thenovadreamer · 6 years
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Moira warmups 
i can’t drawing anything else lately rip
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thenovadreamer · 6 years
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thenovadreamer · 6 years
Is Moira Evil?
My little brother told me that he believes Moira is evil, and he doesnt like her for it. He says shes a killer, and that she will go to Hell. Now while I agree she is a killer, I find her far from evil. I asked my brother: "If you found the cure for cancer, but it was because you killed 100 children, Is it evil? If this cure saves millions of lives, what it still an evil act?" I said, "Moira is willing to do anything to furthur science. She wants to make humans better, but sometimes it take doing "evil" to make a lot of good. Would you kill 100 children, if you could save a million lives? Or, would you save 100 children, and never learn the cure to cancer?" He took this into consideration, and his answer changed. Maybe Im wrong and she is evil as hell, but once she found a cure for something, Moira did not withold that cure. She shared it. In my personal opinion she is a good scientist. We do the same tests on rats that she does on people. Yet... We are not evil?
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thenovadreamer · 6 years
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thenovadreamer · 6 years
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Moira sharing Reaper’s baby pictures. How embarassing!
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thenovadreamer · 6 years
Moira; Yay? Or Nay?
The new hero Moira just hit the PTR, and Ive heard some mixed reviews. Some hate her, but others have absolutely fallen in love. If you care to read on, I will be making a list of pros, cons, her counters, special tips and tricks, and many other details that may not have been discussed by youtubers or other posts. Ive played her for a good 3+ hours today, and as a support main I believe I have a general idea of how she can be used most effectively as well as some details other may not have considered important enough to talk about. This is of course, my opinion, but maybe you will find something helpful.
If you have searched “Moira” and found this post, Im sure you have read her abilities so Im skipping that part. No need to beat a dead horse. I would firstly like to say, I think Moira is an excellent addition to the game.
-Moira’s healing is not a lock on so she does require some level of aiming, HOWEVER, It does more healing per sec than Mercy’s beam AND heals through allies. Being able to heal mutiple targets is absolutely fantastic for narrow choke points, or hiding behind ally shields.
-Her balls do a significant amount of healing and damage. The bounce of the balls gives her a way to strategically heal or damage without putting her in harms way. She is meant to be an up-in-your-face battle healer, but if you are low on health and still need to heal your team, bouncing one of these puppies from behind a wall into your team is phenomenal.
-She is mobile during her ult, and with increased speed. The cinematic was very missleading about this, and I panicked thinking that a very squishy healer would be immobile like Pharah when ulting. She is mobile, and thankfully so. While Moira heals when doing damage, it would not be enough to keep her alive were she a stationary target.
-Moira’s damage beam is not a true lock on. It appears to lock when you are doing dmg, but in reality is behaves much like Zarya’s beam. That its self not bad, but saying its a ‘locking’ ability is misleadingly dangerous. It does slightly lock, but nowhere near Symms ability. If you move even slightly too far feom the center of your target, the beam unlocks.
-I love that she is a battle healer. Doing dmg charges her healing resource. As a battle healer though, I feel that she does not have enough health to support that style of play. She does heal as she dps’, but you cant feel it at all. Her dps is also very low, but understandably so. Slap on 50hp or increase her self healing, because 200 is not enough, especially if you do not have a shielding tank. Zarya and Roadhog will not be able to keep this little battle healer alive on the front lines.
COUNTERS; (Weak/strong against)
Unlike other supports, Moira is NOT counteres by the dreaded flankers, Genji and Tracer. Unless they are ulting, or land perfect full clip headshots before Moira notices, these two will NOT kill her. Moira has 3 very strong advantages over these once terrifying support killers.
-First, Although is a soft lock, and acrually more beam-like, Moira’s Attack can track the quick moving flankers. They will not get in and out unscathed, and will actually be forced to retreat from Moira, or risk the wrath of her beam.
-The beam, also heals her while doing dmg. Its not a super strong self heal, but its enough to make you need more than one clip of tracers weapons, unless you perfectly land all headshots. Once ahe starts moving, she will have an easier time hitting you, than you will her.
-Mobility. A lot of it. Tracer’s recalls and blinks have nothing on Moira’s dash/teleport. It is instant, on a low cooldown (6 sec), and shes completely immune to dmg. She can also heal while in this immune form. If Moira throws out a dmg ball, and beams with decent aim, any Genji or Tracer will be dead within 3-5 sec unless they run away. Moira will not be hunted by these two flankers.
-Reaper is a tricky flanker. If he can aim well, the Moira should run ratger than fight. He doea more damage than she can heal if all the shots are landed correctly. Both have great mobility, so if Moira doesnt want to be hunted by reaper, she will simply dash to her team. Reaper is only a threat to her if she stays and fights.
-Tanks beware. Moira can throw those lovely little balls through shields. Her ult passes them too. And ulting Moira, is a dead tank. Without the ult, Roadhog is a good counter. Moira cannot output enough dmg to kill him before he heals. Winston’s dmg will kill her before she kills him, BUT she has a much longer range than the chimp. If even if Winston has his jump, Moira can simply dash out of range, and dwindle him down slowly. She gets hee dash much more quickly, and has the benefit of healing. Her orbs pass easily through his shield, so its best to have a dps take her down ratger than Winston. Rein is fucked. If you are Reinheart, either land your ult, or pray she makes your death painless. If you have a healer on you I wouldnt worry ass much, she will get bored of trying to out dmg the heals (and failing) and go for one of your squishies. Orisa stands a bit of a chance, if you can hit those projectiles, try and burst Moira down before she ults. Be aware of your surroundings. Moira can, and will teleport behind and kill you. Ive seen so many Orisa blind to whats behind them, and as Moira, I take joy in killing them.
-Symmetra. Is. Hell. By far Symm is Moira’s hardest counter. Symm has every dmg ability in Moira’s kit, but 10x stronger. Moira cannot outheal symms dmg, however, she has nearly twice as much range, and can GTFO. Run Moira. Just run. Find a McCree and have him take out the evil Symm. Her shield will just regen faster than you can dps, and if you get too close you will die. Not worth the respawn time.
-Now Pharah is interesting… She can only stay out of Moira’s range for a few sec. Once she falls even a little bit, Moira can latch on and give her hell. Also, firing her balls into the sky will do enough dmg to make you one body shot for any sniper.
-Mercy mains rejoice. Your high mobility will allow you to fly to safety before we Moiras can kill you. Stay by your team, and do not try and fight a Moira by yourself. She. will. Win. A moira will most likely not follow you into the team unless shes dumb, or has her pet Genji with her. If she brings Genji, then youre fucked.
Stay out of reach of McCree’s Flashbang. You are fast, but do not fuck with him. If you get too close, he will end you. If you take too much dmg, GTFO. If McCree can aim well, GTFO.
-Snipers. Hide. They are out of your range and can one shot you.
Moira is every friendly Genji, Tracer, and Reaper’s dream. She can be played 2 different ways. One way is a Flank healer. Her mobility gives her a sneaky way to get behind enemy lines with her Flanker of choice. Her mist heal can keep them alive in a pinch, or ahe can toss an orb with him for 300hp of Genji protection. Can you imagine fighting a Genji with 500 hp?!
The other way she can be played is with aggressive tanks. Her mist heal goes through allies, and does more healing than Mercy’s beam. 3 Mercys doesnt do as much healing as Moira when in a group. Her front line will be well healed, BUT the tanks will need to give her protection while she damages enemies to refuel.
Moira is not a backline healer like Mercy. You cannot play her like one. Dont try. You will run out of heals and leave your team fucked.
- She is aggressive, Use your dash and dont be afraid. It is only a 6 sec CD, and you heal as you dmg. Keep moving while you attack, your fire requires less aiming than soldier or McCree. But if you start taking too much dmg, dash to your team.
-Do not waste your ball on snipers. It is a slowmoving projectile with a 10 sec CD. They will simply walk to the side, and kill you. Use the ball at choke points, or on point.
One of my personal fav things to do is find two wall on point, and aim to so the ball bounces back and fourth, but stays on point. It will waste less of the ball than if you were to throw it into the sky and it flies away… Never to return…
Jump, then throw the ball level to get over obstacles. If you jump before you toss it, you can see over things like cars, and the payload. Throwing it over things without jumping will most likely end with your ball flying off into the sky uselessly. Throw it level, after you jump. Practice this to make it muscle memory. Your ball will stay level with the ground and still stt behind and around obstacles.
Healing wise, Moira pairs well with Mercy on defense, and Ana on attack.
Tank wise, Moira pairs well with winston, and Reinheart. She needs protection, but someone who wont waste her healing like roadhog. Dva can work on attack comps if she is willing to take body shots for Moira. Dva’s dps pairs well, and Moira can outheal any dmg done to her tank buddy.
Dps wise, Moira pairs well with flankers. She can keep them, and herself alive if the Flanker trusts in her heals, and kills those targeting her first. Her dmg can finish off low healthed/escaping target, and can easily end in a team kill.
If you read all of this I am impressed! I hope it was helpful, and Im really excited to play more of her.
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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Flowey is my spirit animal 🌻
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
Shade thrown
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Ellen keepin it real
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
Me texting at night..
Them: you sleepy? Me: nahh I’m good Them: alright,, wyd Me: *falls asleep*
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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Wands in the air, Slytherin house. Our Housemaster deserves that much.
RIP Alan Rickman
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
when u take a cookie without askin mama
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
Don’t post your negativity on a positive post.
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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The search engine Ecosia uses 80% of its ad revenue to plant millions of trees in Africa.
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Ecosia also has a mobile app and a Google Chrome browser extension. Apparently I planted 9 trees while researching and finding these pictures.
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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thenovadreamer · 8 years
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