the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Her face was impassive as she watched the water fall gently, even impassive as the raptor came to peck her on the shoulder. It stung for a moment, but she didn't care. She waited for him to finish his turn, Ja'far being history. She retracted the card.
"It's my changed name. I'm not from around here. Vyette Valora Li-Broulisky is my real name, Miranda Lee is my English name. I figured you didn't want to bother pronouncing the first mess. What's yours?"
She laid down a Mountains card and followed it with her Goblin Arsonist, a decoy card. She attacked with her Paladin, attacking his Raptor. Her 3 attack level was definitely her key to this attack. Retracting it, she tapped her cards.
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
The more they played and the more they spoke, the more she felt like they were misogynistic assholes who only saw women as objects or lesser beings. Mir felt like she was going to be sick. She nodded and downed the rest of her Coca-Cola before slamming the glass on the table and sliding it towards the barkeep to be cleaned and stowed away once again. "I can spare a moment or two."
She took his hand and guided him through the crowd, still smiling from the Taylor Swifting comment. The band was pulling a less catchy Taylor Swift, and a more disrespectful one. Most of the patrons booed, only staying to see the final act. Finally, they made it through the crowd and to the door.
The night was damp and temperate, the throes of spring warming the air. She released his hand, admiring the stars that were barely visible above the streetlights. The street was dirty but busy ahead of them. She could smell pavement with a hint of trees. She closed her eyes and felt the breeze, leaning against the brick wall as she mentally prepared herself for the show. More people were filing in, ready to see her play.
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
"I wouldn't be so certain about either of those. I don't fight like a lady, kiddo. I don't fight fair." She watched him slap down two more cards with a bit of a flourish, trying not to roll her eyes. He was cocky, but she enjoyed his company.
She had played Abu Ja'far for a reason. When he attacked him and killed him, his blocked creatures were immediately banished. Since she could assign no blockers, she couldn't use the effect. Not phased, though, she whipped her hair when the wind had finished. "The name's Mir, not Lady, and you don't mess with my motherfucking hair."
Throwing down a second Plain, she laid down her Accorder Paladin. It's 3/1 attack to defense ratio could be an asset, as could its Battle Cry effect. 
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Her eyes were faraway as she listened to him. She thought of the nights she'd spent cowering with her brother when she was a child, desperate to escape the horrors of her parents' fights. They would scream, and when they were especially drunk, they would bring the fight to them. They would scream at Mir, the older twin, about how much of a failure she was. She would take it all just to save her little brother, or so she thought of him as. Snapping out of it, she looked over to him. She swore she could hear her mother's screams.
"No, it's fine. Their style really is lackluster. Not my thing. They're using no suspension, no dissonance, no split parts. They have two guitars playing the exact same thing. It's very amateur. You can obviously tell that they're not very well versed in poetry or diction either. Underdeveloped is the word that comes to mind with them." She spoke like an eloquent critic, like she should be judging a Shakespearean performance rather than a ratty rock band.
"And... I'm sorry to hear about your father. I guess I understand, in a way. I ran into a man in my life... and I learned the true definition of evil." She paused and sipped her Coke while the band stopped to banter, lilting about their next song and how it was going out to an ex-girlfriend and a bitch. "How tasteless."
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
"Not watered down at all." She frowned at her loss but didn't let it deter her. She flipped her hair as she rooted through her hand. "Most of the time, it ended up in brawls. Really gets the blood going. It's fun to beat boys and then beat up boys."
She laid down two cares-- a Plain and Abu Ja'far for good measure. She crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat, unimpressed with him.
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
"To be honest, emocore isn't my favorite genre. It's, for lack of a better explanation, simple guitar riffs with double bass and whiny lyrics. It's not that special, but if that's their thing, they should go for it." She shrugged her shoulders, hair falling into her face as she did so. She was a fan of intricate riffs with smooth sound, only with occasional distortion or grit, and technical prowess. She wasn't a fan of simplicity or half-assed attempts at music.
The band came out, all donning hair in their faces and Chuck Taylors. Mir shot him a glance and tried not to laugh. She supported them, even if they weren't her style. As they began to play, they were obviously less enthusiastic than the band before them. They didn't jump around the stage, grind against one another, or smash equipment against their bodies. They stood in their places and played simple riffs and power chords to lyrics about heartache, girls, and strife. There was no spice to their sound. They would never make it out of the club scene.
Even on the dance floor, the patrons were discontent. It was a bit harder to dance to something so emotionless. Mir turned to him completely and smile, bored with performance. "My parents were alcoholics. I saw them drunk and mean and swore to never be like that. I promised to be patient and kind, even though I look like some badass rocker chick. I'm a big ol' softy."
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
As Mir drew her hand, she smiled wide at the perfect balance between her cards. She was more than content with the hand she had drawn. She extended a hand and readied to, presumably, play rock, paper, scissors to determine who was the first to go. 
"Whoop me? Please. Didn't lose a single match on Warped Tour, kiddo."
She pumped her fist thrice before shooting rock, like always-- the rocker chose rock.
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Mir grinned as she looked down at her phone. She hadn't expected him to text her back. She hadn't meant to fall out of touch, but she had.
[text:] "Nah, dude, it's totally cool. We all do that sometimes. Sorry I fell out of touch. Life didn't go exactly according to plan. Oh, if you're gonna be busy tomorrow, I can stop by tonight. The day after tomorrow, I've gotta do the seminars. XOXO"
[Text:] Hey, Makara! Guess who still has Annie the Horn? Honk. And guess who's coming back into town for another demonstration and a few more guitar lessons with my main bro? I got your text last night. I appreciate you calling me hot. Big self-esteem boost. Who's "Crobro" though?
You fumble around with the phone after reading the last part of the message, face bright purple with embarrassment. That did not go the way you had planned![text] “Oh, Hey tHeRe! I sEe YoU uH… mAyBe GoT tHaT mEsSaGe I sEnT tO mY pAl… HaHa, MoThErfucKiN sOrRy BoUt ThAt. Uh… GlAd To HeAr YoU’rE cOmIn BaCk! I’lL bE iN aNd MoThErfucKiN oUt Of My PlAcE aFtEr ToNighT, sO i GuEsS sEnD mE a TeXt BeFoRe YoU sToP By Or SoMeThIn. :o)”
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Sitting across from him at the table, she reached to cut his deck with a serious face. She took her games of Magic seriously, like she was working on a hard riff or non-chromatic run on her guitar. Once his deck was cut, she smiled at him slightly.
"I call everyone dear. Force of habit. Forgive me."
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
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Epiphone ES-295
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Dustin was always safe. Miranda made sure of it. She had always worried about the lives they lead. They were vulnerable to disease, heartache, addiction, depression, and the likes. They were on the highway to Hell, quite literally. With the things they did, the way they envied and grovelled and indulged themselves mindlessly, they were on the fast track to hell. She'd heard that there was great company in hell, though, and she was a heathen regardless.
"I'm still really sorry about that, Matt. You don't have to--" Before she could object, he had bought the drinks. It had been so long since anyone had shown her chivalry without the intention of getting in her pants or trying to further themselves in the business that it took took her by surprise. Taking the glass that the barkeep slid to her, she sipped the fizzy cola happily.
"Thank you. I appreciate your kindness." She offered him another blindingly happy smile. She was in her element here, and it was obvious. She leaned back against the bar and confidently watched the band on stage finish their set with a flourish. The roadies came back out and started switching equipment. "The next band is supposed to be a hardcore emocore band."
Closed RP with the-rocker-queen
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Mir shook his hand just as firmly. Before her parents had slipped away, when she was just a little girl, her father had always told her that a firm handshake was the key to making a good first impression. She didn't know why, but she was flustered when he acted like she was so important. She'd always considered herself nothing more than midline. They were getting there, but they weren't quite there yet. The feeling was nice, though, and she basked in it with a rosy flush and a grin.
"I'm definitely not a celebrity. I'm no Marilyn Manson, sir. No Joan Jett either. Of course I'd talk to you. I'm not so egotistical and inflated that I'll just walk past when I step on someone's shoes and bump into them. That would be a prick move." She rubbed her arm again, casting Dustin one last glance. He had finally laid the moves on the girl and they were disappearing into the crowd.
Sex, booze, and rock and roll went hand in hand. Mir didn't like the booze or the drugs, but the booze and the drugs liked her. Predisposed to addiction, she stayed away from the stuff. Her parents had been addicted throughout her teen years. She would indulge in the sex from time to time from men that were happy to grovel at her feet, but she never touched the booze or drugs. Waving down the bartend, she smiled sheepishly as she asked for a Coke.
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
Mir had always loved White mana. She felt a connection with the overall positive connotation with the creatures and the color, and the valiant nature of the characters. It was easy to pull metaphorical low blows as well on Black mana. She shuffled her deck and flipped her hair out of her face.
"Hey, don't bash it. I can still beat you with your N and N deck. Don't you fret about that, my dear."
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
"That's not much better," she quipped. She broke her gaze away from Dustin and couldn't help but laugh at the idea of her being romantically interested in him. They had dated in middle school, but that was the extent of their romantic relationship. Sexual attraction was another thing, though. He was definitely handsome with a strong jaw and the smallest bit of facial hair to frame his freckles, but he was too much like a brother to her.
"Dustin? And me? Fuck no! I mean, yeah, he's hot, but he's my drummer. You just don't date your bandmates.I'm the lead guitarist and the vocalist," she answered once her fit of laughter had ceased. Her smile was infectious, seeming to make the dim lights brighten the smallest bit.
"I guess I smile when I see him because I platonically love the fuck out of him. He's a sweet boy, if not a bit of a witty one. Better watch out for the mouth on that one." She smoothed out her shirt and looked back at the stage, making sure that the first band was still in the middle of their loud set. She looked back to the mysterious man with wisdom in his eyes and extended a dainty hand. "I'm Mir, by the way. Nice to meet you, mister...?"
Closed RP with the-rocker-queen
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
The first thing she noticed was his height. He towered over her by a good foot; she idly thought to herself that getting into a brawl with him could easily end her life. He didn't seem like the type to brawl aimlessly, though. There was wisdom in his eyes. He was the kind of man that Mir would like to have a long talk over Starbucks coffee with about history, social issues, and even politics. Possibly even religion.
Her face still held apologetic tenderness, her hand coming to rest on the back of her neck. It was a nervous habit of hers. "I'm still sorry. Shucks have no chance against Doc Martins. Oh fuck, did I make you spill your drink? Let me buy you another. My band doesn't go on until the first two sets are over. I've got plenty of time."
It was true. By the way the first band was already dragging out the banter between songs like cocky professionals, it seemed like her band would have a while to spend mingling. She could see Dustin just a few bodies away, laying moves on a girl. She smiled at the sight and relaxed a little, hazel eyes locking with his.
Closed RP with the-rocker-queen
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the-rocker-queen · 10 years
The connection finally formed and a grin overtook her features. She reached into her purse and whipped out her own Magic deck. 
"Red and white mana all the way! I tried red and black, but it just wasn't my style. How about you?"
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