thepowerofmindset · 1 year
Do you make your bed?
Do you make your bed in the mornings? Simply starting your day by making your bed when you get up gives you a feeling of accomplishment to achieve other goals in your day. Little by little a made bed can lead to a new job, a new personal record in the gym, graduating an honor student. All of this starts with your mindset, are you going to be lazy and just leave your bed or are you going to tell yourself “today is going to be a good day.” Your mindset determines how your day will go, looking at things in a positive aspect despite what life throws at you shows how strong of a person you truly are. Take Navy seals for example, they go through rough, harsh, extreme training in all sorts of weather conditions not including what they do in the waters. In order for them to get through all this training without giving up they put their mind to the test telling themselves they can, they will. Admiral McRaven from the University of Texas gives a speech about changing your life and he starts by making his bed. Now you might think “ making up my mind is not that easy” well, you are correct it’s not easy to just start making decisions, you have to train yourself to start, and that can be done by just making your bed. Be the best person you can be in this world, strengthen your mind, be great, start by making your bed.
Here is the link to the speech
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