thatwiccanraven · 2 years
Damaged Upon Delivery : No refunds!
2-3 in every thousand.
Of those 2 to 3, I am in the small 30%.
That 30% whose lives were forever be marred by negligence.
Teetering a line between disabled and able.
Day by day, hour by hour, it can change.
Stretching just a little too far to make up for the difference in length can lead to a red hot blade being forced into my shoulder, a pain of the nerves that doesn't stop.
All to make up for a few inches.
People you know for years, who forget you are deformed, ask for your help with things over your head so you stretch onto your tip toes amd arch your back to make it work. You can pass off as able bodied, but other days you can't.
I am in the 30%, of the 2-3 in a thousand.
The small percentage that doesn't heal over time,
The small group who needs at least one surgery to hopefully live a normal life.
The few babies who grow up with permanent damage from an injury sustained at birth.
There are times I wish my surgery didn't work. Times i wish my arm only hung limply at my side, and nothing more. So I wouldn't have to try so hard to seem normal. I wouldn't work myself into a fit of pain just to live.
Maybe then people would bute their tongues instead of saying,
"If you think you're hurting now, just wait until you're old and broken."
I used to be so mad at my mom for not pushing hard enough to get a cesarean. Maybe if she had tried harder, I would have been perfectly healthy. Instead, I'm a *mostly* one armed wonder.
I hold no hate in my heart for her.
She did the best with the information she had.
She raised me to be strong, resilient.
What she wasn't aware of was the pain.
The doctors assured her repeatedly that I wasn't.
They didn't know, because they wouldn't ask. And when they did they didn't believe me.
I was 16 when the doctor said,
"If you believe in Jesus, when you die he'll fix you, in his perfect image."
At 24,
I believe in myself, for I am my own perfect image of imperfection. Some days are harder than others.
Some days I wish I had only 1 arm.
But, I truly believe that I was given those odds to remind myself to take things slow. To enjoy life in the moment, because one day, however far away it may be, I will lose what little I have. The pain will be a distant memory. The cruel insults from kids on the playground will be a memory of the best times I had with my disability.
We are given the shit end of the stick for a reason, at times. And everyday I strive to find my reason.
Maybe my reason is writing this. So someone in my situation can find the truth in the chaotic writings above, and find some part of themselves in my struggles.
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thatwiccanraven · 2 years
Do you have a ways of worshipping for Hecate? Just found you blog and I love it!! 💜
Ways of Worshipping Hecate
(Thank you for your request <3)
- do rituals and spell work on the new moon!
- animal statues, she's particularly fond of 3 headed animal statues if you can find them
- offerings/objects in lots of 3 or 13
- do your shadow work
- begin learning to find a level of comfort in discomfort, you have to accept all facets of yourself, Hecate can help with this
- leave offerings at a crossroads or outside your door
- food offerings such as:
- raisins and currants
- raisin and currant muffins and breads
crescent shaped cakes and cookies
- eggs/eggshells
- pomegranate
- (dark) chocolate
- meat
- cheese
- nuts (specifically almonds)
- bread
- grapes
- honey or honey cakes
- apples
- black coffee, jasmine tea, milk and honey, red wine and mead
- decorative masks
- her associated plants/herbs: cinnamon, garlic, lavender, cardamom, yarrow, rose, mugwort, aconite, ebony, oak, mandrake, nightshades, willow, dark yew, blackthorn, saffron, dandelion, pumpkins/squash, night blooming flowers such as, moonflower, datura, brugmansia, night lilies and more
- Snake, dog, deer, alligator, horse, sheep, bat, owl, weasel, ferret and boar imagery
- Snake shed (ethically sourced)
- dog fur or teeth (ethically sourced)
- horse shoes (ethically sourced)
- owl feathers (ethically sourced)
- bones/skulls (ethically sourced)
- her associated scents for candles or incense: cinnamon, honey, myrrh, dragons blood, benzoin, mugwort, lime, lemon and verbena
- her associated metals and gems: sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, bloodstone, black onyx, hematite, smokey quartz and other black Gemstones
- enchant your jewellery with protection magic and wear it in honour of her
- learn baneful protections (or regular protection)
- practice witchcraft and ask Hecate to participate and assist
- learn the magical properties of herbs
- Hecate can be associated with birth, so take care of pregnant people or animals
- foster/adopt puppies
- honour the dead and/or your ancestors
- spend time in graveyards
- clean them up while you're there if you can
- go to mystery spots
- do crosswords, word unscrambles and riddles
- knock before entering a room
- babysit/take care of/foster children
- pray to her at night
- keys
- coins
- a cauldron
- a broom (good for sweeping out unwanted energies)
- candles! Especially black, silver, red or purple
- wear a (dark) veil! (This is a form of protection magic, and dark colours are associated with Hecate)
- hold a feast in her honour! Set a place for her at your table or leave the food offerings on her altar
- donate to animal shelters
- cut out the toxic people in your life
- celebrate samhain!
- nurture your inner child
- little toys and trinkets
- devote your education to her, study something new, this could be hymns, or schooling or just a topic you're personally interested in
- self care as an offering
- be kind to people
- donate money or food, blankets, etc to homeless shelters
- torches/torch art/imagery
- the wheel of fortune tarot card
- share your story, you deserve to be heard and they deserve to be outed for what they did.
- support other survivors
- dog treats and dog bones!
- knives/athame
- rope or cord (to symbolise birth and rebirth)
- devote a form of divination to her
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thatwiccanraven · 2 years
An Introduction to Hekate
Hekate, Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, the Moon, Necromancy, is believed to be not just a Goddess of the Underworld, but the living world as well. She also has dominion over crossroads, hidden knowledge, home protection, herbs, plant medicine and flowers. According to the Ancient Greek text by Hesiod, Theogony “Hecate, whom Zeus, Cronus’ son, honored above all others: he gave her splendid gifts - to have a share of the Earth and the barren sea, and from the starry sky as well she has a share in honor, and is honored most of all by the immortal gods.”
From what we can see historically, Hekate was a Goddess that was highly revered and given reign over three realms by the God of Gods. Hekate is well known to be as the triple goddess due to her association with the waxing, full and waning moon, but also some equate Hekate to the Mother, Maiden and Crone figure. She is a powerful Goddess, yet she also is a kind Goddess that will aid you in your path that you have chosen as a witch. Some of the main things you can focus on when working with Hekate when just starting off is
Finding your path
Protection of your home & loved ones
Communion with the dead
Spirit work
Shadow work
Associations with Hekate you may find when calling on her when beginning to build a relationship with her are items such as,
Black dogs
The Moon
The Crone
The colors black & purple
The #3
The tarot card “The Moon”
Strophalos Wheel
There are superstitions that when Hekate is near dogs will begin to bark for what seems to be no reason.
Once you begin to see signs that Hekate is responding to you and is willing to engage, a great thing to do would be to leave an offering at a crossroads during the New Moon. Rituals, offerings and spellwork during the New Moon is the perfect time to connect with Hekate since that is the phase of the moon associated with her. Some examples of offerings you can leave at the crossroads are,
Mediterranean fruits
Locally sourced fruits
Plants, such as Mugwort
You can also honor Hekate on the last day of the month or on the Night of Hekate, which is November 16th every year.
Lastly, an important step to making that initial connection with Hekate is creating an altar dedicated to her. On your altar you can have a statue of her or something that symbolizes her, plants associated with her and even  images of animals associated with her. Some colors you can use to decorate your altar are,
Use these scents of incense at your altar such as,
Lemon Verbena
Queen of the Night
Finally, some great crystals and gems that Hekate would love to have at her altar include,
Black Tourmaline
Black Onyx
Smoky Quartz
Hopefully  this introduction helps give you an idea of who Hekate is and how to begin following her. Thanks for reading!
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
I'm really missing the ocean.
The sand between my toes.
The smell carried by the wind.
But most importantly, I miss standing right where the water meets land.
Feeling the saltwater gently lick my toes as the power of the waves wash over me.
The power of what I believe in.
Beauty and chaos in it's best forms.
Soon, I'll be able to feel that again.
Connect with nature in its purest forms...
Feel the fire in my spirit burn as the old gods and Goddesses whisper.
#witchcraft #wicca #ocean #innerpeace #meditate #pagan #beach #quickwrite #shells #sand #aphrodite #poseidon #thatwiccanraven #ggdfr
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
I dance by the fire,
Feel the flames lick my flesh,
Heat the earth beneath my feet.
I cry under the moon,
Light washing my bare skin,
Illuminating me from within
In that fire,
I see the horns of my god,
Hear the sweet notes of his flute.
I feel his spirit fill me,
Strengthen me,
Push me.
In that black sky,
Where she shines,
I look at her.
As I lay eyes on the moon,
I embrace my goddess,
Just as she embraces me,
In all her forms.
They are within me,
As your god is in you.
So continue on my path,
I must do.
#thatwiccanraven #wicca #witch #polytheist #pagan #nature #sun #moon #god #goddess #originalpoem #poemsatnight #bored #lessthanfiveminutes #ggdfr
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
This is by no means completed, up-to-date, or the only way you can view or perceive witchcraft. These are just some posts, found on my blog, put together in a list for easier access.
This is also being updated as I go through my archives, and whats on the list as of [Sept 22nd, 2018] is from start - August 2018. This list will be updated as often and as quick as I can possibly manage.
This isn’t really as organized as I would like it, but I broke it down into categories and alphabetical order such as:
Moon Shit:
2017 Lunar Calendar 
August 2018 Lunar Schedule
Full Moons Of The Year
Lunar Eclipse Dates
Lunar Phases
Magick Of The Moon Phases
Moon Magic 
Moon Magic Grimoire 
Moon Phase Runes
Top Stargazing Events of 2018
Herb Shit:
5 Herbs Every Witch Should Have In Their Garden
Anti-Anxiety Herbs
Big Witchy Guide On Herbs And Flowers
Dangerous Herbs
Gardens  Of The Witches
Herb Masterpost
Herbs For Hexing
Herbs For Protection
Indoor Plants For The Space Conscious Witch
Poisonous Herbs
Reasons Herbs May Not Work
Sacred Herbs Of The Gods 
Top 10 Magical Herbs
Crystal Shit:
Crystals Every Witch Should Have
Gems For Depression
Taking Care Of Your Crystals
Emoji Spells Shit:
Easy Sleep
Spells Shit:
4 Free Spells
A Method To Cleanse And Ward After Unsavory People Leave
Anti-Anxiety Charm
Anti-Anxiety Jar
Bad Habits Tarot Spread
Bad Luck
Bandage Sigils
Banishing Nightmares
Bath For Sunburns
Belladonna’s Spell Page
Celestial Nail Polish Magic
Change Your Luck
Crow Bone Hex
Curse A Bitch
Dreams and Nightmare Protection
Easy Cleansing Ritual
Elemental Ideas
Forest With Me
From My Grimoire
Glamour Enchanted Jewelry
Hail The Glow Cloud
Hex For 2017
Icelandic Staves
Increasing Emotional Tolerance
Lavender Self Love Jar
Love Enhancer
Love / Protection 
Memory Aid
Mermaid’s Breath
New Year Purification Bath
Peppermint Spell
Return To Sender
Ritual For Positive Thoughts 
Ritual Of Gratitude
Self Love And Healing Jar
Seven Useful Powder Spells For Every Occasion
Sew Closed Your Heart
Simple Protection 
Sleep Spells And Sigils
Steps To Strengthen A Romantic Relationship
Stop Nightmares
Using Glitter In Spells
Ward Types and Components
Warmth In Winter
Advice Shit:
10 Common Misconceptions of Baby Witches
10 Daily Witch Things
10 Plants To Survive A Zero Sunlight Bedroom
10 Terms Every New Witch Should Know
26 Activities To Help Your Mind, Body, And Soul
A Collection Of Witch Tips
A Long List Of Ways To Spiritually Protect Yourself
Astral Temple Meditation
Aura / Energy Colors & Meanings
A Secret Witches Guide To Concealing Your Craft
Back To School Magic
Basics Of Kitchen And Cottage Witchcraft
Beginner Masterlist
Beginner Witchcraft 
Being A Witch
Blood Magic
Breaking Astrology Down
Candle Uses & Meanings
Charging/Activating Sigils
Cosmic Witch Masterpost
Daily Witchcraft
Discreet Little Witchy Things
Discreet Witchcraft
Earth Element Correspondents 
Enchanting Items
Everyday Magic Is Easy
Faerie List
Fire Safety
Hearthandhold Reading List 
How I Draw My Sigils
How Runes Work
How To Learn Witchcraft
How To Make Your Own Sigil
How To Use A Sigil Wheel
Incense Uses
Inexpensive/Free Witchcraft
Jarring Tips
Keeping Yourself Protected
Knot, Thread, and Cord Magic
Little Tips For The College Witch
Low Energy Tips
Magic For School/Education
Magical Herb
Modern Polytheism
Modern Witches
Modern Witches
My Advice For Baby Witches 
New Witch Budget Tips
Nik’s Tips For Discreet Witchcraft
Reading Tea Leaves
Rose Water Is My Religion
Salt & Witchcraft
School / Work Grounding
Some Things To Track
So You Want To Talk To Spirits?
Spell Books
Stoner Witch Tips
Tarot Cheat Sheet
Tech Witches
The Wiccan’s Glossery
There Comes A Time When You Need To Stop Researching And Just Practice 
Tips For Discreet College Witches
Tips For Writing Incantations 
Types Of Witches
Types Of Witches And Witchcraft
Understanding Concepts In Witchcraft
Urban Witch 101: House and Home
Violets Witchcraft Masterpost
Ways To Start Feeling Again
Water Magic
Witchcraft In The Shadows
Witchcraft PSA
Witch Resources
Witch Tips For City Witches
Witches With Depression
Witchling Endeavors
Witchy Grimiore Ideas
Witchy Podcasts
Witchy Tips
Recipe Shit:
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
Apple Cider Love Bringing
Black Salt
Budget Witch DIY
Calming Sugar Scrub
Charming Lip Balm
Cleansing And Calming Salt
DIY Gemstone Necklace
Drawing Out A Latent Talent Pouch
Drying Out Roses
Infused Water Magic
Milkshake Magic
Moon Spell Cakes
Moon Water
Peaceful Sleep Sachet
Potion For Sleep
Rose Water
Smoothie Potions 
Soothing Dreams Sachet
Communication Shit:
Crystal Hand Of Prosperity
Dead Dash
Earth Witches Reblog…
Hey There
Like/Reblog if you…
Looking To Follow
Money Bear
Money Pentacle
Witchcraft Asks
Witches reblog if…
Witches Reblog If…
Witchy Asks
Wonderful Weekend
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
Writing a Spell
Okay, so I see a lot of these posts… However, someone suggested I make one as well. I am not sure whether or not this is the *typical* way of doing things, because I have always written and used my own spells, but I would like to offer it to you nonetheless. To be honest, I sort of just wing it, but in a way that is pretty ~structured~ and helps me get a good spell written, and quickly. 
As always, I find it is important to get organized. As I have mentioned before, I have lists upon lists upon lists of things. I keep a hardcover of my Book that is more geared towards my workings, note taking, journaling, sigils, etc. and then I have a Book on my computer where I write lessons I have learned, rituals and spells I’ve written and done but may not use again in the future, and basically everything else that doesn’t fit into my hardcover Book.  One of the things I keep on there is a list of things I have on hand. To keep myself organized, I sat down one day and typed up every single correspondence at my disposal that I am aware of. I went through my herb cabinet, and typed them all up. Made a list of crystals, materials that I may be able to use in a spell, everything. From there, I did loads of research on each and every one of them, and made quick-notes next to them. Again, quick-notes for quick reference. Now I have a list of everything I have, which is why I recommend this. Instead of having to google search or pull out a book every single time I want to write a spell, I can search by key word based on the general need or I can search by the correspondence itself–all in a library of things I know I have. Cuts out a lot of time.
Now, I have mentioned before, as I learned back in my newbie days from my lovely mentor–it is very beneficial to get in tune with your correspondences yourself. The quick-notes can be useful in the meantime until you really develop a relationship with your correspondences’ energies, but in the end I am a firm believer that some of us have different energetic compatibility with certain correspondences;  that may make us get different results from them. In my experience, I have found that..you may have completely different results with cinnamon, or whatever it may be, than I do. That said, I’d meditate with/experiment with/take notes on a correspondence as often as you feel is appropriate for you. One a week? One a month? You decide what feels best.  Another list I compiled on my e-Book is a list of ~spell types~ for my own quick reference. A few examples would be something like…  Poppet, potion, knot spells, enchanted objects, etc.  Just ideas for the form I can put my spell into. Keeps it fresh; reminds me to use a variety of spell types that I may sometimes forget about. Also helps me pinpoint exactly what suits the type of spell, and in turn, accelerates the ability of my spell.  From there, putting a spell together gets super easy. I want to do a spell. I want to, ummm (I am always horrible at examples ;p) Find the motivation to exercise every day.
Welllll… Pull out my handy-dandy notebook (eheheh) and be like: “I think I will make a motivational tea!” (or something) “But, not a hot tea, because when I think of hot tea I think of getting warm and cozy with a book.”
This might be the right choice for you. But after referring to my list, I may decide that I would like to do a jar spell instead, so it is more lasting. I don’t want to make a drink and be motivated for an hour, only to sink right back into my usual un-motivated self. I think this kind of attention to detail sets my spellwork now apart from what it was. The form of the spell I choose directly correlates to how I am measuring it, how I would like it to manifest, and whether or not it runs with or against the currents of my own energies. After you decide what form your spell will take, you can easily refer to the things you already have on hand to toss into your spell! So now you know you’re going to do a jar spell, and you’re going to throw some great magicky things in it. What comes next? For me, I juice it up. I channel hella energies into my spell, make sure it is ready to go out into the astral world and make me proud. I program it. While I am charging it, I tell it what I am charging it for. I have developed a “spell voice” :p whenever I do a spell, (if I am able) I speak in a soothing, monotonous, chant-like voice. It is kind of a routine for me, as it helps me get into ~the zone.~ You can also speak in rhyme, sing, do a charm of some sort, if these things help you.
Other things that help me are: Repetition and restatement, specificity, hand gestures/drawing, being direct and assertive instead of asking nicely, and then dropping it.
To clarify:
Repetition and restatement– repeat yourself. “I’m gonna be hella motivated. I’m gonna be hella motivated. So hella hella hella motivated like so motivated u would NOT BELIEVE.” I also like to restate in a present tense, as if what I have willed has already come true. “I am motivated. I was so motivated today. I exercised every day from [this time to this time]. I have remained motivated. I am the embodiment of motivation.”
Specificity– Be specific about how long you want your spell to last. Be realistic as well. Spells can/do expire, so, in my opinion, if you want something to last longer than just a small time frame, it’ll take some dope ass magic :p
Be specific in your word choice, your time, what you wanna be motivated to do–as many details that you can think of. Visualize and program it as if it is already in existence, and you are just explaining it to someone.
Hand gestures/drawings– Very often I use gestures/drawings on myself or paper with ashes or markers or whatever it may be. Very often I make my fingers into a triangle to channel energies. Very often if I use a sigil in spellwork, I will take whatever I am using (flour, for example, if I was making a flour poppet) and also draw the sigil on my skin with it. I always feel like it connects me to my spell, and further enforces my will.  Also just feels pretty cool to do hahaha :p
Being direct– I learned this from my mentor. I am the type to be like “Hey can u plz let me like, hav som money to lik, buy food and surviv PLZ” and that leaves the door open for you to get a “lmfao no”   I still use respect in my tone, because that is just in my nature, but I am more like “Hey I’m gonna eat today, so yeah, if you wanna join or somethin’ you can.” In other words.. Not so much “can I please be motivated?” and more like “I am gonna be motivated as hell.” There is no choice.
Dropping it– Once you have put your will out there, do not keep asking. Do not keep hoping it’ll “come true” as if there is any question that it will. Simply tell it to happen, and then let it. I have found that the more you “ask” for something, the longer it takes to get to you. I think it is like, you ask, and it’s like “Yeah sure!” but, every time you ask it starts over from the beginning as if you were asking for the first time again. I am not sure if that makes sense, but it makes sense in my head ;)
So now you move along to the last step. You have this jar, with great things in it, it’s super energetically potent, and you have programmed it like a boss. The last thing is to lock it all together and hit send! The seal! 
I have mentioned this before, but I will do it again. 
I always like to seal it vocally and symbolically. I like to say “And so it is” as my phrase of choice, as well as usually do something like…. Melt wax over my spell, blow on it, run it under water, set it on fire, whatever tickles my fancy. That is the magical send button :)
So I think that is all I have to share, for now, my friends!
That’s it! You did it! The end! You’re a bad ass and I am proud of you! 
Please let me know if there is anything I can clear up for you! <3 <3
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
Hard Reset Cleansing Routine
Cleansing for when everything has gone completely wrong, and you need to Restore Factory Settings.
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If you’re anything like me, I can feel horrible months after something bad has happened. My entire body, house and environment can feel completely infested with awful energy and it clogs up my life. So, for when you feel like you’re dying a little, this is my Hard Reset Cleansing Routine to completely reboot everything.
Keep reading
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
The Avatar State - a meditative candle spell to help you call on desired strengths of your past lives.
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*inspired by the Avatar state, and how it allows the current Avatar to communicate with their past lives* Written for my 3rd place winner @moonrisemagick Needed: - Some basic knowledge of your past life/ lives - Blue Candle - Clear Quartz - 2 Lapis Lazuli or 2 Blue Stones - A mirror in which you can see yourself - Any Tarot cars that represent the life/lives you are trying to pull a strength from. - One or more of the following stones to represent the strength/s you are trying to channel. ~ For Strength: Garnet, Onyx, or Sardonyx ~ For Intuition: Amethyst, Amazonite or Aquamarine ~ For Knowledge: Malachite ~ For Optimism: Smoky Quartz ~ For Self-Love and Acceptance: Rose Quartz ~ For Confidence: Bloodstone, Carnelian or Citrine ~ For Peace/Anti-anxiety: Moonstone or Carnelian ~ For Happiness: Amber, Citrine, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, or Tourmaline
Steps: - Gather your materials and sit down in front of your mirror if you can.  - Cast a protective circle.  - Set your candle in front of you, with your tarot cards in front of the candles and the Quartz on top of your middle card.  - Arrange any additional stones on the same or other tarot cards.  - Light your candle and establish what your intentions are.  - Hold your two blue stones in your hands and meet your own eyes in the mirror. - Let your reflection blur until you see the image of the past life you are trying to channel. It may not be clear if you dont know the exact appearance of your past life but that is okay.  - Focus on what you want to call on from that life. Let yourself feel connected to your past life/lives, and draw on the feelings and experience that created the desired strength in that life.  - Draw that strength into yourself, and meditate on it as long as you feel necessary.  - When you finish meditating, blow out your candle to close the spell, and carry your blue stones and one stone from your specific trait with you for a day or so to carry the spell with you until it takes hold. 
- Aesa <3 This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay reposting is not.  Do not advertise on this post. 
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
Tiny Ways To Add Witchcraft To Your Life
Season food with herbs containing the properties you want to enhance in your life Ex.) Basil if you want to increase cash flow
Draw sigils with your foundation or lotion before you blend it out
Add spices like Cinnamon and nutmeg to your coffee and stir it with intent
Kiss charmed items goodnight to recharge them, kisses can do wonders as they’re often full of emotion and intent
Add in a few moment of meditation while waiting for coffee or tea to brew
Tell your deities goodnight and thank them for anything they’ve done for you during the day
Correspond your outfits with colors for what you want that day, same can go for makeup
If you’re a spirit worker then sing lullabies for your spirits before going to bed. This can sometimes count as an offering.
Say a short confidence spell that can even be self-made while looking over your makeup after you applied it or while applying it
Clean with the intent of removing negative energies
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
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@princessgemmalannister You got it bb!
✨Random deity time✨
Let's talk about the Queen everyone!
✨🦚 Hera ; Juno 🦚✨
Well known as the sister and wife of Zeus (Jupiter), and as the Olympian Queen, Hera is the Goddess of more than many might realize. She's the Goddess of:
Women's Fertility
Rain & Storms
Clear Skies
The Constellations
And New Moon's
Her sacred animals include:
Peacocks, of which her chariot was pulled by
Cuckoo birds
Wide-winged hawks
and all creatures with shells
Her sacred plants are:
Willow trees
Lotuses ; Waterlilies
Cypress trees
White roses
Maple trees
And all white flowers
And her other symbols include:
A/Her crown : a diadem
Her lotus staff
The Milky Way
In some cases the seasons
Baths & Spa's
Now, random facts for the queen! About the queen!
Some myths atest that Hera actually didn't assist her siblings in the war against the Titans, as her mother Rhea (Ops) sent her to live with her aunt and uncle Tethys & Oceanus for safekeeping. For while Titans themselves, they always stuck to themselves. Both never agreeing with what their siblings did to Uranus, and both never agreeing with what Cronus did to his children.
^ And they were great foster parents! As later on Hera visted them again to help them rekindle their marriage. Stating this to Zeus as she left "I am faring to visit the limits of the all-nurturing earth, and Oceanus, from whom the Gods are sprung, and mother Tethys, even them that lovingly nursed me and cherished me in their halls." She also later requested Tethys help in the whole deal with Callisto poor Callisto ;-;
She's not Zeus' first wife, a fact many don't seem to realize. In fact she is his sixth or seventh wife, and her sister Demeter (Ceres) even married him before her.
Hera is usually depicted wearing a crown, a veil and carrying her lotus tipped staff/sceptre. Meanwhile as Juno she is depicted more warrior like, wearing a goat skin coat, a rose and lily detailed crown and instead carrying a shield and a spear
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
My Hellenismos Calender (A work in progress)
Janurary -21-23rd - Lenaia - Celebration of Dionysus. First day is a feast, Second day movie/theater marathon, third day libations to the ground for the kthonic. Wine all around February 14th- Valentines Day. Devotions, offerings to Aphrodite and Eros and Hera if married 22nd - 24th -  Anthesteria - Dionysus, Hermes. 1st day is a party, Merry making and wine. 2nd day is solomn, offerings are made to  Dionysus Kthonois. 3rd day is for Hermes Khthonois and those that have passed, offering and prayers. March 20th - Anthesphoria- Persephone - Marks her return to the land of the living. Pick flowers, wear flower crowns, make fruit salad and pie. April 1-5th - Great Dionysia - Dionysus. Processions or parties are normal, leader wears red or animal fur. Traditionally a huge festival for the theater. Pick at least a movie a day to watch. Tragedies and Comedies are classic picks. Prayers and libations before hand. 10th Spring nouménia - first day of the visble new moon, time to get deep cleaning. May Mothers Day (second sunday of may)- Offerings and prayers to Leto and Hera, and ancestral mothers 24-25th - Thargelia honored Apollo and Artemis. Offerings are made to Apollo and Artemis, the first day is for purification. Cleanse and khernips in the morning, religious fast until sundown as sacrifice. Second day is a celebration of the twins,  their birth and family, ample amounts of singing and food. 29th - Memorial Day: offerings and prayers to Haides, khtonic theoi June 18th- Fathers Day - offerings and prayers to Zeus, Kronos, ancestral fathers 21st - Summer Solstice - Apollo - Write, sing, do divinations, have friends over for a music filled barbecue or picnic. July 20th - Aphrodisia - Aphrodite. fire, flowers, and incense were given as offerings. Red and pink candles. Self care indulgence, chocolates, bath bombs,champagne with loved ones August 4th-6th - Hermaea - Hermes. First and second day, find a competitive sport to watch or gather friends for competitive games, food and drink. Games that require wit or gamble especially. Third day, give to the homeless, travel somewhere new even if it’s just for dinner, if you can’t physically Travel then watch documentaries and learn about other cultures and languages.
September 4th - Labor Day: Devotions to Hermes, Hephaestos, and any professional patrons that you may have. 22nd -  Koris Katagogi.  Haides - Persephone. Originating in Sicily, Koris Katagogi was a festival specifically to celebrate Persephone’s descent, where other festivals tended to focus on her ascent more than anything else. October 4th - fall nouménia - first day of the visble new moon, time to get deep cleaning. 20th - Pyanopsia - Apollo as a sun God and ripener of fruits, where offerings were made to him and the Horea A branch wrapped in purple or white wool and adorned with season fruits, jars of honey, and jars of oil was made as an offering to Apollo in thanks for blessings received and to ask for protection from evil. Doors could be similarly adorned, or else the offering branch hung for protection, and left for the year. 31st - Halloween - Halloween through November 2nd: Devotions to Khthonic deities, Haides, Persephone, Thanatos, Kharon, ancestral spirits, Dionysos, Hermes Khthonios, etc. First day is a party to Dionysus, then november 1st and 2nd are solomn, mute meal, libations to the dead. November 11th - Veteran’s Day: offerings and prayer  to Ares and Athene, devotions to ancestral spirits -23rd - Thanksgiving - offering and devotions for Hestia and Artemis as a huntress December 21st -25th - Christmas/ Rural Dionysia, offerings to Hestia and Dionysus, gift giving, movies, fires, hot cocoa, mulled wine, time with family, celebration of Dionysus birth. 29th- nouménia - Deep clean, spiritual and physical, get ready to be new for the coming year 30th- New Moon. Offerings to Hekate and Hades before the new year 31st - New years eve - Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes. Party on. Prayers and offerings for guidance, freedom, new experiances and light in the coming year. —– http://pomegranateandivy.tumblr.com/post/131319943277/my-hellenic-revivalist-holidays http://pomegranateandivy.tumblr.com/revivalistcalendar http://pieandhotdogs.tumblr.com/post/141367166274/pies-reform-hellenic-calendar Used for inspiration and reference 
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
Rising Leo.
When astrology calls you out🙃
Your Rising Sign is Your Personality
If you want to know what astrology has to say about your personality, you have to look at your rising sign or your ascendant. Your ascendant describes the way of relating to others that will feel the most natural to you and get the best results.
Aries: You will be most comfortable if you are forceful and direct in your interactions with others. Sometimes this might require courage. Sometimes courage isn’t enough, and you have to walk away.
Taurus: You will be most comfortable if you are blunt and practical in your interactions with others. This might mean stepping back and deciding other people being over-complicated and ridiculous isn’t your problem.
Gemini: You will be most comfortable if you are able to talk about your interests with other people. Your growing edge might be shutting your mouth sometimes and listening to what other people have to say.
Cancer: You will be most comfortable if you are able to put yourself in situations that are kind to your sensitive side. You might have a tendency to take care of other people behind the scenes to avoid ending up in the spotlight.
Leo: You will be most comfortable in situations where you are able to express yourself honestly without offending anyone. Making people around you uncomfortable is your worst day ever, so not sacrificing yourself on the altar of popular opinion might be a growing edge for you.
Virgo: You will be most comfortable around people who value your concern for accuracy and attention to detail. Learning to pick your battles and deciding when to make an issue of it when someone else is wrong might be a growing edge for you.
Libra: You will be most comfortable in situations where everyone is at peace and gets along. Creating harmony is a potential strength of yours, but it’s important to make sure you’re not always the one responsible for smoothing things over.
Scorpio: You will be most comfortable with people you can be brutally honest with or with people who respect your need to keep secrets. You have the potential to develop keen insight into how other people work, but being vulnerable with people who are vulnerable with you might be a challenge you need to work on.
Sagittarius: You will be most comfortable around people who are adventurous and willing to try new things. It is in your best interest to associate with people who challenge your beliefs. Though, that might not be easy.
Capricorn: You will be most comfortable if you’re able to focus on social interactions that have to do with work or your goals. Better might be to put yourself in a position where you’re the mastermind behind the scenes.
Aquarius: You will be most comfortable in communities where you can speak your truth and where others respect unorthodox opinions. You have strong ideals. Dealing with individual people might not be your happy place.
Pisces: You will be most comfortable around people with a high vibration. Conflict with others and figuring out details should be someone else’s problem as much as possible.
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
May the gods help you listen to your heart because you are so much stronger than you realize.
May they help you learn to channel your energy so you attract an amazing existence.
May you feel them kiss your forehead when you are asleep for it is a protection spell infused with their love and essence.
May you feel the gods every time you need them.
May your energy vibrate and match their transcending power, so you may show the world that you are your own unique being, you WILL leave your legacy and become the legend others will be inspired to follow.
May the gods set your soul on fire so it transforms into a beacon of hope for those who are begging for someone to light their way.
You are unstoppable.
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
when it is, ideas to do, the hellenic version and how to celebrate whilst in lockdown
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When does it occur?
In the Northern Hemisphere on April 30st to May 1st
In the Southern Hemisphere on October 31st to November 1st
What does it celebrate ?
The peak of spring and the fact that summer is coming
Honours the earth
Fertility, Sexuality and love
Light, life and growth for the coming summer
For Wiccans is the night of the sacred greenwood marriage
What crystals are important ?
rose quartz
What to decorate your alter with?
flowers (daisies and roses in particular)
green cloth or ribbons
hanging or sprinkling seasonal herbs (thyme, rose , fern)
using candles or incense with earthy scents such as wood or rose or jasmine
hawthorn branches
red, green and yellow candles to represent love, fertility, growth and summer
What activities can I do in lockdown?
mediate with the crystals mentioned
make daisy or flower chains and crowns for good luck
braid flowers into your hair
make mayday masks from items in your garden or draw them from paper
make a small mayday pole and dance around it by yourself or with people your isolating with
if in isolation with them, have sex with your partner : it’s a traditional aciticity done today because of the sacred wedding but it’s also a celebration of love and fertility (only if legal and you feel comfortable ofc)
spend time with loved ones you’re in lockdown with or via ft
make baked goods and give them to friends, family and neighbours
create a wish box and put inside all your hopes and wishes for summer
cleanse your tools
wear red,green and pink and get dressed up even if you can’t go anywhere
practise self love
have a milk bath
make amulets for yourself and people you love
give rose quartz as gifts to those you love
send your loved ones handwritten letters
make sigils and herb pouches for a good summer
Be with nature : go for a walk if safe
Learn about herbs or nature if you are unable to be with it
masturbate and perform sex magic
make fresh juice from summer fruits
leave offerings of milk,honey, oats, lavender and rose for the fae: it’s their day too!
make oat based products : they’re sacred to beltane and are good for luck,hope, safety and love
What spells and rituals should i perform?
good luck
protection of the home
What Hellenic Gods are sacred today?
The day honours Lady Maia as it’s about summer and the earth growing
Apollo as it’s the beginning of summer and the days will start to become longer and sunnier
Dionysus as it’s the coming summer and beauty of nature is about to hit its peak : also the rising of Dionysus
Demeter was traditionally worshiped on this day
Aphrodite due to her being a fertility and love goddess
Hestia for cleansing the home and protection
What are some Hellenic things to do?
Do something to take care of the earth
give offerings to Apollo : traditionally fruit and cypress branches decorated with flowers were used or put on temples
cleanse the home : thank Hestia for keeping you safe
Look into all the gods and goddesses celebrated and connect with them
Learn about the rising of Dionysus or even reanact it
Give offerings to Demeter and perform a ritual for banishing poverty in her name
Traditionally there is a greek blessing that says “May you have all the goods of May” along with a curse that says “ May all the hours of may find you” : say these to people with the intention linked to it
I hope you find this helpful! What are your plans for this Beltane in lockdown?
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
The old gods are not dead
I hear Athenas war cry in the shouts of protests, fighting a war now closer to home, I see her in the young women with picket signs clenched tightly in their fists
Hera curses the names of the abusers The ones who break families and marriages Her voice heard in the wedding bells of young lovers
Poseidon now resides in a beach home Going out every night to pick of trash left by the day Shooting daggers at the drunk men letting their bottles be swept away
Demeter can be heard cursing the politicians refusing to believe in global warming Names of scientists and studies on the tip of her tongue She is found teaching young children how to grow their food at the community garden
Ares is found on the front lines of a different war, not fighting but protecting the innocent Guiding classrooms of children away from gunfire, His shield protecting the terrified
Apollo can be found at opens mics Reciting his latest works Or walking down the street in docs on his feet and a guitar on his back He knows he’s the coolest
Artemis is seen on the streets Her bow and arrow have long left her Carrying nothing more than a knife and mace She hunts a different kind of monster now
Hephaestus resides in a workshop at all hours of the night Creating custom pieces for the right price and a warm smile The hammer making him feel invincible
Aphrodite’s song is heard in the breathy kisses of teenagers Shes found walking down the street, lips a blood red Punching the men who dare disrespect her  
Hermes is seen with a smirk as he walks long well-traveled roads Delivering the messages of those needing to be heard Traveling, telling stories, and wearing out another pair of shoes
Dionysus’s voice heard only over the pounding bass in the bar Keeping watch over young girls drinks Dancing, partying and living as he throws another one back
Hades is seen weeping over the graves of those taken much to soon Looking to his wife for comfort He’s long lost his faith in humanity
Persephone found in the gardens beside her mother in the spring Brushing off girl’s dirty knees and putting flower crowns on their heads She can be seen holding onto hades as he mourns the loss of life
Hecate will be found running metaphysical shops Bringing hope to powerful women wanting more Selling potions, nobody thinks will work And collecting graveyard dirt for a new spell
Zeus is watching over everyone Watches Athena cry Hera curse the men, he being one of them Poseidon’s glares Demeter’s harsh words Ares raising his shield Apollos singing Artemis as she tracks a new beast Watches Hephaestus work Sees Aphrodite punch Hears Hermes words Sees hades weep And Persephone plant and comfort her partner And grins as Hecate keeps magic alive
The old gods are not dead
They are alive
And they are watching
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thatwiccanraven · 4 years
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