the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“You can go with me if you want to, if you’re sure it would be safe for you. I don’t want to put you in any more danger.” Grantaire said. “We should… we should clear their places, yes. It will hurt, but we should do it, out of respect.”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
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the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Grantaire considered this, then responded, “Maybe it would be best to stay here for now. We can just be together, at least for today. I don’t want to intrude too much, so tomorrow I can see if my place is safe, if you want. I know I’ve been here a while… nearly a week now?” Grantaire said, secretly hoping that Enjolras would ask him to stay…
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
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the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Grantaire brought some firewood in and put it down before taking a seat. “You’ve done so much for me… I wish there was something I could do for you. If there is, you’ll tell me, won’t you?” he asked.
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
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the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“Let me at least help you make something.” Grantaire said when they got back home. “It’s my own fault that I didn’t eat earlier, not yours. You’ve been so kind to me this whole time… I should never have gone out alone. We’ll always stay together now, I hope…”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“I’ll have whatever’s there.” Grantaire couldn’t make a decision right now. He was just happy to be with Enjolras. “Alright. Just stay in sight, so I don’t get lost.”
Grantaire couldn’t help smiling. Soon they would be home. Together.
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“I didn’t, I wanted to get out as soon as possible, so I could be back sooner.” Grantaire admitted. “Let’s go back, we should be careful not to be seen here anyway. I know I can hardly say that, but… let’s go home.” That was new, Grantaire thought. When did he start thinking of Enjolras’s house as home?
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
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the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Grantaire didn’t say anything for a moment, he just let Enjolras hold him. Everything was better now, he thought. He could stay like this forever.
When he finally found the words, he said, “You don’t have to feel guilty. And you’ve already made it better, just by caring. That’s all I could ever want.” Grantaire smiled back. “Thank you. For everything.”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“Thank you.” Grantaire whispered as he held onto Enjolras like a lifeline, not even trying to hide his tears from him this time. “I swear I’ll never hide anything from you ever again. I love you so much.”
Grantaire realised that he had allowed his own view of himself to make him believe that Enjolras couldn’t really love him, at least not in the way he loved Enjolras. But he couldn’t doubt anymore, not with Enjolras having come to find him at risk to himself, despite the fact that it was Grantaire who had done wrong, and forgiving him for all the pain and worry. “What did I ever do to deserve you loving me back?” he mumbled.
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Grantaire had thought at the time that he made the right decision by going alone leaving only a letter, but he could see now that this hadn’t been right. “I should be the one asking you to forgive me, Enjolras. I shouldn’t have come here without at least talking to you first. Believe me, if I’d understood at the time how you’d feel, I never would have put you through that. Can you ever forgive me?”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“That would have been better than if neither of us ever return! The world needs you, Enjolras, you can’t throw your life away over me… And if I had woken you, you would have gone with me even though you didn’t want to, or stayed away and worried the whole time. I just couldn’t do that to you.” Grantaire said. “I hoped I’d be back before you woke up. The letter was just a precaution.”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“You didn’t even want to come here! This was my problem, you weren’t supposed to follow me and make it yours as well!” Grantaire realised that he had raised his voice too, so he took a few deep breaths before continuing. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come here, but I had a reason. I had to know. But there was no reason for you to put yourself in danger too…”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Hearing his voice, Grantaire looked up in confused surprise. “Enjolras? What are you doing here? I told you it was too dangerous…” He shook his head. “But you came anyway. What if you’re seen here? Do you ever think of your own safety?”
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
Continued from here with @revoluutionaryenjolras - a few days later.
The sun streamed through the window, and there was a note on the bedside table.
I’m sorry, I had to go. I had to try and find out if anyone else is alive, even though I know they are not. You see, I may seem despairing, but deep inside, I cling to hope. I think that’s why I fell in love with you.
It’s also why I had to see the café, see if anyone else is there. But I knew you weren’t ready to see, and I didn’t want to trouble you with the decision of whether to come with me or not, so I left early this morning. Breakfast for you is on the table in the kitchen. I love you.
Please do not attempt to follow me. It would be too dangerous if you were seen. If I don’t come back, then forgive me, my love.
26 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“I’ll make us both something. You should rest for now, you’ve been through a lot today. Just show me where the kitchen is, I’ll take care of everything.”
Grantaire could only hope that the little he could offer would be enough.
Continued from this canon-era post with @revoluutionaryenjolras - we’re now both recovering at Enjolras’s house.
Grantaire woke up, and the memories of the previous night came back to him. It all still felt quite surreal. Enjolras had saved him, and told Grantaire he loved him back. He would have thought it had been a dream, if not for the fact that he was in the same bed where he had fallen asleep after they had arrived here together.
He caught sight of Enjolras asleep in a chair next to the bed, having slept there to be sure not to disturb Grantaire as he recovered. Grantaire reached out and gently touched his arm. “Enjolras?” he whispered softly, “Are you awake yet?”
28 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“Thank you.” Grantaire said. “I will be there. I will stay as long as you need me to.” Grantaire let Enjolras lead the way back, still not entirely sure of the route. After all, he had only made this journey once before. Without Enjolras, he would be lost, in more ways than one.
Continued from this canon-era post with @revoluutionaryenjolras - we’re now both recovering at Enjolras’s house.
Grantaire woke up, and the memories of the previous night came back to him. It all still felt quite surreal. Enjolras had saved him, and told Grantaire he loved him back. He would have thought it had been a dream, if not for the fact that he was in the same bed where he had fallen asleep after they had arrived here together.
He caught sight of Enjolras asleep in a chair next to the bed, having slept there to be sure not to disturb Grantaire as he recovered. Grantaire reached out and gently touched his arm. “Enjolras?” he whispered softly, “Are you awake yet?”
28 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“I’m fine.” Grantaire felt guilty about lying, but he pushed this feeling down - lying was surely better than making Enjolras worry about him. “Can I come back to your house again? Just for my peace of mind, to make sure you get home safely, I don’t have to stay if you don’t want me there.”
Continued from this canon-era post with @revoluutionaryenjolras - we’re now both recovering at Enjolras’s house.
Grantaire woke up, and the memories of the previous night came back to him. It all still felt quite surreal. Enjolras had saved him, and told Grantaire he loved him back. He would have thought it had been a dream, if not for the fact that he was in the same bed where he had fallen asleep after they had arrived here together.
He caught sight of Enjolras asleep in a chair next to the bed, having slept there to be sure not to disturb Grantaire as he recovered. Grantaire reached out and gently touched his arm. “Enjolras?” he whispered softly, “Are you awake yet?”
28 notes · View notes
the-real-grantaire · 2 years
“I don’t think being here is doing you any good.” Grantaire said. “We should go now. Back home, or see if anyone is at the café. What would you prefer?” he asked gently, holding out a hand to help him up.
Continued from this canon-era post with @revoluutionaryenjolras - we’re now both recovering at Enjolras’s house.
Grantaire woke up, and the memories of the previous night came back to him. It all still felt quite surreal. Enjolras had saved him, and told Grantaire he loved him back. He would have thought it had been a dream, if not for the fact that he was in the same bed where he had fallen asleep after they had arrived here together.
He caught sight of Enjolras asleep in a chair next to the bed, having slept there to be sure not to disturb Grantaire as he recovered. Grantaire reached out and gently touched his arm. “Enjolras?” he whispered softly, “Are you awake yet?”
28 notes · View notes