I made a little story :)
 It’s a Saturday night. I’m on my way to the club for a party. My best friend, Jenna, is turning 23 tonight. I told myself I wouldn’t come, but here I am anyway. I hesitate at the door, but eventually make my way in. When I get in, she comes up and hugs me. 
   “I’m so glad you came!” Jenna says with a beaming smile. She wraps her arms around mine and pulls me over to a crowd. I acquaint myself with some of her friends and take a seat.  
     Everyone is out dancing together while I’m sitting in a corner. I’m not particularly fond of dancing or alcohol, but when it comes to Jenna, she always knows how to get me to let loose.      
  She comes back over to me with shots and tells me to come out onto the dance floor. After a few minutes of reasoning from Jenna, I said ‘fuck it’ and joined her. 
  After an hour of dancing and shots, I made my way back to the table. There was a man sitting in my spot. That was so my spot. He doesn’t get to just spot hog. I grabbed his arm and voiced my complaints.
  “I see you’ve met Jack,” Jenna comes out of nowhere and pulls me back. 
  “He is a spot hog. He stole my spot.” I said, pointing at the man. Jenna pulls a chair over for me to sit in.
  “Sit while I get you water. Sorry for the trouble, Jack. I think she had a little too much to drink.” She pats me on the back and goes to the bar. Neither I, nor the man say anything to each other. We just meet eyes a few dozen times. Now that I think about it, he’s kinda cute. He’s also my type.                                                  I made my way back over to Jenna who was finishing her makeup.   I snap out of my alcoholic daze and attraction when I see Jenna. She looks so amazing. Her skin looks soft in the glimmering light. I get out of my seat and hug her. It was warm and cozy. I didn’t want to let go.   
  I snuggled her a few more seconds before pulling back and grabbing the water she had brought for me. I sat back down in my seat across from Jack. She kindly handed him water too before looking at both of us and saying, “Are you guys related?”  I couldn’t have been more offended than that specific moment. To be related to a slug of a human like him disgusted me. I immediately corrected the situation and kindly told her that I would walk off a cliff if I was related to a spot hog like him.  
  A few giggles later, we settled down and put our differences aside to fight the new problem. Jenna's ex just walked through the door and Jenna looks horrible. We quickly rushed to the ladies bathroom, Jack, Jenna, and me. I reached into my bag and handed her the wipes. Her makeup was smudged and her dress had red wine on it. Easy fix. Right?  
  Jack got ready to fill the new and better boyfriend position. He fixed his hair while I helped Jenna clean her dress. I rushed over to Jack to fix his bow for him.  “Just a minute ago I thought you were going to kill me. Now look at us.” he said with a small chuckle before fixing the bow in my hair. This was a cliche. Ew. I backed off a little bit and put up a wall again. I can’t have my love rival liking me. Way to cliche for my super unique life.                                                                                                                           I made my way back over to Jenna who was finishing her makeup.   “Almost done. All I got left is lipstick. Do you have any, I didn’t bring mine.” she said turning to face me. I reached in my bag and grabbed my pink gloss. I put a decent amount on my lips and told her to come over to me.   “Trust me. It’s super easy.” I said smiling down at her. I felt way taller than I was. She laughed and said okay. I grabbed all my strength and will and kissed her.   
I quickly handed her the gloss and sprinted out of the bathroom. I was panicking. What did I just do? What if she hates me now? I quickly ran out of the bar and took a taxi home.   I unlocked my door and plopped down on the couch. It was time for a regreta-thon. Sad-love movies and then scary movies to shock you back into reality. I put on the first sad-love movie, shut off all the lights, and got some ice cream. I snuggled up on the couch with my soft blanket and watched a few movies.  
  After about two and a half movies I got a text. It was Jenna. I panicked and quickly jumped up. I ran a few laps around my apartment and finally settled down. I crawled over to my phone and read the message. “Meet me in the park by your house in 5”
 I screamed to the top of my lungs in my pillow. That was the night that I abused my pillow. (Rip Mr. Pillow the pillow. 2019-2020.) I rushed to my room for a change of clothes. I only had 5 minutes to look like someone she would love. It was finally my turn to win her heart. I won't let her get hurt like her previous relationships. 
  I grabbed my best looking, casual outfit and pulled my hair up. I sprayed some perfume on myself and slipped into my shoes. 
  When I got to the park, Jenna was sitting on a swing under the moonlight. She looked as dazzling as ever but I had to put aside the goddess in front of me and fix what I did.  I sat in the swing next to her and rocked a little bit. 
  “Do you..” she said in a small voice. She was probably disgusted with me but it was time I own my feelings.
  “I like you. More than a friend. I have for a while now.” I struggled to get the words out but my apologetic self had more to add. “I completely understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore because of th-”
  “I like you too.” Jenna said cutting me off. “I have for a really long time too.” She added with the cutest giggle afterwards. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the pink gloss I gave her earlier. She put some gloss on her lips and kissed me. 
  It was amazing. So many emotions washed over me all at once. We just sat there, kissing. It was so exhilarating. 
  A second later we both moved back and laughed. “This is so perfect.” Jenna said running her fingers through my hair. I smiled up at her then hung my head and gently swung. 
  “I want to grow old with you.”
  “Me too.”
  Off that note, we both agreed that we were dating and went home. We stayed up until dawn texting. I was overjoyed. I hopped over to my desk and typed up some poems. The best way to express myself. Jenna went to sleep so we texted our goodbyes and went to sleep.
“I fell asleep the happiest I could ever be.” I said to the crowd at our wedding. I saw Jenna over by the snack bar listening to my speech. She's still the most beautiful thing on this planet. We meet eyes and both smile. 
  “I have and will forever treasure her. She is my world and I don’t want to ever lose her.” I said before making my way off the stage to my beautiful wife. I kiss her on the forehead and tell her I love her. 
  For once, this world makes sense.
[Something More by Asher Finn]
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