thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
I’m sad to say that after tonight, I’ll no longer have access to this account that I’ve had since 2009 :(
I got a new phone and for some reason am unable to figure out my password. I also no longer have access to the email that I set the account up with in order to reset the password and there’s no other way for me to retrieve it.
It sucks cause I feel so attached to this blog. I had it since I was 18 and literally feel like I’ve been through so many stages of my life and maturity and growth with it. It’s sad and strange to let it go. I know it’s just a blog and that I’ll end up just making another one in its place, but this one holds so many memories of my past self and life- I guess goodbyes are always hard, even if it’s to something like this.
Thank you to everyone who still bothers to look at all the random things I post and thank you to those who’ve stuck around through all the awkward stages of life that I went through with this. TBH my tumblr has and still does help me gather my thoughts and say the things I wish were easier to put into words.
My new tumblr will most likely be similar to the name I have and will continue to use: thetamarawr. If I’m not able to use the same exact name, it'll definitely be something along those lines.Feel free to follow my new journey on there.
Again, thanks to everyone who’s followed me the last 7 years. And thank you, tumblr, for being my own online diary. It sounds corny, but having this really helped me a lot.
See ya on the other side!
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
Currently too busy living my life happily and unapologetically to care about if people like me or not. So if you're one of those that don't...well..sorry that I'm not sorry :) Your negativity will never dull my shine
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
Lol ok but is it block Tamara week?
Get over yourself cause ain’t nobody worried about you or tryna steal your man.
If HE had a huge issue with me contacting him ONLY to see if he was going to attend OUR recently deceased friend's funeral, then I'm sure he would've said something or just not replied at all. This isn't even about you; it's about her and also about me being comfortable and prepared to possibly see him there(since we haven't seen each other in over a year or even ran into one another). So sit down and stop being insecure. It ain't even like that.
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
Just because I don’t talk about every move I make, doesn’t mean moves aren’t being made.
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
I have this habit of holding stuff in and letting it build and build until I get to a point where I can't take it anymore and break. And before I know it, I'm sitting in my room crying like a little bitch about everything and anything. Guess that's what happens when you don't have friends to vent to. I wouldn't wanna bother them with my issues. I'll probably end up deleting this anyways
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
Pretty girl 😍
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Am I the only one who’s obsessed with this filter?
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
I honestly feel like I'm drowning.
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
Perhaps our dreams are there to be broken, and our plans are there to crumble, and our tomorrows are there to dissolve into todays, and perhaps all of this is all a giant invitation to wake up from the dream of separation, to awaken from the mirage of control, and embrace whole-heartedly what is present. Perhaps it is all a call to compassion, to a deep embrace of this universe in all its bliss and pain and bitter-sweet glory. Perhaps we were never really in control of our lives, and perhaps we are constantly invited to remember this, since we constantly forget it. Perhaps suffering is not the enemy at all, and at its core, there is a first-hand, real-time lesson we must all learn, if we are to be truly human, and truly divine. Perhaps breakdown always contains breakthrough. Perhaps suffering is simply a right of passage, not a test or a punishment, nor a signpost to something in the future or past, but a direct pointer to the mystery of existence itself, here and now. Perhaps life cannot go ‘wrong’ at all.
Jeff Foster (via creatingaquietmind)
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
So unhappy and dissatisfied with my life ATM. Don't get me wrong. I Have a great job and makes me way more money than any of my previous ones. I'm living comfortably and the struggle is far less than it used to be. I'm healthy and still taking the necessary steps to stay healthy. I've lost A LOT of friends this year but I'm still standing and thankful for the handful I still have. But I'm still so unhappy. It all comes down to the fact that I'm still here. This island is my home and I'm so blessed to be able to call it that, but it has nothing left to offer me. Hawaii is wonderful and it's helped shape me Ito the woman that I am, but it's also stolen most of my youth and my best years. I have so much drive and potential and I'm hungry to succeed but it's being wasted here. There's nothing left for me here and the longer I'm still here, the more and more depressed I get. I know I need to be patient and to keep saving because that's what my focus is on, but it's so hard to keep my goal in mind when all I want it to pack up and leave this place. I crave adventure and life and I'm not getting it here. I'm 25 and only have so many golden years left. I want to live and explore and try my hand at my passion and that can't be done here. I'm doing all that I can to put aside money to move but I just want it all now. I want to be away from here as soon as humanly possible because I feel like life is quickly passing me by and I don't want to look back with regret. I already regret not leaving when my sister left 2 years ago and I don't want it to be another two years until I finally can leave. I just need out of here. Hawaii isn't my final destination.
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thetamarawr-blog · 8 years
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All my selfies look the same but I still look cute so whatever🙃 #rightprofilegamestrong#ohandiupdatedmycomforter#nomorehellaasianshinybed#yas
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