the-alecmerriman · 9 years
We have different ideas of what’s exciting. It’s just the right amount of strange to peak interest though. 
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How long have you heard people talking about it?
Believe it or not, that’s probably the point this screwed up newspaper was trying to make.
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Not too long, so about a few days. It’s too much hype for my preference.
You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
“I’m not talking about just the hybrids,” Hal snarled. “Your little witch friends and the Hunts have been torturing innocent people all for power! Since you’re close with them, I can only assume you know some things about the Hunts and their plans!”
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“Unless you don’t have anything and I wasted my time,” He scoffed, slipping on a sock. Hal knew deep inside that he didn’t waste his time being here with Alec. What happened the night before was something Hal wanted since he laid eyes on Alec. He shook away the thought and continued his rant. “You’re too focused on your own selfish needs that you don’t notice anything going on around you.”
“Why you choose to stick your nose into everyone’s business I’ll never know, but it’s your true weakness.” Alec pushed both hands through his brown hair more in utter annoyance than actual frustration. Even though Hal deemed a frustrating person to deal with at times. “Dante and the Chastain’s are being very discreet that not even I know the specifics. You just need to know this army Hunt’s building is his way of climbing to the top. He wants the glory and fear from others. He gets off on it. I can relate.”
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“That should suffice your dying thirst for knowledge.” Hal’s next comment really struck a nerve for Alec. He grew sick of anyone who claimed they could deduce him like a painting and nitpick his story. The initial insult didn’t bother him, but the implication did. Alec dropped the article of clothing and walked over to the other man. “So, you think I am so perceptive of everyone but myself? Not in your wildest dreams could you ever know the first thing about me, Hal. Stop assuming you can figure me out in just one night.”
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
“That’s a bit of a jump. It could mean anything. Why do you have to be so negative and assume it’s death?”
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“What are you talking about, I’m bursting with positive glow like you. I can’t be negative if that’s the right answer.”
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“Arron, my good old nephew. We need to have a little chat.” Alec grabbed the back of Arron’s shirt collar a bit too roughly and pulled him to where they couldn’t be heard. “Met any blonde vampires lately?”
You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
One Bad Soap Opera // Self-Para
The house in which the Chastain twins and Dante Aryes lived, it seemed, proved to be an easier task slipping through the door than expected. Alec knew no one was home for he scoped the exterior of the structure before entering as a precaution. Not that he needed to sneak around in the first place, of course, considering the reason behind why he was there. Speaking to the trio he spent loads of time with in his days over a rather significant matter were his main objective. However.....creating chaos in a home occupied by fellow mischief-makers was highly encouraged to himself.
The sun’s dim evening rays streamed through the windows, casting the rooms in an orange-ish glow. Alec knew where he wanted to go the minute he entered the house. Creeping by the living room without so much as a sound, he slithered into Ravenna’s private study. It was a nice sized room containing bookshelves touching the wall all the way to the ceiling. On the left side, shelves towered with tiny wooden boxes also lined the wall. By the door, stood a dresser holding what was to be assumed as necessities required for spells. Herbs, charms, various pieces of jewelry for making daylight wear, it was there. 
However, the oak wood desk standing in the center of the room attracted Alec’s eye and he advanced towards it. Various folders and papers guessing to be pretty important stacked high covered the majority of its surface. He walked behind the desk and opened a drawer. Inside, junk and more junk. “Messy, messy, messy. Let’s change that, shall we?” Like a flash of lightning, Alec snapped. He slammed his hands on the desk and swept the papers and files from their place on the surface, knocking everything down. He walked over to the shelves and pulled out every book he could get his hands on, even opening a few to tear out the pages and slamming the destroyed covers to the floor.
Alec made quite the racket that Ravenna walked through the door at that very moment and heard the commotion plain as day. Oh, you must be truly desperate to sneak into my office and steal the Hybrid files. Pathetic. A paranoid woman that Rav was, she never thought to cast a protection spell from unwanted intruders. With a huff, she burst through the door and was greeted by, of all people, Alec completely obliterating her study like a tornado ripping through. Papers scattered the carpet in disarray. Ravenna gritted her teeth and glared at the other man. “What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”
Alec whirled around from emptying a wooden box and smiled maliciously. “Oh, good, you’re here. I was worried I wasn’t going to see your face after I finished. Since you did ask, I’m redecorating the room. It looks rather nice like this, don’t you think? It’s like a work of art. I think I want to call it ‘the ultimate betrayal’. That has a lovely ring.” He dropped the box and used every bit of force to knock down the shelf displaying knick knacks, grinning as the loud bang satisfied his needs. He then scooped up a few papers, making a point to tear them to pieces in front of Rav. Ravenna herself stalked across the room and snatched the shreds from him. “Have you lost your damn mind, Alec? Leave. Now.”
“Oh? Am I destroying your life? Like you supposedly destroyed mine.” Alec hissed at her, returning to the desk to pull out the drawers and dump the contents. 
“Destroyed your life? Rowan and I gave you a new one. You were barely anything when we found you on your own. Stop acting like a child.” Ravenna laid her hands flat on her now ruined desk and fixed Alec with a fierce, albeit confused glare. For the first time, Alec stopped vandalizing property to comment, “For fuck’s sake, it’s not about that! It’s about Rosemery, you ignorant ass!” Realization dawned on the woman, and she tried her best at hiding it. Yet, he saw right through it. “You remember her, do you not? Blonde hair, beautiful, kindness practically bursting from her? Don’t bother denying it, Ravenna. I could easily figure out which companions she referred to when I first talked to her.”
Rav commented, “I still don’t see what you’re upset about. You have your sister back.”
In a bubbling rage of fury, Alec kicked the chair at the desk and heard it hit the wall as it wheeled backwards. “That is not the goddamn point, Ravenna! I have been here for god knows how many months and you did not bother once telling me you traveled with my sister. The same sister, I should add, that I thought had been taking a long dirt nap. You knew this entire time she was alive and you said not a word. Never did I utter Rose’s name to a soul but you three. You know, I almost trusted you. Looks to me you can’t count on anyone.”
“No. This only goes to show how out of practice you are, my darling. Just for the fact you couldn’t instinctively sense Rose’s presence proves you did not place her being a vampire as a possibility. Furthermore, you needed to hear the truth from that girl’s mouth.” 
Alec retrieved a small dagger from a desk drawer and examined the shining silver blade. He caught a small glimpse of his distorted reflection and then jammed the blade into the wood top. “That still didn’t give you a right to hide it from me. You knew how significant she used to be in my life. But you just had to pull the whole heartless bitch act like always.” The dark witch removed the dagger and pointed the blade at the other woman. “Trust me, I can appreciate the cruelty in the world, but you have gone a tad bit too far, sweetheart.” 
Rav forced out a dark chuckle. Oh, this boy held a flair for the dramatics. She once enjoyed such a trait in Alec as she shared the same fondness, but accusations were far-fetched and deeply pissed her off. “Yet, you blame me for your troubles. It’s not my fault you’re too thick to see what’s right in front of you. Alec, you great lump.” Ravenna approached Alec slowly, grabbing the dagger from his grasp and setting it aside. She reached up to cup his chin before his hand shot out and took her raised wrist. The two took part in a long stare down that could have lasted years. There had always been a kind of...tension between them. If not for Ravenna’s persistent refusal and Alec’s weakness for sexual encounters, he would’ve had her right then and there. “Don’t touch me.” He pushed aside her arm and took a step back from Ravenna. She merely rolled her eyes. “Do you want to know why we didn’t tell you? You wouldn’t have believed me if we did. Family is everything, Alec. I ruined mine when I fell in love with a human. You know I am not one for the touchy feely yoga nonsense, but you get another chance with Rose. She’s a clever girl, your sister, and lord knows she wouldn’t stop talking about you.”
“I wish she did. That naive, kind heart is what got her pregnant in the first place,” he said.
“So, you blame her for everything, is that it? I don’t think she will like hearing that very much.” The woman crossed her arms and sighed heavily. Rose was what’s known as a tender soul, someone gentle and sensitive to insults thrown towards her by loved ones. “God, Rav, I don’t need a fucking therapist.” Alec walked around the desk and headed for the door before he suddenly whirled around. His parents did lie to him about Rosemery’s absence, yes, but the anger for why they needed to tell a fib directed towards Rose. “You know what? Yeah, I blame her for everything. If she didn’t let herself get swept up with some guy she had vomit-inducing feelings for, she wouldn’t have been banished and I’d have her like she was.”
“Not right now, you wouldn’t. If she hadn’t been with child and ran into the arms of another vampire, she’d be long dead. Lest you forget that was over 600 years ago. No one likes an ungrateful child, my dear.” Ravenna quirked an eyebrow. “Now, stop being so obnoxiously difficult and fix the mess with your sister. Unless you care to clean up this one.” She swept her arms around the damaged room.”
“Not a fucking chance.” Despite Ravenna’s misgivings and cold nature, there’s a part of her that held a slight bit of caring. In her own way, of course. “Doesn’t mean I’m not sorry for the mess. Apologies aren’t my thing, sweetcheeks. I’ll think about talking to her, okay? But she needs to get it through her head that I’m not that kid anymore. Let me ask you this, when the fuck did my life become a really bad soap opera? I find out I have a great something nephew and now boom, long lost sister back from the dead. How charming.”
“No matter how hard we try, the drama finds us. I do not like it either, but we must deal with it accordingly.” Ravenna began picking up the scattered documents and tossed them in a pile on her desk. “You should go, Alec. Rowan won’t be pleased if he catches you at the scene of the crime. And don’t look at me like you are surprised I am not angrier with you because I most certainly am.”
Alec reached for the doorknob and turned it, pushing the heavy door open. “Like that wasn’t obvious? I’d call the maid if I were you.” He flash a smug smirk and walked halfway out the door before he stopped to mention one more thing. “It pains me to utter these words, but....thank you, I guess.” Without another word, Alec shut the door and disappeared.
Ravenna stared at the empty space where Alec previously had been and shook her head. “Alec Merriman, you are a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped inside an enigma.” Sometimes, she did not know about that man. It brought a smile to her lips nonetheless.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
All time has done to you is made you taller, Alec. No earth rotation could ever change your eye color or get rid of that birth mark behind your knee. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, I’ve been someone I never wanted to be. I have spent nights hating myself for my past and fearing for my future - but it doesn’t matter. I don’t hate you for doing bad things. I can’t hate you.
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It is not too late for us to be a family. It will never be too late for us, not while I am still walking this ground. We are together again and that will not change.
You and I know I wasn’t talking about my physical appearance, Rosie. From what I am hearing, we both aren’t the same people we once were in the past. Any small shred of humanity I had left died when our family did. It’s better if you do.
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Who are you trying to fool? You’re a vampire stuck at 17 and I’m a dark witch who can suck the life out of someone with one touch. You aren’t even the eldest anymore.
No welcome back party?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
“Don’t patronize me.” Hal said through gritted teeth as he finished buttoning his shirt. Once he finished fiddling with the last button, he took a shaky, but still deep, breath and sat up straight. “You owe me.” His voice wavered slightly but he continued to speak anyway. “You owe me answers to any questions I have about the hybrids, the hunts or your little gang of witches.” Hal pulled on his pants quickly, not even planning to give Alec the satisfaction of looking him in the eye. “I should get something more from all this nonsense you’ve put me through.”
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“I speak only the truth. Sometimes.” Alec busied himself with at least trying to tidy up the room, straightening the pillows and fixing the bed covers. He never saw the point with making a bed when you were just going to sleep in it the next night, but he had a guest over. A mess is still a mess. “You want answers? I’ll give you all the answers you could hope for, but not all at once. Just as long as I get what I desire in return for any questions asked. I already told you everything I knew about the hybrids, Hal.”
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
“Blood isn’t what defines a person. If it did I’d be like my own ancestors, and this conversation would probably not be happening,” Farrah said this with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. If she was like her ancestors she would be dead. The death more than likely at the hands of vampire. At the thought a wry grin curled across her face, she rapped her knuckles on the bar’s counter, better safe than sorry. 
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As she considered what Alec said about Arron the glare morphed into a quizzical look. She vaguely recalled Arron talking about leaving town for a few years. It was at this point that curiosity was being twisted into skepticism. He left for awhile, and there was a high chance he left to make sure things blew over. Like the death of his family. With a light tilt of her head she refilled Alec’s glass, both a peace offering and a bribe, “When did the murder occur? How many years ago?”
“And I would be beating the hell out of everyone until they fell into unconsciousness. At least, that’s what I’d be doing if my so-called adopted guardian were my real father. Asshole. Still, it can be true about fifty percent of the time.” Oftentimes, the memories of Alec’s parents slipped away and he could not remember them. Yet, he remembered the many folks who took him in for work.
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Planting the skeptical worm seemed a damn near impossible task for many others who do not know the way around the right words. This wasn’t the case for Alec. Farrah perhaps struggled with both sides of the story like a game of tug o’ war. On one end, she thought Arron was good and tried believing Alec was telling the truth on the other. “It happened when Arron was eighteen. I think he’s around my age, so that would be eight years ago.” Tracing the rim of the glass, he picked it up and took a drink. The alcohol’s effects already began taking hold.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
Given that you’re immortal, and have seen how twisted the world can be, I find it surprising that you find this to be just a riddle. Why waste the money and time to publish an article that is less than half a page if it is not going to lead up to something else?
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You mistake me for someone who actually cares what this article is trying to warn everyone. From someone who has murdered people left and right since he got here, I can’t be bothered by this. However, I would love to hear your theories, sweetheart.
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You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
I would argue that it’s more common. I don’t know any families that actually sit down together for a Sunday dinner.
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Out of curiosity, what was the entire riddle?
That’s what I meant. Good lord, what is happening with the world today if families don’t sit at the table for din din? For shame.
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A nightmare for some. For others, as a savior I come. My hands, cold and bleak, it’s the warm hearts they seek. Exciting, isn’t it?
You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
Rudi snatched the paper back with another eye roll. Tucking it away into his coat’s jacket. He folded his hands and regarded the other witch with barely contained annoyance, “Aside from giving an answer to a riddle we have both determined was simple, why are you here? We are hardly on friendly terms.”
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Alec knew when he was pushing someone’s buttons just enough for the annoyance to appear. He folded his arms across his chest and tilted his head. “Hardly on friendly terms, I am hurt. I thought you and me were good old pals. Besides, I haven’t come around to pester you in a very long time.”
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I’m usually not one for reading the paper.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
The riddle might be simple, but things are rarely this simple. There’s a bigger picture we don’t know of yet.
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Things actually are this simple. What this dolt of a newspaper is trying to say is there will be death, people are going to die, blah, blah, blah. What else is new?
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You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
Well, thanks for spoiling it.
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I didn’t even get a chance to read it, so everyone has their panties in a bunch over a riddle?
No one can compete with my massive intellect.
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A riddle that implies death, yes. I don’t see why anyone should be surprised by this point. Doesn’t death happen as common as Sunday dinners?
You are kidding me, right?
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
Rudi sighed heavily as Alec yanked the paper from his hands. As Alec read the riddle out loud, he flinched. The answer felt painfully obvious to him. He shook his head lightly, “There is only one dementor that lives in this world. Is dementor or final answer to the riddle?”
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Alec smooth down the creases he had created at the corners when he forced the paper out of Rudi’s grasp. “Great, you understood my reference, Haley Joel Osment.” He went back and looked over the riddle again with a shake of his head. “Paper implies it’s a savior and a nightmare, hands are cold and bleak. The only thing that best describes that is death. It’s death.”
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I’m usually not one for reading the paper.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
You are kidding me, right?
This riddle is a giant load of horseshit. The only logical answer is death.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
But this riddle is exceptionally vapid.
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“Let me see that.” Alec reached out and unceremoniously snatched the newspaper from Rudi’s hand, glancing over the riddle to read it out loud. “A nightmare for some. For others, as a savior I come. My hands, cold and bleak, it’s the warm hearts they seek. What, do we have dementors in Birchwood?”
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I’m usually not one for reading the paper.
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
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Alec & Rosemery Merriman Moodboard [1/?]
“The world is not a small place, and my companions don’t always like to listen to me. But I have been looking. You’re my brother… “
Why try finding me in the first place?... 
                                you didn’t even bother saying goodbye.”
“You’re my family, Alec. You’re the only family I ever needed or wanted and I spent 600 years trying to get you back. I never stopped thinking about my little brother.“
“I am not that seven year old you once remembered. I’ve done things, unspeakable things you wouldn’t be too proud of.... 
                          Look what time has done to me, Rosemery......”
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the-alecmerriman · 9 years
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make me choose: anon asked: stiles stilinski or kai parker
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