Well, this is going to be fun.
How much damage can a person do in two days?
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Stalked | Open
Dinah wasn't sure what was going on with her but on her way home from the library she couldn't help but feel like something was following her. Watching her every move. She usually felt safe in Storybrooke no matter what villain was running around. Nothing had ever harmed her before. As she quickened her step, she could have sworn she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she called out "Hello? Is anyone there?"
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I'm making a starter for both M!A asks plus an extra for the second one.
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The wizard pokes his head back into the screen. "And thou shalt be cursed for two days, dear Gemini!"
You just had to come back for more, didn't you?
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A hooded figure saunters in, perhaps an anonymous humanoid, well versed in the arts of witchcraft. "Gemini!" They shout, majestically whisking their wand in the air.
That's impossible. There's only one of me.
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M!A: Stalk for 12 hours.
How wonderful.
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M!As: Send Me Some?? Please? C:
Sight: Muse is blind for ___
Hearing: Muse is deaf for ___
Ariel: Muse doesn't have a tongue for ___
Memory: Muse cannot remember anything for ___
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Fear: Muse will be terrified by something or someone (anon specifies who) for ___
Gemini: Muse will split into two different versions of themself for ___
Basket: Muse finds a baby in a basket and has to take care of it for ___
Compulsion: Muse has OCD for ___ (anon decides primary source of obsession [number, clenliness, etc])
Love: Muse will be in love with (Anon decides) for 2 days
Cloak: Muse will be Invisible if wearing a special Clothing (Anon decides) for 3 Hours
Cough: Muse will be ill for 14 Hours
Remember: Muse will suffer Memory Loss for 4 Days
Gas: Muse will have hallucinogenic imaginary sights for one day.
Beer: Muse will talk like a Drunk and hit on everybody, lasts 3 Hours
Host: Muse will be a Gentleman/Lady for 34 Hours
Age: Muse will be a Kid for 10 Hours
Feels: Muse will be obsessed with an event or something that will cause them to express related emotions (Anon decides)
Phobia: Muse is terribly afraid of something or someone (Anon specifies)
Lurk: Muse will follow ______(Anon can specify who or what)
Answer: Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully, lasts 4 hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Sick: Muse will be sick with a unique flu for (Anon decides. Anon may also specify flu symptoms, they can even be really odd, different from Cough curse.)
Command: Muse has to take commands by the next _______ people in their ask (Anon specifies)
Obsession: Muse will be obsessed with ______ (Anon specifies) for the next 12 hours.
Reverse: Muse's personality will be extremely opposite for (Anon decides)
Extremist: Muse becomes an extremist for (Anon specifies and decides for how long)
Class: Muse will believe they are a high-class prostitute for (Anon decides)
Switch: Muse has to switch bodies with (Anon decides, but muns have to agree) for (Anon decides how long)
Power: Muse gains _______ (Anon specifies) as a power for 17 hours
Confess: Muse has to confess something they think of or feel toward anyone they speak to each time they speak to them for the next 5 hours
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
Slave: Muse becomes a maid or butler to _______ (Anon decides) for 24 hours
Dream: Muse is able to trespass in the dreams and nightmares of others for 48 hours
Impression: Muse thinks they are a ______ (Anon pick an animal) for 15 hours
Gone: Muse loses _____ (Mun decides something or someone important) for 16 hours
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Stalk: Muse thinks they are being stalked for (Anon decides)
Nightmare: Muse is plagued with horrific images and scenes both in sleeping and in waking for 3 days
Paranoia: Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
Infatuation: Muse becomes /madly/ in love with the next person they see on their dashboard for 4 days
Hallucination: Muse sees things for (Anon decides)
Alarm: Muse keeps hearing an alarm go off but cannot figure out where for the next 18 hours
AU: Muse is stuck in an Alternate Universe with little recollection of their own universe for a whole week
Craving: Muse will have an unusual craving for (Anon specifies) for 9 hours
Mother: Muse suspects everyone has insulted their mother for 4 hours
Thin Ice: Muse strays onto thin ice and falls through unless saved. (Mun chooses whether they live or die)
High Tide: Muse is trapped in a cave with water that will fill it in 4 hours.
Pins and Needles: Muse feel as if someone is sticking needles in them for 2 hours.
Crawling Bugs: Muse becomes paranoid of bugs crawling on his/her skin and keeps hallucinating that there are bugs crawling on them.
Angel: Muse is and angel for ___
Demon: Muse is a demon for ___
Possession: Muse is possessed by a demon for ___
Broken: Muse is mentally broken and upset with themselves to the point that they harm themselves for ___
Sleeping Beauty: Muse is cursed by a sleeping spell for ____ days or until someone gives a true loves kiss.
Feel free to add more!
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heroineofneverland started following you.
julietofstorybrooke started following you.
jealouslittletinker started following you.
withafairyinhand started following you.
New people! Hi!
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"It is and when weirder considering we don't' live in a big town. I don't  travel outside much. Could you point me in the direction of Granny's?"
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“Well, that’s inconvenient, isn’t it? Maybe I can help you somehow?”
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"I'm Dinah, by the way." She replied, not sure if he even knew who she was. Not many people when as she kept to herself when she good.
"That's good to know. If anyone's ever robbing my shop, I'll call you." She paused and then looked away while frowning. "Though I highly doubt anyone would ever rob a flower shop. That'd be a complete waste of time!"
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Three Ladies came into the Office (and 300 followers...THANKS!)
He nodded at her guess of his name. “Well…alright then.” he frowned, not quite sure what she was getting at or if there even was something she was getting at. She was acting a touch odd.
“Well if you ever need anything the door’s always open and I keep my phone on all the time.”
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"Because it's theoretical. It's my heart, I do what I want what it." She found herself pouting. "What's that supposed to mean?"
“Why don’t you think it’s real?”he questioned with a smile. “You don’t mind being narrow minded?”he quipped. “How functional.”
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"Yes!" Dinah exclaimed. As a cat she loved flowers. It made sense her Storybrooke counterpart did as well. It was comforting for her to be around them. Especially without Alice around for so long. "That'd be wonderful! You're always welcome." She smiled at the girl. Dinah could imagine all the fun times they would be able to have now that she was human. Everything seemed much easier.
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"Wow, everyone's here aren't they?" Dinah looked away blushing when the girl winked. She'd never dated anyone as a kitten or a human. Interacting with other people wasn't her strong point. "Oh, I don't know..." She said finally.
You know, most people would probably still be in shock after finding out their kitten had turned into a human…but after everything they’d all been through, this was actually one of the greatest things—-Alice had wished that Dinah could speak to her as much as she had wished that the flowers could sing.
“A flower shop!” Alice grinned. It suited her so well. Didn’t she used to love to play in the daisies? Yes, she remembered that quite well. That could make daisy chains whenever her sister tried to read Alice’s history lesson to her. “I’ll have to stop by soon, pick up a bouquet.”
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“Oh yes! The Hatter, the Hare, I think I may have even found the White Rabbit.” Alice beamed, “You know, I could even introduce you to the Cheshire cat. You might like him.” She winked.
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"Wonderful. I'll stop in tomorrow after work."
“I help out there on some days”she shrugged. “I know for sure the book is there, more than one copy”she smiled.
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Deliriously Drunk
Oh no.
I don't drink!
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There's all these topless people again.
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After roleplaying with someone once
Then someone else roleplays with them and you’re like,
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