Part: 1 "Bravo!" By Atom Foxx
Chapter ZERO
The Foxtrot Project (FP) was not like the other top secret projects funded by the government (ex: MKULTRA, Paperclip, Victor Charlie, ect.) because it managed to stay in the shadows much longer than any other. It was planned to be the beginning to human DNA enhancement/splicing with another organisms DNA. Mainly red fox DNA. The foxes were for some reason the only animal the government could legally get their hands on. Or they probably thought it would be cool. First tests were made on December, 15, 1950 on a voluntary US army soldier by the name of Alan Ferrell. The tests at first were simple inject the enhanced fox DNA in the bloodstream and wait 6 hours to put into the POD to have the enhancements be put to full force. It was extremely painful for the subject after being in the POD for almost a whole day. The subject flatlined many times and asked many times to "just die already" or to "end him". After the enhancements have been made the scientists and MP's were shocked to see what walked out of the POD. The subject with just the head of a fox. The fur on the subject's head hadn't grown yet at the time but eventually did after a week or so. Some scientists compared the subject to the hieroglyphs in in Egypt. The subject was later named Alpha. The government didn't want to spend millions more of dollars to make a whole army of us so they tried to make a female version of what they didn't know alpha was. So one of the top scientists Violet Hans volunteered for the theory. It turned out successful for her and she was later named was given her original name as her second. They ended up getting to know each other quickly and parented the first child on November 6th, 1951, a son named Bravo. I along with the rest of my kind were not made the way Alpha and Violet were though I kind of wish I was so it could of made me stronger (mentally). My name is Atom Foxx, I was the 18th "fox" made by the FP. I was born on July, 11, 1989. I was never told my parents names nor did I ever meet them since they both died in Afghanistan. I was killed and brought back once. I "will" find Bravo if it kills me
Chapter ONE
The reason the government wanted us was to use us tools of war. The Cold War and Vietnam hadn't happened yet but the US ministry of defence (the pentagon) had still announced The Foxtrot Project to only trusted members of the members of the US government/US military in 1954 to have a weapon "ready to fire". At first they thought they were crazy until they saw what Alpha and Violet can do and were. They wanted mass production of us but the head director of the project, Harvey Yenta told them that it would take until the late 60's for the others would be ready. They still sent Alpha and Violet to the field for covert ops, search and destroy, and assassination missions. At one point they spent almost 5 years in Russia hunting international terrorists, while Bravo was growing up alone.
Chapter: TWO
He never understood why he looked so different from everyone else, or why he could never go outside. Even though he got whatever toys he wanted he never felt happy about being imprisoned. Sometimes he would receive phone calls from his parents, in his young ages he would see it as Christmas, but as he grew older he didn't want to speak with them as much. Alpha and Violet loved their son but Bravo never found a reason to love parents who abandon him at a facility where he's always asked questions and never has privacy. He grew up tough and mean. He took his tactical training very seriously and whenever Alpha would return for a while he would push Bravo to many breaking points by treating him as if he weren't his son. The FP thought it would be cruel to make Bravo reproduce with a sibling so they bought a biotech company to make eight "foxes" for them to reproduce. Bravo met a nice, soft, and sweet girl named Chelsea and decided to spend his days with her. She would often keep Bravo for losing it over the smallest things, and that's why he knew he needed her. On Bravo's 18th birthday in 1969, just 8 mouths before the moon landing he was able to fight in Vietnam.
Chapter: FOUR
The first day Bravo arrived in Nam he called it a disgusting country, even after this being the first time he's left the Pentagon maximum security level 8. And once seeing his father for the first time in 4 years he punched him in the face as hard as he could. Of course Alpha took it as a complement from his only son. He did nothing after that but say, "good to see you again boy". Violet still loved her son the same way she did when he was born, Bravo still felt the same way because of his mother not being as harsh as his father. They weren't the only enhanced soldiers sent to the field. There was an elite special forces of 10 subjects of the Foxtrot Project made up as Alpha, Violet, the other subjects made by the biotech company bought many years ago. Two of them were my parents. To keep the whole project secret they made a untraceable chemical for all the soldiers that would give a host a major heart attack if they were to say or even think of telling anyone about the "foxes" in Nam. Bravo and Chelsea found it better to work with the American soldiers, because Chelsea wanted to help the people, and of course Bravo didn't want to be with his father. Bravo bumped into one of his kind on accident and then he looked at him very closely, as if he did something that ruined his life. "Was he just checking you out?" Bravo asked Chelsea. "I don't know? He probably hasn't seen a girl in forever. Can't blame him." Said Chelsea. Bravo served as a soldier, or even a pilot for a napalm strike jet, while Chelsea worked as a medic for any soldiers who needed medical attention. They served in that hellish country for a long time. After serving for 7 months Chelsea convinced Bravo to temporally join the task force his parents were part of. She knew doing so would help him be closer to them because he wanted him to be happy that he has parents while Chelsea never did. All Bravo wanted to do in life was to kick ass and make Chelsea happy.
Chapter: FIVE
Violet was happy to see her son again after 7 months of hell in the jungle while Alpha was relieved that there was someone to replace one of there own that died two months earlier. Bravo would sometimes call Chelsea to forget about the people he had killed the same day. They would ask each other how their days went and they started a thing where they would see how many birds they saw during the day. Even though he was doing it for the love of his life Bravo still couldn't find a reason to love his father again. 3 weeks and 5 missions after Bravo joined the squad they were given a capture mission to kidnap an Important asset to the Vietnamese army to hopefully interrogate the asset of where the main base was and what the weak points were and such. Bravo was ready to go but he had to tell Chelsea he loved her and unexpectedly proposed to her. She said yes.
Chapter: SIX
It was a little past 12:00 and the team was moving onto the outpost near a military airfield. They were ordered to go in quick and quiet. And if somehow the mission was compromised then they either pop an explosive death pill or escape the facility alive. They had the target in their sight and was waiting for the right moment to move in. Bravo knew it would be the perfect time to break the news to his father about proposing to Chelsea and so he did. Alpha hadn't been so proud of his son in so long he didn't know what to say but give him a manly father to son hug. Bravo was relived that his father is proud of him for something. But they knew that they could tell the others later because the 5 moving in on the outpost were informed by the recon team that it was clear for them to move in on the objective. Bravo stabbed a soldier in the back while Alpha was doing the same, but then a soldier saw Bravo and pointed his gun at him. All of the sudden the man grunted and fell down bleeding. One of the snipers had shot the soldier before he could alert the others. The team climbed through the windows of the main building and moved in on the target. He was an old and gray man in a luitenents uniform by the name of luitenent Xiang. Alpha commanded Bravo to secure the communications room to call for air support while they "squeeze some juice" from the target. Him trusting his father more than before he agrees and sneaks to a room nearby. Bravo sees two guards in the room and plots a plan to execute them both silently. He flings a throwing knife at one guard and shoots the other with his signature silenced M1911 pistol. He tunes in to the private radio signal for the US Air Force and over hears this."Yankee four-niner-six this is X-Ray seven-three-eight we have orders to strike a Vietcong weapons outpost at 24,56,74,11 N 44,27,14,36 W, waiting for further conformation of the strike." Bravo thought to him self where that was, and then he saw a map to look for where it was. He could not believe it. It was the base Chelsea was in.
Chapter: SEVEN
He thought that if would be foolish for an American flight control officer to allow this to happen."X-Ray seven-three-eight this is Yankee four-niner-six you have permission to proceed to target search and destroy observe over." "Negative!! Negative!! You do not have permission to proceed to target. This is Bravo zero-zero-one over!" "Bravo zero-zero-one this is Yankee four-niner-six you do not have clearance to give orders to pilots. we are tuning to a different station over and out." Bravo heard static and punched the radio so hard that it sparked up and broke. With out thinking of it he ran through the window and booked it to the air hanger. He saw a guard and shot him immediately. But upon falling dead shot off his weapon and alerted the whole facility. He busted open what was probably a stolen American F-18 fighter jet fully equipped with weapons and fuelled for battle. He jumped in the cockpit and started up the aircraft. All that was going through Bravo's head is that him hoping that it's not too late and the fact that who ever Yankee was knew that the target was an American occupied area. Little that Bravo knew that he left his parents and team for dead back behind him.
Chapter: EIGHT
Alpha was in the middle of torturing the target until he heard a gun shot followed by sirens followed by a jet taking off. He immediately radioed the recon for back-up and ran to check on Bravo. He was gone an all that was left in the room was two dead bodies and a smashed radio. Alpha suspected that Bravo heard some bad news on the radio. The recon team showed up to escort the offence team along with the beat up luitenent for extraction. Violet asked where Bravo was and Alpha lied to her and said "he's going to give us air support." They moved out into the jungle but some soldiers were still defending themselves at the main base, one of them was Violet. On the way to the jungle Two soldiers were shot and killed but Alpha made sure their bodies won't be discovered by pulling the pins on their grenades and exploding them. Violet tried to convince a "fox" named Langley not to pop his explosive cyanide and that they could get out alive. But he was a stubborn bastard and did it anyways. The explosion had the same efficiency to a 2 ton explosive which destroyed the main building and killed everyone inside including Violet. Alpha didn't find out about this happening until after all this was over.
Chapter: NINE
Bravo was near the base and radioed the the main airstrip air control." Base Victor two-niner this is F-18 Bravo zero-zero-one I have intel that American airforces are moving in to make full on assault on the base over!" But no one responded. There wasn't even static it was just as if they were ignoring him. And then he thought about when Yankee said that they switched channels that it means that all the bases did the same. He looked over the horizon and saw nothing but flames and explosions. Bravo flanked over and took out the friendly F-18's with utter rage and fury. He landed on the partly cleared airspace now covered with wreckage of the jets he'd just took down and craters from the bombs. He checked every sick bay and infirmary and couldn't find Chelsea, only corpses and injured soldiers and medics. Just as he was about to lose all hope he heard the sweetest, faintest voice over the screaming and burning. "Bravo...." Bravo looked over his shoulder and saw Chelsea laying down with metal chunks impaling her abdomen. He ran to her. "No.. No... NOO! I can fix this just tell me what you need me to do!" Bravo said. And Chelsea hand signalled him to come closer. "Kill..them...all..." Whispered Chelsea with her last breath. "What?! NO! Please stay with me!!" Said Bravo as he was sobbing over Chelsea's stiff and lifeless body. Bravo didn't know how to feel about what had happened, he didn't go on a killing rampage of what you would think he'd do, he just felt lifeless and haunted about Chelsea's last words. "Kill them all." Kill who? The rest of his kind? The FP? The pentagon? Who ever gave the order? He walked away from the what used to be base and now graveyard and disappeared into the jungle.
Chapter: TEN
The next day Alpha and what remains of the team returned to the destroyed base now covered in ashes and tents set up by the military who got a distress call not from Bravo but a distressed soldier the same night. He found out about the death of his wife by the FP contacting him via radio. He felt upset and depressed about the fact that his wife and son are now gone. But he still didn't show tears to his men. He wondered how Bravo knew about the attack, but had an idea why he left in such a hurry. He looked through the papers for the soldiers and medics that died during the attack to make sure Bravo didn't die. While looking through the papers he came across Chelsea's with an ink stamp saying K.I.A. he felt Bravo's sorrow and why he disappeared. He flipped over Chelsea's page to see a picture of Bravo with the red stamp saying, M.I.A. Alpha never gave up hope on his son and loved him till the end. He was finally pulled out of there the next day. I wish I could of prevented these things from happening because these events triggered a whole bunch of problems that affected those I loved and trusted. I will do so by finding that filthy rat Bravo myself.
End of part: 1
Coming soon part: 2 "Growing up wounded"
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this first edition of my mini series which started out from the insperation from my grand theft auto online character. so I thought, "why don't I make a full on backstory for this guy?" and I am. So far Im working on Vol. 4 on my phone notes, but will only release it if I get some positive feedback from all of you. so thank you for those that want to hear me out on this little adventure I made up and gathered ideas from other games and stuff. so enjoy reading, and if anyone finds any mistakes, gammer errors, or anything out of place just let me know.
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