Hey everybody i think its time i put this blog out of its misery there will be no more rp's content or anything from now on so feel free to unfollow
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Momiji gets some ramen. By aozarigani.
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Back time for replys
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Otsdarva stood silently for a few moments trying to comprehend what the small girl who reminded him quite a bit of Strayed had said he had no clue why anyone would want to injure themselves like that
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"That sounds uh really painful..."
He then looked around him ever since he nearly drowned at line arks base because of White glint and Strayed he had never tried ask anyone where he was
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"So ummm you have any idea where this is?" to him it looked like it was an island in the middle of a lake he also noticed what appeared to be a massive mansion nearby
Sisterxofxthexdevil started following you
Otsdarva looked down at the girl before him inside his 40 foot mech he did not exactly feel threatened but that is most likely because he did not know who he was looking at
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"Whats with the wings you glue them to your back or something?" he asked with his usual blend of sarcasm and smugness
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"My name is Otsdarva rank 1 lynx for collared and in case you are wondering I am not an artificial intelligence or whatever they call them I am just piloting this vehicle...."
crazedrevolvercultist started following you
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"Who are you?" Ostdarva exclaimed using his machines built in microphone "You need something?"
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Sisterxofxthexdevil started following you
Odstarva looked down at the girl before him inside his 40 foot mech he did not exactly feel threatened but that is most likely because he did not know who he was looking at
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"Whats with the wings you glue them to your back or something?" he asked with his usual blend of sarcasm and smugness
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"All OCs are Mary Sues"
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"All OCs are self-inserts"
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"All OCs are ripoffs of canon characters"
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owlwitchoflearning started following you
Odstarva noticed the girl rather quickly her outfit looked like what the old people that were around before the whole war business called a Halloween costume 
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"What are you supposed to be?" he asked
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I'm bored, so I'm gonna ask you guys something...
Reblog if you don’t mind seeing Prinny Commentary in your RPs.
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crazedrevolvercultist started following you
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"Who are you?" Odstarva exclaimed using his machines built in microphone "You need something?"
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An Egotist's rebirth (Open rp)
Somewhere in the world the sounds of combat drone on and on though this was no normal fight. two capable warriors lay at a stalemate trying desperately to defeat each other though they appear to be evenly matched their skill with the hulking metal machines they piloted were above all the others like them.
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The two fought for what felt like hours until one of them made a fatal mistake. The pilot of the blue machine had left his main booster exposed and within a few moments a bullet hit his booster causing it to fail.
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"Main booster malfunction?!?" "That's what you were aiming for..." "Damn it I can't restart it!" "It's no use i'm sinking..."
The towering metal behemoth quickly sank below the surface of the water. The pilot expected that soon his machine would fill up with water and he would meet his end from lack of oxygen
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"I-I guess this is the end..." but the suddenly almost out of nowhere a bright flash engulfed the enormous machine and he was no longer deep underwater but on land that much he could tell he waited for his camera to readjust to the lighting the pilot had no idea where he was it certainly was not home that much was obvious
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"Where the hell am I?"
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oh god what did i do
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Devon calmed down rather quickly
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"You have a point though i don't know how easy it will be to get her to calm down considering she is hellbent on trying to defeat me"
Tiny just proceeded to instead of yelling glare
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"I'll be back you monster don't think you will be able hide her forever I will destroy those two demons if it kills me"
Devon put in one last retort
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"And it most likely will."
Tiny seemed angry again though she decided not to yell as she would not want to get kicked out
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"Fine i am out of here"
The smallest wolf (an rp with winds-and-gears)
The Mitsuo residence: Not exactly safe (an rp with winds-and-gears)
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So i am back time to go continue some rps all while having no clue what i am doing in the rp community
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Damaged (An au)
Welcome home.
Five years. Five agonizingly long years they’ve been searching for Aura. Five years taken from him by those corrupted by religion. 17 years of memories lost to the darkest corners of his mind. And the mysterious entity that brought Aura back to the safety of Gensokyo. It would take a while to remember everything. He wanted-no, desired to remember this woman.
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And remember he did.
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"Serina…I remember that night."
The night that he lost control, sent into a frenzy by an outside force. It hurt to remember, but he had to. He needed to be complete.
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I am once again reminded why i love this series every time I lost a pikmin it actually was painful emotionally and that's all because of this song excuse me while I go cry
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"No More like worlds biggest nuisance. You really don't need to take her so seriously she's kinda umm how do i put it well she's kind of a wimp"
She yells again obviously frustrated
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"Hey don't talk about me like I am not here you you....."
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Devon interrupted her he then glared menacingly and said
"You might want to think about what you are about to say..."
She proceeded to yell even louder at this rate people are most likely going to start hearing the commotion
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"Shut up I have free will you piece of shit!!!!"
Devon then responded in a manner beyond menacing
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"Tiny if you do not leave now I am going to have to resort to forcing you and we don't want that do we?"
The Smallest wolf (an rp with winds-and-gears)
The Mitsuo residence: Not exactly safe (an rp with winds-and-gears)
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