Toast - 130 calories
-1/2 can Chunk Light Tuna in Water (35)
-1 1/2 celery stalks, chopped (15)
-1/4 medium white onion (10), diced
-Mix those ingredients together in a bowl, add any seasoning + zero cal dressing you like
-Toast 2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70)
Spread tuna salad on toast. Frank’s Red Hot Sauce is good to dip, or just eat it plain!
Grilled Cheese - 100 calories
-2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70)
-1 slice Kroger fat free american cheese (30)
-Spray a pan with 0 cal oil spray and sandwich the bread and cheese, placing it on the pan over medium heat for about two minutes. Flip, and repeat.
Caesar Salad - 100 calories
-3 cups shredded romaine lettuce (25) in a large bowl
-1 serving canned Great Value Chunk Chicken (60), drained. Heat up on a pan over medium heat, then throw in bowl of lettuce
-5 Cherry tomatoes (15) sliced, throw in the bowl
-Toss with any 0 calorie Walden Farm’s dressing. (use your own dressing, for you own added calories!)
Cheese, Meat, Veggie Quesadilla - 140 calories
-1 OLE XTreme Wellness wrap (50), cut in half
-1/4 medium white onion, diced (10)
-3 white mushrooms (10) sliced
-1 slice Kroger fat free american cheese (30)
-2 slices turkey breast (40)
-Made just like the grilled cheese, sandwich all the ingredients and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side!
Veggie Omelette + Fruit - 207
-3 egg whites (50) in a nonstick pan over medium heat
-1/4 medium bell pepper (17) thrown in pan
-1/4 medium white onion (10) thrown in pan
-1 slice Kroger fat free american cheese (30)
-1 slice deli turkey breast (20)
Cook until egg is thoroughly white, then turn off heat and break up the cheese slice to distribute it evenly across the egg. Put a lid over the pan and let the cheese melt.
-1 Cutie Mandarin orange (40)
-1/2 cup frozen blueberries (40)
Place the fruit on a plate and put the egg with the melty cheese on it, breaking up the piece of meat and distributing it evenly over the egg. Season and enjoy!!
Chicken n Cheese Set - 265 calories
-1 can Light Chicken and Cheese Enchilada Progresso soup, heated (180)
-1 slice Healthy Life low calorie bread (35)
-1 slice a Kroger fat free american cheese (30)
-1 slice deli chicken breast (20)
-Cook the grilled chicken n cheese to your liking, heat soup to your liking. Eat together!
Veggie Rotini + Stirfry -220 calories
-1 can Light Veggie Rotini Progresso Soup (130), heated
-1/2 medium white onion (20) chopped, thrown into pan over medium heat
-1/2 bell pepper (35) sliced, thrown into pan
-6 white mushrooms (20) sliced, thrown into pan
- 1 1/2 celery stalks (15) chopped, thrown into pan
Cook stirfry until onion is translucent or bell pepper is tender. Season how you like, and eat with the soup!
Any Progresso Light Soup! (Calories vary, 130-240 per CAN)
Chicken Melts - 200 calories
-2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70)
-1 serving Great Value Chunk Chicken breast (60) strained and throw in a bowl
-1 1/2 stalks celery (15) chopped, thrown in the bowl
-1/4 medium white onion (10) chopped, thrown in the bowl
Mix up the contents of the bowl, and place the bread on an oven pan. Preheat the oven to 375 F, and spread the chicken, celery, and onion mixture over both slices of bread.
-1/4 cup Kraft Natural Shredded fat free mozzarella (45)
Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the bread slices. Place in the oven for 15 minutes, or to your liking. Take it out, and enjoy!
Loaded Chicken Salad Sandwich - 250 calories
-2 slices Healthy Life low calorie bread (70), toasted
-1 serving Great Value Chunk Chicken breast (60) strained and thrown in a bowl
-1 1/2 stalks celery (15) chopped and thrown in bowl
-7 walnut halves (90) chopped and thrown in bowl
-2 tbsp fat free plain greek yogurt (15) thrown in bowl
-2 tbsp creamy bacon ranch Walden Farm’s 0 cal dressing, thrown in bowl
Mix the contents of the bowl together. Once the bread comes out of the toast, plop the chicken salad on the bread and voila! Enjoy!
Veggie Bake - 240 calories
~line a bordered oven safe pan with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 375 F~
-1 medium white onion (40) chopped, thrown in pan
-1 medium bell pepper (70) chopped, thrown in pan
-9 white mushrooms (30) chopped, thrown in pan
-1/2 skinned small sweet potato (45) chopped, thrown in pan
-1 cup chopped broccoli (30) thrown in pan
-1 medium carrot (25) chopped, thrown in pan
Bake all chopped veggies in the oven for 20 minutes, then move them around in the pan and switch for another 15 minutes, or until the sweet potato is pierce-able. This makes a HUGE serving, and it is SO delicious with the right seasonings.
~you don’t even have to eat all of it! You can eat half and save the other half for tomorrow~
Cauliflower Rice - 155 Calories
-2 cups riced cauliflower (50), throw in a pan over medium heat
-1/2 bell pepper (35) chopped, thrown in pan
-1/4 medium white onion (10)
-1 Light Life Veggie Dog vegan hot dog (60) cut up, thrown in pan
Cook until bell pepper is tender. Season as you like!
Cauliflower “fried” Rice - 155 calories
-2 cups riced cauliflower (50) in a pan over medium heat
-1 egg (70) cracked in the pan with the cauliflower rice
-1/2 medium bell pepper (35) chopped thrown in the pan
Stir around in pan until egg is thoroughly cooked. Season how you like and enjoy!
Coke/Root beer Float - 130 calories
-2 servings Breyer’s Delights Vanilla Bean ice cream (130) scoop into a bowl
-1 can (or less depending on how much you like) Coke Zero OR Diet Root Beer poured over ice cream
Banana Split - 185 calories
-1/2 banana cut down the middle (50)
-1 serving Breyer’s Delights Creamy Chocolate ice cream (70)
-1 serving Breyer’s Delights Vanilla Bean ice cream (65)
Scoop both servings between the sliced banana in a bowl/plate. Drizzle with Walden Farm’s chocolate syrup and caramel syrup. Enjoy!
~you can use sugar free Hershey’s syrups for added calories!~
Any Halo Top or Breyer’s Delights or Protein ice cream you can find at the store is a GODSEND for us!
Pecan Pie - 255 calories per slice
Preheat your oven to 350 F
-Pillsbury frozen pie crust (100 cals per 1/8) Line a pie tin with this
For the filling:
-1/2 cup granulated sugar (386)
-1/2 any zero calorie sugar
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 cup Walden Farms 0 cal pancake syrup OR Log Cabin sugar free syrup (60)
-1/3 cup I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter (lite) melted (185)
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-4 egg whites (~70)
-40 pecan halves (392) chopped
Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and pour in the pie crust. Use an additional 20 Pecan Halves (196) to decorate the top!
Cook for 30 minutes covered with tinfoil, and then an addition 20 minutes uncovered. When it’s done, let it cool COMPLETELY. I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH. Then, slice into 8 pieces. Enjoy!
~it is a high calorie dessert either way, but my mom and i LOVE pecan pie, so I always make this for myself and her every once and a while ;)~
Chocolate Muffins - 90 calories per muffin
Preheat oven to 425 F
-3/4 cup apple sauce (75)
-1/2 cup granulated sugar (386)
-1/4 cup Walden Farms 0 cal chocolate syrup
-2 egg whites (35)
-3/4 cup fat free plain greek yogurt (90)
-2 tsp vanilla extract
-1 Cup white flour (400)
-1/2 cup unsweetened Hershey’s Dark cocoa powder (80)
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 tsp baking soda
-1 tsp baking powder
Whip the wet ingredients together until well mixed. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and cocoa powder, salt, baking soda + baking powder together. Combine and stir until well mixed.
Pour into twelve baking cups (sprayed with nonstick oil, NOT liners) and bake for 5 minutes at 425, then while still in the oven, reduce the temperature to 375 and bake for an additional 13 minutes. DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR WHILE THEY BAKE. Take them out after the last 13 minutes, and insert a toothpick inside. If it comes out clean, it’s done! If not, bake for another 2-3 minutes. Wait until cooled, and enjoy with some Walden Farm’s chocolate sauce or some bananas or some ice cream!
Snacky Foods:
Sugar Free Jell-O (5-10 calories depending on brand)
Apples n PB - 130 calories
-1 apple, cut up (80)
-2 tbsp PB powder, with water + sweetener (50)
Strawberries n Chocolate Sauce - 50 calories
-10 strawberries, sliced (50)
-0 cal Walden Farms Chocolate Sauce
Cheesy Rice Cakes - 65 calories
-1 simply salted rice cake (35)
-1 slice Kroger fat free american cheese (30)
Heat up a skillet over the stove for about five minutes with medium heat on. Then, turn off the heat and place the rice cake with the cheese on top inside and put the lid over it. Leave it there until the cheese gets melty. SO GOOD.
Any fruit. Seriously, fruit is the best snack.
I hope you guys enjoyed this masterpost! If I find anything new, I’ll add to it later. Feel free to add your own faves!
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Ana tip
Yes, I am serious. Clean as much as you can, as often as you can. Why? It burns actually a LOT of calories (it’s hella exhausting), and attracts a lot less attention than secretly working out. If your parents/roommates/whatever ask why you’re suddenly cleaning so much, just say you’re tired of living in filth.
What you can do: literally everything. Sweep your floor, hell, sweep your entire goddamn house or appartment. Mop the floor. Make your bed. Clean your windows. Remove the dust from your shelves. Clean out your cupboards. Clean the bathroom. Remove every single speck of dirt and dust from the sink, the bathtub, the washing machine, the mirror, EVERYTHING. Wash the curtains and carpets and pillows and blankets. Do the laundry. Clean the dishes, your kitchen, the fridge, the oven, the microwave, the sink, and whatever else there is. There are ways EVERYTHING can be cleaned. If you already cleaned everything, then rearrange shit. Take every single book from your bookshelf and put them back in another order. If they are a bit dusty or dirty, clean them up a bit. Also, you can move around your furniture, and if someone asks what the hell you’re doing, explain that you are tired of the way your room looks.
There are ENDLESS possibilities to get moving and burning lots of calories without anyone getting suspicious. Be creative
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thin-bandit · 4 years
low calorie snack ideas
i basically live off of these snacks if rather have one than a ‘meal’ <3
‘fresh’ snacks
carrots - 37 cals per cup
celery - 10 cals per stick
apple slices - 95 cals per apple
banana - 100 cals per banana
grapes - 66 cals per cup
strawberries - 6 cals per 20g
packaged snacks
popcorn - sweet 63 cal per 13g bag
bear pure fruit range - 27 cal per fruit roll (black currant)
crackers - cream crackers 35 cals each
rice cakes - 27 cals each
dried fruit - dried apricot 71 cals per 40g
please reblog and add on any of your favourite low calorie snacks <3
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thin-bandit · 4 years
PSA: đŸ’©
why I’m vegan ana forever
đŸŒ±âœšâœšâœšâœševerything is low cal✹✹✹✹✹
đŸŒ±raw vegan is lyfe
đŸŒ±the poops
đŸŒ±can eat more per cal, QUANTITY+
đŸŒ±nutrient density
đŸŒ±health, better for your heart/less likely to get cancer/diabetes (bc, tbh, we’re all a little orthorexic)
đŸŒ±your food is lighter
đŸŒ±you poop as much as you eat. Fiber lax
đŸŒ±apps: daily dozen+myfitness pal= what you should normie eating+calorie town
đŸŒ±the animals
đŸŒ±most fear foods are straight-up forbidden, and once you’re vegan long enough they won’t be worth it or enticing at all (re: constipation/stomach pain/puking up dairy)
đŸŒ±zero cal dressings/spices
đŸŒ±you’re helping the planet
đŸŒ±if you want a more junk food type option, you’ll have to pay more for it/eat out. Everything else is cheaper
đŸŒ±clear skin
đŸŒ±feeling full for 15-75mins, but then SO empty BC YOU’LL BE RUNNING FOR A SHIT
đŸŒ±like, just drink caffeine, eat all the leaves+aminos, and everything is fine
đŸ’–đŸŒ±it’s a lifestyle change, so there is a learning curve. Have to learn to cook/what to make/how to shop, but we’re all so food/calorie conscious that it doesn’t take longđŸŒ±đŸ’–
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thin-bandit · 4 years
vegan safe foods
obviously most fruit and veggies are safe foods, altho this can vary for people. my fave fruits are strawberries, raspberries and grapes xx
breakfast foods
marmite rice cakes - only 28kcal each and they're Big!! they can be a whole breakfast for me
almond milk - 13kcal/100ml (i know cashew milk is also good but i'm allergic 😬)
unsweetened alpro yoghurt - 43kcal/100g and i sweeten it with skinnyfoodco's caramel syrup which is no cal!! đŸ„°đŸ„°
greek yoghurt alpro - 5.8g protein in 100g! and 68kcal
kallo salt and vinegar rice cake - 33kcal
hovis crackers - 27kcal and SO yum
lunch/dinner foods
shirataki noodles are actually amazing, only 10kcal/100g and they leave you so full. i like having it with tomato sauce or soy sauce and vegetables as well as protein
nakd banana bread bar - i know this one could be breakfast or lunch but honestly i normally have it as my lunch n it's only 94kcal
warburtons crumpet - 97kcal and a good way to look like you're eating normal people food at lunch hehe
hovis wholemeal sliced bread - 64kcal per slice
quorn vegan ham/chicken slices - only 12kcal per slice!!
vegan cocktail sausages - i get mine from waitrose and they're only 19kcal/sausage
tofu - my fave brand of tofu is tofoo and i really like the smoked one as it's already flavoured. one 75g serving is 103kcal but it's high in protein so i don't mind!
baby broad beans - 50kcal/100g
potatoes - 61kcal/serving
linda mccartney meatballs - 114kcal/4 meatballs (i normally have these with shirataki noodles and tomato sauce as this makes a relatively lowcal dinner but it looks like and feels like a lot so i can eat with my family)
jackfruit - 27kcal/serving
linda mccartney pulled pork - 130kcal/quarter pack
vivera sweet potato burgers - 100kcal per burger (i normally eat half bc theyre quite big!)
miso soup - waitrose do one which has Everything in it and you just have to add hot water for only 32kcal
lotus biscoff 2pack - they are 38kcal each so 76 calories for 2 (mental maths 😎) which i think is quite good for biscuits, theyre delicious but because i buy them in a 2pack,i don't binge bc it is harder to binge when u have to open a new packet every 2 biscuits aha
fruit juice lollies - you can make your own for even lower cals but the ones from waitrose are 32kcal
kallo dark chocolate rice cake thin - 55kcal and theyre good sized rice cakes
hartleys 10kcal jelly - theyre all gelatine-free and normally actually only 4 or 5 calories. they are quite filling as well xx
feel free to add more
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thin-bandit · 4 years
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Aesthetics i will rock when i finally reach my goal weight~
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Vegan Grocery List 1/2 Things you think are vegan that are vegan
And of Course there’s more, so maybe I’ll update it? Depends how uch you guys want me to I am not a vegan myself but this was requested, so if there is anything that isnt vegan let me know, I think I did pretty well though
Apples Banans Grapes Oranges Mangoes Lemons Peaches Strawberries Blueberries Blackberries Tomatoes Dried Cranberries Rasins
Spinach Kale Red Peppers Orange Peppers Spouts Mushrooms Celery Carrots Cauliflower Broccoli  Onions Garlic Sweet Potatoes Avocados
Spices and seasonings
Turmic Chili/Paprika Cayenne Pepper Cinnamon Bay Leaves Curry Leaves Nutritional Yeast Agar Agar Vanilla Extract
Bay Leaves Parsley Coriander Mint Thyme Chives
Black Beans Pinto Beans Chick Peas Brown Lentils Black Eyed Peas
Maple Sryup Dates Coconut Sugar Rice Malt Sryup
Fruits Veggies Things you would put in a shake (if you have fruit that starts going bad out it in the freezer and it wont go bad and you can use the for shakes and stuff)
Brown Rice White Rice Quinoa Buckwheat Oats Vegan Bread
Nuts and Seeds
Cashews Almonds Macadamias Walnuts Hemp Seeds Flax Seeds Sesame Seeds Chia Seeds Sunflower Seeds
Oils and dressings
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Coconut Oil Apple Cider Vinegar  Toasted Sesame Oil
Whole Grain Mustard Miso Paste Tofu Almond Milk/or any vegan milk Juices
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Vegan Spring Roll-Requested-39.5 Calories
For the whole thing:317 calories- For each (if you make 8): 39.5 calories
Extra virgin olive oil spray-0 cals
4 cloves of garlic-12 cals
1 onion-44 cals
2 carrots-50 cals
4 leaves of cabbage-24 cals
1 ounce or 30 grams or 2 tbsp soy sprouts (Id say this is optional, I dont know where you could find these)-9 cals
2 tablespoons soy sauce-18 cals
8 rice paper rolls-160-ish cals
Water-0 cals
Homemade Sweet and Sour Sauce (Recipe)
How To 
Heat extra virgin olive oil in a wok (lol or a frying pan) (1 tablespoon is enough), add the vegetables (the sliced garlic, julienned onion, carrots and cabbage, and soy sprouts) and the soy sauce sauce. Cook for about 5 minutes over medium-high heat.
Follow the directions of your rice paper or soak it in hot water for 3-5 seconds
Add 2 tablespoons of filling near the middle, and tightly roll the wrapper, fold over the left side, fold over the right side, then the top and bottom, and paint a little water along the edge and close it up.
Heat plenty of extra virgin olive oil in the wok and when it’s very hot, add the spring rolls and cook them for about 1 minute or until both sides are golden brown.
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thin-bandit · 4 years
Vegan salad recipe (fucking amazing + filling af)
-Baby spinach as base (how much you want cause its super low cal)
-A couple of cherry tomatoes (œ cup is 25 kcal)
-Chickpeas (I used this mini packaging which was 65g and about 75 kcal)
-Smoked tofu (we have this brand in Slovakia called lunter and its 45 kcal for 40g)
It’s really good and big and filling and vegan and I loved it. Over all it’s around 150 kcal and there’s a lot of it. You can use a smaller amount of the ingredients but I had this for dinner and it was really good
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thin-bandit · 4 years
it’s ya girl, back at it again, this time with
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✹đŸŒș 222 cal pizza đŸŒș✹
okay so i see people posting pizza all the time and figured i’d share my recipe. been making this for at least a year now and it always works for me if i’m craving pizza. i’ll try it sometime soon with that 28 calorie tortilla recipe that’s been going around, but for now this works and does actually taste like pizza
đŸŒș ingredients đŸŒș
‱ 1 - 7” tortilla - 100 kcal (your brand may vary)
‱25g pasta sauce - 12 kcal (your brand or type may vary, i use farm boy tomato basil because it’s what i have
‱sprinkle of red pepper flakes
‱yves veggie pepperoni or veggie salami, i used 2 pieces of veggie salami because the grocery store didn’t have pepperoni - 30 kcal (28 kcal for the pepperoni, that’s 7 pieces)
‱30g shredded part skim mozzarella cheese - 80 cal
‱sprinkle of italian seasoning
đŸŒ·method đŸŒ·
~ spread your pasta sauce on your tortilla and sprinkle red pepper flakes on top
~lay your pepperoni or salami on the sauce
~spread your cheese all over the pizza
~microwave 45 seconds to 1 minute, my microwave is really powerful so it only takes 45 seconds
~sprinkle a small pinch of italian seasoning on top
💖💖 enjoy and stay safe 💖💖
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thin-bandit · 4 years
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Added some new foods so I don’t get bored eating the same thing all the time. Suggestions appreciated!
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thin-bandit · 4 years
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I found a recipe online if you want it
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