thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“oh we are truly awful,” he says, looking down, waiting a moment for his mother to get back in conversation before grabbing another shot and downing it. he wipes his mouth and then looks back at amelia. “wouldn’t your brother do the same?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
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“Eddie’s busy with his kids, so no.. I don’t think so.” She smirked taking another shot. “c’mon petey, I doubt this will make the evening go faster? Where are your boys?” 
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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          “do the fake condolences ever stop?” they asked, wondering if it was rude to ask. there were so many people that they knew weren’t really sorry for their loss, yet they said it anyway to fill the space. grace didn’t know how people could get through this, but at least they’d never have to go through this again. “it isn’t your fault.” of course, grace didn’t know that, though they hardly thought that amelia knew who was behind it. “it’s okay.” 
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“They haven’t yet, so I don’t think so.” She said honestly, holding the others hand and giving it a tight squeeze. “Want me to get you out of here?” She offered
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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           ❛  hey  —  that’s  great.  it’s  always  much  easier  to  think  about  other  things  when  you  have  results.  ❜  he  was  proud  of  her,  and  even  more  so  at  her  next  set  of  news.  he  couldn’t  imagine  anyone  better  suited  for  the  position  than  his  kid  sister,  but  the  thought  of  it  was  bittersweet  because  really,  she  was  no  longer  his  ‘kid’  sister.  ❛  you  deserve  it,  and  the  idea  of  not  having  to  stress  next  year.  i’m  really  proud  of  you,  ames.  ❜  the  grin  on  his  face  genuine,  and  only  began  to  grow  when  he  got  to  talk  about  his  kids.  ❛  they’re  great,  we’re  now  learning  how  to  fly.  you  should  definitely  think  about  coming  over  sometime  so  they  can  learn  from  the  quidditch  professional  herself.  ❜  
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“You’re right, yeah.” She nodded, looking at him with a small smile. “Thanks Eddie, I should, I miss them, I bet they’ve gotten huge... I can teach them, though I doubt their mom would be too happy about that, she’s alright if they learn to fly?” She ask biting her lip
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“Lily! Thank merlin you’re here. I missed you, I’m glad you could make it...” She said hugging the other girl and sighed, “I can’t handle it here much longer, so I might bail early, but I’m glad I got to see you before I’m going to go...” She said a bit nervously as she looked around.
﹕   𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧⠀  ›      @beforedawnstarters
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      it  was  uncomfortable  to  walk  into  hogsmeade  and  be  met  with  so  many  faces  that  left  the  hairs  on  the  back  of  her  neck  lifting  —  faces  lily  knew  took  personal  offense  to  people  like  her  .  she  could’ve  not  come  ,  she  had  every  reason  to  simply  stay  home  ,  but  making  an  appearance  at  the  memorial  felt  important  to  her  —  what  had  happened  had  been  a  tragedy  ,  an  abomination  ,  and  the  redhead  had  felt  the  urge  to  come  pay  her  respects  regardless  of  the  company  around  her  .  it  had  been  a  last  minute  decision  ,  so  she  couldn’t  even  be  sure  if  any  of  her  friends  would  be  there  ,  but  for  now  that  didn’t  matter  .  the  small  crowd  formed  around  grace  tuft  meant  she’d  wait  a  bit  ,  give  them  space  ,  instead  moving  towards  the  bar  —  a  gentle  tone  to  her  voice  when  she  moved  to  take  a  place  next  to  another  wix  ,  brushing  past  them  as  she  did  so  .  "  excuse  me  .  "
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“of course, Grace, I know how much of a circus this whole thing can be and I’m here if you need anything.” She said reaching a supportive hand onto the other’s shoulder, “I’m really really sorry you have to go through this.” Amelia knew what it was like to lose someone and she knew how hard it was when everything was put on show like this.
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          it wasn’t that grace wasn’t thankful someone was throwing a memorial for their family—they didn’t have the means to do so right now anyway. grace felt like this was forced, there was something off about the situation and they didn’t like it. if grace didn’t want to be here, then she couldn’t imagine anyone else wanted to be here either. while grace had friends, it seemed like the people that she talked to didn’t understand the loss that she’d gone through. they didn’t want people to go through what they were going through now, but at some point, they didn’t really know what else to do or say to make people understand that her grief was normal. what grace didn’t want, was a bunch of people who had barely ever spoken a word to her before, coming up and saying how sorry they were. they wanted answers. still, they had a part to play. “thank you so much for coming.” 
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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Amelia smirked taking her own shot to deal with the stress of the evening, “I’ll let you know, but your mom might kill us both if she finds you drinking.” She teased watching the older pettigrew woman and just looked back at peter and held her newly filed glass up in cheers, knowing no one was around to tell her off.
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“if my mom turns this way let me know,” he says as he quickly grabs the shot of firewhisky and takes it in one gulp, he makes a face at the burn before looking over at the direction of his mother who was talking to one of her friends. when she turned over towards him he waved, making a scene of grabbing his glass of water before she turned again. “merlin,” he sighs, asking for another. funerals were never his forte, he remembers having gone to them for some relative that he doesn’t remember, it was a bunch of people walking up to him explaining they’re sorry for his loss but he didn’t really know what he was losing. he looks over at the only surviving member of the tuft family and he feels bad for them but he doesn’t know where to really put all the things that he’s feeling so he’s here at the bar. 
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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           he  was  relieved  to  say  the  least,  even  if  the  hug  was  as  swift  as  a  blink  of  the  eye.  ❛  i  missed  you,  too,  kid.  how  were  the  last  few  days  of  sixth  year  ?  ❜  it  felt  like  forever  ago  when  edgar  himself  was  at  hogwarts.  he  sat  back  down  at  the  table  and  took  note  of  all  the  papers  she  brought  in.  ❛  what’s  all  this  ?  ❜  
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“Well, it went as well as to be expected, I guess..” she said shortly, “I got mostly O’s which was good but anyways, how are the kids?” She asked settling into her seat, “I’m working for the business this summer. Now that I’m of age, aunt Susan doesn’t need to do as much anymore and I can take more of a responsibility over things, I just need the boards support after I’m done to assume the full position after hogwarts is done.”
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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Amelia walked into the pub, her hair pulled back. Arms filled with papers. “Yeah, well I’m here.” She smiled, setting them down on her papers on the table, to give him a quick hug. “I missed you Eddie.” She smiled
closed — @thebrokenbones​
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           he  hadn’t  spoken  to  amelia  in  a  while  —  really  because  he  was  unsure  as  to  what  to  say.  but  now,  it  was  the  summer  holiday  meaning  she  would  be  coming  back  from  scotland,  even  if  only  for  a  little  while,  and  he  missed  his  little  sister.  ❛  hey  —  ❜  edgar  started  getting  up  as  soon  as  he  noticed  his  sister  enter  the  crowded  bar.  ❛  i  was  hoping  you’d  get  my  owl.  ❜ 
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“That sounds perfect. We could even go get drinks at a muggle pub too.”
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“A muggle pub? That sounds amazing, yes please.”
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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     Regulus looks at Amelia incredulously. He knew some parents followed that line of thinking, the more progressive one, but he figured the pureblood families would want to keep the magical lines clear. But then again, he doesn’t remember the Bones family being in the sacred twenty eight anyway. “That’s great,” he says honestly. “I’m not engaged yet,” he frowns, “I imagine it’ll be figured out by the end of the summer, now that I’m of age. I’m not the heir though, that’s all on Sirius, so figuring out my future is a bit less of a priority.”
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Amelia was happy she didn’t have to follow the same traditions as some of the other purebloods, her parents never enforced it, even when they were alive, so she just was able to enjoy herself for the most part. “I think your future is important.” She smiled looking at him  “How is Sirius? I haven’t heard from him yet, he hasn’t answered any of my letters?” She asked biting her lip.
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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At least one person not in full-on Gwen-mode for these last few days. Of course, Marlene wanted things to go well, but… Her mind shook off with a brighter grin following to Amelia’s glittering eyes. “I’m your friend. That’s so lovely of you to say, my love. And welcome to my new office sans-sister for the moment like I’m the one in charge. Have her tamping soon enough, I bet.”
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“I love your new office, Marls... now can we please get lunch? The business I’ve done has left me starved and while I like the work, I want to be able to enjoy my summer” She laughed moving to stand.
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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      Regulus shrugs. “My cousins, my friends, my acquaintances. Definitely me at some point, though mother and father will probably wait until after graduation. For you as well, I assume?” he says. It was only natural, after all, that pureblood wixes get betrothed in their last years of Hogwarts. He supposes it’s only a matter of time before the two are attending the weddings of their peers. “This is just for a debutante ball, though. A preliminary apology.”
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Amelia was a pureblood but her parents had made it clear she could choose who she married, so she shook her head. “No, my parent’s always said if i wanted to get married it would be my choice, so not really in the cards for me you know..? I don’t really go to any of those things anymore... I mean I got the invitation but their just too many...” She said trailing off and looking at him. “Are you engaged yet then?”
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
Amelia had seen Marlene sneak into her sisters office and figured she’d go see her after filing the paper work she’d needed to for her families business hoping Marlene would be there that long. “I don’t know it’s pretty urgent.” She said teasingly, sitting opposite the girl with a smirk. “Merlin no, I wanted to say hi to my friend not your sister.” She said with a large smile.
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Marlene swirled herself around in her sister’s chair in the dreary office. “Bride-to-be is out to lunch. Can I take a number and you wait?” Her feet kicked up to the desk; if she was going to be stuck here for a few hours then it might as well be a fun time. She held a parchment in quill in her hands, mocking importance of the words she did not really write down. Ernie had a person who did something similar outside his office. She’d rather hang herself over the mouth of the giant squid than do any of this work, but for now the game of it would suffice. “Aye, you were actually like looking for her, weren’t you?” Her eyes finally gazed up to the individual, but she still found it hard to not break into a grin given the circumstance. @beforedawnstarters​
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“Drinks and wandering the muggle world? How does that sound?”
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“See, the wonderful thing about summer,” Hilde said, “is I don’t have to think about my NEWTs until it’s over. The annoying thing is I do get to listen to my family argue. So, I am up for literally anything right now that will get me out for… well, as long as you can.”
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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     “I’ll be sure to leave a galleon in the tip jar,” he responds blandly, the flush covering his features the only indication that he was rather embarrassed by being caught. He eyes the sweet suspiciously, not sure if he trusts her not to feed him one that tastes of grass, or maybe even earwax. He pops it into his mouth anyway and grins when the flavour of blueberry pie hits his senses. “Thank you,” he responds and gestures to the display in front of him. “Don’t suppose you know what sweet says: “Sorry You Might Have to Marry An Idiot”?
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She laughed softly at his blush, “Anytime,” She smiled and than nodded. “Chocolate frogs I think do the trick.. whose got to marry an idiot?” She asked looking over the display with a contemplative glance.
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“Only because I saw you read the sign, ignore it and get something rancid tasting.” She laughed lightly offering him one from her own box that she knew would taste good. “Here, try it.” She offered kindly.
for: OPEN. @beforedawnstarters​ where: honeydukes, hogsmeade
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     Regulus stands in the shop, an air of frustration surrounding him. Having been standing there for well over 10 minutes now, he is no more closer to picking a selection than he was the minute he stepped into the bloody place. He lets out a huff of annoyance, glaring at the colourful displays as he blatantly disregards a “No Tasting!” sign and pops a Bertie Botts into his mouth. He winces at the taste and swallows it, giving the display an even more venomous look as if it’s solely to blame for his misfortune. “Bet you were glad to see that, weren’t you,” he mutters to the sweets, not noticing the close-by wix eyeing him in amusement.
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thebrokenbones · 3 years
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“You could save them for later, I don’t see why you would put them in the bin?” She said looking at sybill taking one anyways with a shrug, “What is your first plan since being back?”
open ; @beforedawnstarters​
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    “ oh , come on -” sybill  gives  the  other  an  easy  smily  as  her  arm  extends  towards  them .  her  right  hand  holds  a  barely  touched  bag  of  licorice  wands  she  bought  from  the  trolley  earlier .  “ just  finish  them ,  why  don’t  you ?  it’ll  be  wasted  if  i  keep  them  now  that  we’re  here  at  the  station .” 
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