theworsekindofnerd · 1 year
my favorite bit of road etiquette, i have done it and often had it done to me, the pedestrian’s yield. when pedestrian wishes to cross the street, but does not wish to impede the flow of traffic/be rushed in their crossing, but the vehicle is slowing in preparation of stopping to let the pedestrian cross. but the pedestrian insists. and so the pedestrian turns away I DONT EVEN SEE YOU, AND I NEVER WANTED TO CROSS THE STREET ANYWAYS i love doing it i love having it done. dont try to wave me on im not looking that way i just hang out on the road’s edge for pleasure
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theworsekindofnerd · 1 year
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The girl is the fandom
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theworsekindofnerd · 1 year
Teen Wolf: The Movie – Answer Time Part 2
Shelley Hennig, Holland Roden, and Tyler Posey ask each other questions submitted by: @itsb3a, @iamknoelle, @spikeface, @clairdeilune, @inscribedinink, and @actuallymgc
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theworsekindofnerd · 2 years
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“You left me here behind, do you not care? How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without you here?”
welly boots by the amazing devil
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theworsekindofnerd · 2 years
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*gentle, mournful clown honks wafting on the breeze*
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theworsekindofnerd · 2 years
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This was actually supposed to be just a small sketch for practice but I got carried away and ended up spending 11 hours on it 😅
I’m glad I did tho because I think this is my favourite thing I’ve ever made lol
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theworsekindofnerd · 2 years
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theworsekindofnerd · 3 years
I’ve been in a grahamscott mood lately so
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theworsekindofnerd · 3 years
Ch.15 DPWF-Date NIght, Fight Night
Sokka was pumped for the Earth rumble fights, he was bouncing from his spot excited from all the energy and buzz that was all around him. He looked to Zuko and sure enough the fire bending jerk had no ounce of emotion on his face, the only way you could tell he was execited was by the way his body was tilted forward looking at the entrance where the fighters would show up.
They had gotten drinks and snacks before sitting down, talking while they waited in anticipation. Sokka was glad to be sharing this with Zuko, he felt more and more for this guy every second spent with him and he had finally stopped feeling guilty about it. He smiled wider as Zuko looked down to him with a small smile of his own, he couldn't stop himself from pecking a kiss to those cute lips. They we're both startled out of their trance when the announcer came out announcing the first two fighters.
"In the first round, we have Pebbles! A first time contestant!!" Roared the announcer. The newcomer was quite frail looking and shaking like a leaf.
"And here we have our three time champion... Rooocky!!!" The announcer introduced with much more flair as the crowd went wild over the muscled champ.
The two faced off and fast as lightning Rocky had gone underground dragging the other earth bender into the air, flying out of the arena, stretchers had to come and carry the unconscious man away.
"What! That was to fast!" Sokka yelled out, clearly disappointed with the lackluster of the fight. " I wanted rocks flying and 'kapow' and 'whoosh,' this fight was so lame." He huffed out sitting down dramatically.
Zuko readily agreed, "It seemed like the other fighter didn't really want to be up there. He must have been dared or forced to I think."
Sokka hummed in agreement as he angrily bit into his grilled corn on the cob as the next fighters came out.
"Here we have Stepping Stones versus Rock Bottom!!!" Boomed the announcer.
The two fighters instantly went head to head as soon as the announcer introduced them. It seemed the two were on par with each other when one attacked the other quickly formed barriers to protect themselves and hit harder. Stepping Stones had stomped her foot having a wall of dirt form underneath Rock Bottom who reacted just in time jumping into the air landing on the erected wall, steadily running and bringing up a wall of his own from the ground while hurling it at the other opponent. Stepping Stones quickly swiped her leg creating a dirt clad spike that met the oncoming wall causing a cloud of debris. The debris covered the two from everyone's view, it all seemed quiet when multiple discs of earth came flying out rapidly. When things cleared up, it was Stepping Stones alone standing while Rock bottom was clearly unconscious from one of her wild projectiles.
Sokka was jumping up and down cheering loudly as Zuko slowly clapped in appreciation of a good fight. He proceeded to shake Zuko all the while screaming, "We have to watch the next match tomorrow Lee!!" The southern water tribe boy screeched.
Zuko slapped Miyuki's hands to keep from strangling him in her excitement as he agreed along with her for the next round of fights the next day.
The two teens felt keyed up from the fight earlier, deciding to have a quick sparring match on the rooftop of the tea house to rid their energy.
With uncle still not home, the two went hard and all out, not pulling any punches or kicks. Zuko had Sokka pinned while Sokka trapped him with his legs, as the two struggled Sokka felt an animalistic urge to thrust his hips against the fire benders pelvis. As soon as his hips connected Zuko growled and thrusted back along with a hard kiss that Sokka took with fervor. The two teens huffed and moaned into each other's mouths wildly as hands started to roam and take bits of clothing off each other.
Zuko had his hand down Miyuki's underwear rubbing his fingers into her wet sex before abruptly pulling away. "Wait, wait, wait.. have you been drinking that tea thing?" He frantically asked before he couldn't stop himself by the way things were progressing.
"Unh! Yes! Yes, I have been. Pleeeease Zuko do something." He all but whined wanting back nothing but that pleasure. He felt so empty, he could feel his girl bits wanting something to clench down on and he needed that to be Zuko, prissy, annoying, uptight, emotionally stunted jerk that he was.
This was it, he knew it. He wanted to share this with Zuko, he was ready.
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theworsekindofnerd · 3 years
Being a writer is writing 3,000 words at 4 in the morning and then not touching your work for a month
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theworsekindofnerd · 5 years
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Mr. Phillips, since Anne showed up.
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theworsekindofnerd · 5 years
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It’s official! Thanks to the grassroots efforts of fans to spread word, Moira Walley-Beckett has announced that Anne with an E has been renewed for a Season 3!  She notes that in the new 10 episode season, ”Our beloved Anne will be 16 years old when we return to this season full of romantic complications, bold adventures and dramatic discoveries” <3
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theworsekindofnerd · 5 years
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Look how adorable Gilbert Blythe is as he looks at Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and how his cute little smile falls when she walks away from him, he is infatuated with her.
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theworsekindofnerd · 5 years
— I’m going to follow my heart
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theworsekindofnerd · 5 years
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theworsekindofnerd · 6 years
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theworsekindofnerd · 6 years
This father consoling his baby son at the doctor’s office is SO CUTE 😍😍😍
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