thebsdude · 12 hours
Shadowheart in pearls.
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based on this fit:
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thebsdude · 12 hours
When a trans girl tells you she got a "new toy" you never know if she's talking about a sex toy, a submissive trans person that melts with every word she says, or something extremely nerdy that would require a 15 page essay to explain why she likes it.
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thebsdude · 13 hours
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finally did something for mermay thanks to falin my beloved and her tiny gf
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thebsdude · 13 hours
Yes im trans girl Laios-pilled for several reasons but honestly the thing that hits home for me the most is Laios's rejection by izutsumi (both personally and done multiple times on her behalf by the other members of a party) and how isolating and confusing it is that he personally is given separate boundaries for reasons he can't understand.
As a child and long into adulthood id have these experiences where certain situations where our collective is suddenly split by gender. the girls are doing this together, this conversation is girls only. My exclusion made some kind of sense, I was a boy. But it felt deeply upsetting that there was some thing about me that i didn't even understand that made me not one of them. And no one else seemed upset about being put in the wrong category! So the only conclusion i could make was my desire to be included in the girls' spaces and activities was strange and creepy, itself justifying my exclusion.
Back to Laios, we've already talked a lot about is autism, and how he deeply relates to monsters and how they are misunderstood. Kitty-moded Izutsumi rejects pets from Laios, but in the normal world, his exclusion is almost entirely enforced by the others (mainly chilchuck). We know that Laios is not being a pervert when he wants to look at Izutsumi, she herself explicitly doesn't care about being seen naked, but the rest of the group decides this is a boundary that shouldn't be crossed. Similarly in the adventurers' bible, Zumi tries to find comfort in sleeping next to Laios, who starts giving her pets as if she were a cat. Again, Izutsumi herself isn't uncomfortable with this, quite the opposite. Chilchuck sees this and aggressively puts a stop to it, allowing her to share a bed with him instead. Both reasons i could think of for doing this, that he perceives it as either perverse (which it isn't) or as bad optics (it is) both exclude Laios from a connection with Izutsumi on the basis of conforming to social norms.
Ignoring all that, just the idea that Laios envies Izutsumi for traits that for herself are deep sources of self-hatred is like yeah, trans :3
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thebsdude · 14 hours
Episode 17:
"Don't you care how many people you're sacrificing just to protect this one individual?" Kabru has a greater good mentality but will stick his neck out for one person if he thinks it will have a better outcome for the collective - see him protecting Laios from the canaries several times because he thinks he's the best person to keep the dungeon for the short-lived races
"If I could have taken your place than I definitely would have." That would not have been a sacrifice for you huh, Laios
I know this is the episode that launched a thousand discourse posts but tbh I think it's a very well portrayed personality clash/battle of the unintentional microaggressions. The fandom needs to calm down
For the most part I don't think the animation is adding much to this adaptation (Kui's art is very good and some of it gets lost here) but I liked the way they did the chimera fight. The scoring emphasized that this is a tragic scene rather than a cool battle
Episode 18:
"There were records of it a long time ago, but currently our typical lifespan is about 500 at best." 'Our'. I thought Marcille claimed she never lied about her race.
Amused by everyone ignoring chiseled Senshi for most of the competition
When Laios says "I'm pretty sure rice is Shuro's favorite food" they cut the pop up of Toshiro saying "it's not". The microaggressions continue
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thebsdude · 14 hours
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thebsdude · 14 hours
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falin nyom
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thebsdude · 15 hours
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This is how this scene went right
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thebsdude · 15 hours
(this is comic #14) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13][13.5] [all posts] [from the start]
the hermit, the devil, the moon (aka a story about becky's grip)
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the not-easily-divisible-by-3 pagecount (becky voice collect my 8 pages) was killing me when i went to arrange this photoset, and i don't love how that looks, but more than anything i'm really just glad it isn't 14 pages again. also did i draw this really quickly or is it just me 😭
maybe cus it has like nooo backgrounds unlike last time. we're in the comfy becky world again where nothing outside matters. smiles
anyway, i missed drawing maid time <3
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thebsdude · 15 hours
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Oz may be living in Oscar’s head but they’re both living in mine rent free
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thebsdude · 16 hours
Wait while we’re all being unhinged about, like, stew. We all obsessed over the Joy of Cooking as children right. Right
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thebsdude · 16 hours
"Do you ever dream of land?" The whale asks the tuna.
"No." Says the tuna, "Do you?"
"I have never seen it." Says the whale, "but deep in my body, I remember it."
"Why do you care," says the tuna, "if you will never see it."
"There are bones in my body built to walk through the forests and the mountains." Says the whale.
"They will disappear." Says the tuna, "one day, your body will forget the forests and the mountains."
"Maybe I don't want to forget," Says the whale, "The forests were once my home."
"I have seen the forests." Whispers the salmon, almost to itself.
"Tell me what you have seen," says the whale.
"The forests spawned me." Says the salmon. "They sent me to the ocean to grow. When I am fat with the bounty of the ocean, I will bring it home."
"Why would the forests seek the bounty of the oceans?" Asks the whale. "They have bounty of their own."
"You forget," says the salmon, "That the oceans were once their home."
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thebsdude · 17 hours
contrary to popular belief, someone who is fluent in their second language (L2) is unlikely to slip into their first language (L1)  in these circumstances:
if someone just said something to them in L2 (this a big unconscious cue, and you’d be really unlikely to respond in L1 right after that)
when swearing in the middle of a sentence (e.g. “oh merde, i forgot my keys!”)
during sex
when speaking to someone they normally speak to in L2
it is slightly more common in these circumstances:
swearing, as long it’s not part of a sentence (e.g. they might just mutter “merde” if they forgot their keys)
if they’re surprised (especially if falling/tripping or experiencing sudden pain!)
when speaking to someone they normally speak to in L1
in their sleep or talking to themselves
when very disoriented, such as when concussed or on certain drugs
that being said, it is very common for people to intentionally use their first language in front of people who don’t speak it for a variety of reasons (they might use a short expression they only know in L1, call their partner pet names, dirty talk during sex because their partner finds it attractive) – but this is on purpose!
also this doesn’t account for people who grew up in an environment where people often mix multiple languages in their speech (e.g. spanglish or franglais) – in that case, they may accidentally drop an L1 swear into an L2 sentence, though they’ll still generally stick to L2 when speaking to people who only speak that language
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thebsdude · 17 hours
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A Night to Remember...
Surpriiise @yangtism , it is I, your RWBY fanworks exchange giftee! <33 I took one look at your requests, saw Bumblebee, saw your 'fake dating' prompt, and I ran with it I'm sorry I was late, my ambition unfortunately didn't match my available time. 😅 But- I hope you are happy with your gift! I sure had a ton of fun working on it. 🥰🥰
And of course, thank you @remnants-of-rwby-exchange for organizing this exchange!! It turned out absolutely amazing and I'm so glad so many awesome and talented people took part.
Cheers guys, and onto the next rwby celebration! 💕
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thebsdude · 17 hours
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thebsdude · 18 hours
Once again randomly remembered this story about a couple who had a small parrot - pretty sure it was a budgie - who didn't talk but learned to communicate with people in its own way. Once it figured out that people always turn to check their phones when the notification sound comes on, it started making the text message notification sound to request human attention. The parrot also liked to follow people to the door whenever guests were leaving, and would use its wings to pantomime the motions of a person putting their coat on. A very clever, charming bird.
And every once in a while it just randomly hated some people. Not for any real reason, or even reason to suspect bad vibes, but by deciding "fuck this person in particular" for shits and giggles alone. And one time when the owners had invited a new friend to their home, the bird decided that it Did Not Like Her.
So in the middle of polite conversation, the bird - who was free to roam around the apartment at the time - hopped onto the living room coffee table, right in front of the unwanted guest. And in that moment, the owners put two and two together and understood that whatever mischief the bird had decided to do, it was now too late to stop it.
But instead of unleashing the absolute hell that even the tiniest displeased parrot could be capable of, the little budgie made its little "may I have your attention please" cell phone notification sound, and once the guest was focused on the bird, looked at her dead in the eye while doing the putting-my-coat-on wing motion.
The guest did not recognise the pantomime for what it was, but she was nonetheless delighted that the parrot would do a little wing-roll dance for her. And the host couple were at first too stunned and then too polite to tell her how impressive that gesture truly was. Their bird had shown both remarkable restraint and cleverness by using its entire vocabulary of human communication just to say
"I have an important announcement: I think you should leave."
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thebsdude · 18 hours
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Its hilarious the juxtaposition of Main Charecter Syndrome Kabru and Im Just a Guy Laios
Kabru who keeps talking about his destiny and his journey and his self assinged mission that he is convinced he's the only one who can carry out
And the Laios who when called The Chosen One he went 'chosen? For what?' and when they told him he was propheticised to be king and he almost shit himself
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