the-huskiest-blog · 5 years
I Got Bored
Ash fell softly to the Literature Club's floors as the MC suddenly became no more. Sayori took an instant note of this and fell to her knees. Her head in her hands sobbing, trying to understand what just happened almost as quickly as his pencil and notebook fell to the floor.
"What did you do to him?" Monika asked, clenching her fists and turning towards the men in very offsetting outfits. Each of them carrying a gun. "I don't understand! What did you do to him?"
One of the men notices as his own teammates got the same exact treatment. He picks up his gun and trains it on Monika.
"I have no idea what's going on here! I will shoot if you don't stop!"
She doesn't take his warning and continues to walk towards him. Clenching her fists so much that blood begins to drip from them.
"What did you do? You weren't supposed to be here, in this game! What did you do?!"
He doesn't wait another second, he opens fire and Monika falls back against a desk. This catches the left over girls' attention. Instead of blood there is a black substance the splatters over the desk. It seems like it's trying to escape this realm as it doesn't not seem to stay in place nor ever reall move. Monika clenches the desk and pulls herself up, staring the already frightened gunman down in the face as her face seems bare, with only a bullet hole and ascreen crack covering her head. He freaks out once more, being the only person to see this out of everyone and pulls the trigger one last time blasting Monika back to the ground. When she's down he points the gun to an already wounded Natsuki. When he pulls the trigger the gun drops and fires at her. Instead Yuri pulls her close and takes the bullet, she doesn't seem very hurt by it as it actually misses and hits the backboard.
Natsuki huddled up next to Yuri, Yuri would watch as the last gunman fades away. Her suspicion only rising at this.
"What?" She mutters.
Something was off, this wasn't normal. People are just disappearing into thin air as if they were the dead ends of a cigarette being flicked into the wind. It made no sense to Yuri, and she was still trying to wrap her head aroundthat as well as the death of an old friend of hers. It was just so unreal, something had to break her from this concentration.
"Yuri." Natsuki finally spoke, clenching Yuris arms as if wanting her to let go.
"Not now ki-"
Natsuki quickly ended that statement right there. Pushing herself away from Yuri and stumbling back into a desk.
"Don't call me a kid!"
The rest of Natsukis speal melted away into the back of Yuris head as she noticed the ash slowly taking place at what once used to be the flesh on her leg. It was peicing off.
"No! Natsuki! You can't... You can't just leave me!"
"What? I'm not..."
Suddenly Yuri leaped towards Natsuki trying to grab ahold of what was only dust by the time she made it. Only getting a face full of dust before falling into Sayori who was still trying to peice things together. No she was literally trying to peice him back together. She ended up dropping the dust when Yuri tackled her onto the ground. Both of them crying.
"What do we do?"
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the-huskiest-blog · 5 years
Where are all my multi-shipers at?
Reblog if you don’t care who ends up with who as long as they are all safe, happy, and whole.
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the-huskiest-blog · 5 years
I read this, so excited for the next issues release.
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DCeased #1 - “Going Viral” (2019)
written by Tom Taylor art by Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Gaudiano, James Harren, & Rain Beredo
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the-huskiest-blog · 5 years
Three Wishes, I Love You All, So I Only Need One.
So I saw the trailer for the new live action Aladdin. Not so sure on how I feel about it just yet, but thats for another time. Anyhow it's got me thinking a lot about what I would wish for if I had three wishes. Well I have everything I could want! A beautiful girlfriend, the best family I could ask for, even an official ID stating me as Bruce Banner, favorite from the MCU by the way! I have all I could want, at least all but one tiny little thing. Thinking about it more and more... well its got me growing a tad insane though that's never anything new. I just want reassurance. I'm a nice kid, I respect people whether that be their privacy or a outright conversation on their beliefs though I do make mine known. Except I go through a lot of unnecessary emotional distraction caused by my own thinking, anxiety, and downright beliefs. This causing just the slightest of noises to yelling causing me to overthink, hyperventilate, and start to tear up. This was two years ago, while now I go through the same procedure except I make jokes to cope rather crying. This isn't about that but I promise the wish does have something to do with it. What I wish for is not some simple physical item I can have nor a new mental state for I've grown to love my old one. I just wish for... reassurance. When my anxiety begins to act up, just a simple
"Everythings going to be okay!"
Would be great. Though most of all, at the end of the night... all I really want to hear is
"Good night."
It's as simple as that and I'd be content. I'd be happy with nothing else more than that. Thanks for reading.
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