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[[Fugaku gets pretty princess pink.
also known as the face of a man who has given up]]
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[[Izuna got Cherry Blossom Pink~]]
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"I never said anything about canon RPers having to feel obligated to RP with OCs"
I'm sorry but how you have repeatedly stated that canon RPers "need to give them a chance" kind of contradicts this, because you are criticizing those who make the choice to not RP with OCs.
I feel like this is where we differ, since while I agree that OCs have it hard, I don't believe that any muns should be made to feel bad over who they choose or do not choose to RP with.
I will also reiterate, my posts are and have been about respect, which is what caused the issue in the first place. Additionally, while this exchange has been civil and I bear you no ill will or hard feelings, I'd prefer that we not start drama about the drama, so this is the last I will say on the matter!
OOD: No like I totally understand that, but that's why I mentioned the part about /building/ those relationships, which of course require both muns' cooperation. I wouldn't like it if an OC just came up to me claiming to be so and so either, but I might like to have that kind of relationship if we were able to build up to it, you know start from scratch and whatnot. I just think it's really hard for OCs of that nature on tumblr because nobody gives them a chance.
//Some people are open to those relationships, some are not. Whichever they decide, it’s a choice the muns have every right to make. There is no obligation for them to adhere to the OC’s headcanons, or to agree with the idea.
There are many potential reasons for this. For example, an OC who claims to be X muse’s daughter, would make no sense approaching or forcing a relationship on a version of that muse that is staunchly homosexual, as that would force their muse to be OOC from the mun’s personal vision of their own character. Or an OC who claims to be a part of Y character’s backstory (when they’re not one in canon) can make muns of Y muses uncomfortable because they don’t want their muse’s backstory altered from canon.
Communicating OOC-ly, in a respectful manner with the canon mun is key, seeing if they are comfortable with it and even then, I feel that it’s wrong to assume the muses will automatically get along or have the kind of relationship that you’re aiming for. Muses are played differently even between those who share the same character after all!
It is hard for OCs, I won’t dispute that but there are many OC-friendly blogs out there and above all I don’t feel that anyone should be forced to RP with somebody that they don’t want to, OC or not.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. :)
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OOD: (continued kinda) And -- I'm not trying to call you out or anything, absolutely not -- but your muse is typically accepted because she /does/ have a canon existence, even if she isn't expressed within the anime. Her existence is inferred and therefore she's technically canon, even if there's no way to tell if the way you or someone else portrays her is "correct" or not.
//You're absolutely correct and I addressed that in my post;
"This muse is technically an OC (even though the character would logically have had to have existed in canon for obvious reasons),"
She can in fact be considered a minor character that has never made a canon appearance, but since there's no canon material to actually go on I feel more comfortable classing her as an OC as her development is entirely of my own creation!
Whether that makes people more accepting of this muse or not I can't say, but I'd like to think the fact that I'm not "Hi son" to every Madara and Izuna also helps. If there are muses who don't want to acknowledge her, like say if thi muse does not fit the mun's personal vision of what Madara's mother would be like, that's entirely fine with me and I'd never push the issue.
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OOD: No like I totally understand that, but that's why I mentioned the part about /building/ those relationships, which of course require both muns' cooperation. I wouldn't like it if an OC just came up to me claiming to be so and so either, but I might like to have that kind of relationship if we were able to build up to it, you know start from scratch and whatnot. I just think it's really hard for OCs of that nature on tumblr because nobody gives them a chance.
//Some people are open to those relationships, some are not. Whichever they decide, it's a choice the muns have every right to make. There is no obligation for them to adhere to the OC's headcanons, or to agree with the idea.
There are many potential reasons for this. For example, an OC who claims to be X muse's daughter, would make no sense approaching or forcing a relationship on a version of that muse that is staunchly homosexual, as that would force their muse to be OOC from the mun's personal vision of their own character. Or an OC who claims to be a part of Y character's backstory (when they're not one in canon) can make muns of Y muses uncomfortable because they don't want their muse's backstory altered from canon.
Communicating OOC-ly, in a respectful manner with the canon mun is key, seeing if they are comfortable with it and even then, I feel that it's wrong to assume the muses will automatically get along or have the kind of relationship that you're aiming for. Muses are played differently even between those who share the same character after all!
It is hard for OCs, I won't dispute that but there are many OC-friendly blogs out there and above all I don't feel that anyone should be forced to RP with somebody that they don't want to, OC or not.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. :)
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//I'm not trying to argue with you, but perhaps to explain why these things happen.
Forcing something on other muns tends to make them uncomfortable, especially if it would make their own muse's backstory change. I dont think anyone has the right to force HCs or alter anything related to a muse that is not their own.
This muse is technically an OC (even though the character would logically have had to have existed in canon for obvious reasons), an Uchiha one at that and I've had nothing but positive experiences. 
Additionally, this muse may also be Madara Uchiha's mother but I do not approach every Madara or Izuna with an expectation of instant acceptance, since that is also another thing that upsets other muns.
At its most basic, this issue is about respect, not about hating OCs.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I for one feel bad for OCs that claim to be related to canon characters. Everyone seems so set against them and I’m just sitting here like “…why?”
So I understand if you don’t think your character would have [another] child/sibling/whatever, but are you really not even going to be willing to give these guys a chance? You might enjoy having that kind of relationship with them, but for some reason it’s like taboo to for an OC to be related to a canon character. Now, I can understand wanting to build whatever relationship it is first before jumping right into it, but I don’t think it’s fair to outcast them before you even get to know them. If you’re really set against having anything other than canon relationships, that’s your business, you know, whatever. But…really? Give these guys a chance to at least try and make an impression on you before you decide you don’t like them.
I myself have an OC that’s related to a canon character (Madara’s aunt) and I tried putting her on tumblr but quickly became discouraged because heaven forbid she be related to a canon, and an Uchiha no less.
And that’s another thing! What is so wrong with Uchiha OCs? Okay, yeah, it’s really doubtful Itachi would leave anyone alive if they’re from the massacre, but any other timeline? Why the hell not? As long as they have a credible background, I really don’t see the harm in it. It’s really depressing to see OCs getting so much hate and negativity because of their ties to other characters. I just…ugh.
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gdi madara
yo momma didnt raise no boi who let just anyone be uchiha
yo i dont think y’all understand
Uchiha gang remains supreme
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join me and we can run this bitch
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Founders Era masterlist
Here is a list of fairly active RPers from the founders era. If I’ve missed anyone, please add on if you reblog and message me with the url. I don’t know everyone, but I’d like to! Accepting anyone from one generation above, to one generation below the founders.
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Traditional media uhuhu
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Please reblog if you are a founders era RP blog: canon, AU, or OC
I plan on making a masterlist of us all c:
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//It's posts about historical things like this that make me feel validated in how I see Madara's mother as having been a warrior herself. 
A lot of people perceive the females of the big clans as being solely homemakers or trophies, expected to do nothing but pop out babies and look pretty but I personally feel that the women would definitely be expected to possess fighting prowess and have the capability to defend their homes and families if their settlement were attacked. Especially in the pre-Founders era where we're led to believe everything was in a constant warlike setting.
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Onna-bugeisha (女武芸者) 
A type of female warrior belonging to the Japanese upper class. They are sometimes mistakenly referred to as female samurai, although this is an oversimplification. Onna bugeisha were very important people in ancient Japan. Significant icons such as Empress Jingu, Tomoe Gozen, Nakano Takeko, and Hōjō Masako were all onna bugeisha who came to have a significant impact on Japan.
Nonetheless, for thousands of years, certain upper class Japanese women have learned martial skills and participated in fighting.
Between the 12th and 19th centuries, many women of the samurai class learned how to handle the sword and the naginata (a blade on a long staff) primarily to defend themselves and their homes. In the event that their castle was overrun by enemy warriors, the women were expected to fight to the end and die with honor, weapons in hand.
Some young women were such skilled fighters that they rode out to war beside the men, rather than sitting at home and waiting for war to come to them. 
Read more: http://asianhistory.about.com/od/imagegalleries/ss/samuraiwomen.htm
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"Happy birthday, son."
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Leave a  ☱ in my askbox for an entry that’s about you.
Your character has just discovered my character's journal/diary.
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{Remember me}
                       When you lose sight of the l i g h t
                                                                 {Remember me}
      When you can’t remember why you fight
                                              {Remember me}
                                                                                     Even when my b o d y is long gone
             Just always remember that,
                                             I have been with you all along
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The Matriarch's loves:
I had to post this cause it was a bunch of Madaras with an Itachi in the middle. Perfect.
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