theplanetzodiacc · 4 months
Just wondering. Do the season of performance spirits live in Harmony Hall (because that’s where you can always find them) or do they live in their own homes in the Village of Dreams?
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theplanetzodiacc · 4 months
You Need To Speak!!!
It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are you need to speak for the people of Gaza. If you are an American living in the United States you know that this past Sunday was the Superbowl. During the Super Bowl Israel began bombing Rafah, Gaza, the last safe zone AND the place the Israelis told the Palestinians to go to. Because Israel knew most of Americans would be watching the Super Bowl they decided to bomb the last Gaza safe zone because they knew no one would be watching. This is the time to speak. You have to speak and act now. It doesn’t matter if you are young or don’t have money to donate you need to speak. The United States is responsible for sending millions of dollars to Israel which means the U.S. is funding Israel’s genocide.
You need to speak because the People of Palestine need you too. It doesn’t matter how old you are you need to speak. You can speak up by sharing messages like this throughout tumblr. You can help by making your own posts about what is happening and sharing other creators posts too. If you have TikTok or and other social media you need to share yours and other creators words about what is happening right now. Your voice matters. This is not a war this is a genocide. This is not about Hamas this is about an ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians people. You have to speak for them because as you read this post innocent people are dying and they need your voice to help end this.
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theplanetzodiacc · 7 months
Hi, if you understand what the emojis above mean you know what’s happening in Gaza right now. It doesn’t take that much to help and all you need to do is use a simple filter on TikTok. The filter is called “FILTER FOR GOOD” and it is being used to raise money for people in Gaza. The Palestinian people need your help. They are facing horrors and suffering in unimaginable ways that are all by the hands of the Israeli government. It doesn’t take much to help and by just using a simple filter you can save lives. The video only takes 10 seconds to make and can be private but must be posted to count.
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Please for the people of Palestine and those suffering in Gaza please use this filter. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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theplanetzodiacc · 1 year
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I just know he would look so good in a dress and feel like silver is really his color
Can you also draw him with a slit on the side of the dress. And please make it visible.
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theplanetzodiacc · 1 year
Victor Nikiforov has Marie Antoinette Syndrome
If you don’t know what Marie Antoinette syndrome is, it’s basically when someone goes through a traumatic experience and the stress or shock from that experience causes their hair to turn white. I think that this might be the reason Victor’s hair is white because A, Victor is depressed at the beginning of the show, and B, not much of Victor’s family life or family in general is talk about in the show. What if something happened when he was young and the shock or stress of the event is the reason his hair is white? Also, we see a lot that Victor is worried about his looks and growing old. It is scientifically possible proven that chronic stress can course premature wrinkles. So, maybe Victor tries to forget or block out that specific time in his life to stop the premature aging.
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