"That is more than understandable. I would happen to be the same. That is how I found myself wondering," Mai spoke, and her voice was more gentle than it would've been normally. She was still coping, death had been her greatest fear and she nearly faced it.
"The ending it a bit tragic, but I believe that the ending is a good lesson. Not to skip ahead to conclusions," the princess said with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "It is a good dramatic ending, it isn't the happiest ending that we all long for either."
When she saw the girl was startled, she gave a gentle head bow. “My apologies for the intrusion so sudden,” she said softly. But she was a fan of Shakespeare and his works, so she nodded. There was still a limp to her walk that she tried to mask, but she realized even more that as she stepped closer to the other princess, it was becoming more difficult to ignore. “I would love to join you, I’m a fan of Romeo and Juliet myself,” Mai commented. 
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Iris shook her head, “No, forgive me. I’m afraid I’m a little jumpy from recent events,” she said, hoping the other would understand. There was an odd fear that creeped into the castle that wasn’t there before. Although there remained tensions and questions between the countries, there was generally a sense of kindness and curiosity about a possible peace. However, the recent fire had melted away just a little bit of good will amongst them- at least, that is what Iris had seen in her father’s eyes this morning. “I must say, most people find the ending a tragedy and while- I do, too- I think it ended well,” she explained.
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kinda thinking about taking up a second character. pooosssiibbllyyy. (probably!!) but also, looking for some plots for my bby mai!
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Her fingers ran over her cheek at the mention of the bruising. She began telling people that it was just a silly mistake on her part, nothing to do with Apollo for the fear of her own life. But the moment her hand was in her lap, it seemed that there were tears beginning to fill her eyes. "The Greek King..." She started, but then trailed off slowly. "He laid his hand on me. It was a quite a harsh hit," she whispered, her eyes focused on her lap. "Yet, he is the one who saved me during the fire. If he hadn't, the flames would have taken me."
Mai didn’t really have someone to talk to all of the time. There were few she was close with, close enough to really talk to. That’s how she found herself nodding at Adelaide’s words. Once she sat on the bed after the room was made, she let out a small sigh. The princess gulped for a moment and then she looked over to her friend. “How are your injuries?” Mai asked, even though that really wasn’t close to why she was sitting there, not to talk about injuries. She needed to let go, but she felt it would’ve been rude to go straight into that. 
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“Mai,” The queen whispered, looking to the younger princess. She could tell that was far from her mind and honestly for Adelaide that did not hurt her feelings. She didn’t need all the attention all the time. “I can see a fading bruise under your powder. Please let’s talk about you and not I.”
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“You’re welcome to stay in here as well,” Adelaide whispered and nodded, she had burns to her legs but Adelaide would never say no to a person in need or just in need of a place to sit for a moment. She smiled, placed her book down and moved giving the person room on the bed. “Please I insist. We have all been through a very traumatizing time and we all need rest.”
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Mai didn’t really have someone to talk to all of the time. There were few she was close with, close enough to really talk to. That’s how she found herself nodding at Adelaide’s words. Once she sat on the bed after the room was made, she let out a small sigh. The princess gulped for a moment and then she looked over to her friend. “How are your injuries?” Mai asked, even though that really wasn’t close to why she was sitting there, not to talk about injuries. She needed to let go, but she felt it would’ve been rude to go straight into that. 
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Iris turned, startled by the sudden voice and gave the other a soft smile. Although there was still a blaze in her heart from questions about the recent incidents, she was only human and needed a break from wondering and worrying. Her books, thankfully, had been her solace. And deciding it was time to start a new project, one of her favourite plays would be the best way to go. Iris nodded to the other and smiles, “Yes. It is one of my favourites. Would you care to join me?” she asked.
When she saw the girl was startled, she gave a gentle head bow. “My apologies for the intrusion so sudden,” she said softly. But she was a fan of Shakespeare and his works, so she nodded. There was still a limp to her walk that she tried to mask, but she realized even more that as she stepped closer to the other princess, it was becoming more difficult to ignore. “I would love to join you, I’m a fan of Romeo and Juliet myself,” Mai commented. 
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i struggle to find any truth in your lies.
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Mai had been wondering around, and she looked tired, simply worn down. She wasn't having the best time sleeping, it was almost as if she didn't trust going to sleep. That maybe she would close her eyes and the smoke would engulf her this time around if she hadn't been lucky enough to be rescued from the burning wing of the castle.
Her feet were moving without her even realizing or really paying any attention to where she was going. She was startled to hear the voice, but she was the one who was interrupting. The words were familiar to her though. "Shakespeare you're reading?" She asked softly.
The fire had caused some discomfort in her sleep. Already riddled with confusion about what had come about, her anxiety and worry these last few days felt like a high. Sitting at a small resting space with a book on her lap, she recited the words, trying to better her English. Anything to get her mind away from the recent events. “Two households, both alike in dignity…” 
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I'll reply to some things and whatnot tonight and/or tomorrow. today was quite a day, nothing like a fugitive hiding in your backyard when you get home from school.
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so busy showing me where i’m w r o n g you forgot to switch your f e e l i n g s on
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i wanted someone S T R O N G who could protect me i let their anger F E S T E R and I N F E C T me
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It was the screams that sounded so helpless and the pungent smell that caught her as her eyes flickered open immediately. She was able to identify the smell, but it didn’t fully process to her that she needed to go, and she needed to act quickly. With her one hand hiking up the bottom of her nightgown, the other reaching out for the door knob, she was concentrated on saving herself from being burned. 
But it was a mistake to open her chamber door. The thick smoke covered the hall, and the light of the fire was growing closer towards her. With a choked out breath from inhaling the toxic air around her, Mai was running down the corridor. She could feel the heat against her skin, even through the material of her night dress. She was getting ahead of herself, trying too hard to outrun the speed of the blaze, but her on-the-spot plan had failed her as her ankle twisted. 
That was how she ended up in an empty room, the door slammed shut. It was either that or giving directly into the flames, but she was so sure that either way she would’ve been killed. She was as far from the door as she could have limped, letting out choked sobs of fear and shock as well as heavy, deep coughs from the smoke. She didn’t feel like she had the energy to call for help, she was breathing heavily, her eyes were closed as she feared the flames would engulf her entirely every second that went by. Even if she was lying there long enough for the fire to have died, or been put out, she wasn’t aware. 
She was alone, and she wanted help, she wished that she would’ve been in the wrong place at the right time. 
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hey, guys!! i’m up for plots with mai right now, she’s one who was trapped, and i’m currently running short on ideas for an open starter. so either send me a message or like this and i'll message you, whatever works !
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She was lucky enough to have gotten her apology out, but after that, she wasn’t sure that she would be replying verbally. For as harsh as he was, she wasn’t expecting the actions he took. She shook her head in response, because certainly no princess was taught to act in such ways around a King. 
Her eyes went to the floor instead, so that way she wouldn’t be looking into his eyes or at him at all. All she could see now were his shoes, the ground beneath them, and her gown. She watched as his feet moved to go somewhere else, but her eyes didn’t travel up or around until she realized he was standing there before her again. 
Mai took the cloth that he offered for her, her fingers not touching any part of his hand, and then she rested it against her cheek. “Thank you,” she mumbled out. 
He almost felt bad seeing the look on her face. But she had brought this on herself. He just nodded, keeping his jaw set as he looked to the small Welsh princess, his future bride. “You have no one but that tongue of yours to blame, did your parents not teach you on how to control it in the presence of a King?” He asked, too harshly for the moment. What he should have done- or well. 
He might be harsh and bossy he was not completely cruel. And that’s when his own guilt came to be after seeing how she was shaking or not looking into his eyes. He turned and went into a room collecting a cloth damp with water before offering it to the princess. “For your cheek and the swelling,” he whispered before stepping back.
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A smile erupted on Iris’ face at her words, nodding in understanding. “It’s easy to crave something you don’t have,” she said knowingly before looking at the other in curiousity. “You write? Tell me, what do you enjoy writing? Prose, poetry, sonnets, perhaps?” she smiles, genuinely excited to meet a writer- someone who took pride in the written word. As a lover of literature, she couldn’t help but hide her excitement. “i must say, my writing isn’t that incredible, either. Personally, I prefer music of all the arts.”
“Poetry is mainly what I work on, but from time to time I dabble in some prose,” Mai said, nodding her head. And she was enjoying this kind of conversation, it wasn’t political, or concerning matters that were stressful and overwhelming. Rather, it was a simple conversation of two people and what they enjoyed. “Are you vocally talented? Or do you play an instrument? Perhaps you’re skilled with both.” 
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Keep reading
She didn’t have the time to pull herself back, nor did she think it was a smart idea. The moment she saw the look on his face, she knew that what was to come wasn’t going to be anything close to good. 
She flinched as his hand grew closer, her eyes shut tightly as if that would be enough to stop him or the pain that would be to come. But as expected, the skin of her cheek was tingling. And though her eyes were still shut, she could tell by the feeling of his breath against her face how close they were. 
Her fingers came up to lightly touch her own skin, a small breath passing her parted lips. Turning her cheek more into him hesitantly, she hid that side of her face as the others passed. It was only for appearance, she knew that, but she did not want to be so close to him. She only listened because she was not interested in seeing what more he could do, that worst he was capable of. Before, she was intimidated by him. Now, that was a different thought. She was terrified of him and the thought of being married to him.
As soon as they were again alone, she looked at him, but not at him. Her eyes were looking anywhere but directly into his eyes. “...I’m sorry, your Majesty,” she said, her voice just loud enough for him to be able to hear her. 
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“It’s wonderful to meet you, your highness,” she smiles, hands neatly placed in front of her, occupying as little space as necessary, Her eyes traced across the lush paintings and a smile naturally fell on her lips. Her country was filled with vibrancy and artwork, but that did not mean she wasn’t in awe at another country’s beauty. 
“Yes, I studied the arts in my younger days. I must say, light pastels are usually not what I’m accustomed to. It’s quite beautiful what a little hint of white can do to a whole canvas,” she adored the artwork, turning over to a quite vibrant piece. “Although I love the arts, I cannot say I’m particularly skilled in art itself.” 
Mai wasn’t very skilled either, she could only watch others and admire the work they create. But that was one thing she wished she could’ve been skilled at, it would have been one way to make time pass by. “I’m not very skilled myself either, instead I take interest in literary art. I can’t paint a picture onto a canvas, but I will say I can make a portrait with words,” she explained. And that was something she did take pride in, though it wasn’t the most important. 
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At the sight of her actually giving him some respect, he nodded. If she kept this up maybe he would allow his heart to accept her as his wife and his people’s Queen. And deep down he knew very well she would never be Athena but that did stop his mouth to speak before he could think of his words and their weight.
“A king cannot die without an heir,” he said plainly keeping his stone cold eyes on the little Welsh princess. And a bastard would not do in his eyes or in the eyes of his people. Or a mistress, he would barely have time for Mai. Why would he add in another women to the mix?
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Those were the seven words that she began to anticipate until, finally, they were out in the air between them. She knew that they were unavoidable, and certainly she knew that when he first began to speak to her. And despite the respect she showed for the King, he still seemed to show no compassion of any kind. Then again, Mai knew that this was and would be expected of her. 
Instead of allowing another obedient ‘yes, your Majesty,’ leaving her lips, she opted instead for a stronger reply. She might have been a gentle, small girl, but she had it in her. “I will be able to, Your Majesty, but I do hope that you aren’t planning to die very soon, then.” Before she could think again or stop herself, it was hanging in the air between them, loosely. 
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