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🟢 You are still a writer even when you haven't written in a while.
🟢 You are still a writer even when you feel like you aren't writing enough.
🟢 You are still a writer when you feel like your work isn't good.
🟢 You are still a writer when other people don't like your work.
🟢 You are still a writer when you aren't published.
🟢 You are still a writer when you only have works in progress.
🟢 You are still a writer if all you write is fanfiction.
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Gremlin's Rule #1 : Don't get him WET
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dont disturb him hes having a self care night
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Oh boy I probably would need to leave the planet at that point with all the trauma I’ve given him 😅
Your OC meets you, their creator. What is the first thing they say/ask? What would you tell them?
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the suffering never ends
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YFM is actually a tale that details the downfall of musicians in our world - an essay
I recently got interested in YFM, and initially I thought It was just a cartoon band that RWJ created because of pure fun. I mean what would be so deep in songs such as "My balls?"
But then I started to look deeper and the more I looked, the more I realised how YFM was more that a band created to discuss RWJ's obsession with mothers and grandmothers, It was a tale of spirit, of friendship, of hardships and fragmented relationships that can only collide for so much.
Please, before calling me a fool, listen to me. This is a story about the rise, fall and rebirth of Humbert, Puff Puff Humbert.
It all starts with Puff's most precious possession, his balls. This is where the story start, it should be here, but we all know it too well, we all know what happened to the aliens, but what about gen 2 (or 1.5 if you wanna listen to Ray) ? What could have happened that transformed Puff so much? Well, it starts of the end of a start: 8-bit world.
If you read the song's lyrics, you will realise how much this song has a darker tone in comparison to the others, reference to anti depressant, feeling like your life is a waste, Pac-Man...this song's tone is in all much darker and It couldn't be a coincidence what happens to Puff in the next gen (phase???) is related to this song.
In particular, there are many lyrics referencing drinking and meds such as anti depressant ect. Now, why would this explain Puff's behaviour? Simple, allucenogetic drinks.
Many YFM songs talk about drinking, but why would it be the reason? Because of a lyric? Because of Orphan tears? I can't answer the other two, but the least one is a no.
We see that orphan tears seems to have an effect similar to weed, and relax you more than stress you, so what could have been? Simple, the four psycho beverage.
As we see in the YFMTS episode of the same name, this drink causes, at least in Puff's case, anger and allucinations. And how is he in this times MV, angry and continuously invated by surreal imagery.
But, you might say, why would this be tied in the downfall of today's musicians? Well, it's simple, and the answer is YFMTS. While the episodes might seem to have no plot or be episodic or just 10 y/o's humour, it's all a cover up for the messages of hypocrisy, fear and the crumbling friendships in bands' middle days.
And this is why YFM is a deep Story about band tention, the complicated world of Rockstars and the sad life of weed smoking stick figures.
You know I kinda always thought this but was to stupid to write it. Holy shit anon are you okay?? You must have a lot of free time, but honestly yeah this makes a lot of sense. I really do think the characters in yfm are really deep if you look closer, they’re wasted potential really
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benatar gives me "person that appears calm and well behaved but in reality he's a little gremlin who steals stuff from his bandmates" vibes
Anon me and you are literally on the same ass wave length
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im not even gonna go on anon for this. benatar had a goth phase in high school and you all know it. anyone who disagrees is a coward who does not wish to face the truth
Benatar was a goth kid argue with the wall
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drug mention
Gen 1: weed
Gen 1.5: cocaine
Gen 2: alcohol, pure alcohol
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This 🤣
"Benatar ran over someone in we like them girls!!"
ok and??? he can run over me!
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I always imagined long before YFM came back that they’d come back in some blaze of glory blasting We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister and the boys just absolutely destroying Maker Studios for what they did to them
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Me wandering a forest during a full moon: Oh, no I’m so lost! I’m helpless! Defenseless! Practically naked! I hope some beast doesn’t come along and take advantage of my predicament!
Werewolves hiding in the forest: Oh, no, it’s them again…
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The fact that my thighs are not covered in bite shaped bruises right now is an absolute injustice and I won't stand for it any longer
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Get the cool shoeshine
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