I’ve asked something similar earlier, but how would the main 6 feel about an MC that had an undead familiar like it was cute and ugly at the same time
💀Main 6 + Spooky Cutie Familiar
c o o l
Has never understood what was supposed to be “ugly” about your familiar
Keeps a list of observations about caring for an undead animal - what kind of special diet they need, what strange eldritch weaknesses they have 
Gasps and covers their ears (or what’s left) if anyone calls them gross, stinky, d-e-a-d, etc.
what the unholy fuck is THAT
At first, he’s jumpy whenever they come into the room, and squeamish about touching them
He remembers too late that ravens are scavengers when Malak tries to take a bite of them, and has to train him out of it
In the process, he warms up to them a little, and even gives them a few pats without flinching
Fascinated to hear how it came about
How did they die? come back? what does it mean to be “undead”? what does your familiar think of the whole mess?
Baby-talks them when she thinks no one’s listening, calling them “curious little thing” and “my little revenant”
Puts down a cloth anytime they want to go on the furniture
Your familiar doesn’t really seem to mind being undead, but he thinks it’s sad
When he feeds them or takes them out for a walk, sometimes you hear him talking to them, making sure they’re alright
Scowls whenever someone calls them ugly or creepy
Whisks them away from the offending party and quietly reassures them they have nothing to feel bad about
Equal parts “aww” and “eww”
Jokes about feeding them brains, cadaver parts, souls, etc.
Playtime with Pepi is heavily supervised to start, so she doesn’t accidentally bat one of their eyeballs out, or something
Cute nicknames like “zombie baby” and “stinky”
Dead or not, familiar or not, he’s never met an animal that didn’t love him [citation needed]
Initially, he recoils in disgust, but he literally cannot resist giving them a pat, especially if they come up to him looking for affection
Gets them ornate collars and pet-clothes and takes them for fancy grooming sessions with Mercedes and Melchior (the groomers…do their best)
Almost as protective of them as he is of M&M (“Don’t listen to them. You’re so lovable, you can’t be ugly.”)
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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♈️ anon back again. Do you think it’s possible Lucio’s moon sign is an Aries? It seems more fitting than his sun sign at least.
welcome back! I do think he has a fire moon (although I personally think he’s a Leo moon, mainly because of his immaturity), because he’s much more extroverted than your garden variety earth sign, and Capricorns don’t normally care so much about what other people think.
I don’t think Capricorn doesn’t fit him, though…I think it’s more along the lines of him trying to be something he’s not. Lucio would love to have the passion and spontaneity of an Aries, and for all intents and purposes, he projects himself very much like a fire sign, but he’s more driven than he is passionate (if that makes sense?), and he’s not as unpredictable as he thinks he is. 
In fact, of the main 6, I’d say he’s the most consistent with his behavior - even when he thinks he’s being spontaneous and wild (i.e. trying to top the previous year’s Masquerade every year), he actually thrives on routine and continuity. Making the same cloudberry liqueur every year, wearing the same three colors…even though he eschews everything having to do with the culture he grew up in, he still wears the same under-eye makeup (dressed up as it may be), every day, because he’s always worn it. He gets grumpy (at best; at worst, he takes it as a personal attack) when Nadia changes things in the Palace, even though he’s been dead for three years, and refuses to believe things that disagree with him, even when the evidence is literally under his nose (i.e. insisting he’s on a cleanse after drinking three bottles of wine). You don’t have to be an earth sign to be that stubborn, but it helps.
Aries and Cap both have that kind of stubbornness, and they are both Cardinal signs, though, so they do have overlap when it comes to ambition, leadership, self-centeredness, etc. But Aries isn’t dogmatic about their choices; fire signs in general thrive on change and newness. Capricorn only fights the system long enough to become the system, which is pretty much Lucio’s M.O. That plus his sugar-daddy gift-giving tendencies, focus on material wealth and comfort, and general bluntness of demeanor still read solid Capricorn to me.
I definitely get the fire vibes from him, though! He’s more openly emotional than less-firey Caps, and he at least has a taste for romance. I don’t think there’s much earth in his chart, aside from his sun sign, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some Aries influence. ♈♑☕
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Headcanons on Lucio and/or Julian getting pegged?
🥒Julian + Lucio - Pegging
🔞light d/s, fluids, you know the drill🔞
Claims he doesn’t mind being teased, but he’ll say the filthiest things to try to goad you into putting it in
Big fan of textured toys - studs, ridges, ribs, etc. - and he’s got his own collection and harness, in case you don’t have your own
Likes to ride you, so you have nothing to do but order him around, make him set the pace, etc. 
If you tell him to stop, no matter how close he is, he will; shivering and whimpering, but he will
Loves to be bent over things - the edge of the bed, his desk, his surgical slab - and if you need a step-stool to make it happen, so be it
He’s already vocal, but he howls and moans like no other, and grabs onto whatever he can reach - sheets, bedposts, the papers on his desk
Rarely cums untouched, so you can fuck him for as long as you want and finish him off (or not) in your own time
Goes out of his way to go to a play, go horseback riding, take a boat ride, etc. the next day so he can really enjoy how sore his ass is
He’s a brat. He’s a brat, he’s a brat, he’s a brat ‘til the minute you stick it in
Then he slingshots into subspace, and you could drive a truck over him for all he cares
Inevitably ends up begging for things you didn’t negotiate, like a bigger toy or no lube, and gets whiny when you won’t give it to him
Can definitely cum untouched, but he’ll be sneaky about it to see if he can do it without having to ask
He’s too noisy to get away with it, though
Whining, whimpering, babbling, toe-curling mess, and you could eat soup out of the arch in his back
He likes it from behind, on his hands and knees; if you let him ride you, he will abuse the privilege unless he’s properly disciplined
Wears a little bit lower heels the next day so he can spend more time on his feet and less time sitting down
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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Heres a lovely picture of Portia I did for a special project I’m working on.
check out my Instagram @/saltyre for the ig highlight with all the behind the scenes for this project. 
reblog and tell me what you think in the tags
((Special thanks to my cat Loki for posing so I could use him to draw Pepi.))
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they really said fuck it let’s just kill lucio ourselves askjshakanavk
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When writing couples, I like to use the Kiss Rule:
If they have to kiss for you to know they’re in love, you’re not writing a romance right.
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It had to be done
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Finished commission for @dr-devoraak. Thank you for supporting me!
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It seems I've caught the red plague lol
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Me with the beg option for Lucio in the next month:
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okay, all i can imagine is an exasperated Nadia retrieving a very lost Lucio from the maze for the fifth time one day
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Here’s a mini head canon.
Julian’s mom: *holding baby portia* what do you think Julian?
Julian: ..I like her!
Julian’s mom: her name is portia.
Julian: p...por... pa-pasha!
Julian’s mom: ...ok sure.
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‘Those were simpler times…’
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he likes to show off
Bonus bc yes i do read the tags and reblogs:
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same @squeezejuliandevorak
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have some portia and nadia having fun :)))
(I want to colour this one, I’m somewhat proud…)
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Im not in town rn to draw new stuff, but here have this roped up Julian cause??? cause of course hes tied up. yum.
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A queen 🙏
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