thedarkempath · 11 months
as I told a friend earlier, the second I wanted to get back on here my chronic pain and my new knee problem went “wouldn’t it be funny if we hit this bitch at the same time” OTL so i’ve been... strugglin
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thedarkempath · 11 months
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thedarkempath · 2 years
I wanna thank yall for bearing with me as I’m working on my teaching certification. i know i’m sparsely on but the class ends the first of the month so I should be good to return to rping soon
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thedarkempath · 2 years
simping softness prompts.
basically i got shippy and now there’s these soft little prompts for romantic, platonic, and yearning situations!! use them at your leisure!
“ you’re shivering. here, take my jacket. ”
“ you… sorry, you just got a little something on your face… here, let me get it for you. ”
“ hey, so… i know you haven’t been feeling great, so i picked up a few of your favorite snacks, drinks… ”
“ you stayed? ”
“ well, of course i stayed. you’re here, where else would i be? ”
“ oh! i found this in the mall, i figured it might be something you’d like! ”
“ hey, everything’s gonna be fine. stay where you are, i’m on my way. ”
“ wow… you look… you look amazing. ”
“ we should grab some coffee together, sometime. ”
“ holy crap, i thought you were dead! never do that to me again! ”
“ i made some breakfast, if you’re hungry? ”
“ your hands are freezing! let me warm them up… ”
“ i knew you wouldn’t go to sleep willingly, so i brought you some chamomile tea and a blanket. twenty minutes of shut-eye, okay? ”
“ it’s okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up. ”
“ hey! hey, hey, it’s alright! it’s okay, my darling/friend/love, i’m here, i’ve got you… ”
“ i’ll walk you home. ”
“ you need a lift? ”
“ i… sometimes, i guess i kinda wish you could see yourself through my eyes. ”
“ i see you still have my shirt! ”
“ i got starbucks. this is your favorite, isn’t it? ”
“ you look like you could use a hug. ”
“ okay, quit it with the drinks. i think that’s enough, hmm? i’ll cover the tab, but for now, let’s get you home… ”
“ i’m not letting you sleep on the couch. come on. get under the blankets. ”
“ i mean… i-i’m cool with sharing the bed if you are. ”
“ you were in a really bad way, i wasn’t about to abandon you. ”
“ hey… you’ve been crying. ”
“ don’t think i won’t carry you if i have to! ”
“ of course i noticed. i notice everything about you. ”
“ i knew you wouldn’t bring a jacket, so i made sure to color co-ordinate with you so you could wear mine on the way home. ”
“ please, talk to me… it kills me seeing you like this. ”
“ i got a reservation at that fancy italian place you like. come on. get ready, we can get there in time if we get dressed now! ”
“ he/she/they were an idiot. you’re amazing, and if they can’t see that, that’s on them. ”
“ i’d happily go kick their arse, but i don’t think that would help you. ”
“ you don’t owe me anything. ”
“ i wish i could just freeze time. let this moment be forever. ”
“ i got you some flowers. but, if you have allergies, i also got fake flowers! just in case. ”
“ you realise you don’t need to ask my permission, don’t you? ”
“ what’s mine is yours. always. ”
“ i don’t know precisely what i did to earn your presence in my life, but… i’d do it a thousand times over if i knew what it was. ”
“ yes, these last few years have been a living hell, but… i’d live them a thousand times over if it meant you being safe and happy. ”
“ i don’t care about everyone else! i care about you, [NAME]!”
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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trying to merge the classic Raven's cloak with an Indian veil to feed my headcanons and be happy
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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Inktober 2019!! I’ve decided to draw some of my favourite birds :D To start here’s a Common Raven~ 
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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“How did you stop?” “[…]Ever since I was a child, I… lost everyone I ever loved, so… I hurt people. Yes, killed people. Killed whatever I thought would make the pain go away. It didn’t, no matter how many souls I sent under… So I stopped.”
Dark Phoenix (2019), dir. Simon Kinberg
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thedarkempath · 2 years
shipping fictional characters together as an adult is actually very fun and i encourage it. it is also one of the worst things you can do to yourself and should not be attempted. it's very simple really.
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thedarkempath · 2 years
Cosmic horror protagonist who has seen the Terrible Truth but is so good at repression and compartmentalization that she goes about her life just fine.
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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Teen Titans Spotlight #6 
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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x I plead the fifth
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thedarkempath · 2 years
❝  i’ll always want to listen to you.  ❞
❝  any time spent with you is time i treasure.  every second.  ❞
❝  my favorite color changes but it’s always the same,  whatever color you’re wearing.  ❞
❝  whatever matters to you matters to me,  you’re important to me.  ❞
❝  you’re so strong.  and brave—but i wish you knew you don’t always have to be.  i’m here,  if you’re ever willing to let me help shoulder those burdens.  ❞
❝  i’m not staring,  i’m admiring.  ❞
❝  i’ll always be yours,  in one way or another.  ❞
❝  you don’t ever have to worry with me.  i’m here for good.  ❞
❝  you are more beautiful than you know.  ❞
❝  you have a beautiful mind and a wonderful soul,  don’t ever let anyone make you think differently.  ❞
❝  i’m happier when you’re here.  ❞
❝  you’ve become my joy.  ❞
❝  whatever else happens,  if i have you,  i’m content.  ❞
❝  well,  i do feel a little better now that you’re here.  ❞
❝  you do make me happy,  it’s important you know that.  ❞
❝  you will always be my priority.  ❞
❝  i love you forever.  ❞
❝  you don’t know how glad i am to see you.  ❞
❝  you look wonderful.  ❞
❝  i want you to feel safe with me.  ❞
❝  i’m not letting you go until you say it out loud.  you’re beautiful and strong.  you deserve to believe it.  ❞
❝  sometimes you amaze me—i mean you always do.  but you have such intuition and real wisdom about things.  i like understanding the way you see the world.  ❞
❝  you carry yourself with such grace.  ❞
❝  you have a way of lighting up even the darkest moments.  ❞
❝  a tender heart is a courageous thing to preserve.  don’t ever be ashamed of having one.  ❞
❝   being around you makes me a better person.  ❞
❝  i hope you know just how full of worth you are.  ❞
❝  you always make me see things differently.  i appreciate your perspective. ❞
❝  i’m just enjoying you.  you look happy today and i like seeing that.  ❞
❝  you’re very valuable to me.  ❞
❝  you can come to me with anything.  anything at all.  ❞
❝  there is not a place in the world i would rather be than right here with you.  ❞
❝  come here,  come sit in my lap and tell me about your day.  ❞
❝  come put your head in my lap and tell me something new.  ❞
❝  i love it when you smile at me like that.  ❞
❝  i don’t think i can share you with anyone today.  ❞
❝  i’ll take you anywhere you want.  just tell me where.  ❞
❝  bored? of you?  impossible.  ❞
❝  if you like it i’ll get you one.  ❞
❝  your happiness matters greatly to me.  ❞
❝  you deserve to reach the goals you want in life.  you deserve to obtain anything you wish.  ❞
❝  you’re doing well.  you’re just discouraged and tired.  ❞
❝  you need to rest,  you don’t have to do it all today.  ❞
❝  the way i love you goes beyond description.  even those words don’t seem like enough.  ❞
❝  you come first.  you’re always my first choice.  ❞
❝  no,  if you’re upset that’s what matters right now.  talk to me.  ❞
❝  i want to share in your joy.  i want to be part of all things that make you happy.  ❞
❝  all of my best moments are the ones that have you in them.  ❞
❝  i would give you anything you ask of me. ❞
[ COMFORT ]  sender discovers receiver brooding and quietly approaches to carefully hug them from behind. 
[ SOOTHE ]  in the midst of a tense moment,  receiver turns away to conceal their emotions but sender wraps their arms around them and holds them from behind. 
[ CLOSE ]  sender reaches out and pulls receiver into their lap as they’re walking by. 
[  STOP  ]  sender reaches out and takes receiver’s face into their hands,  drawing them away from what they’re doing so they can just look at receiver for a moment.  
[ GIVE ]  sender greets with receiver with a gift. 
[ BRING ]  sender takes receiver out for the day to pamper them. 
[ ATTENTION ]  sender peppers a series of caresses over receiver’s face in an attempt to make them laugh or smile. 
[ COAX ]  sender knows receiver has had a lot on their mind,  so they hold them for a while to help them relax and hopefully open up. 
[ CARESS ]   sender sits by quietly while receiver works,  petting their hair and simply providing company. 
[ RELAX ]  sender gives receiver a massage. 
[ LOOK ]  for receiver to catch sender gazing adoringly at them.
[ MORNING ]  for sender to wake receiver with a kiss. 
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thedarkempath · 2 years
“I want him to suffer as I have suffered. I think I could fit the sky inside the hole he made in me.”
— Nicola Maye Goldberg, from “A Woman Surveys a Treacherous Mountain Pass,” published in Nailed Magazine (via lifeinpoetry)
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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alien superstar
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thedarkempath · 2 years
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A raven staring into the night sky.
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thedarkempath · 2 years
“how else to get touched. but admitting: this hurts / everywhere, it hurts it hurts.”
— Franny Choi, from “SM,” published in HEArt Online
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thedarkempath · 2 years
oblivious idiots in love
credit if reposting, don't repost to other websites, change pronouns as needed x
“ you really don’t see it, do you? “
“ if there’s nothing going on there, you don’t mind if i ask her out, do you? “
“ you flat out just admitted you have feelings for me. “
“ i think i’m falling in love with you. “
“ is that really all she is to you? “
“ he kissed you? “ it was more of a peck... “
“ she’s just a friend? “
“ you’re so full of shit. “
“ come on, you’re in love with her. “
“ doesn’t take an idiot to figure it out. “ “ are you calling me an idiot? “
“ i wanted to kiss you. i’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite a while. “
“ so you kissed him, and then you... “ “ ran away. “
“ friends don't look at each other that way. “
“ not like i’ve fantasized about you, or anything… “
“ friends don’t talk about each other that way. “
“ you said i had nice lips. who says that? “
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“ it’s easy to confuse feelings for something they aren’t, especially when eye-contact is involved. “
“ friends kiss each other all the time, right? “
“ we're just friends. “
“ you're still hung up on [your ex]. “
“ if you refuse to make a move, i will. “
“ man, fuck that guy. go show her what she’s missing. “
“ just put us all out of our misery and admit it already. “
“ she invited you to her [loved one's] funeral? “ “ yeah, for support and comfort. “ “ ...why you specifically? “
“ you were practically made for each other. “
“ she shut me down last time, remember? “
“ you’re in denial. “ “ i am not in denial! “
“ that guy's a real jerk. you should be with someone who respects you. “ “ and who would that be? “
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel something for me. “
“ do you have a crush on me or something? “
“ are you asking me out? “ “ no. i mean yes, maybe... as friends? “
“ don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you. “
“ unless you don't like me, in which case i take it back. “
“ do you think that this, us… do you think it could ever be something more? “
“ she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. “
“ i’m worried that if we go there, and things don't work out... things might never be the same. “
“ you know that’s not the case. she adores you. “
“ you’re more than just friends. it’s obvious. “
“ of course i love him, we’ve been friends for ages. “
“ grow some balls and be honest with her. “
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