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Stolen off of Facebook.
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The stage manager in me is concerned that we might be breaking fire code right now.
Lena, upon seeing three operas worth of costumes all in one spot. (via theatercommandments)
Is there an aerosolized Fire Marshal Repellent that is commercially available?
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To hell with your GaffGun!
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I used my 3D printer to turn a $10 tape gun from Amazon into a cable taping tool!
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The ME explains to interns why every light fixture needs a safety cable
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Being able to genuinely tell some "I know how you feel" because you've been in a certain situation before feels good. Hope I brought some peace of mind. Stuff can be hard, definitely, but you'll get through it. Rooting for ya'
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"Let's get the flight case up into the booth" "There's a ladder" "No way" "Yeah, about 25 degrees forward pitch" "I love a good challenge" Mike the sound guy (yeah, the puns just dawned on me) is the best
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Ever just feel like giving up completely? Yeah, it's one of those weeks. It's always one of those weeks. I need to get away.
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"I want a mic with a switch" "Ok" *During performance* *without mic, yelling* "Due to technical difficulties, I have to yell..." *Post performance" "What was that about?" "My mic wasn't working" "Yes it was, I brought it up myself" "I tried talking and I couldn't hear myself" "Did you forget to switch it on?" "Oh..." Oh...
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New client. Hoping they aren't batcrap crazy. Operative word: hoping.
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I need to get into Boston with my camera. Soooooooo many possibilities beyond the airport...
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When clients are friendly, understanding, and helpful and they clarify things for you without getting all snappy. I love it.
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*sees someone nearly hit PZM on floor of stage* *neck cranes and eyes go wide* "You hit it and we all go deaf."
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"Oh, you can program the lighting board on Sunday before the recital, so just do audio on Friday" Uhh, I'm very uncomfortable with programming the board the day of the show. I believe wholeheartedly that you can find someone to man your laptop for a half hour on Friday's Tech Rehearsal so I can set up the board. Please.
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It's dance recital season which means, you guessed it, they're heeeeeeereeee. Dance moms. The cliche psycho ones. It was nice knowing ya'
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They should make a mute button for the TV screen so you can listen to the audio of your shows when you sleep without the added light.
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When someone keeps asking for lighting changes and you're like "10/10 would not illuminate again"
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Client: *texts me 59 minutes before scheduled consultation telling me she can't make it* I'm not a doctor but I'm still charging your copay for the late notice of cancellation.
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