theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
attention attention! this account is moving!!!
i will now be operating under this account: redweddingrobb 
all further roleplay replies and activity for Robb Stark will be on this account. the main reason for this is because this account is a secondary and i would prefer to have everything operating as a primary account. it would mean a lot of you added this new account. thank you all for your understanding and hope to see you soon!
-the young wolf
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
"Hi there!" Rachel grinned from her spot high up in the branches. "You look like you could use a hand." Her silvery-blue eyes held a smile as she dropped from the tree, landing with cat-like grace in front of Robb's horse.
The horse gave a startled snort but Robb was quick to have him back in hand, giving a soothing pat on the side of it's neck until it stopped pawing at the soft earth below his hooves. "Greetings my lady," he said with a nod of his head, a warm smile perched upon his lips. "I am honored to receive whatever help you would give, my lady." 
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
The redhead stalked into the camp, walking right past his men to stand before him. "My name is Barbara Gordon, I'm here to aid as required your Grace." Her green eyes twinkled with a level of mischief. "But you even think about keeping me from the action because of my sex and I'll make you regret it."
Looking up from his parchment the young king's eyes looked upon the redheaded newcomer and allowed a soft smile to spread across his lips at her words. Her actions and slight commanding yet mischevious tone of her vioce reminded him of someone he missed terribly. As his men offered up words of complaint he held up his hand to silence them before looking at her. "You remind me of my younger sister, my lady...and if it is one thing that I know it is that I would be a fool to try and stop her from doing what she wanted to do. You will have no such resistance for me, your alliance is a welcomed one in these dark times." He gave a slight incline of his head before meeting her gaze once again. 
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
"Is it true that your brother Jon never met a woman that he liked more than his hair, Your Grace?" - Sam Tarly!anon
A soft grin broke out across the young king's face and he chuckled as he remembered his brother "well Sam, it's true my brother is quite fond of his hair and as of yet he hasn't found a maid that he seems interested in. Though I'm sure once such a woman comes along we'll both have our answer."
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
lordboltonofthedreadfort started following theyoungnorthernwolf
Looking up from his map he gives the lord of the Dreadfort a nod in greeting, "Lord Bolton, how do you fare?" 
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
hello everyone!
it's been so long, i apologize once again for my absence as i was unfortunately dealing with a lot of real-life situations which rendered my muse totally absent until now. 
now that i am back i am excited to begin threading once again! that being said, if you had a thread with me before my hiatus and would like to continue please like this post so that i can track it down and send out a reply asap! if you haven't threaded with me and would like to, please inbox me and we can begin plotting!
IMPORTANT INFO: please keep in mind that while we are threading it may take me a few days to send out a reply to you, please do not think that i am in any way ignoring you. in my desire to ensure that each and every post that i write is worthy of the person i am threading with it takes me a little time to make it just right :) that being said hope to talk to everyone soon! ***Also as of right now my Renly account (renlykingofsass) will not be accepting any threads, I think it would be easiest for me to only have one account active.***
my own regards,
soon to be operating under the URL: redweddingrobb
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
just a general PSA update thing
first off i want to apologize to everyone for my absence lately, i miss all of you and am trying to get back online more frequently. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff lately in addition to classes ending and just been having a rough time of it. i hope to be back online and threading again real soon, and i hope everyone is well. lastly, thank you all for standing by and supporting me during this time, it means more than you know.
all my love <3
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
Robb, would you like to be on my team for the snowball fight of Winterfell? -amanofhonour
I wouldn't have it any other way! *grins*
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
hey everyone! i'm back!!!!!
i missed you all!!!!
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
He tried not to think about it. 
Taking his seat in the high seat that Walder Frey had given him he felt the eyes staring at him and looked back, his crown still atop his head. They all waited, their voices falling silent before he rose and held up his cup "To Edmure and Roslin!," he said, giving the couple a grin. The hall echoed and drank "let the feast begin!" Robb added and the cheers were taken up once again before he sat back down in his seat with a soft sigh, trying not to look as tired as he felt. The courses were served and he found it difficult to eat, the only thing he truly desired was to leave. They would on the morrow, his mother had decided and he had voiced no complaint. The sooner this place was behind them, the better. His forces were at Riverrun and they had much to do....King's Landing was waiting...and so were his sisters. 
As he peered down at the door he saw a man coming in toting another behind him but the way the man looked it seemed as though he was a prisoner. There was a sack over his head and he walked with a slight limp, a frown arising on Robb's features as he took in the scene. Who would bring a prisoner here...what was the meaning of this. Rising from his seat he called out to Ramsay, unsure of who the man was. "You there!" he said, his voice booming and  causing the room to fall silent "what is your business here?" he asked, his voice hard and clear as he spoke.
Ramsay smirked at him and continued forward, practically dragging the man behind him "I have come with your order, your grace.....you told me to capture someone and bring him to you....so I have...." he said and shoved Theon forward so hard that the other was sure to fall right at the foot of the dais. Robb's eyes widened as he looked down at the man, his heart pounding in his chest as Ramsay walked up to him and removed the sack from the prisoners head. That was when Robb saw him for the first time in almost a year.
Red Wedding // Theon & Robb
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
"I would be disappointed if you did, Kingslayer...for I have come to enjoy our conversations," Robb replied with the faintest hint of a smile ghosting on his lips. "I know the song well....I know that you will never stop trying to escape or thinking of ways to kill me...." he said, looking at Jaime through the bars. It was the truth and there was no getting past it. Jaime didn't want to be here and as soon as he was able he would try to escape.....but Robb had taken steps to ensure that that didn't happen. He had caged a lion and he knew what would happen to him if Jaime was somehow freed...he wasn't a fool.
He gave a slow nod "You're right, I do feel pride...." he said, looking at Jaime evenly "I have done something that no one else has. I have captured Jaime Lannister, the kingslayer, the kingsguard knight....." he said, walking along the length of the cage "but I also feel hardships....the cost of your capture cost me 2,000 men....I sent each and every one of them to their graves....and that is something that I can never undo...." he said quietly, remembering that battle and the brutality they must have felt when they fought against Tywin Lannister. 
Exhaling quietly he turned to look back at Jaime, wanting to change the subject to anything that he could "you are not the only Lannister here...we have captured two of your cousins....a Willem Lannister and a Martyn Lannister..." he said, looking at Jaime once again. That made part of him disgusted...the fact that 2 young boys around Bran's age were being kept in cells because of their names....but the men of his council had insisted and he had given the command. 
Bound and Chained, But Far From Tamed
Jaime turned when he heard the voice, though his mannerism was calm. He remember the lions which had once lived beneath Casterly Rock in the cages. I am much like they were, now. But unlike them, I will not die in this prison. One way or the other, he would escape it. One way or the other, he would be free. 
“A cell is a cell, no matter the conditions,” he replied. though likely one day those words he would come to regret. However in truth, Jaime Lannister was not a man well suited to imprisonment, even if the Starks and Tullys were being generous now. Like as not he would end up in darkness chained once more, if he attempted escape. Which certainly, he would.
“I can see the pride you feel in yourself,” he continued to speak, noting the look in Robb’s eyes. He is proud of himself for capturing one such as I. And why should he not? He’s looking upon me now through bars, as no other man has before.“But don’t let that pride make you blind to all threats.” If he’d had some way to attack the younger man, he would now, but as he did not, he could do no more than speak for the time being.
In his thoughts now, Robb was no longer a boy. A fool, and certainly a reckless one at that, but he had the makings of a man. That would not help him in the end, but Jaime would not again refer to him as a boy. Unless he proves me wrong in my thoughts. “Surely you cannot think that I will remain tame for you?”
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
When she pulled away slightly he felt lighter, as if their problems had vanished for a moment. It felt like they were back home again, sitting down in the crypts telling ghost stories and playing games.....but all too quickly the reality came swirling back to greet the both of them. He exhaled softly and ran a hand through his hair. Mother. She wanted to know about mother. Biting his lower lip he said "She's safe at Riverrun with her Lord father and uncle as well...." he said and she was. It had been a difficult choice leaving her there....that was the last thing he wanted but he knew that the fighting would be the hardest from then on out as they reached King's landing and she didn't need to see anymore of that... The men had tried to convince him that she needed to stay because she had let the Kingslayer go but he had chosen her safety over her crimes. She was his lady mother and he would not treat her like a criminal. 
What came next was difficult. Bran and Rickon....she needed to know about them yet the words were stuck in his throat. How could he tell her this? How could he possibly lay his hardship on her on top of everything else that she had been through? Guilt also rose up in his chest, coiling around his heart as it did so very often whenever he thought of Bran and Rickon. He was supposed to keep them safe...yet he had sent the one who had killed them...he had let Theon go....and Theon had betrayed them. Even though in a million years he couldn't have imagined this outcome it was there all the same.
"Sansa....." he said softly, looking into her eyes, "I sent Theon to his lord father to ask for an alliance....Theon never came back but instead turned his gaze to Winterfell.....I have heard word that the Ironmen have burned Winterfell to the ground and......" he felt emotion arising in his voice, hurt and sadness arising in his gaze "Theon.....he...." he tried to steady himself but the room was starting to spin and lurch again "He killed them both....." he finally finished, his heart aching once again. His fault. It was his fault. 
The North Remembers
She clung to her older brother tightly, as if he would disappear into the air like dust in a summer breeze if she let go. Part of her still could not believe he was here. Although she had always prayed that he would, with every day that had pasted, the more that prayer became a wish. She had slowly come to think that he had forgotten about her. He had been so caught up in the war that he had forgotten about her. But now he was here, he hadn’t forgotten.
She finally pulled back slightly, just enough so she could look up at him. She whipped away her reaming tear, “Where’s mother?” she asked softly. She had heard whispers that her mother had left Winterfell and was at Robb’s side, but she had heard nothing as of recent.
And what of Winterfell. She had heard very little of that too. Of course the news Sansa did receive was either from whispers from other ladies passing by or from Joffrey, who liked to throw threats at her when ever he received news about her brother. She never knew if the information she got was true or not. She tilted her head to the side, looking up at him with glittering blue eyes. “And what of Bran and Rickon?” she asked. The last she had heard of her littlest brother was when her father had told her Bran had awoken. “Are they alright?” she asked.  
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
Robb watched her, studying her but it was not a cruel gaze on his face but rather an interested one. He had never seen a wildling before and he had never thought that he would envy one. She was so wild....but so free. The freedom to choose, she said....how he longed for such a freedom. He was still a boy yet, still 10 and 7, not yet a man grown...but trying so hard to be what everyone needed to be....a king. The King in the North. He had never asked for this...he had never desired it but the title had come and he didn't refuse it. What did that say about him? More importantly, what did that mean? More war? More responsibility? More promises that he had to make? It certainly seemed that way. In the weeks and fortnights that had come after his "crowning" his life had only grown more difficult.
He barely slept anymore and when he did it was with the assistance of dreamwine...but that didn't keep the nightmares away. He saw them charging into battle...his saw his already small numbers being brutally slain. He saw his family being tortured....he saw his father....standing there on that stage that he had never actually seen in his life. That was the dream that haunted him the most. He was standing in the crowd and right before the sword came down his father had looked up at him, looked into his eyes and said "You have failed..." before he died. Robb would always wake up with a jolt from that....and sleep would be impossible for the remaining of the night.
When she spoke he listened intently, keeping his silence as she spoke of things she thought he knew nothing about. When she was finished he replied "I know all of those hardships all too well....I have felt the loss of battle...I have seen men fight and die for me....I have seen them bleed for me and I have seen them suffer because of me. I have failed to protect my family....my father was killed before I could get to him and my brothers...." he looked down before sighing softly "my brothers were slain....both of them young boys....slain by someone i trusted. I have known loss, I have known fear, and I have known the effects of war...but I will continue to fight until I am the last on the field. I do not want glory, I do not want to be a hero...I only want to be the man worthy of the people who call him king." When he finished he listened to the other, his own lips turning up into a small smile at her compliment. Perhaps they weren't so different after all. 
A savage sense of diplomacy
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
Robb had known the question would give Loras pause, and why shouldn't it? This was his home....he could be safe here, protected and away from everything, allowed to be free in his own right and to not have to fight anymore. Robb wondered what he would do if he were in Loras' position and he had just gotten back to Winterfell after being away for this long. He wanted to say that he would have chosen to stay at the castle, but in his heart he knew that he would follow Loras wherever the knight wanted him to go....and his heart pounded in anxiousness as he waited for the answer.
He watched the  emotions play over Loras' features, trying to see his thoughts but he couldn't read them past the constant pain he saw in the others gaze. It made his own heart ache as he would look at Loras and catch the sadness there....wanting to erase it and give Loras a reason to smile again but he hadn't known exactly what had caused that pain, which made treatment difficult. Swallowing softly he was surprised as the other suddenly pulled him close and pulled him into a tender kiss, his arm tightening around the others hip and drawing him close before he kissed back tenderly, a soft moan escaping his lips. And then the kiss was broken before he realized it and Loras was moving away. He knew he was going to speak...but he didn't expect to hear what he did.
Loras was going to stay..... His heart pounded in his chest as he smiled warmly, pulling the other close as relief flashed over his features. Holding onto the other tighter he buried his face against the knight's neck and felt such joy that he had never experienced before....Loras was staying....Loras was going to be his. "And I am yours...." he promised when he pulled away, a blush arising on his face as he realized how those words must have sounded. "I am yours...." he said again, looking deep into Loras' eyes.
Despite the still slightly numb feeling within him, the warmth of Robb’s arms and the gentleness of his touches, of his words, Loras felt himself begin to feel, the emptiness that filled his chest receeding by the smallest amount. A smiled turned his lips and he ducked his head to tuck it against Robb’s shoulder, shifting a little so their legs were tangled together beneath the sheets, their fingers intwined where they rested on Robb’s chest. I would rather spend this night speaking with you as well, he thought, the smile small but present, a bit of the sadness faded momentarily from his hazel gold eyes.
At Robb’s question he let out a soft breath, remaining silent for several moments. Yes, he longed to say. Yes, I’ll come with you. But he held back, considering every option, every possibility. His sword he had sworn to Robb, yes, but he had seen enough of the other to know he would release him from that vow should he wish to remain here, with his family in Highgarden. Part of Loras longed to stay here…untouched by the war any further, where he could spend the days in the warmth and comfort and familiarity of Highgarden, of the gardens and pathways of his youth. Margaery would like that, and his father and mother and brothers as well…he could hear their voices in his head, see their smiles, their faces…
But no. Loras had already been rendered in two by this war, by Renly’s death…the moment that word came that the king was dead, he could never go back to how he had been before. Never again would he be content in Highgarden, or King’s Landing or anywhere else….save, perhaps, by the side of Robb Stark. Let him fight for the side that fought for the living, let him fight, not be thrust back into the tangled web of lies that made up court life. Lifting himself on one elbow he pressed his lips against Robb’s in a slow, deep kiss, his eyes closed. When they broke apart, he gave him a soft smile as he settled back at his side. “I’ll come with you,” he said. “My sword is yours, as is my life…I am yours, your grace.”
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
Robb hadn't bothered changing from his ride, neither had Theon or Jon. Instead he had simply washed up before retaking his place in the hall, sitting down next to Jon and talking about the ride with Bran, who was still sullen that he didn't get to go. "All in good time, Bran....the forests will still be there when you come of age to explore them," Robb said, ruffling the younger brother's hair affectionately. Bran offered a small smile but it was clear that he was still disappointed that he couldn't go. But there was nothing Robb could do about that, his lady mother had said no, and that was the end of the subject. 
Looking up as Sansa entered her gave her a soft smile. "Bran is upset that he couldn't go," he said and the younger Stark offered his voice of complaint, arguing that he wasn't upset and Jon started laughing at the way Bran began arguing. Robb chuckled softly as the boy became angry and said "if you convince mother that you should go, i'll take you on my next ride, I promise," he said and that seemed to placate the boy for now.
Turning his attention back to Sansa he said "that's about it really," and gave her a smile. Supper was served and Robb was glad, he was starving from the long ride and would be sure to eat his fill this evening when he spotted one of his favorite courses. He helped himself to a few servings and wolfed the food down, feeling as though he hadn't eaten in years let alone this morning. 
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
Robb could see the turmoil of emotions going through Theon's mind. The young King saw each and every fear, every disappointment, every hardship and every disappointment that fluttered through Theon's eyes in a matter of seconds. He watched the emotion play over the others face and felt his heart breaking the way it had whenever Bran or Rickon or Jon had looked that way, Jon especially. Robb remembered being mocked by some of the other boys at Winterfell for having a bastard and a traitor as his companions but he had rounded on the boy with his practice sword and the other had taken off. Robb had told him that he had only brothers, and that they were more honorable than that boy had been. The boy had been a craven...and the men were cravens also if they could not try to look past the war and see Theon for who he really was. Theon had come back to them...Theon had fought for them....Theon had risked his life for them.....for him.
He was Robb's brother, and Robb would hear nothing else.
Yet still he watched in silence, letting the other have his thoughts, his musings....he wouldn't take those away from him when it was clear everything else had been. When the other lifted his head and grabbed his wrist Robb gave him a tender smile before clasping his shoulder again and nodding, wishing he could do more to help, that there was something he could say....suddenly it came to him.
"Let nothing they say get to you....you are my brother and my most trusted.... You fought for me, you risk your life for me....and it will not be forgotten....you are the most honorable man here..and I am honored to call you my brother. Let us save our sisters....and avenge OUR father...." he said with a nod before his own flicker of emotion started to appear in his eyes and he turned, heading out of the tent and into the night. 
Not of blood- Robb/Theon
Pray to the Old Gods for me, for me an Ironborn, by law your prisoner. But by bond your brother. If only it was of blood and my Gods were yours and your father had been mine, he thought to himself. He placed a hand on Robbs wrist and gave a nod. He kept his head lowered. “Thank you, brother.” he said quietly. “And I’ll pray that victory is yours, that you will have your justice.” But will the Old Gods hear me?, he wondered.
He did not want to go with Robb to speak to the camp. He did not want them to look at him with that old hatred when he came at Robbs side. Why did his fathers rebellion have to hang over him like a dark cloud? That had not been his choice. He had only been a child. His father had decided it, not him. So why were his crimes so heavy for him to bear now? The ghosts of past decisions and wars were to haunt him forever in the eyes of the Northerners. Except for Robb, he had not seen it that way. Robb never spoke of the rebellion nor did Theon mention the deaths of his brothers. That was the war of their fathers. Why was that so hard to see for everyone else? It was a terrible injustice. He hated the Northerners for it. Would his people be so unforgiving to him?, he wondered. Would he ever return to the Iron Islands and find out? That had been their fathers war and now Lord Eddard was dead and his father was old. He was no hostage to Robb as he had been to Lord Eddard. Despite Lord Eddards attempts at trying to be play the part of father, the ones that grew fewer over the years as what he was became more and more clear to him.  Perhaps one day Robb might let him return. And then he would be lord of the Iron Islands. He and Robb would be allies, he would have a place then.  ”Now you must go to your men.” he said, lifting his eyes back to Robbs face.
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theyoungnorthernwolf · 11 years
The ride back to the camp seemed a solemn affair. While the ride away had seemed so carefree and uplifting, the ride back seemed to slowly drain all the life out of him. While he had been at the heart tree he had been carefree and at peace but now....now he had to slip back into the role of King in the North.....now he had responsibilities once again. Keeping his horse at a gentle pace as to lengthen the return journey he looked over at Daenerys again and let his mind wander. He could not begin to imagine everything she had been through...all the suffering she had had to endure. He knew that they were supposed to be enemies but he refused to look at her that way. She could not be held accountable for her father....and he refused to let her be. He knew the men at the camp were less then pleased about his new two guests...but he had no other choice. If he ordered their death, he would be the one swinging the sword....and he didn't want to.
When they reached the camp he dismounted and gave someone a sharp look as he heard the start of an insult. He hoped this would die down soon but in his heart he knew that it wouldn't. With a soft sigh he shook his head as they reached the tent where Jorah Mormont was being kept. Pulling aside the flap he watched her disappear inside and stopped a guard from going in after her. "She just wants to see him, he is her friend...." he said with a frown.
"Your grace, do you truly think it wise?" the guard asked, unsure about his decision. 
"They will talk alone until the lady is satisfied..." Robb replied firmly and sent the guard away until Dany came out of the tent. He didn't let himself try to listen in on what they were talking about, he wanted them to have their privacy and their reunion....but it did rise a little doubt in his chest. What if Jorah was trying to convince her to kill him....? No. She had seen so much death, she wouldn't... He exhaled softly and ran a hand through his hair tiredly, already feeling exhausted and he still had half the day to get through. When she emerged he gave her a smile and said "allow me to escort you back to your tent, my lady," he said and walked back to his own tent with her, trying to keep the mood light despite his exhaustion. "Dinner should be served shortly, is there anything in particular you would like?" he asked gently, wanting to ease her time here and bring whatever comfort he could. When they reached his tent he held aside the flap for her before following her inside. 
Fire and Ice
Daenerys was relieved when Robb chose not to push the issue for she was in no mood to argue the point any longer. He could play the part of the noble king of the north, but it did not change the fact that his father played a big part in taking her father’s throne. She wished she could forget, especially after all he has done to help her, but it was not something so easily forgotten when his men looked upon her as if she were a disease. It hurt to see the loathing on their faces. Not even the Dothraki ever looked upon her with such disdain, but she refused to let them break her. She would continue to hold her head up high like the queen she should be and carry on as if their actions did not bother her at all.
The ride back to camp was in an awkward silence. Daenerys wondered if she had ruined some master plan of his grace, but whatever the plan, it was a plan at her expense. Of course, she knew that if he truly wished for her to accompany him to King’s Landing that she would have no choice but to heed his orders. She was his prisoner now and forever unless some kind of luck came her way. Once they reached camp, she dismounted ignoring the hard looks from his men. They likely thought the worst, but she would not be so stupid as to lay with the young king. Though his stare was hypnotic in nature and his looks unlike anything she had seen since her Khal, to lay with the young king would be nothing short of a disaster should someone find out. The young wolf pulled the flap aside and she quickly hurried inside. “Ser Jorah!” The older knight looked up from his chair and quickly stood, racing to pull her into his arms. “Khaleesi!”
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He embraced her and Dany let but a soft sigh escape her lips. She had missed her knight to the point where just having his arms around her made her want to weep. She knew not what her feelings for Ser Jorah were, but he was the only friend she had left in this world. The idea of anything happening to him wrenched at her heart and she looked up at him with eyes filled with tears threatening to spill over. “My queen…” Jorah studied her for a long time before he dared to let his eyes wander over to the young king. “Did something happen?” Daenerys shook her head. “No. I am simply paying you a visit. You are my knight, but you are also my friend. I am merely overjoyed to see that no harm has come to you.” Jorah allowed a smile to grace his hard features even though smiling was the last thing on his mind. “I am my queen. His grace has been true to his word. I have been treated kindly.” He was telling a half truth for her sake. While Robb’s men did no harm to him it did not stop them from making the occasional cheap jape about his former wife among other things. Calling him a traitor was another, but he would not let Robb’s men goad him into a fight. They were growing restless with the itch to battle and until that hunger was satisfied, Robb’s men were going to continue to act as such. “That is good to hear.” She lowered her voice to that of almost a whisper. “The young king asked me to accompany him to King’s Landing.” Jorah’s eyes got big and he quickly shook his head, face contorting with rage. “My queen, you must not. They will have your blood and parade you around the streets like a prize.” She placed her hands on his cheeks, cupping his face. “I know, I know, I refused his request, but what if next time its naught a request? If he orders it then I must.”
“Khaleesi…” “I’m simply warning you of what may happen. We are in a bad way my bear and I see no solution to our troubles. If it comes to that then please know I have appreciated everything you have done for me—” “My queen—” “And everything you have taught me.” She pulled him close and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Worry not my bear. All is well for now.” She pulled away from him letting a small smile grace her lips. “I’ll come visit again soon my brave knight. Please…take care of yourself for it would pain me to know that you are not.” She exited the tent waiting just outside of it. She wanted to retreat to the safety of Robb’s own tent, but she would wait for his permission. There was a small chance he had other plans and if so, she would do as she was told without hesitation.
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