the-sultan-is-back · 9 years
Making it official
No this blog is not dead and gone or else I would have deleted it. 
It is on indefinite hiatus until I feel like coming back but I do miss Ottoman and I miss rping him at times. 
Until then I will be on my personal. 
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the-sultan-is-back · 9 years
Making it official
No this blog is not dead and gone or else I would have deleted it. 
It is on indefinite hiatus until I feel like coming back but I do miss Ottoman and I miss rping him at times. 
Until then I will be on my personal. 
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Feel free to send me an ask if you want to rp.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Once upon a time, there was a wolf who ruled the land. He was much feared, but soon he mended his…
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Ottoman is surprised when his name is called and the other nation strolls up to him. Also out of surprise he takes a moment before answering to size the nation up and see how he has grown since his time period. "Well, ya have certainly grown," he says more to himself than to Arthur, "but yer still scrawny," he smirks. "Erm, sorry," he is a better host than he is a guest, apparently, "I'm merely here to sight see. I saw a lot of France back in my time period but not much of your lands." 
It strikes Ottoman that Arthur probably has no idea what on earth he is talking about because he hasn't explain who he is yet. The empire chuckles and takes out a pack of smokes to slide one between his lips and he quickly lights it up. "I guess I should explain myself," he finally says after the first smoke cloud comes from his mouth, "ya see I ain't Turkey. I'm Osmanli, Ottoman. I come from the year 1517." It is probably easier to believe Turkey has gone crazy and has went back to thinking he is in his prime--this thought is slightly funny but also sad. 
The wrinkles that Turkey has are not as pronounced in the empire and some are non existent right now. Ottoman also carries himself differently, he doesn't have the slouch Turkey has picked up somewhere, no, instead his posture is straight and ridged. These are merely subtle differences however and hard to place unless you really know Sadik or if both of them were standing side by side for comparison.   
Old York || England & Ottoman
  It had come to the Nation of England’s attention that another nation was within his borders. It was generally customary for nations to inform each other when they were planning to visit — even as tourists — so that they might at least exchange pleasantries, but this one, whoever it was, had apparently forgone that. There was a constant, low-level surveillance in place, both by human and fairy operatives, in case of any unusual occurrences that required Arthur’s particular attention, and when he was alerted to this odd occurrence, he was mildly confused by the lack of warning by the other nation… but mostly, he was curious as to who it was.
Heading to York as the call directed, it wasn’t hard to follow directions and find the other nation… especially as said other nation wasn’t quite blending into the crowd, considering his rather conspicuous mask.
"… Sadik? To what do I owe this pleasure?" Arthur had to look up to address the nation of Turkey: he had no idea that this was actually the Ottoman Empire and not the modern nation.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
"Maybe not, but you could try me," he responds, "even if I think yer nuts, my curiosity is biting at me. So, explain," he means to ask but it comes off as more of an order in the end. "England? Hm, see now that just baits me more."
  "You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you why I was shocked about the year." He sighed, trying to think of what to do. He had no way to contact anyone who could help him, and he was stuck in a time period and place he knew nothing about. "I really need to stop agreeing to help England."
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
"It's been a while. I hope I'm not bothering, but better later than never to say thank you for all the- the, um, "shit" you had to put up with, if I got the new jargon right. Honestly, time seems to slip through me sometimes, as if I'm not affected by it- like thoughts from my scattered brain. At least when I don't pay attention to what is changing around me. What i'm trying to say is I guess I'm just lucky that hundreds of years didn't come and go before I remembered," the figure stammered.
"Even if they had, I doubt I could've forgotten you," he hasn't met many creatures like this one. It would be many many years past before the memories did slip away like so many have. 
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
ask-omega-austria replied to your post: Okay so quick question. How in the hel...
((It took a whole week before they stopped for me >~<))
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Okay so quick question. How in the hell do I stop those annoying tutorial pop ups on my new blog?
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Once upon a time, there was a wolf who ruled the land. He was much feared, but soon he mended his…
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Once upon a time, there was a wolf who ruled the land. He was much feared, but soon he mended his...
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
What the fuck has happened to Tumblr while I was gone?
So anyway I am dropping by to say that I am thinking of starting a Bigby Wolf rp blog from "The Wolf Among Us" game and "Fables" graphic novel.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Feel free to send me an ask if you want to rp.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Feel free to send me an ask if you want to rp.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Once again, I will be off and on tonight and the rest of the week. I am not officially off hiatus but if you want to rp let me know via ask and we can plot.
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Sadik brushes his horse off while the man is cursing to himself. The empire was hoping as the conversation progressed he would find more answers about this guy but all he is receiving is more questions and confusion. Ah well it appears this guy is in the same state of confusion so at least he isn't the only one. 
"So...ya were brought here against yer will?" He asks, unable to contain his curiosity any longer. "Why are ya shocked about tha year. I can understand being knocked out and drug off somewhere but unless ya've been out for a couple years?" 
  "1517? Sweet fucking mother fucking maple. This is not good…Shit this is very bad. When I get home I am going to murder England." He swore, looking more than a little pissed. "Buddy, I wish I was drunk. I didn’t exactly end up here of my own choice. It was an accident really."
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the-sultan-is-back · 10 years
Sadik assumes the man is drunk or something. "Yer close to Constantinople...it is 1517," he answers before he laughs, "ya must have had quite the night out drinking to forget where ya are and what year it is, hm?"
  When he managed to get a good look at the man’s face he did a double take, he looked familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He shook away the odd feeling before answering the man. “This may sound a bit odd but could you tell me where this is. And what year it is?” He asked, hoping the man wouldnt just label him a nutcase and tell him to fuck off.
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