the-fog-isnt-real · 18 hours
i'll... take this as a compliment.
but why would i want money? hell, why would you want money? i get that social media is a good place to feed, especially for someone like you - but you sound like you're doing this for the same reasons humans do.
are you trying to pretend you're like them? i mean, of course you're lying to them - but are you also lying to yourself? are you telling yourself their world gives you a place where you belong?
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 21 hours
*disintegrates /pos* oh gods you should probably just leave me alone actually
This video made me cry so I wanted to put it here
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oh, names aren't real. and i'm not real enough to truly associate myself with the illusion of a name. but you can call me Geist.
would it be rude to say i've never heard of you?
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
how can you know the people you call your friends aren't just keeping you around because you're useful to them?
think about it. you can't be sure what you perceive is true. maybe you're only seeing what you want to see.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
hm. i guess you're right... i am a person. not an existing one, and certainly not human, but a person at least in some sense. though i wonder - you must have met people that aren't human before, right?
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
Opal hesitates, starting to fidget with their bracelet again.
"um, okay. i suppose i should probably learn to get used to this."
They look down the street, which is still slightly foggy, although less than before.
"were you... going anywhere?"
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
i don't know if you're asking me, but no, personally, i don't have anything to hide either. i don't really mind being seen.
i like your allegory. however, i'm mostly interested in the glass that seperates you from everyone else, whether you realize it or not.
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
For a second, Shadow frowns slightly, before shaking their head and smiling again.
"okay. cool. should i... just leave you to your thoughts then?"
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
Geist's eyes go wide with surprise - and joy, too.
"really? i didn't even... i mean, i'm just..."
She visibly forces herself to relax, only partly succeeding.
"okay. if... you ever need anything, you can tell me too. and i'll do my best to help. although i'm sure you know multiple people who can do that better than me."
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 2 days
"yeah. it was... unfamiliar. but really nice."
It smiles at the memory.
"didn't expect a kid to be so... wise, in a way. but he was also just really kind. honestly, i didn't think something... something like this could be possible."
While talking, xe fidgets with the bracelet, as if they wanted to make sure it was actually there and not just a product of their imagination.
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 3 days
"oh, sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
They rub their neck in an embarassed motion, thinking for a moment.
"sorry for last time i guess? no, wait, i think i already said that last time, and you told me to stop apologizing this much. so... well, your advice was really good, in any case."
He smiles as he looks at the bracelet Teddy gifted them.
"oh, but tell me if you don't want to talk to me. didn't want to disturb you if you were busy thinking about something, or... i don't know."
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 3 days
Shadow appears directly behind Amelie, seemingly oblivious of that not exactly being the best spot to materialize.
"um, so... you were right. of course i can travel through the fog."
The street around them is actually a bit foggy, although the fog definitely didn't slowly settle in.
Amelie is walking down a street, seemingly lost in thought, slightly unaware of its surroundings.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 3 days
hey, i'm not kicking and screaming!
okay, i might have tried to run in the opposite direction.
but... i can't teleport. i mean, i could be wherever i want, but metaphorically, i can't. anyways.
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 3 days
i think there's a barrier no one talks about. a barrier that exists both in "real" life and on the internet.
for some people, it's so thin that they almost don't notice it when they're crossing it. for others, it's practically insurmountable.
sometimes, you see a person that seems really nice, and you want to be friends with them. (i'm not talking about me here, i'm talking about you.) maybe you talk to them - smalltalk about the classes you have together, or compliments hidden in the tags of reblogs.
but... there's that barrier. that threshold. to become more than just acquaintances, you have to cross it.
are you able to? can you step out of your own little universe? can you and that person maybe, just maybe, live in the same reality? create memories that are true for both of you?
some people will laugh seeing this. they'll never understand the people forever staring at that barrier, weeping.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 5 days
A maine coon with messy pitch black fur sits in the shadows of an alley, its glowing eyes following the people who pass by. Suddenly, the "cat" turns into a tall, cat-like humanoid shadow, with sharp teeth. It seems to have gotten distracted by something.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 5 days
Opal smiles back, then they hesitate.
"hm, yeah. it's not... because of you. but i think i really need to-"
They gesture vaguely, as their form already becomes less solid, slowly dissolving into fog. Zeir fades into an odd echo.
"it was really nice to meet you. um... see you!"
A maine coon with messy pitch black fur sits in the shadows of an alley, its glowing eyes following the people who pass by. Suddenly, the "cat" turns into a tall, cat-like humanoid shadow, with sharp teeth. It seems to have gotten distracted by something.
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the-fog-isnt-real · 9 days
Opal forces itself to keep both their feet on the ground - maybe as opposed to backing away, maybe as opposed to vanishing into nothingness.
"um... thanks."
She laughs nervously.
"and... what do we do now? gods, sorry, i'm-"
A maine coon with messy pitch black fur sits in the shadows of an alley, its glowing eyes following the people who pass by. Suddenly, the "cat" turns into a tall, cat-like humanoid shadow, with sharp teeth. It seems to have gotten distracted by something.
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