Ava's apartment number is 314...
...I wish all of this pi/pie stuff would finally make sense! 😩
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Love this idea!
Mona’s Chess Friend
kinda hoping it turns out to be Lucas and he makes an appearance
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I think my favorite part about this theory is the idea of Taylor and Nolan being the Alison and Courtney twist that we didn't get in the original PLL. Something still tells me that Bethany Young was actually Courtney DiLaurentis but that has not been disclosed and instead open for interpretation. Which makes me think, did Taylor kill Nolan? Meaning Alison actually killed Courtney?
"Is it okay to murder a murderer?" Alison seems to know.
PLL Perfectionists x Original PLL (Character Comparison)
Nolan and Taylor are the new Alison (and her twin Courtney we never got in the show)
Taylor faked her death which we already know bc of unknown reasons. She might be the person spying on the Perfectionists through the Beacon Heights security system.
The missing girl Taylor kind of looks like Alison (AGAIN) just like Cece, Bethany, Sara Harvey did. 
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Nolan was manipulative and made everyone do whatever he wants. He made out with everyone (Dylan, Caitlin, Ava) just like Alison did. 
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Ava is the new Hanna. She’s that pretty socialite with that perfect life but she has family issues & hides things from the public. She seems superficial in the beginning but she has deep feelings and problems. 
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Caitlin is the new Emily/Spencer cross over. She is super smart & sporty at the same time. She has a secret boyfriend while she was dating Nolan. Kind of reminds me of Spencer since she had a lot of flings with lots of people. I cannot really say a lot about Caitlin yet cause her character is not that evolved in the show yet. 
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Dylan is the new Aria. He is an artsy guy with a stable (kinda boring) relationship. Reminds me of Aria and Ezra a lot. 
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Jeremy (Australian dude) is Wren Kingston. He is this guy a main character has an affair with/ is in love with him. His story is not really there yet. 
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The person behind the Beacon Heights Security system is the new A and the big mystery is who is behind that system. 
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Mona’s involvement with the BG Security System makes us think that Mona is it in somehow. She lured Alison to Beacon Heights. 
So far I like the show but it is not PLL Season 1-3 level. I’m waiting for more secrets and the characters to evolve more. I want a major suspect in the show, that’s kind of missing right now. 
But we will see. What do u think of the show? 
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If you don't believe that Ava is the new Aria, then just check out Ava's bedroom wallpaper... 😉 (Unable to get screenshot again due to streaming restrictions.)
Sidenote: Lots of mirror shots of Ava in her bedroom also. When she is talking to Caitlin, almost the entire time it is through her reflection in the mirror. Is there another side to Ava, like our sweet innocent Aria? Could she be the real rat and that's why she snapped at Caitlin like she did? The guilt is weighing on her but she took the opportunity?
Byron was also MIA alot, much like Ava's MIA dad. Byron was always a sketchy mofo in my mind! Can't wait to see how things play out after that flashback!
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New Series, New Liars...But Are They All That Different Really?
My predictions....
Dylan = The new Emily...He isn't closet but his relationship with Nolan was, much like Alison and Emily
Caitlin = The new Spencer...She likes secret relationships with British guys (Jeremy screams Wren!) and is super smart . Oh, and her mom is a POLITICIAN!
Ava = The new Aria...Always a step ahead, her past is secretive and seems to want to place blame on everyone but herself...also fashion savvy
But who is the new HANNA? Alison maybe? Mona did need her for "the job". 😉
Claire is definitely the new Jessica and Taylor seems to be the new Alison. I'm going out on a limb and thinking Nolan is the new "Bethany Young". Also beginning to think that Mason is the new Toby. And Andrew is Maya...that could be interesting.
As for Mona....well, shes Mona of course!
Okay I've gone too far with this! 😆
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I love this! She obviously had her own motivation too but didnt mention that until very recently. I've been thinking that maybe Ava = the new Aria...thoughts? Aria always seemed to be one step (or two) ahead of the game than everyone else, making her look a bit guilty. #AvaisA 🤣
Good Grief
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When Dylan and Caitlin sneak into Ava’s dorm, they explain how they still have to present themselves as “Nolan’s Perfect Posse” at his funeral. 
She cops an attitude, but ultimately relents after Caitlin says “unless you’re that one person who has nothing to hide.”
If that were really the case, Ava could have backed out of the deal right then and there. 
But she didn’t. 
The implication being that she has just as much to hide as the others.
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Later, she talks about how screwed they all are now that Booker’s on the case, and she baits Dylan and Caitlin into a wild goose chase to find Nolan’s blackmail “stash.” She even tells them the exact location in the greenhouse. But then she inexplicably backs out of the mission altogether, arrogantly claiming “they’re your secrets, not mine.”
Are we really supposed to believe she’s squeaky clean?
Do we really believe she never spent any of the stolen money her dad left? That she did the right thing and turned it over to the authorities? That she has no idea where her dad is? Zero contact? 
Nothing at all to hide?
I sincerely doubt it. 
This is still PLL-verse, right? Everybody’s got something to hide.
So what makes Ava so confident that Nolan had nothing on her? Just because he didn’t use it, doesn’t mean he didn’t have it.
It’s possible that she’s arrogant because she already took the “stash” for herself. 
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Dylan’s comment at the funeral about Mason looking “a little too sad” also got me thinking: if Mason shedding a single tear at his lifelong friend’s funeral is deemed suspicious behavior, then what does that say about Ava and her grief show? 
Shouldn’t we be suspicious of her as much as the others? Do the tears really get her a free pass? When anyone appears to be above suspicion, that makes me want to put them under scrutiny all the more.
Doesn’t Ava seem just “a little too sad,” considering she was the one who called the first meeting of the Stop Nolan Club? She laughed over his demise along with the others, swore she was “done” with him, and wanted him stopped as much as anyone else. 
Once fantasy became reality, she was quick to point a finger at the others. But she was there too. She was a part of it. She’s got motive, and the others could just as easily accuse her.
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Before he died, Nolan said “if she’s ordered surveillance on me, then she’ll be watching Ava too.” We already know there are cameras behind mirrors, and when several of Ava’s grief scenes make use of a large mirror, you start to wonder. 
It could be that Ava’s been putting on a show for someone else’s benefit… and in turn to fool us, the audience. 
Sometimes it comes across like she’s trying too hard to sell the idea that she loved the guy. 
But love is not a defense in itself. People can kill the ones they love. It happens. Especially when betrayal is a factor, like it is here.
Suppose Ava made it up to the roof that night. Maybe she didn’t actually plan to kill him, but she snapped and pushed him and he fell backwards over the side.
Maybe she just seized on an opportunity to blame the others because she’s the real killer. 
Maybe she’s not just drinking to drown her sorrows, but also her guilt. 
Like Alison said, “guilt looks a lot like grief, if you’re covering something up.”
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Maybe why Alison is in Beacon Heights? It's another case of Bethany Young....
We know Taylor’s not dead. Yet they had a funeral and she has a place at the mausoleum the same way Ali did. So who is in the grave? Whose body took Taylor’s place?
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Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
This is Season 3 Episode 22 of the Pretty Little Liars series. It is interesting to note all of the pastor Ted involvement in this episode, considering the song is an old hymn (Spencer, Alison and Mona all sang it in church if I remember correctly?). Spencer played it on the piano in this episode too and it was also carved into the desk.
Notes about Pi....
It is the ratio of a CIRCLE'S circumference to its diameter
It's a mathematical CONSTANT
I don't think "pi" and "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" are a coincidence....now I'm impatiently waiting to see what else the church will bring to this new series and if this circle will finally be broken. 😉
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Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists theory.
Toby and Mona are working together again and Spencer, Toby, and Alex will all arrive in Beacon Heights sometime in the future.
When Freeform aired the Pilot episode they had Keegan Allen hosting the premiere party. In a promo for the premiere party Keegan is sporting the iconic black hoodie and says “Hey there….or should I say “A” there”
During the premiere party towards the end of the pilot Keegan said “This is PLL so someone isn’t gonna make it out alive”
In episode 2 of “The Perfectionists” Mona is working on her algorithm and humming a very familiar song. The Teddy Bear Picnic song from 3x13 after singing the song in 3x13 Mona turns to “A” to hand them pills and bullets and says of the Halloween train “someone won’t make it to the end of the line”
Two of the most consistent things about PLL is that the cops aren’t to be trusted and the liars never trusted Mona. So when “A”lex was finally caught do we really believe that the liars trusted the lame rosewood cops to keep Alex and Mary locked up?
Maybe the liars trusted Mona to keep Alex and Mary in her French doll house. Maybe it was only a couple of liars, maybe Ali was one and that’s why Emily is having trust issues with Ali, because she found out Ali agreed to Mona holding Alex and Mary captive.
In season 6 Toby expressed that he didn’t trust Ali even after everything that had happened.
Like Mona said “when someone shows me who they are I believe them”
In the pilot of “The Perfectionists” Mona talks to the mirror in Alison’s new house saying with a hint of sarcasm “Alison is as determined as ever”. It seems whomever Mona was talking to knows Alison as well as Mona does.
At the end of episode 2 Mona reveals through a phone call to Hanna that Spencer and Toby eloped. The word eloped implies that Spencer and Toby ran away to get married (perhaps because Mona told them Alex and Mary had escaped and could show up at anytime.) Mona’s response to hearing that Spencer and Toby eloped was “They didn’t even tell you?” There’s a smugness to the comment that makes me think Mona did know, was told about the impending marriage.
I think Mona, Toby and maybe even Spencer have orchestrated a new game to lure Alex out of hiding. Like with the first series it’s As world and the new liars are just living in it.
When Nolan said “they did bad things, they had bad things done to them” I immediately even before the show aired thought he was talking about the OG liars.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today is the day the teddy bears have their picnic
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Plot twist….
Lucas heads up Beacon Technologies or has some sort of association with it. Caleb even has his hands in it too. 😉
Nothing is ruled out at this point but I’m just over here dreaming I’m sure haha!
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🤣 @tremolux Did you find that or make it? I was totally kidding but would LOVE the plot to go down that path!
Plot twist….
Lucas heads up Beacon Technologies or has some sort of association with it. Caleb even has his hands in it too. 😉
Nothing is ruled out at this point but I’m just over here dreaming I’m sure haha!
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Plot twist....
Lucas heads up Beacon Heights Technologies or has some sort of association with it. Caleb even has his hands in it too. 😉
Nothing is ruled out at this point but I'm just over here dreaming I'm sure haha!
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Ugh, worth another reshare since pie seems to be a theme and I may have been on to something?!
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PRETTY LITTLE LIARS AND TWIN PEAKS - Ezra Fitz(gerald) = Agent Dale Cooper and Aria Montgomery = Audrey Horne - Pie Clues and Aria’s Clothing Clues
I previously suspected that Ezra was a private investigator, and now I’m convinced. If you haven’t heard of Twin Peaks (TP), look it up or watch it (it’s on Netflix). It was originally aired by ABC (Freeform) in the early 90s and the plot is so on point with PLL that we would be crazy not to believe they aren’t using a similar storyline again. Marlene has teased over and over that pie is a clue when it comes to Ezria…Well folks looking at the pics above I know why now. In TP, Agent Cooper, who is obsessed with coffee and cherry pie (who bought the brew and seems to have his own liking for pie and other sweets? *Cough* Ezra! *Cough*), ends up with one of Laura’s (the deceased, equivalent to Ali in PLL) friends named Audrey, who has an infactuation with him. Well if that doesn’t scream Aria, I don’t know what does….Other than Aria’s interesting clothing choices. I always wondered what was with all of the stripes and the red, black and white, but after reading up about the “Red Room” in TP, her clothing is obviously a nod to it…Look it up (pics referenced above)!
I won’t go into too much more detail because, quite frankly, I’m not exactly sure what it all means, but I do know that if this is all true, Ezra is in fact a PI and Aria knows. Not only that, but once again, I have been so suspect of Byron Mongomery lately. In TP, it is found out through Laura’s death that she had a relationship with Audrey’s father, Benjamin Horne. Well, if Audrey = Aria and Laura = Ali, then Benjamin = Byron….And we have our Lolita storyline.
Still working on my Byron NAT Club theory but came across this and had to share. Let me know your thoughts!
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Did Alison help the students or herself?
What if Alison was the one in need of an alibi? She doesn’t have but she also doesn’t NOT have one and she saw a possibility and she took it? 
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Ostinato....Pi(e)....It's Happening Again....
So we all know already that Ostinato was Ezra's book and also know that it means "to repeat". Pie has also become a reoccurring theme again. More particularly with the second episode, Mona mentions Key Lime pie. Who was it again that loved Key Lime pie? Our old favorite, Ezra. I also noticed rewatching the pilot that during the intro, they cut to Caitlin's watch while she is jogging and it is 3:14....ironically also pi. Rewatch for a look but I am unable to get a screenshot. All of the old clues are coming back, Mona even speaks with Hanna where Caleb, Spencer and Toby are all mentioned. And all back together? I feel like this is another loop in the vicious cycle of this storyline. There are so many parallelled scenes, down to the funeral and the way things are filmed. Just watch closely to some of the shots. They are so original PLL. I think we need to watch closely and read between the lines because it really seems as if they are reflecting the previous storyline and telling details in the new one that will help tell us more about Alison's history and what really happened.
Ugh this has me so sucked in! I cannot wait to see what other little details they drop!
EDIT: I feel like this new storyline may be indicating that, in the previous storyline, the girls were guilty of wanting to hurt Alison 'that night'. I guess only time will tell if one really did hurt Bethany? Since we never got a very clear conclusion on what happened there?
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Updating the blog....
....with the transition from PLL to the Perfectionists, I have revamped my page a bit. For those still following me (thank you! 💋), my username was previously MyLittleLiarsTheories. I have now transitioned to The Perfectionists P[rivate] I[vestigator] 😉! Seriously cannot wait for the premiere and indulging back into the world of PLL! ❤
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Just wanted to reshare this theory in hopes that PLL/The Perfectionists really is going to go along the lines of something like Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks had a reboot at about the same time that PLL's last season was ending. Now I'm just over here crossing my fingers that my last post about Ezra's book "Ostinato" is some sort of indication our villain we love to hate, "A", is back again and he knew this would happen.
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PRETTY LITTLE LIARS AND TWIN PEAKS - Ezra Fitz(gerald) = Agent Dale Cooper and Aria Montgomery = Audrey Horne - Pie Clues and Aria’s Clothing Clues
I previously suspected that Ezra was a private investigator, and now I’m convinced. If you haven’t heard of Twin Peaks (TP), look it up or watch it (it’s on Netflix). It was originally aired by ABC (Freeform) in the early 90s and the plot is so on point with PLL that we would be crazy not to believe they aren’t using a similar storyline again. Marlene has teased over and over that pie is a clue when it comes to Ezria…Well folks looking at the pics above I know why now. In TP, Agent Cooper, who is obsessed with coffee and cherry pie (who bought the brew and seems to have his own liking for pie and other sweets? *Cough* Ezra! *Cough*), ends up with one of Laura’s (the deceased, equivalent to Ali in PLL) friends named Audrey, who has an infactuation with him. Well if that doesn’t scream Aria, I don’t know what does….Other than Aria’s interesting clothing choices. I always wondered what was with all of the stripes and the red, black and white, but after reading up about the “Red Room” in TP, her clothing is obviously a nod to it…Look it up (pics referenced above)!
I won’t go into too much more detail because, quite frankly, I’m not exactly sure what it all means, but I do know that if this is all true, Ezra is in fact a PI and Aria knows. Not only that, but once again, I have been so suspect of Byron Mongomery lately. In TP, it is found out through Laura’s death that she had a relationship with Audrey’s father, Benjamin Horne. Well, if Audrey = Aria and Laura = Ali, then Benjamin = Byron….And we have our Lolita storyline.
Still working on my Byron NAT Club theory but came across this and had to share. Let me know your thoughts!
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