Send ‘What happened?’ for a starter of my muse injured
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Send 🗝 to force my muse to talk about a topic they never want to speak of
We all have a chapter we don’t read aloud, use this to free that bottled up emotion.
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Guilty Thoughts
[[Whooo boy, I have uh, I just vanished didn’t I! I’m back now however! As an apology have this little drabble I did. I say little but it’s fairly long so I’m putting it under a read more. I’ll hopefully be a bit more active now!
Anyway! Read on and enjoy the story.]]
Trevor sat silently in his room at the monastery as he went over the most recent hunt he was sent out on. Normally he wouldn’t stop to think about them, after all they were all monsters. But this time it was different. This time it was a family. His jaw clenched as he flopped on his back and tried to push the entire event out of his mind. He tried to focus on things he had to do the following day, various chores and tasks he was responsible for. However, it was a pointless venture for him as their faces kept creeping back into his mind causing a budding sense of guilt in his gut.
The hunted party was a small family of vampires. A mother, father and an older child. When he had first arrived at their residence the father hadn’t been home, but rather just the mother and the child. Trevor had hesitated only briefly before making his presence known, the mother immediately recognizing the crest he wore on his breast. He listened to her tried to reason with him, trying to explain that they weren’t doing anything wrong and how they didn’t kill anyone. She tried so very hard to get him to listen to her, to convince him to spare her family of his judgment.
He didn’t listen.
He told her exactly what he thought of her kind, how they were a plague on the earth placed there by the devil. He told her this before cutting her down. He turned his attention to the house before heading inside, looking for the younger vampiric child. His heart had felt heavy even then as he searched for them to end their life, but he didn’t slow in his motions in finding them. They were too old to be saved by the church and they couldn’t even walk on the hollowed earth that the churches sat on. He had to believe that, he had to repeat it over and over in his mind. Even as he stared down at a crying child.
Trevor listened as they cried out for their mother and father. Crying out for anyone to save them. His hand had shaken the entire time, having been unable to see the creature in front of him any different from a normal child. It had taken him a little while to steady himself for what it was he was there to do. What he had to do. He would save them from the fate of growing into a true monster. Telling himself that once more he knelt down and placed his hand over their face, ignoring the biting the followed suit before he drove his blade threw their heart. He had offered a prayer as he did so, a part of him hoping they were still young enough to be spared the punishment their kind was likely to go through after death.
There was silence as he watched them to turn into ash and fall apart as they passed on; A moment after he whipped around to block an attack that was likely aimed to kill to him from the father. They looked infuriated at what they had seen, they looked like a monster and it had made it so much easier for him to fight them. He burnt the image of the enraged vampire into his mind as they fought as to remind himself this is what he was fighting. The children that once lived in that cottage would grow into vicious and cruel beasts that needed to feed on the innocent to survive. He couldn’t afford to believe they could ever be like normal people.
The fight with the father had lasted a while, and Trevor had been pretty beat up by the end of it not being used to the longer fights just yet. However, he won the fight none the less when he sliced the vampires head off of their shoulders and walked away as they dropped to the ground just a pile of ash. After everything he hadn’t wasted anytime to returning back to the monastery to let them know that he finished his task, a mild sense of pride and accomplishment in his mind as he travelled. He kept telling himself that he had made Wallachia just a little bit safer for the people who lived there, and during his travels it was enough to keep his heart light.
Now however, he sat with only his thoughts in the dark as he went over the events over and over again the guilt burning fiercer then ever before, especially whenever he’d look at the hand the had the bite on it. Unable to settle his own thoughts he stood up and walked out and down the halls the sounds of his boots on the stone floor mildly echoing in the otherwise silent building. He stopped moving outside of one particular door before knocking on it and waiting.
But there was no answer, something that didn’t surprise him given the hour it must have been. He’d need to approach them the following day and maybe free himself from this crushing guilt that weighed on him. Turning away Trevor quietly returned back to his room, his gaze frequently looking to the hand that was bit. And even as he laid down to try and rest, he knew that his mind would be plagued with the imaged of carnage that he caused.
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[[As the start of this year has finally settled down work wise for me I can now pay attention to tubmlr as frequently as I did previously! As such!
Plus give this a like for a starter. I’d love to interact with what few people have noticed this blog haha!]]
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[[As the start of this year has finally settled down work wise for me I can now pay attention to tubmlr as frequently as I did previously! As such!
Plus give this a like for a starter. I’d love to interact with what few people have noticed this blog haha!]]
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Trevor softly hummed various hymns to himself, enjoying the tune most of them carried even if he had a harder time listening to the words. His body twisted and his fingers were drawn down the side of the whip causing to to crack and slice open a vampires throat. He watched with a bored expression as the creature slowly turned to dust and left him alone in the building it once haunted.
He hadn't gotten out of the fight unscathed, a few cuts and bruises littered his form which made him scowl. He would get better, he just needed to practice more. So cleaning himself off, the young man started to walk throughout the house fighting with whatever vampires he found in the building, trying to improve on the techniques that he knew try to get better yet with the old whip. But there was only so much he could do without proper training
As Trevor finished off the last the the vampires in the building he swore loudly as he touched a particularly deep cut on his side, a grumble leaving his mouth shortly after. He'd need to treat his injuries first before going back to the monastery which means he'd be back late. The priests never liked it when he was late, seeming to be worried about whether or not he had been corrupted by some sinful calling, or rather that's what he chose to believe.
It unsettled him greatly to think about the church casting him aside, they, as far as he knew, where all the he had in this world. His family were heretics and monsters, and for that reason they had been purified by the holy flame of god. That just left him, Trevor Belmont, the last son of Belmont, to carry their burdens on his shoulders in an effort to clear their name from sin. He wanted there to be a day were he could tell people his last name with pride, and not feel ashamed by the stories of them that he would hear while traveling through old, poor towns or in the halls of the church.
Callous fingers undid his clothing and went to apply salve and bandages to any of the deeper gashes on his body as he quietly thought about a number of things. He would be free one day, of the burden his family name brought him, and on that day he could rest easy knowing the sins of his family would be abolished allowing them to rest easy knowing they rested with god in heaven. He'd let this dream drive him further and further in life, he could worry about the after once he achieved his goal.
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Been enjoying the Netflix adaptation of Castlevania
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me: watches castlevania 50 years late
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[[-Waves aggressively At-83I hope yer ready for my lil church boy to harass the shit outta yer boi]]
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