thesometimequeen · 9 years
Still alive, barely
So apparently cows are heavy >_> I’ve been in PT for a bit after a bad run in with one, but I’m finally alive and well! Vet school is on hold a bit, doing part time job work now and returning next year.  I’m good to draw though, which is great to feel, and I’ll be back to doing comms. I feel a bit lost though in FR to be honest.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
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This is my creepy/evil arcane spy, Iluvatar!  Honestly she was one of the first dragons that got my headcanon started, or even made me interested in trying to figure out a story for my dragons.  Also she was the first light colored dragon I kept and was like “dang, I should get her a mate that looks just like her cause every hatchling would be adorable and the bestest”. 
I am in a ridiculous amount of pain right now. I ate something yesterday that apparently did not agree with me, and it’s really showing itself now.
Can you all show me your most loved dragons, please, and tell me why? I just need a distraction.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
O_O How did all you followers get here?! I have 140 already! Woooooo! Lemme know what keeps ya coming back or feel free to ask me any question you want folks! Momo is here to please, but gets bored when she talks to herself. Myself?
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
[Comm] Moar Yellow
So the first version lost a whole layer AND the accent got desaturated. This is better. :> Reblog of a bust commission.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
[Comm] Hey nonny nonny
Another treasure commission! This time a bust of Marvair for Clanwilde on FR. Huh, she sort of looks like an orca, think the yellows of her accent got a bit grey’d, I’ll color shimmy it a bit in the morning. 
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
If you won something from the giveaway, please contact me on FR at Mofram #55882, tumblr hates me and navigating around is a bit.... Dicey. >.> 
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
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Adoptables done by the awesome MeetTheGhost! So amaaazing, and I was able to nab these just with items!
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
I’m a veterinary student and at our on-campus vet hospital we have nutritionists who are always excited to hear about horror stories and offer alternatives given your pet’s lifestyle and needs. I’m not sure where you are exactly but thought I’d give a shout out to all the veterinary nutritionists, one of the smallest vet specialties but some great people there and resources. 
Bad dog food
Guys I really need your help here. My dogs have been eating Blue Buffalo for a few years now. After this last bag they have been throwing up! After checking online it looks like they outsource to China and A LOT of other brands have similar complaints of sickness, throwing up, and urinary problems.
We’re immediately taking them off of it tomorrow morning but now here comes the real problem. What do we feed them now? We need something that is not only USA made but USA ingredients (or at least none from China) I need names so I can check recent reviews and see if anybodys dog is having similar problems. Wholesome good foods, preferably grain-free but I’ll take anything that won’t make my dogs sick.
As a reminder do NOT feed your dogs Blue Buffalo for ANY reason. All of their food is contaiminated. It’s made my older dog sick and he’s been rejecting it (we thought it was because we accidently got him the bag with big pieces in it) my younger healthier dog literally ate a few pieces of his food and THREW UP.
I told my mom we might have to buy them a rotisserie chicken every week if we can’t find a brand that isn’t outsourcing to China. Thanks again and please GO CHECK REVIEWS ON YOUR PETS FOOD. There is going to be a major dog food recall.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
/puts on monocle
Hi everyone!
I’ve been on flight rising for quite some time now (a little bit more than a year now) and I’ve had this tumblr for around the same amount. Because this still is a sideblog, I rarely went on it and posted things on here. I also didn’t follow too many people.
So if you folks can do me a favor, please reblog this if you’re a flight rising blog (or you mostly post flight rising stuff), and I’ll be sure to follow you guys!
Welp I’ll leave you guys to it!
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
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How to Dragon, Tumblr Edition, part 1.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
Derp, derg, burger king
As a brownish mixed chick and a decent human being, I am open to the idea of not using these words. Sort of. In the same way that I’m sort of mindful of phrases that were used to oppress and describe my ancestors and my gender.  I’m still trying to figure it all out, but here is a convo with someone who already knows whats up:
Bf: Hey, I’m going out to do some food shopping, wanna come?
Me: Eh, I got stuff to do, but maybeh?
Bf: Well I’m also going to Burger King and/or Wendy’s.
Me: ... Both?
Bf: :D Love me!
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
[5] I am Grott
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Still trying to figure out what I wanna do in terms of the comic feel. Also, Grott! My fluff-butt moose face! I’ll have to do a sketch page for him at some point.
Also: shale storms, the most deadly/annoying Dragonhome weather pattern! Weeee.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
Mmmhm, I hate when it looks like gems/rocks were just thrown everywhere. My dragon didn’t get dunked in rhinestones, these are supposed to look natural! D: 
another unpopular opinion: gembond is super ugly on nocturnes.
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
Yeh :C Or when you work super hard and long on something nifty and then post it at night like a doofus and don’t get your ego pet 
/sulking in a corner
Do you ever spend hours on a thing and you are really proud of it then you see someones beautiful “5 minute doodle” or see someone who started drawing at the same time as you yet are leaps and bounds ahead of you already and you know you shouldn’t think like this because you are improving and working hard but you just kind of sit there like 
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
Every day all day ;_;
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please tell me im not the only one…
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
[Comm] I got my rock moves
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This was supposed to be a very basic bust pic for treasure, but I turned it into the sort of piece I’d do for RL food buying currency cause new art program excitement. So, uh, hope Faulnis can use it in it’s bio. I tried to stick to the genderless theme Antiviral wanted ^_^ 
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thesometimequeen · 9 years
<.< Siiiigh, the bf has mentioned, quite rightly, that thinking up amusing comics is helping me procrastinate.  I’ve got a comic to do and an art shop to run for Earthshaker’s sake! Anywho, the winners are as follows:
deeproar-fr you win the double noc, and since they hate being lonely, you have the choice of taking his 2 brothers with him! Send a crossroads for one, two or all three of the lil’ guys!
emerald-delta you win the pauldrons!
oceanfloes you win the super secret item! Which is in fact a prize pack which includes:
1 cameo of a derg of your choice in the comic
1 custom bio
1 gaijinka or flat color bust
1 full eye contact firm handshake
1 Ambush
1 Velvet Floracat
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