thereysofskywalker · 5 months
Hits Different is an Anakin Skywalker song.
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thereysofskywalker · 6 months
it's so frustrating to be someone who was really hardcore reysky in 2015-2017. on one hand, i love that rey is a skywalker and continues anakin's legacy even though they aren't biologically related. i genuinely think that's awesome and rey IS a skywalker. on the other hand, when i rewatch tfa i think it's blantanly clear that rey is meant to be luke's biological daughter and that when they changed directors between the first and second movie they changed the entire plan and i find that really fucking frustrating.
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thereysofskywalker · 2 years
me seeing any father and daughter dynamic in media: this should have been luke and rey 
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thereysofskywalker · 2 years
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Sometimes, a Skywalker is not someone who has the blood. 
Sometimes, it’s just someone who has to realize she is the hero called by the two blades of destiny. 
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thereysofskywalker · 2 years
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Rey takes after her Great-Aunt Ahsoka 😉
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thereysofskywalker · 3 years
december is star wars wrath month please respect this sacred tradition
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thereysofskywalker · 3 years
i do feel burdened with my good star wars opinions thanks for asking
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thereysofskywalker · 3 years
whatever force of god protected me from seeing the enormous amounts of reylo content that were apparently produced this year i am so grateful 🙏
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
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Rey takes after her Great-Aunt Ahsoka 😉
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
25 Black-owned bookstores you can support right now
while i don’t claim to be a “book blogger” by any account (more of a cranky publishing-person blogger most days), i know a lot of people have followed me through my book posts, so i’m taking advantage of that captive audience to boost these bookstores. shop them through their own websites and if you’re local, look into curbside pickup to minimize shipping costs and overhead. okay that’s all thanks bye stay safe.
the lit bar (a personal favorite and the bronx’s one remaining bookstore)
hariett’s bookshop
semicolon bookstore
mahogany books
uncle bobbie’s
loyalty bookstore
dare books
listening tree books
underground books
multicultural bookstore
pyramid books
black dot bookstore
brain lair books
medu bookstore
wild fig books and coffee
frugal bookstore
olive tree books
detroit book city
cafe con libros
revolution books
sisters uptown bookstore
source booksellers
hakim’s bookstore
sankofa books and cafe
turning page bookshop
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
How dare you all look at Padme’s face and tell me Rey isn’t meant to be her biological Grandaughter.
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
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I’m Rey. Rey who?
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
How dare you all look at Padme’s face and tell me Rey isn’t meant to be her biological Grandaughter.
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
People who call Rey a Palpatine disappoint me. Like she didn't choose to be a Palpatine and rejects that. Kind of a metaphor for people in real life who change their last names because they can't stand their families who haven't been good to them. I don't like getting touchy. But Rey chose the last name of the two people who believed in her, and loved her for who she was. Luke and Leia Skywalker are not just Rey's masters but in a way they were the ones who showed Rey her place in the world and kept her on the right path. They influenced Rey the most. Rey was always meant to be a Skywalker. Heck the whole Palpatine thing was even written in last minute I heard. Even if she was from nowhere. She was always meant to be a Skywalker. She followed in Luke's footsteps to stop a war and be a hero. Her spirits held high by Leia's guidance. Rey is a Skywalker.
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
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One of the first promotional images in 2015 for THE FORCE AWAKENS and the last shot from THE RISE OF SKYWALKER in 2019. JJ flexing on planning.
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
Ways Rey is directly connected to Luke throughout the trilogy:
1. Narrative similarities, such as growing up as an orphan on a desert planet, losing mentor figure in first film, being an excellent pilot, etc.
2. Luke’s lightsaber calls to her not once, but twice in TFA.
3. Maz Kanata directly implies that the belonging Rey seeks is with Luke.
4. Rey, out of everyone in the Resistance, is sent off to find Luke at the end of TFA.
5. At night, while alone on Jakku, Rey used to dream about the ocean and island she later finds Luke on.
6. Rian Johnson spent much of TLJ’s promotion talking about how Rey and Luke’s relationship would be the “beating heart” of the film.
7. A lot of the dramatic tension in TLJ comes from the fact that Rey and Luke are so similar, to the point where much of Luke’s initial refusal to train and get close to her comes from a fear of her ending up in the same spot he’s in. (Confirmed in extra material like the TLJ novelization and comic series.)
8. Rey’s inherent need to see the good in others mirrors Luke’s in the OT, to the point where she, like Luke before her, sets out to redeem the trilogy’s main villain and proceeds to encounter a throne room scene very similar to the one Luke encounters in RotJ.
9. Rey’s goal of bringing Luke back to help the Resistance is the only success rewarded throughout the entirety of TLJ; Luke ends his life giving Rey the blessing to continue the Jedi after spending an entire movie trying to convince her that the Jedi needed to end.
10. So much of Rey’s imagery in promotional materials, costuming, and scenery is a direct homage to Luke’s costumes and classic poses.
11. In TRoS, after Rey proves again how similar she is to Luke by trying to exile herself on Ahch-To (after learning she’s related to a horrible dark-sider, no less), Luke is the one to show up to her and offer comfort, words of encouragement, and wisdom. He later gives her one last boost of help in the final fight against Palpatine.
12. The mission to find the Wayfinder is thanks to notes from Luke that Rey finds stashed in the Jedi texts.
13. Luke is Rey’s childhood hero and role model.
14. During production for TFA, the main question driving the story was, “Who is Luke Skywalker?” During production for TRoS, the main question was, “Who is Rey?”
The trilogy has been setting up all along that Rey and Luke would have an important connection. I get that people wanted Reylo to have a HEA and for the film to make Rey’s connection to the Skywalker family be through romance/marriage, but it’s willful ignorance to act like Rey and Luke have never once been established as playing important roles in each other’s stories and to get all surprised/outraged at the ending scene of Rey choosing to take Luke’s name. It makes perfect sense with what we’ve gotten all along, especially in a story where Rey’s main theme is rejecting one’s broken past and choosing her own place in the story.
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thereysofskywalker · 4 years
For the record, I completely understand why someone who is a Finn fan first would not be a fan of FinnRey.  Sadly, in the movies, Rey has not really been there for Finn in the same way that he has been there for her.  Rey has been caught up in her own issues and has not been the support he deserves.  It makes perfect sense that Finn fans would want something better for him.
But I call shenanigans on anyone who claims to be a Rey fan first who insists that pairing her with her torturer and abuser would be better, or more feminist, than pairing her with a man who has only ever supported and cared for her.  Finn has only ever been good to Rey, and Rey is always happy to see him, and enthusiastic when in his presence.   
Please note that I have nothing against anyone with lesbian!Rey or aroace!Rey headcanons.  I don’t even mind people who think Reylo would be an interesting, albeit unhealthy, dynamic to explore in fanfic.  My issue is with people who argue that Reylo is BETTER for Rey than FinnRey, because objectively speaking that’s absolutely not and will never be true.
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