thedepressolit · 2 months
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buddie + cowboy au
(9-1-1 // gif prompts)
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thedepressolit · 6 months
AU Idea
Hey guys, so I've been hyper fixated on Little Women and I'm currently watching all of the adaptations of it! Whilst watching the series version, something just clicked in my brain.
What if...
What if there was a teen wolf fic that is based loosely around Little Women!
Of course, I haven't thought it all through yet, aka who's who in fic but I thought it would be niche idea and a way to add a little angst into the fray.
I don't know, thought I'd just post my idea out there before it disappears from me lmao
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thedepressolit · 2 years
Wait, who’s back? Update
Hey everyone! I haven’t been on here much nor have I been doing any writing. Not going to lie, I lost motivation in my writing. Well, I lost motivation to do anything in general but I’m back and I am determined to finish the third chapter whilst I do my University essay! Hopefully I will finish it tonight and posted by either tomorrow or the day after.
I hope you are all doing okay!
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thedepressolit · 3 years
Hello, as many of you know, I have been very busy lately or lost motivation to not being able to update my stories! however, now that I am on break and have gained some of my motivation back, I have just recently updated one of my stories, 'Whatever it takes!' a Twilight story. Go check it out if you're interested!
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thedepressolit · 3 years
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Growing up with your starters
Artist:  esasi8794 / Twitter
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thedepressolit · 4 years
A snippet of a story I’m working on because I’m procrastinating on typing up Chapter 4 of the Twilight one
"I love you!"
Shock found its way onto the captive woman's face, tears slowly clouding her vision as she looked forward.
"I love you and your intelligence," the man cried, "your witty remarks to what Laszlo says! Your caring side when one of us is injured, your blushing face when you become embarrassed for yourself or for any of us!"
"So, please! Please-" the man chocked, tears streaming down his face as he grasped for breath, "tell me, tell me you feel the same!" Light brown eyes eagerly followed a pair of dark browns, trying to find the answer to everything in them.
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thedepressolit · 4 years
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Chris Evans & Co
Steve Rogers
Dylan O’Brien & Co
Stiles Stilinski
Henry Cavill & Co
Clark Kent
Ian Bohen & Co
Peter Hale
He’s Family - Peter Hale x Original Male Character - slight angst, fluff, mentions of injuries
Oscar Issacs & Co
Steven Grant/Marc Spector
Robert Downey Jr & Co
Tony Stark
Robert Pattison & Co
Bruce Wayne
Sebastian Stan & Co
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Allison Reynolds
What dating Allison would be like - Fluff
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thedepressolit · 4 years
Hello! I'm back but for a while. Sorry for disappearing for a bit, I lost interest in writing and then uni took a lot of my time... I have, however, come back but with a new story. This time it's twilight and there is twelve chapters all together. All of the chapters should be posted by the end of October!
If you're wondering about my Teen Wolf story, I'm still continuing it, I'm just currently putting it off because writers block is kicking my butt. Hopefully, I'll have my Teen Wolf story finished by the end of November ^^
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thedepressolit · 4 years
So... I have returned...
Umm, Hi there! As you have read in the title of this post, I have returned to tumblr and I don’t know if I will be as active. I am, however, still writing the Teen Wolf Fanfic cause I put that off for a while and then Uni came and slammed me in the face and now that I offically finished my first year of uni, I’m back to continuing with the fanfic, this does mean I will probably be doing one shots again if requested and also being writing up the one’s already requeats.
Um, other than that... Hi! Hello! I’m back... that’s about it hahaha!
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thedepressolit · 5 years
Okay, so... I have been inactive for quite some time now and I apologize for that. University has been up my ass and I've had so much to do during my time here. Meaning that I haven't been able to carry on with my stories but I'm slowly getting back into it. On a positive note, I've got an original fic idea in my head and I've already typed out the plot but I'll be working on that whilst I work on my other stories. I'm sorry for not being able to do much whilst I've been at uni!
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thedepressolit · 5 years
This man needs to stop.
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This beautiful man needs to stop coming for my heart. Look at those eyes, look at how blue they are. . .
This needs to stop, my heart can't take anymore, please.
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thedepressolit · 5 years
This is a rant about a manga. Read if you want to...
This manga, Inari Konkon, is really good. It’s got some romance, supernatural and drama but the mc’s fucking brother is a dick.
Here’s a spoiler,
So the brother, fell in love with a goddess that the sister shares powers with. Now, here’s the fucking kicker. The mc is slowly disappearing becasue the goddess strongly wants to become a human being so she can be with the brother. Because of this, the mc is slowly becoming a god. Now, the goddess hasn’t been to her shrine for a while and the mc needed to talk to her, here is were the brother becomes the dick, he had the goddess in his room and hasn’t told his sister while this whole thing is going down. Here’s another kicker, the brother knew that his sister is slowly disappearing and that the goddess is slowly becomeing human. He didn’t do a thing.
Just cause he wanted to be with goddess cause he fell in love. And, okay, I know that when you love someone you’ll want to protect them and all that jazz but bro. His sister. he didnt’t even think about it. He hid the goddess in his room, watched his sister slowly become a god only to decied to become himself, so he can stay with the goddess.
All of the that could have been avoided if the fucking brother didn’t hide the goddess and actually told his sister where she was so they could sort it out. Instead, he kept it a secret, the mc found out fucking said she didn’t want to become a god even though the goddess wanted to be human. mc ran away with her boyfriend, boyfriend and boyfirend’s possibly step-dad got into an accident cause the bf’s brother was missing, both didn’t injured and mc did. (she used the powers). Mc is disappearing at a faster rate is in haven casue she’s ‘dead’.
All of that could have been avoied my dudes, all of that. But nope, the brother had to be like “I love, I’m going to hide her. I know that my sister is losing energy and is slowly disappearing but I love the goddess. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister but I love the goddess more than my sister!”
Right, ignore me, my rant is over.
Oof, ps, the brother and the boyfriend have a fight because the bf is more worried about the mc and actually punches some sense into the brother and the brother does take it in. He just doesn’t do anythign about it. Instead, he takes the goddess out shopping the next day..
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thedepressolit · 5 years
To let you all know, this is the first fic I've posted on Tumblr and I don't know how I feel about it. Like, does it make sense? Do you guys like Matty Stilinski?? Is Peter Hale out of character? Are all the characters out of character?? Do you like the fact that it's a character x oc or don't like it?? Like, if you'd like, please just give me feedback, just a way so I can improve and you know, study the characters more closely... Sorry to be really annoying, haha!
He’s Family - Peter Hale
Fandom – Teen Wolf
Ship – Peter Hale/Matthew Stilinski [OMC] ; Peter Hale & Stiles Stilinski – Friendship ;
Characters – Peter Hale, OMC, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin and Allison Argent [ mentioned ]
Word Count - 2,142
“Mm, you’re leaving already?”
“Yes, they called me in. I can’t disobey the Alpha.”
The body on the bed moved slightly causing the sheets to rustle. “It’s four in the morning. What could he possibly need from you that can’t wait till a reasonable time?”
“Who knows, either way, he wants me to see him and I’m going to have to see him.” The figure standing move closer to the person on the bed. Bending down, the standing figure kissed the other on the forehead before backing up and making his way to the bedroom door.
“You need to be careful, okay?”
“I’m always careful.” A hint of a smirk came from the standing figure.
“I’m serious, Peter. Be careful.”
The male standing, now known as Peter, turned his body until he was facing the laying body. Well, no longer laying, the figure on the bed was now sat up against the headboards.
“I will, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
After that, Peter walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs until he reached the entrance of the house. With a roll of his neck, he walked out of the building and towards his car, ready to make his way to his nephew’s loft.
“You better be.” Was the last thing Peter heard from his significant other before he climbed into his vehicle and backed out of his driveway.
“What is so important that you had to call me out of bed, dear nephew?” Left Peter’s lips once he stepped into the loft. Everyone was there, except for Stiles, lord knows where Stiles is. Probably sleeping.
Derek scowled from where he sat, eyes glaring at Peter. “You’re late.”
Rolling his eyes, Peter walked down the steps, making his way to an empty sitting space. “I am not late, and you haven’t answered my question.”
“He called a meeting because Stiles has been kidnapped.” Filled the silence, coming from a space a few seats down from the older man. Turning his head, Peter instantly recognized the red fiery hair, Ms. Lydia Martin.
“Repeat that for me again.” Eyes going cold as he looked at everyone sitting in the loft, his hearing must be going because he did not just hear that Stiles was kidnapped.
Keep reading
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thedepressolit · 5 years
Update on my depressing life!!
Just to let you all know on an update on my life, I'm heading off to Uni next month and that's is a big eww. I'm officially and adult and I'm off to learn some more things. . . Don't know how I feel about it, gotta put on the big book pants and just suck it in cause Christ I can't back out. This is a way to shove it to my college tutor's face. HAHAHAHA
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thedepressolit · 5 years
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Mr Ian 'Daddy' Bohen was unable to go in Twitter and instead posted this on Instagram. I'm worried about him but I also love him. That's is all. Please know that this isn't true, I don't really know why he posted it on Instagram but I am curious as to who is appearing in his dreams to have him post this. Must be someone scary... Or something else....
I'm going to go back to writing my story. I have not touched it in three months. Sorry for wasting your time, hehe...
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thedepressolit · 5 years
i really really love when animals lay on their back and their paws do that thing
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thedepressolit · 5 years
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**the entire fandom dies inside**
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