the-gingersk · 5 years
When you call somebody’s name but they don’t know where it’s coming from
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the-gingersk · 5 years
bye i love this
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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We Exist- we go waaaaaay back
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the-gingersk · 5 years
you dont identify as queer and don’t wanna be called that? thats totally fine, I’ll respect that (as the majority of queer people do, but thats another conversation).
But I dont wanna be fucking called “q***r” or “q slur” or “qr” or any other censored version of the word. I am queer. I am not some filthy word for you to treat like it’s gonna burn a hole in your tongue.
You’d be rightfully furious if i started going around tagging posts with “gay” as “g slur” or “g*y” or post with “lesbian” as “l slur” or “l*****n.” that’d be homophobic as fuck. Both those words started as slurs, and were reclaimed and made into terms to describe an identity, just like queer has been. I recognize some people have trauma with the word queer, but the truth is some people are triggered by terms like “gay” after growing up in the modern age where every bad and undesirable thing was labeled “gay” by their peers, silently suffering with the knowledge that their peers would likely consider them bad and undesirable too, maybe even predatory or creepy. That wouldn’t give them the right to be homophobic or go telling people to tag it as a slur or even that they’re not allowed to identify with it. Its all the fucking same.
Don’t call me q***r. I am not a slur. I am not a homophobic, transphobic weapon. I am a human, and I am queer.
(REGs and TERFs/radfems don’t touch, this post isnt for you. everyone else can reblog.)
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the-gingersk · 5 years
I don’t understand why High School Musical 4 is going to get an entire new cast when all they had to do was set it at Chad and Ryan’s wedding
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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the-gingersk · 5 years
I currently have 126 followers and I want to know how many of them believe that asexuality is a valid sexuality.
Like + reblog if you believe that asexuality is: • Not just a “state of mind” • Not a label for a desperate millennial who needs to feel important or is confused • A valid, important sexuality that is in the LBGTQ+ community
Trying to prove a point
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the-gingersk · 5 years
Wait, would you mind explaining the slicked hair James Dean thing?
So, historically a lot of (presumably) straight female movie/pop stars have been regarded as “gay icons” for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they’re famous for support of LGBTQ causes and/or acting as “beards” for their gay peers, sometimes it’s just because their stage personas are flamboyant and appealingly camp, sometimes it has to do with their personal lives and a relatable struggle for acceptance in the face of hardship and insecurity. Sometimes it’s all of the above, like with Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli. The status of “gay icon” has less to do with the actual sexuality or gender of the icon and more to do with their role as a cultural symbol and touchstone.
James Dean definitely wasn’t straight, but his status as a “lesbian icon” had more to do with his aesthetics and onscreen persona than his bisexuality. His style, his swagger, his defiant-but-aching attitude—you can see a lot of Rebel Without a Cause in many “classic” butch aesthetics and mannerisms. Do I imagine myself as James Dean every time I slick Brylcreem into my hair? Yes, absolutely, but only after imagining myself as Special Agent Dale Cooper. (Actually, I take that back; I think his sexuality may have contributed to his appeal to gay women… he did ‘roguish masculinity’ in a decidedly Not Straight way, a ‘confident-but-soft-if-you-know-what-this-coded-gesture-means’ sort of way.)
I think “lesbian icon” is a title applied to Hozier mostly as a joke, but when it comes to cultural symbols, it doesn’t really make a difference. I don’t see his fashion influence making a huge impact among gay women, but maybe the themes of his music itself appeal to modern lesbian zeitgeist in a way I have yet to decipher.
We’re in an era now where there are a lot more openly LGBTQ celebrities to act as touchstones and role models and style icons, and I’m interested to see whether that ultimately affects who gets labeled an enduring “gay icon” of our generation.
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the-gingersk · 5 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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the-gingersk · 5 years
But what if they just happened to cast Andrew Garfield as the boyfriend in Deadpool 2, and someone in the movie is like, “hey, you look just like Peter Par-” but Deadpool tackles them before they can finish and then just looks directly at the camera and is like, “this is my boyfriend, Pete Parkley, and he is definitely not Spiderman because that would be a serious breach of licensing rights.” and then he just grabs Pete and tows him away by the suspicious red spandex collar poking out over the top of his T-shirt
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the-gingersk · 5 years
telling ppl attracted to men that there are no good men out there or that men can’t love only normalizes poor treatment from men & doesn’t do anything helpful
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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The Kiss, today (23/10/2012) in Marseille, France. 
Two young women kissed in front of anti same sex marriage/adoption protesters. 
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the-gingersk · 5 years
more impressed than anything else cos my lock screen is me...
You’re married to your phone background/lockscreen how fucked are you
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the-gingersk · 5 years
Happy Friday. Sound on. Vaganova Ballet Academy student and Mikhailovsky Theatre dancer Anna Shishanova. 
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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the-gingersk · 5 years
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srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time
like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him
if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.
she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact
it’s a f***ing trap
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