ok i need to talk about my dp au or i'll explode. specifically details about vlad and danny's powered up forms. these guys
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danny first though
danny, being a banshee, has a lot of different scream-based projectiles. the ghostly wail comes from using his chest voice and is more AOE, and the higher he screams the more narrow the resulting beam is. (those are the rules with his powers in general, not just powered up!) when he's like this, most of what he can vocalize is whimpers, stereotypical echoey ghost ooos and aaas, squeaks, squeals, and screams. he can speak words/sentences if he is laser focused on one person or conversation, but otherwise he does not.
vlad is in the same camp with the rules on the noises he can make. while danny is shrill, vlad roars and growls deeply. he doesn't have any powers related to his voice so it's mostly for show. he IS really fucking loud when he wants to be though
danny is usually very close to vlad when they are both in this state, wrapping his tail around his waist and putting his hands on his shoulders like this
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part of this is their attachment to each other, and part of it is so that danny can quickly move to cover vlad's ears if they're in a fight:
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vlad CAN stand out of the way to be able to withstand a Wail in this state, but it isn't ideal lol
vlad has a sense of physicality in this form and doesn't float unless necessary, preferring to trundle around on floors or stand on walls/ceilings like spiderman or perhaps zonic the zone cop. he and danny are both barely conscious, too overcome with rage and/or paranoia to do much else other than violence or searching for potential threats
a neat design note i thought i'd share is that i wanted vlad to look like he was bursting out of a cocoon or something w/ his black and white clothes contrasting his harsh hot pink colors. to really visually say that he's Letting Loose. saying that makes me feel silly but it really was the intention
danny's tail is long enough to make him as tall as vlad when it's fully stretched out (with the same proportioned upper half as his normal self), and when it's not wrapped around vlad protectively/possessively, he uses it as a weapon. his tail is deceptively strong and he can crush people to death with it if he so wishes, coiling around them like a snake. he thrashes and whips his tail when unhappy much like an unhappy cat. the difference is that it's strong enough to snap trees in half so if he starts thrashing it quickly turns destructive.
vlad is the melee fighter of the two. if anyone gets too close to the both of them, he's grappling and throwing punches. he's strong enough to punch through concrete and he does NOT care about property damage. vlad is usually much more of a projectiles and shields kind of guy, but it takes too much brain power for angy vlad.
usually they aren't in these forms at the same time though! the primary trigger for these forms is the other getting hurt or threatened, ESPECIALLY if they are defeated in a fight / knocked unconscious and revert back to human form. these forms are a maladaptive traumatic defense mechanism. they are so afraid of losing each other and/or being sent back to where they came from that they lose themselves if they feel as though that may happen or if they feel as though someone else wants to make that happen. skulker gets thrashed after he successfully captures danny to the point that he just doesn't fuck with them again
danny had never gotten like this before they escaped, but his fear of getting forcibly taken back or losing the one family member he has is enough to bring him into hysterics in the outside world. vlad DID enter this state before, but only once. danny was 4 years old and was about to go through his first comprehensive vivisection. he ended up killing two scientists and taking off the fingers of a third with his teeth before being subdued. after danny ends up going through the vivisection anyway, his learned helplessness was cemented and he never tried something like that again until the day of their escape a decade later
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She fell first, he fell harder. Well, more like she fell first, he plummeted to obsession city, hit the asphalt full force, and shattered into a thousand pieces. When he picked himself up, he found every shard of his being imbued with her.
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the thing that gave you anxiety attacks for 2 years straight will be resolved on a random Wednesday morning btw
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one of the current most popular pieces of internet media worldwide, The Amazing Digital Circus, was created by a trans woman.
also, Vivian is a trans woman in the Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake as she was originally intended in the Japanese version.
trans people are winning.
cope seethe mald, transphobes.
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Mammalia, mother of mothers
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hey so two people in a row on my dash just commented that trying to open the new communities popup on tumblr mobile(?) brings up major flashing lights, so please please PLEASE take caution doing so. i don't like asking people to reblog stuff but please reblog this or make your own post about this to tell people about this because this could seriously hurt someone
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Techno with Viking haircut...sort of?
I kinda wanna redesign my human techno, make his appearance more fit into his voice. I find it hard to convince myself that his voice comes from some of my previous human techno. I might keep the old crown and cloths. Just some personal opinion, I’m curious what would you guys think?
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Hey folks, if you want to fight back against the twitterfication of tumblr USE IT LIKE IT'S TUMBLR!!!!!! REBLOG THINGS!!!!!! USE THE TAGS TO SCREAM AT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!
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It's fucking funny how, "after years of being told that it is transmisogynistic to use the word 'transmisogyny' to describe the intersection of transphobia and misogyny I experience as a trans man because it is allegedly taking away attention from trans women, a group of transmascs have decided to create our own label for transmasc experiences of gender oppression in order to have our own intracommunity conversations without conflict"
...gets you labeled a "transandrophobia truther" and allegedly a transmisogynist.
like idk man but on my end, it could not be more obvious that this is just the community willfully choosing to perpetuate transmasc erasure.
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