I am the funniest diesel ever, you can not tell me other wise/j
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Hello, we are the radio system!
We will be remaking this intro… post thing, as there have been a few changes but things were kind of outdated.
We will be fixing this soon.
There are a lot of us, we are very anxious all the time so we apologise if we come off as awkward.
Also most of us are going to make new personal intro posts so the old ones have all been taken off. Alot has changed
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I’m trying to reach out because I want to talk to other therains. But I also haven’t seen many marine or rather other Orca therians, I see mostly canines and felines but honestly, I’d just like to get to know other therians. So feel free to dm me! Or comment, I’d like to get to know others..
I also have been questioning, are any other therians also apart of a system, and what are your experiences, does it also get confusing? I want to reach out to those like me so I can find a little bit of closure. Though I will warn anyone who does respond, I am a bit of anxious, so I apologise if I seem really awkward
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I ate too much ice cream 💔, why do I always either eat too much or eat the wrong things, damn it i shouldn’t be allowed to feed the body 😭😂/j
This happens more often than I’d like to admit
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adorable!!! i like rat fursonas!
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"Omg Meat Loaf is a furry" ENOUGH
(Very lighthearted)
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I like these ^^
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Mayor's isn't accurate but he didn't know if people would know his actual flag
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We are in a very not serious, silly mood, I apologize with what ever chaos may occur while the animatronics are out/j
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I drew me and my friend.. Henry. I like talking to him, he’s very nice to me, I like to relax with her. Just simply sit calmly with them. They are so kind. He trusts me and I trust her. I hope to grow closer with her eventually. She’s wonderful.
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Which ever chaotic is playing caramelldansen in our head, I REQUEST THAT YOU STOP PLEASE, I CANT FOCUS!!?
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Trying to do a school project “by yourself” as a system:
The one Alter trying to actually do the project 🥲
The one trying to help with it too but can’t focus : 🙃
The one who just watches 😐
The one who doesn’t want to do it 🙄
The one who had no idea about it 😶
The one who just wants to get it over with so they can do what they actually want and not be told they can’t until the project is done 😞
The one who is tired ❔
Everyone else who gets to vibe because they aren’t out here so they don’t have to work on it 😎
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Does anyone else have alters in their system that can shift their form sometimes? Like it’s still them but they can shape shift into a different form or version of themselves?
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A very well drawing!!! I think it’s adorable!! Also reposting for support to you my friend.
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God I love tumbler, this is the place where somethings I can say people will see and the. Other things I could scream and no one would see it and no one would ever know I said anything at all. It’s like screaming into a tunnel, only 50% will you be heard and I love it.
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Haha, yes this is aged well, (I saw the tags) heh funny how things worked out eh? Love you too, still glad we became friends…well now more then friends, I am glad about all of that :))))!!!
Okay, can I just say the one thing that brings pure happiness when I come out of head space is making friends with someone that I genuinely enjoy being friends with and they seem to genuinely want to be your friend too. It’s not too often I actually make friends outside of headspace. It helps he understands this situation too as he is also apart of a system. But it just, the greatest feeling is when you finally realise that you ACTUALLY made a friend. It makes me so happy!! I like my friends!! Sometimes just knowing I have a real friend is what gets me to wake up and fuels my energy to keep continuing and not feel miserable about being out side of headspace or just in general I actually get enjoyment. I get a reason to keep smiling. Ahhh WUBBBBZBAHt I love my friends!!/pl/gen.
(Shout out to my friend Eddy, I’m so glad we have become friends :]!!/gen You got me smiling today/pos.
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Okay, can I just say the one thing that brings pure happiness when I come out of head space is making friends with someone that I genuinely enjoy being friends with and they seem to genuinely want to be your friend too. It’s not too often I actually make friends outside of headspace. It helps he understands this situation too as he is also apart of a system. But it just, the greatest feeling is when you finally realise that you ACTUALLY made a friend. It makes me so happy!! I like my friends!! Sometimes just knowing I have a real friend is what gets me to wake up and fuels my energy to keep continuing and not feel miserable about being out side of headspace or just in general I actually get enjoyment. I get a reason to keep smiling. Ahhh WUBBBBZBAHt I love my friends!!/pl/gen.
(Shout out to my friend Eddy, I’m so glad we have become friends :]!!/gen You got me smiling today/pos.
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