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I want to express my sincere apologies for not being on this blog when I should. Im more active over at Drake and is taking my time a bit. Sooo; yeah, really sorry about that. And, I wanna apologize for my replies not being that long I don’t have icons to be all fancy... but, I still try to put effort into my replies even when they seem short, I’m trying to do my best with a mue who cannot speak, at least non-verbally. I’ll make grunts and growling noises with it, but that’s the best I can do and I fear people are going to get mad over my replies not being long ;_;
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Syzoth was amused by this as the green dragon yipped with joy, “Hello? Why are you sso happy ssmall one?” he asked, people usually don’t get excited at the sight of him.
Why would the Dragon of the North NOT be happy to see another reptilian being? He’s never seen one before, granted, but still, this was amazing to see! Too bad Genji wasn’t here to witness a new species. A continuous wag of the tail still showing signs he liked Syzoth, even if he wanted the little one to be afraid of him. 
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The heir had scaled the Shimada Castle’s walls, seeking for some peace and quiet at the rooftop. Well.. Probably seeking more than just that, yet simply unable to do so due to his duties. Duties that seemed to get more and more heavy each day as Hanzo became older and as Genji frolicked around more and more. Not that he blamed or thought ill of his brother because of it, but he felt the spikes of jealousy more frequently. So he distanced himself from him, withdrawing in an attempt to not make matters worse. To set things straight with himself and to, maybe, be able to forget about the whole situation. 
As the Dragon of the South appears, the young adult doesn’t look up, eyes focused on the joint that he was rolling in his hands. Hanzo does, however, sense the appearance of the creature and, as such, speaks up. 
“Good evening.” He greets him, more a murmur than anything else. “It has been a while. But you are aware of that, of course.” Bringing up the joint to his mouth, his tongue flicks out, licking at the rolling paper as he twists, producing a proper smoke quickly and smoothly, hands skilled enough by now. “Is something the matter?” Hanzo then asked, pulling out a lighter and, soon, taking a drag.
With the lick of a flame from the lighter to the puff of the smoke, the great dragon wrinkled his nose as the foul smell. Such a horrible odor, how could his master even stand it? The great beast would leave the situation. But he;s not one to just leave Hanzo on a short notice. True, this has been a while, perhaps since the last dragon summoning? The Dragon of the South does not remember. How could he? He is only a spirit. Good for damaging, eating, consuming in their waking. Leaning his head down to focus on his master with a crease of the eyes. “NNnrr?” Probably questioning what the object was in his hands. Especially the foul odor that accustomed it.
The sky seemed clear today, the Dragon of the South had not hoped they were in a visible view where others could see the large dragon in all its glory. A coil of the tail allowing Hanzo to rest on the base of it’s tail if needed for a support to relax and lay down. His master is the one that he looked after, even if he could look after himself quite fine. 
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Hanzo had his permanent stink face watching the dragon react to the order. he simply sighed as he had to pull up with the green dragon’s shenanigans either way. “Today will be a very long day…” he monologued his thought. “First some ground rules. you are nor leaving the room without me, you stay always near my range of sight. if you do something to be punishable i will personally put you on a bucket face down on the floor till you learn your lesson. got it this time. and you nod to answer no tongue, i don’t know what you meant by that. understood?”
No answer for a couple of moments, he stills didn’t understand what Hanzo was barking at but he supposed he understood a little bit of it...  seemed like a Hanzo thing to do with the bucket. Although he may be risking a bit of whining and crying due to the little dragon not being able to see or hear his surroundings well. Best to be on his best behavior then, right? With a tilt of the head sticking his tongue back into his mouth... that’s as much of a answer that he was going to ever get from the little dragon. Seemed he understood... slightly. A yip of excitement of the thought of getting to playing with Hanzo! His dragons wanted nothing to do with the Dragon of the North, so Hanzo would have to be a substitute. 
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Not now??? But... He just wanted to play! Besides, a littlebreak couldn’t kill the Sparrow, right? Ignoring his orders another small tug at his scarf almost trying to pull him away however failing. Seemed he wanted Genji’s attention badly. more so, the little dragon did’t care if Genji did not want to play, he wanted Genji’s attention nonetheless. His toys were not keeping the little one company. At least not for a while anyway. “Rrrrr!” It growled quietly. dragon of the North would not deter from a  simple command!
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mcgenji week 05: family
whatever im like half an hour late in my timezone but im still feeling sick lol
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Was going to get shit done today... but art pieces and drama got in the way... good day, good day.
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had this thing in the drafts for a while.
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The dragon of the north may be aloof, but he wouldn't dare try break anything that didn't seem like a toy. Well; many things did. Genji and hanzos bandannas, his new squeaky toy that Genji had gotten him, or even zenyattas orbs! Hanzo had to watch over genjis dragon whilst he was away. And so; it looked like hanzo was just setting down some ground rules. Of course the dragon may or may not follow. But; he'll see if he behaves. A small tongue sticks out mid conversation. Was that a yes, or a no? With genjis dragon it was hard to tell. Rolling over Genjis toy, biting into it, making a loud squeak in process, his tail wagged wanting hanzo to play with the dragon. Looks like hanzos going to have to play babysitter for a dragon for a bit
thclittlestnccdles starter
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“Break anything and you’ll get punished.”
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He knows what he is? That’s surprising! Only the Shimads know of the spirit dragons. But that’s okay, he’s glad to know he’s existent. Another yip of excitement blurted from the dragon sticking out a tongue slightly in pure innocence. A young dragon perhaps? He’s wanting to play with Reptile it seems. The Dragon of the North is always playful for a possible new friend! And with another reptile companion, he doesn’t feel as shy! 
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🍜 🐉 X 3 = 😍😍😍😘
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Oooh jeez! But no seriously, noodle dragons are the best after all! Haha! I love my babes with a passion.
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Can I actually say something, like, I really love you all. I know I only made this blog yesterday but i got a lot of you already and it’s just... I dunno. I’m glad I feel more appreciated on here then all of my other blogs combined. It’s like, I’m recognized here then any of my other blogs. I actually gave myself a name so I could feel I could start a new career and well; I’m glad it’s working out for me. I promise; for those who I don’t follow or I don’t talk to I’m not ignoring you or hate you. You’re all amazing and really glad you’d want to see my content and putting up with me. Thank you, seriously. Means a lot to me at least. 
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Dragon kisses for u, me friendo!
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Thanks so much love! Glad to know I’m making people happy! 
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★ !!
Send these if you really like my blog!
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Aaaa you’re too kind seriously! Dragon snuggles for all!
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Pssst don't remind me of my gay love for Andy black.
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