themortallivinggod · 9 months
The white man's confusion is the Black man's sickness stop falling for the trap.
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Trans"women" are not women, no if ands or buts about it. Black men who participate in this foolish game clearly have assimilated into White dominate society. They're mentally ill, and I will not bash my brother for his lifestyle choice, but I will not sit back and let him destroy himself either. I do not believe or agree with that choice of lifestyle not because of any religion but for the simple fact I believe in Man being with Woman. Only man and woman together produce harmony and life. Two women can not produce life without the man. We're different, and that's the beauty of nature. The duality of man and woman yin and yang we all have both masculine and feminine energies within us. We're born either man or woman. No matter how much surgery or estrogen or testosterone injections you take, you'll never be the opposite gender. White men do not get to determine what is or isn't natural.
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themortallivinggod · 9 months
Drop those damn religions and return to your senses!
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themortallivinggod · 9 months
Damn religion got Black people fucked up
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
Say no to Snowdevils of white or Asian kind or ethnicity, aka the Hispanic snowdevil
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
Say no to Snowdevils
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
Take back the word "Woke," Don't let these racist our phrases and use them as a weapon against us. Woke never had anything to do with an agenda to be pushed. Woke doesn't put an agenda. All it was is a phrase used to tell another Black people stay aware be mindful of anything and everything these devils put out or do. Its always an agenda with them. And when we use the term woke, it's to say this person isn't being fooled by the system or it participants within that system aka Whte people/Non-black people. Honestly, the sad part of this word being used in an insulting manner is you have Black folk who willingly drank the koolaid and literally sleep. How ironic we say Stay Woke, but they sleep using the term Woke in a derogatory manner. I'm sure you know or heard the phrase Go Woke Go Broke. This phrase is used by racist and those Black folk who are lost. The term woke has never been about inclusiveness or uplifting one demographic or gender above another. Yet that's how they're using the word in today's society when companies like Disney, raceswap, or empower women to speak up in a film. So it's time we take our word back and gatekeep its remember stay woke.
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
White people please fuck around so you can find out
Leave Black people alone, and you won't have to find out the consequences of your racist actions.
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themortallivinggod · 11 months
Nothing but facts
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I made two different ones, a long and short version, basically saying the same thing, and I couldn't choose which one to use, so here you go. You got options on the truth, the long version or short.
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
If you're a real Pro-Black Man, you're Pro-Black Women and Children, you don't date, marry, or impregnate those racist say no to the snow devil say no to racist lust fever.
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
It's time we return the Black Woman to her most high throne as God. The Patriarchy doesn't benefit neither Black Women nor Men. We must get away from these systems of oppression, White dominance and patriarchy go hand in hand as part of one system built and designed against us. The patriarchy is made to keep Whte Christian or other in power using the Bible/Quran/Torah. The patriarchy doesn't allow women to speak or hold a position of true power. Whte Women know they don't have a place within this system yet cling to it because they would rather be above everyone else in the system. Under Whte Patriarchy/Dominance, you have Whte Women who are second in line, Asians, and Blacks. Hispanic is an ethnicity, so you're either classified as Black Hispanic or Whte Hispanic. Whte Hispanic are above Blacks/Black Hispanic because they push the agenda of Whteness and being light skinned, aka proximity to Whteness. Thus, they are held in higher regard because they continue to push the agenda even if Whtes don't like them at all they'd still rather deal with them over Blacks or any ethnicity. Under a Matriarchy Women have true power, it's through the Woman we trace our bloodline well as place Black Women back on their throne. Under the Matriarchy, Black men weren't insecure as well as Protected Black Women unconditionally whether he knew her or not. Under the Matriarchy Black Women were seen as God they had political influence and were seen as a dignitary. If she had a king, he was only King because of his mother's bloodline. Black women were also generals in their armies, where they fought alongside the men in battle, dying as one. Women under the Matriarchy were allowed to hone their skills/talents and go far as it could take them. Meanwhile, under the Patriarchy Whte women were told to shut up to be seen nor heard. They had no political power or influence. They were used as tools for sex, tools to cook, and tools to clean. So it is in the best interest of the Black Community we return to our roots. We must return the Black Woman to power.
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
Sundiata Keita
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
Did you know Marvel's Kang the Conquor is based on the San People's creator, God Kaang? Kaang (aka Cagn or Kaggen) is the Creator of All Things in African folklore and San spiritualality. The story says that Kaang is a very important deity in African folklore. Marvel in comics took this God, made him White and the master of time. In the MCU, he is portrayed by Johnathan Majors.
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African Bushmen Creation Myth
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People did not always live on the surface of the earth. At one time, people and animals lived underneath the earth with Kaang (Käng), the Great Master and Lord of All Life. In this place, people and animals lived together peacefully. They understood each other. No one ever wanted for anything, and it was always light even though there wasn't any sun. During this time of bliss, Kaang began to plan the wonders he would put in the world above.
First, Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree, he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived. After he had finished furnishing the world as he pleased, he led the first man up the hole. He sat down on the edge of the hole, and soon, the first woman came up out of it. Soon, all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered. Next, Kaang began helping the animals climb out of the hole. In their eagerness, some of the animals found a way to climb up through the tree's roots and come out of the branches. They continued racing out of the world beneath until all of the animals were out.
Kaang gathered all the people and animals about him. He instructed them to live together peacefully. Then he turned to the men and women and warned them not to build any fires or a great evil would befall them. They gave their word, and Kaang left to where he could watch his world secretly.
As evening approached the sun began to sink beneath the horizon. The people and animals stood watching this phenomenon, but when the sun disappeared fear entered the hearts of the people. They could no longer see each other as they lacked the eyes of the animals which were capable of seeing in the dark. They lacked the warm fur of the animals also and soon grew cold. In desperation one man suggested that they build a fire to keep warm. Forgetting Kaang's warning they disobeyed him. They soon grew warm and were once again able to see each other.
However the fire frightened the animals. They fled to the caves and mountains and ever since the people broke Kaang's command people have not been able to communicate with animals. Now fear has replaced the seat friendship once held between the two groups.
The Bushmen of Africa believe that not only are plants and animals alive, but also rain, thunder, the wind, spring, etc. They claim:
What we see is only the outside form or body. Inside is a living spirit that we cannot see. These spirits can fly out of one body into another. For example, a woman's spirit might sometime fly into a leopard; or a man's spirit fly into a lion's body. (Fahs and Spoerl 6)
This may be part of the reason that animals play such an important role in their myth.
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
Did you know Marvel's Kang the Conquor is based on the San People's creator, God Kaang? Kaang (aka Cagn or Kaggen) is the Creator of All Things in African folklore and San spiritualality. The story says that Kaang is a very important deity in African folklore. Marvel in comics took this God, made him White and the master of time. In the MCU, he is portrayed by Johnathan Majors.
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African Bushmen Creation Myth
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People did not always live on the surface of the earth. At one time, people and animals lived underneath the earth with Kaang (Käng), the Great Master and Lord of All Life. In this place, people and animals lived together peacefully. They understood each other. No one ever wanted for anything, and it was always light even though there wasn't any sun. During this time of bliss, Kaang began to plan the wonders he would put in the world above.
First, Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree, he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived. After he had finished furnishing the world as he pleased, he led the first man up the hole. He sat down on the edge of the hole, and soon, the first woman came up out of it. Soon, all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered. Next, Kaang began helping the animals climb out of the hole. In their eagerness, some of the animals found a way to climb up through the tree's roots and come out of the branches. They continued racing out of the world beneath until all of the animals were out.
Kaang gathered all the people and animals about him. He instructed them to live together peacefully. Then he turned to the men and women and warned them not to build any fires or a great evil would befall them. They gave their word, and Kaang left to where he could watch his world secretly.
As evening approached the sun began to sink beneath the horizon. The people and animals stood watching this phenomenon, but when the sun disappeared fear entered the hearts of the people. They could no longer see each other as they lacked the eyes of the animals which were capable of seeing in the dark. They lacked the warm fur of the animals also and soon grew cold. In desperation one man suggested that they build a fire to keep warm. Forgetting Kaang's warning they disobeyed him. They soon grew warm and were once again able to see each other.
However the fire frightened the animals. They fled to the caves and mountains and ever since the people broke Kaang's command people have not been able to communicate with animals. Now fear has replaced the seat friendship once held between the two groups.
The Bushmen of Africa believe that not only are plants and animals alive, but also rain, thunder, the wind, spring, etc. They claim:
What we see is only the outside form or body. Inside is a living spirit that we cannot see. These spirits can fly out of one body into another. For example, a woman's spirit might sometime fly into a leopard; or a man's spirit fly into a lion's body. (Fahs and Spoerl 6)
This may be part of the reason that animals play such an important role in their myth.
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themortallivinggod · 1 year
Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black! BLACK WOMEN ONLY!
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