Who asks you the most?
Don’t get many asks these days. Which is my fault for not being active
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Is absolutely beautiful and I love it 💙💙
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A lovely unexpected visitor ran into a certain snake lurking about for a snack at night… Wonder what might happen next, now that she seems to be enjoying her stay with a beautiful set of eyes.
Fukumi the Alolan Ninetails and Lucian the Snake belong to my boyfriend @thebosswolfvincent
Happy Birthday My Love<3
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Best to show a stern look with that sort of thing. Let’s the would be hypnotist that you aren’t going out without a fight! Or at all. And there’s no proof showing otherwise
I was looking around for references of Kaa for a pic I wanted to do, and I came across a scene from the ol JungleBungle that I personally feel is just SOOOOO underrated, and has a lot of little details that drive me nuts 💦
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This scene with our bois here. More specifically, the part where Kaa realizes he’s in a little bit of a predicament, and tries to put the eyes on ol Khan.
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But what happens inbetween is what I find super neato Because when Khan resists Kaa’s hypnosis, he’s not staring directly into it, and just not being affected. 
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He at first looks a little surprised to see the snake attempt it. Almost caught a little off-guard.  But then just a few frames later, he’s already realized what Kaa was up to.
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Then he physically stops himself from looking at Kaa, and puts on a very stern frown to stop himself from smiling at all.
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Which was something very similar to what Bagheera tried to do.
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Until he slipped up.   
It’s a small detail like that that I love keeping in mind when doodling characters who are *supposed* to be resisting. If you’re trying to convey a character resisting hypno, and actually fighting, it’s really good to show that stern frown!
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Here’s an example of it with a messy little doodle I did with my bud’s character @thebosswolfvincent It’s SUUUUCH a good expression. And conveys the mental fighting really well in my opinion.
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Help my heart can’t take this beauty 💙💙💙
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OOC: Big commission piece done! Many thanks to @ssecarthepython for being so patient! :’3 
Characters featured: Scott @thebosswolfvincent, RiZ @ssecarthepython, Kenny @ask-nagakenny, Asudem @scales-and-spirals, and Haphus @haphus-mun-rah
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Fukumi looking perfect 💙
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Fukumi looking fantastic in her Halloween costume
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So how long does it usually take for Vincent's stomach to reduce down? And how much of a struggle is it to walk around with a belly bulge?
Depends on the size of the ‘meal’. I’d wager about 2 weeks as long as he works out constantly to make sure they are fully taken care of Given his strength I’d say it’s not much of a struggle. Just an extra work out
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Well if the opportunity to take that deliciously beautiful fox bat on a uh, let’s say ‘dinner date’ is still open i’d love to take her off your hands~
The world needs more Fukkusu.
It does!! If ya got ideas for her, send ‘em in!
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Food gets no hugs. The bottom food chain only gets eaten
Mind if I give Suzu a big ol' hug to cheer her up after her recent Peril? Everyone could often do with a hug to cheer up after a bad day.
No hugs allowed
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Oh that delicious mouse~ I would adore to have her in my stomach~ it’s where little thief’s belong
I’d love to commission Suzu in her peril/despair sometime, especially how you described how she’d react. What sort of things might she be saying or thinking as she realizes she’s going to be digested and whatnot?
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Saturday asks?
Can be about any of my characters. Just trying to pass time
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Vince seems like a chill guy when you get on his good side. How would he react to people throwing themselves on to him begging him to eat them?
Probably wouldn’t do it.He’s gotta have a reason. Voring someone is a punishment in Vincent’s way of doing things.
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I’ll keep trying this
It’s Friday. I’m super bored. Anyone want to send asks?
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That sounds rather fun actually~ I’d certainly enjoy showing a little dominance over those delightfully fat cuties with a good old rump hump~
I'd just like to know where you generally veer with your characters having a fun little (non-explicit) hump :P Are there certain characters of yours who'd be more into it like Sascha or Reina? And are there any preferences in terms of partners like Shere Khan or Bagheera? These are meant as examples, but also couldn't hurt as suggestions if it helps :)
I imagine that all of my girls enjoy it! Sascha’s probably the one who’d be most into it, tho I’d bet Reinà, Fukkusu, and Razz would all really dig it, too. As for partner preference… any cutie would do! (Tho I am a bit partial to pairing them up with cute boys!) Shere Khan and Baggy would definitely qualify!
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Only I may touch this butt
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Here’s a doodle of my snake butt
Property of @thebosswolfvincent
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If you could go back and live in any time period you wanted to, witch would it be?
That’s a good question. I’d say the modern time is the best but I’d like to take a peek at the mafia back in the 60’s I suppose.
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how did you persaude that snake to hypnotize her?
Oh that was easy. I gave the snake a choice.A) Help me hypnotize Chloe.B) Become my next pair of bootsAfter some physical displays to prove I wasn’t joking, the snake obliged The art of negotiation is beautiful
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