What are you doing to improve or maintain your health currently? Honestly, nothing. I haven’t been particularly motivated. ^To add to that, what are some other things you could be doing? Eating better and actually doing something physical. How much do you currently weigh? I just weighed myself out of curiosity and I weigh 100.4 pounds. How much do you want to weigh? I don’t really have an ideal body weight in mind. Do you ever look at someone’s social media posts and feel a little jealous? Yeah, for sure. ^If so, why is that? I think it’s easy to assume that things come easy to people you only see through social media. What book(s) are you currently reading? I’m rereading A Storm of Swords with my best friend and I just started a book called Children of Time. What chores did you do today? I haven’t been home to do any chores, but I have a lot to do tonight. What chores do you need to do? Dishes, laundry, trash. What are you wearing currently? Jeans and a sweater. Do you like how your hair looks today? No, it hasn’t been washed and it’s in a gross ponytail. Are you on a diet? No. List 10 of the prettiest people you know or have met. I’d rather not. List 10 favorite girl’s names. I don’t have ten, but I do like Eleanor and Frances.
List 10 favorite boy’s names. I only have three: Theodore, Francis, and Henry. Do you think you are attractive? Sometimes, yes. Do you have anyone you can trust? I do. What are some things you plan to do tomorrow? I have to work tomorrow. Are you behind on things? Yes. Do you take time to rest? I try. What health problem are you struggling with currently? I just got over the flu. What does your heart long for? A lot less stress. What are you learning? At school I’m learning about special education and developmentally appropriate practice for infants and toddlers. Do you take life day by day? Yeah. I don’t plan as much as I should. Have you been struggling with bitterness lately? Actually, yeah. Do you have a lot of questions? I guess not. Is it snowing where you live? Yeah, it snowed this morning. Do you watch the snow fall? Not really. List 10 fashion trends you like. Why ten? I can’t even think of ten. List 10 fashion trends you dislike. ^ Are you ready for Jesus to come back? No. Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning? i believe he lived, not sure about the return. << Same. What’s your current favorite Bible verse? I’m not religious. When was the last time you went to church? When I was a teenager. Are you spiritual? No. Have you ever experienced anything supernatural? No. Do you believe in spiritual gifts? No. Do you believe in callings? No. If so, do you know what your call is? ^ What superpower do you wish you had? Time travel. Is that even a superpower? What superpowers, if any, DO you have? None. Do you have too much clutter in your home? Yes, thanks to my roommate. I hate clutter. Have you ever tried weed? No. Have you ever considered smoking pot and then decided not to? No. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No. If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done? Lol probably not. Do you own slipper socks? No, but I do have thick fuzzy socks. What’s your favorite Christmas carol to hear playing when you’re shopping? I don’t really want to hear any. Do you stalk anyone on Facebook? Not really, no. Have you ever completed a 30 day photo challenge? No. Have you ever taken a photo every day for a year? No. ^If not, would you ever want to try that? No thank you. Have you ever thought about what your new year’s resolution will be yet? It’s already the new year and I don’t have one. Do you get enough exercise? No. Are jeggings your favorite pants? I like real jeans better. Do you have way too many photos stored on your computer? No. Do you take a lot of selfies? Not so much anymore. I’m rarely presentable enough. What is something that’s a mystery to you? Lots of things. Do you have any painful memories? Yes. Do you pray? No. In what social class are you? I don’t know. In what social class to you wish to be? I don’t care. Do you ever imagine that you are English royalty? Lol no. Do you have any English ancestry in you? I don’t know. What is the origin of your last name? I have no idea. What is the meaning of your first name? Don’t know. ^Whatever it is, do you feel that it fits you? ^ Do you ever multi-task? I do. Are you multi-tasking right now Not really, no.
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Do you have a certain sense that’s stronger in recalling memories? Sound and scent are the two strongest senses for me when it comes to recalling memories. Do or did you typically enjoy school and did you like a certain grade better than another? I never liked school. I hated every grade and couldn’t wait until I was finished. Do you spend a lot of time editing your themes and layouts on various social media websites? No, I guess not. Tumblr is the only social media account that has a theme and it’s been the same for a while. Who’s your least favorite character on your favorite TV show and why? Cersei probably. Do you get easily frustrated, and what seems to frustrate you the most? I wouldn’t say I get frustrated easily, but once I’m there it’s easy to stay that way. People who impede my progress are frustrating. What’s the first video game you remember playing? Donkey Kong. Is there an author you’ll read absolutely anything by and if so, what about this author’s writing makes you love them so much? Chuck Palahniuk and Mary Roach and J.K. Rowling. Chuck is just so ridiculous. I’m always curious to know how far he’ll take something. Mary Roach writes nonfiction science related books and those are always interesting to me. J.K. Rowling has proven to me she can do just about anything, so I’ll always read her. Do you use the Oxford comma? I probably use commas more than I should. What was the last song you listened to about, or what can you guess that it’s about? I’m not sure. I wasn’t really paying attention. Do you look at the newspaper on a daily basis? I can’t remember the last time I touched a newspaper. What’s the longest period of time you’ve gone without taking surveys? Years. I usually only take them when I need to take a break from something. Is there a character trait your younger self possessed that you now lack and you would like to get back? Not that I can think of, no. What about a negative character trait you used to have that you don’t have anymore? There are too many to name. What mood are you most likely in if you’re taking a survey and do you usually have to be in a specific mood to take them or do you take them whenever? I’m usually bored or frustrated with whatever I was doing prior to starting a survey. Have you ever felt that a personality test described you accurately and do you believe in those types of tests or do you take them just for fun? My boyfriend sent me one called seven personalities or something. It was really in depth and did a great job of accurately describing my personality. What’s a survey question that’s asked often that you actually like answering? I’m not sure. Have you ever had a fever dream? Not that I can recall. What’s the last strange or funny news article you read? I can’t remember. Do you ever get a certain word stuck in your head and then you say that word every five minutes for the next month? Haha yeah, words and phrases. Do you believe that “things have to get worse before they get better”? In some situations is entirely applicable, but I don’t believe it’s necessary for every situation.
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Have you ever been to a debate and speech tournament? No, that’s my nightmare.
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I do. We got into an argument about Kanye West, lol. Think of the last person you kissed, when was the first time you talked to them on the phone? Um, I’m not sure. Probably one night when I was walking to the train. We don’t talk on the phone really. What does your phone do when you get a new message? Vibrate. Do you know your best friend’s middle name? Wayne, Marie, and Arthur. Are you close to your father? No. Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? 90% of the time I prefer being home. 10% of the time I enjoy being out and doing stuff. Do you miss your past? Not really, no. Have you had sex with a black person? No. Do you just want to yell in someones face right now? Haha, no. Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? Yes. Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight? No. Who was the last person you were in a car with? Marc. If you could make your lips bigger, would you? Yes. Do you party too much? I don’t party at all. Ever feel like you’re not good enough? All the time. Who were you last on the phone with? Matthew. What color shirt are you wearing? White. Last movie you watched? I started watching Zodiac, but got bored. If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? I’d get my other nostril piercing. Would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger? Older. Do you currently have a hickey? No. Do you like holding hands? Yes. Do you enjoy wearing dresses? As long as they’re comfortable. Have you ever been called heartless? Not that I know of. Do you think before you speak? Not always, no. I should be more mindful of that. Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes cigs? Yes. I will not tolerate smoking cigarettes. It disgusts me and gives me a headache. Last thing you drank? Water. Have you ever seen the last person you texted naked? Haha, yes. What are you listening to? New Music Friday playlist on Spotify. Do you get along with girls? I have a hard time relating to girls. I honestly have a hard time relating to people in general. Do your parents allow you to date? I’m an adult. Do you regret anything you did today? No, I actually had a good day. Have you ever had a serious conversation with your dad? I think it was mostly one-sided, so it was probably serious for him. Would you rather have long or short hair? I prefer medium length. How’s your heart lately? A little beat up (my own doing). Do you want to have children? Yes. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? It’s a shirt from an artist I used to keep up with. What time did you wake up this morning? Around 8am. Do you think you’ll have the same boyfriend/girlfriend a year from now? I really hope so. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? Yes. What is something you disliked about your day? It’s almost over and I have to go back to work tomorrow. How’s your hair looking? Clean and straight. Do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18? No. Have you ever tried your hardest, then got disappointed later on? Yes. Who was last to smack your butt? Marc. What were you doing the last time you were in the bathroom? Peeing. Do you have a hard time trusting people? Yes. In the summer do you see yourself in a relationship? Yes. Have you ever liked someone older than you? Yes. Is there anything currently hurting on your body? No. How old were you when you stopped sleeping with a nightlight? I don’t think I’ve ever really slept with a nightlight. What topic did you write your last essay about? Probably something related to children. Whose car did you ride in last other than yours? My boyfriend’s mom’s. What was the last clothing article you purchased? A lightweight jacket. Who was the last person that made you cry [accidentally or on purpose]? Marc probably. Is there construction going on in/near your neighborhood? I don’t think so. Who did you go/plan on going with to Prom? I went with my boyfriend at the time. What language[s] did you study in school? French.
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01. Do you ever use sleep as a way to cope with bad moods? Oh, absolutely. Extended napping is my first resort. 02. What’s the most self-destructive thing you’ve ever done? I’m self-destructive on a daily basis, so it’s hard to say. 03. Have you ever wanted to believe in something, but couldn’t? I think certain aspects of different religions are really beautiful, but I find it impossible to put any stock in religion. 04. Right now, would it be scarier for things to dramatically change, or for things to stay exactly the same? Dramatically change. 05. What was the last thing you lost sleep over? I lost sleep this entire weekend (with the exception of yesterday) for something I don’t really want to talk about. 06. If you can remember what helped you fall asleep when you were a child, do those things still work? I watched tv to fall asleep and I still like to have it on in the background when I fall asleep. 07. Do you have a favorite lullaby? No. 08. Have you ever purposely avoided saying goodbye to somebody? Goodbyes are awkward, so I always avoid them. 09. Was (or is) it difficult for you to watch your siblings mature? If you’re an only child, is it difficult to watch family members in general get older? It’s an odd feeling, but not difficult. 10. What do you imagine are the best and worst things about being famous? Best: wealth, clout, access to almost endless resources.
Worst: Lack of privacy, being judged for every aspect of your life, fighting to stay relevant, and becoming irrelevant. 11. Have you ever felt bombarded by major life events? Not that I can think of. 12. Have you ever blamed an outside force for a problem you were having? I try to always be aware of what’s causing problems for me (I’m usually the cause, lol). 13. What’s your favorite song that was written specifically for a movie? I’ve never really thought about it. 14. Have you ever known anyone that you desperately wanted to impress, for any reason? Marc, before I started dating him. I tried sooooooo hard, it’s embarrassing to think about. 15. Do you think the overall meaning of a song is lessened when it doesn’t come directly from the writer’s personal experiences? I’d say yes. However, I think we all draw from our personal experiences without even realizing it. 16. If you have a dream job, would you have to sacrifice anything to get it? I’d have to sacrifice the privacy of my own personal thoughts. Being a writer involves heaps of vulnerability. 17. Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship in which you were clearly more into it than the other person? Yes. 18. Of all the people you know, who changes most frequently? (Feel free to interpret “changes” however you want.) I think my best friends have always been fairly consistent with who they are. They’ve made changes that come naturally with time, but they’ve all stayed true to themselves. I’d say I change more than they do. 19. What moments, if any, do you hope to always remember as if they happened yesterday? All the good memories I make with Marc. I have such a terrible memory. I always worry I will forget the important things. 20. Do you find yourself getting more optimistic around New Year’s, or does that time of year have a negative effect on you? I think I do become more optimistic and motivated and ambitious. Of course, it always tapers off. 21. If you ever imagine leaving where you live now, where do you imagine going? I don’t think I’ll want to live in Chicago forever. It would be nice to move west, live somewhere a bit more quiet.
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Do you have respect for people even if you don’t like them? Generally, no. What’s one fruit you love in drinks? Blood orange. What is something that you’re afraid of? Roaches. What was the most people you ever tripped in front of? When I was in middle school I fell down in front of an entire skating rink full of people. Oddly enough, I wasn’t on skates at the time. Have you ever tried wine? Yes. Can heartbreak happen all at once, or over a long period of time? I think it can happen both ways. In your life, do you plan on visiting other countries? I’ve only ever visited Japan, but I’d like to do more international traveling. Who was the last guy to text you? What did the message say? My boyfriend said “That’s one theory.” Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? I wouldn’t say everyone, but I think most people do. Is there an ex you want to make up with? No. Has this weekend been good? I had an extra long weekend, but it was entirely uneventful. Do you take compliments well? Not really. Does cuddling freak you out? No. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning? About 45 minutes. Do you love where you live? Mostly, yes. What do you label yourself as? I don’t label myself as anything. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I really hope so. Will your next kiss be drunk or sober? Sober, most likely. Are you a mean person? I’m usually only mean in a playful way, if that makes sense. Do you wear high heels everyday? I rarely wear heels. Excited for anything? Mutemath concert on Halloween. Do you stay up later than ten o’clock on a week night? Barely, haha. How would you tell the person you like that you like them? He already knows I like him. Do you fall asleep texting every night? Not really, no. I usually try to say goodnight before I fall asleep. Are you an aunt or an uncle? Yes, many times over. Were you texting someone right before you fell asleep last night? No. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? How many? I didn’t have any. Name someone who made you smile today? Marc. Are you happy? I could be happier. Are you an alcoholic? No. Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind now? Nope. Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? I’ve never smoked a cigarette, so yes. Does anyone know every little detail about you? No. What’s one thing you really want right now? I’m content right now. Who all do you have texts from in your phone? My brother, my cousin, three different Matthews, Michael, my boss, and Marc. Who do you trust most as of now? Marc. Are you one of those people who just doesn’t care? I think I care too much most of the time. Who was the last person you took a picture with? Probably one of the toddlers I nanny. Do you have a younger sister? No. Did anything “cute” happen today? No.
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How old were you? Sixteen. What was your favorite color? I honestly cannot remember. Yellow, maybe. Favorite TV show? Hm, I don’t even remember what was on during that time. Favorite movie? Haha, still have no clue. Favorite book? I was reading quite a lot during that time. I remember a series called Uglies. I liked that book. Favorite band? Probably A Day to Remember. Did you have any pets? Want any pets? We had a mini schnauzer named Heidi. What were the names of your best friends? Michael and Dawn. Name of your crush, if you had one? I was dating a guy named Joseph. Any celebrity crushes? I’m not even sure. Where did you live? Alabama. Where did you go to school? MHS. What did you want to be when you grew up? A published author. Think back to this month 10 years ago. What were you most excited for? Haha, I have no fucking clue. Five years ago………… How old were you? Twenty-one. What was your favorite color? Grey. Favorite TV show? Sons of Anarchy and Dexter. Favorite movie? I can’t remember. Favorite book? I had just discovered Chuck Palahniuk, so I was reading through his work. Favorite band? I haven’t a clue. Did you have any pets? Want any pets? Two cats. Ares and Nuisance. What were the names of your best friends? Michael and Dawn. Name your crush, if you had one? I was dating a guy named Matthew. Where did you live? Alabama.
Where did you go to school? I wasn’t in school. What job did you have, if any? Nanny. Think back to this month 5 years ago. What were you most excited for? I can’t remember what I was doing. Right now………… How old are you? Twenty-six. What is your favorite color? Black. Favorite TV show? Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Westworld, Stranger Things. Favorite movie? I don’t have a favorite movie. Favorite book? I don’t really have a favorite book, just favorite authors. Favorite band? Alt-J, Mutemath, Violents.
What are the names of your best friends? Michael, Dawn, and Matthew. Name your crush/significant other, if you have one? Marc. Any celebrity crushes? None. Where do you live? Chicago. What job do you have? Nanny. What are you most excited for this month? Mutemath concert on Halloween and going home for Thanksgiving.
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1. How do you feel about golden oreos? I’ve never had them. 2. What is your favorite dessert topping? Hot fudge. 3. What is your favorite flavor/brand of bubble gum? I don’t have one. But something minty, I guess. 4. Favorite cheese? Gouda is really tasty. I also like brie. 5. Favorite Lunch Meat? Roast beef. 6. Favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip. 7. Best looking food? Nicely decorated cakes and pies. 8. Best food to put cheese on? Almost literally anything. 9. Best sexual food? Uh, I’m not sure. A sweet sauce I guess. 10. Best tasting drink in the summer? Iced tea or lemonade or peach green tea. 11. Best tasting drink in winter? Apple cider, coffee, hot chocolate. 12. Best food for a night out with friends? Tapas restaurants are fun. 13. Best foods to eat with a roll? I like to dipped bread rolls in mashed potatoes and gravy. 14. Messiest food, in your opinion? Crawfish, crab, wings, and ribs. 15. Easiest food to prepare? A sandwich? 16. Cheapest food you ever ate? Twenty-five cent ramen. 17. Most expensive food you ever ate? Tasting menu at Roka Akor (a japanese restaurant in Chicago). 18. Stinkiest food you ever ate? Probably seafood. 19. Favorite dipping sauce? Buffalo, usually. 20. Best pizza topping? I like supreme pizza, so most meats and veggies. 21. Favorite potato chip flavor? I like jalapeno flavored chips. 22. Most toxic substance you ever ate? Probably that twenty-five cent ramen. 23. Most calories you ate in one meal? I’m not sure. 24. Favorite soda? Dr. Pepper. 25. Favorite flavor of juice? Blood orange. 26. Favorite Vegetable? Roasted carrots. 27. Favorite fruit? Bananas or strawberries. 28. Worst canned food? All of it. 29. Best side dish? Mashed potatoes. 30. Worst fast food restaurant? I’m not sure. McDonalds, maybe. 31. Best restaurant? I can’t think of the best, but a few of my favorites are Cherry Circle Room, Roka Akor, Au Cheval, Big Jones, and Nico Osteria. 32. Best smelling food? Any sort of dessert. 33. Favorite appetizer? That’s tough. It usually depends on the cuisine. I like fried green tomatoes as an appetizer for southern food. They have to prepared just right, though. 34. Favorite cookie flavor? Chocolate chip. 35. Favorite cake flavor? Chocolate.. 36. Favorite pie flavor? Hm, apple or cherry. 37. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate. 38. Ketchup or Mustard? Mustard. 39. Best food to have on a date? Something you can share. 40. Most share-able food? Nachos, fries, or pizza.
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1. If you had to choose, whiskey or tequila? Why?: I don’t actually like the taste of either, but tequila I suppose. 2. While doing school work, do you take your time or do you try to get it done as quickly as possible?: It depends on my mood. Normally I like to take my time, but sometimes I’m in a hurry and end up completing something I’m not entirely happy with. 3. When did you last wear a scrunchi?: Maybe when I was a child. 4. If you were a writer, what would you write about most?: Mysteries/thrillers are my main focus, lately. 5. Do you sometimes yell to get your point across?: I try not to, but sometimes it’s necessary at work (I work with children). 6. If you’re a girl, what symptoms do you get when you PMS?: My boobs usually get sore, I bloat, and I get stomach cramps. I also will get annoying little breakouts too. 7. Is there anyone at your school with a cool accent? What kind of accent is it?: There was a girl in my class with a cool, Jamaican accent. 8. What is stressing you out most right now?: Marc. 9. Are you more smart and thoughtful or understanding and kind?: I try to be all of those things. 10. Who last asked you for a favor? What was it?: I cannot remember. 11. If you had to decide, what do you think people envy about you?: I don’t think there’s anything about me that someone else would envy. 12. If you want to get your crush’s attention, what do you do?: I would usually send a text that says “PAY ATTENTION TO ME, DAMN YOU!” 13. How long have you been single or in a relationship for?: I haven’t really kept track, but for a little over a year, I think. 14. Are you closer to your friends or family?: Friends. 15. Do you know what you’re going to wear tomorrow?: No, but I do know that it will be something warm. It’s cold here. 16. Do you use white strips or anything else to whiten your teeth?: No. 17. Are there any special events coming up? What are they?: A Mutemath concert on Halloween and I’m going home in November for Thanksgiving. 18. When it comes to strangers, how trusting are you?: I don’t trust strangers at all. 19. If someone insults/makes fun of you, what do you do?: I usually just laugh along with them. 20. What color do you think represents your personality?: I’m not sure. 21. Would you rather drive on a long straight highway or windy backroads?: Long, straight highway. 23. What is the fastest you’ve ever gone in a car?: Around 95. 24. Have you ever seen someone break their bone in real life?: No. 25. If you got to choose an animal to disappear forever, what would it be? Why?: Cockroaches. <<< Same. 26. What are the keys of your heart?: Honesty, loyalty, genuine interest in my personality. 27. Are you sometimes a control freak?: Unfortunately I can be. 28. If you’re online right now, do you have an away message up? What does it say?: No. That question feels a bit outdated. 29. Do you know what your GPA is?: I haven’t checked in a while. 30. If you got to pick any winter sport to excel at, what would it be?: I’m not sure. Snowboarding looks really fun.
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1. First of all, what do you prefer to be called? Tiffany, I suppose. I don’t really have a preference. 2. What is your favorite form of creative expression? I enjoying writing and curating my blog. 3. How do you like your coffee OR if you don’t like it, why?: I usually like it on the stronger side with a little cream and sugar. Sometimes (usually when eating sweets), I like to drink it black. 4. What is the least desirable thing, in your opinion, to put on a pizza that you have heard of people actually eating?: Oddly enough, I don’t care for pepperonis on pizza. I’ll eat them if I have to, but I don’t really like the taste or the texture. 5. Would you rather witness the beginning or the end of the universe?: The beginning. 6. Describe your favourite pair of socks: I don’t think I have a favorite pair of socks. My socks are quite boring. I have a fuzzy, thick pair that I wear in the winter, that I like, though. 7. What is the current or last song you are listening/listened to, and does it have any special significance to you?: I’m currently listening to Rich and Famous by Sara Phillips. It doesn’t have any special significance to me. 8. Do you prefer rainbows or stars?: Stars. 9. Describe the best day of your life NOT in terms of events, but in terms of your feelings: I can’t think of a day that I would classify as the best. 10. Would you rather go to a planetarium or an aquarium?: The planetarium. There’s one here in Chicago that I haven’t been to yet. I’d really like to go. 11. Do you know the reason that 11:11 is considered to be auspicious?: I have no clue. 12. What decorations are hanging on your walls?: I have two Harry Potter prints on the wall and a photo of my mother and aunt. 13. What is your favourite planet in our solar system?: Neptune is the prettiest, in my opinion. 14. How do you express love?: Affection, gifts, surprises, doing simple things to make life easier for my partner. 15. Do you consider yourself to be more spiritual or scientific?: Scientific. 16. If you had a lava lamp, what color would you want it to be?: I used to own a lava lamp. It was purple with glitter. 17. Would you rather be able to revisit your past to simply re-experience a positive moment or revisit your past in order to change things and risk the consequences?: There is very little in my past that I want to re-experience, so I guess I would change things. 18. Have you ever had a past-life regression or memory?: Not that I can recall. 19. What is your favourite holiday and why?: Thanksgiving. I enjoy cooking and eating food and spending time with my family. 20. Are you better with remembering dates or names?: I think I’m adept at remembering dates and names. 21. What was your favourite book that you had to read for a class?: In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote. 22. What is your favourite number and why is it significant to you?: I don’t have a favorite number. 23. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?: I’m terrified of both, but more interested in space. Plus, there are far fewer grotesque creatures in space. 24. What prompted you to call the last person you called?: I call him everyday. 25. Star Trek or Star Wars?: Star Wars. 26. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?: Harry Potter. I could not get through Lord of the Rings. It was incredibly boring. 27. What is your favourite band and why?: I don’t have a favorite band. I really like Alt-J and Mutemath, though. 28. What colour best resonates with your best friend(s)?: Blue for Dawn and Matthew and I’m not sure about Michael. 29. Where do you work and why do you work there?: I work as a nanny. I do it because I enjoy working with children and it gives me teaching experience I can use after I finish college and start working as a teacher. 30. Have you ever gone to a public karaoke facility, and what did you sing?: I have never sang karaoke and likely never will. 31. What animal do you feel most connected with?: I don’t feel connected with any animal. 32. Have you ever had “special brownies” or any other kind of “special” treat?: No. 33. What book are you reading at the moment?: I’m rereading the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, Packing for Mars, by Mary Roach, and A Rose for Her Grave, by Ann Rule. 34. What is the funniest thing that you have done at a fast food restaurant? I don’t think I’ve ever done anything funny at a fast food restaurant. 35. Do you enjoy listening to music that is sung in another language?: Not particularly. 36. Quote the last movie you watched: “It is written.” 37. Do you know more than just your sun sign (like your ascending sign or moon sign etc.)?: I do not. 38. Do you have any jewelry on you that holds significance, and if so, what is it and why is it significant?: Yeah, a gold necklace with the letter “m” on it. It’s my boyfriend’s initial. 39. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?: I’m not a big fan of cheesecake. 40. Why did you last feel warm and fuzzy inside?: Maybe over the weekend. 41. What band that no longer performs together do you wish would have a reunion tour?: I have no idea.
42. What band that IS still together do you wish would perform in your area?: Alt-J or Violents (not really a band). 43. Have you ever been in a band, and what role did you play in it?: I was only in symphonic band in middle school. I played the flute. 44. What has been the single most frightening experience of your life?: Most of my childhood I guess. 45. Who is/was your favourite Spice Girl?: I didn’t have a favorite. 46. Do you prefer free verse or poetry set in a form?: I’m not a big fan of poetry. 47. In a hotel, would you choose to go in the hot tub, the sauna, the workout room, or the pool?: Maybe the sauna after a workout. 48. Imagine that you are exploring space. Who would you want with you and what would you want to explore, assuming you are not limited in any way?: Marc. And if I’m not limited in any way I’d want to explore Earth 2.0. 49. Have you ever astral projected?: No. 50. What is your favourite song by the group t.A.T.u?: I don’t have one. 51. Describe what you envision as “paradise”: Penthouse (paid off) in downtown Chicago with valet services, career I love with a six figure income, and sharing it with my favorite person. 52. What element do you feel most connected to?: None. 53. What is a cause that you feel very strongly about and why?: There are so many. Equality of every variety, mostly. 54. What was your favourite class from the last year that you were in school?: I’m in a children’s literature class right now that I really like. 55. What is a topic that you study independently for your own interest?: True crime. 56. Describe what you would want to wear if you were getting married, handfasted, or having some kind of “love celebration” or “commitment” ceremony between yourself and another? An Elie Saab black lace gown with a black lace veil. 57. What song do you want played at your funeral?: I haven’t really considered my own death and funeral, so I’m not sure. 58. Would you rather alphabetize or put things in order according to numbers?: It depends on what I’m organizing. Usually I do a combination of both. 59. What medication do you dislike the most?: Any sort of prescription painkiller. They make me nauseous. 60. Would you rather write a story or a poem?: A story. 61. Do you believe in non-physical entities, and if so have you ever communicated with one?: No. 62. What invention or discovery do you think that the scientific community should focus on?: Hm, I have no idea. Maybe something related to the medical field or something to combat climate change. 63. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?: Iceland. I’d like to visit the Blue Lagoon. 64. What skill do people often compliment you on?: How well I write. 65. What are three facets of your personality or thinking patterns that you want to improve?: I would like to procrastinate less, become less susceptible to jealousy and insecurity, and take care better care of my body and mind.   66. What is your favourite symbol?: An alinea. 67. Name an unusual shortcut or file that’s on your desktop: I don’t have any shortcuts on my desktop, aside from the recycling bin. 68. What do you smell like right now?: Vanilla sugar perfume. 69. You get to have a theme party of your choice, just for fun. What theme do you choose?: Harry Potter or Game of Thrones. 70. Have you ever been in the depths of a cave?: I have not. 71. How do you deal with the dark side of yourself?: I’m still learning to do that. Lots of self-reflection tends to be helpful. 72. Name something that you can’t help but save: I don’t like clutter so I don’t tend to save things. 73. What is your addiction?: Peach green tea from Starbucks. 74. If you could wish something for three people, but not for yourself, who would the wishes be for and what would they be?: Success and true happiness for Marc.
An infinite amount of money for my grandmother.
A girlfriend for Matthew that meets all his needs and wants. 75. Would you rather send a message in a bottle or on a balloon?: Balloon I suppose. 76. What did you dream last night?: I remember a blogger I like sending me messages and telling me all the things that are wrong with me and how I should change them to make people like me better. 77. What is one of your most frequent daydreams?: Being rich and being able to buy lavish gifts for everyone I love and care about. 78. What is your favourite stuffed animal?: I don’t have one. 79. If you could have a conversation with any well-known figure of the past or present, who would it be and what would you want to talk about?: That would require a bit more thought. 80. If you could bring anyone back to life, who would it be?: My mom. 81. Are you affectionate?: Only with one person. 82. Name one thing that each of your best friends is really good at: Matthew is very thoughtful and excellent at putting the needs of others before himself. He’s also a great crime stopper!
Dawn can succeed at anything she puts her mind too and has great work ethic.
Michael is a great debater and has the ability to see things from many different perspectives.   83. What are you a perfectionist with?: Everything, honestly. It’s detrimental in a lot of ways and I dislike it. 84. Could you see yourself being able to carry on a long distance relationship?: I’ve been in too many long distance relationships. I couldn’t do that again. 85. If you could be anything but human, including anything mythical, what would you be?: I’d like to be a well taken care of dog or cat. 86. Have you ever meditated? If so, what is your method, and if not, what do you do to relax?: I used to meditate during yoga. I should get back into that. 87. What is something about yourself that you feel no one else understands?: How deep my insecurities are and how fragile my ego is.
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