many thoughts are useless, and few inspire. Who am I to think? is my internal monolog the divinity within, or the result of without. curiosity is life and death according to the cat. For the highest heights bring the deepest notes. why am i the creator and the created? Have i suffered enough for greatness? can you hear the dogs barking? why do they anger me? tommorow never comes how clichE. tomorrow will be a good enough day.
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LazyPuppet- I
    Dawning the resemblance of a puppet out of order, I perform a poem as the echoing of my father’s shouts pours upon the streets. Through a hole inside the garage window is seated a young man. His surroundings untidied along with the harmonious drumming of flies. His tongue adjusting frequently to the stale cottony taste of tar and store bought puddings. 
    My father's rantings and ravings are upsetting my mother. She hasn’t made the most considerate of choices and the occurrence of divorce is ever more likely. Life has a tendency to pull you down sometimes. I don’t mind though, I’ve gotten better and it was weird when things were normal- or at least tried to be.
    I’ve decided this year is the year to take my education seriously. My guidance counsellor is rooting for me. Boy does she make me grateful for compassion. If it hadn’t been for a failed class and exceptional conversation skills, I wouldn’t have talked my way into vulnerability... I’ll leave that for another time. 
     I’m not seeking attention, I’ll be honest though and admit status is my MO. For that reason I see this blog as a guilty pleasure and wish to remain anonymous in regards to exact details for I intend to expose my deeper thoughts by allowing a platform to harness and elaborate upon basic ideas, as well as personal recollections or nonsensical ramblings. A safe place for my shadow to express itself shamefully for all to witness the rise... or fall, of _____
   This puppet has no master, so there it lays. Pondering the things that seem to matter, he has lost his ways. -BLP
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