thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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Which is creepier, this animatronic Elvis I ripped the face off of while disassembling it, or this selfie with me wearing itโ€™s face?
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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142K notes ยท View notes
thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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*Is it true, or did Google Gemini just make it up, or did somebody just make that up about Google Gemini?
*Well, who knows; your guess is as good as Google Gemini's
PS: How many of those apparent Gemini answers are faked, made up by humans out of spite, or for the lulz? Plenty.
*And there will be plenty more.
*This just in: Google AI lamenting that, although their machinery does spit up some very weird stuff under weird circumstances, mostly they're being libelled by forged memes.
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
Polyamorous relationships arenโ€™t bad they just might not be for you. Learn to accept not everything is made for you.
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
If you like the wordย โ€œqueerโ€ reblog.
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
i love how Gandalf invested in Hobbits in year one and has been pushing them ever since. Thorin, i hear you need help with a breaking and entering. Can I recommend one of these little cunts? Silent as fuck, trust me. Elrond my dude i know you're skeptical but these four chucklefucks just transported a weapon of mass destruction all the way here. Theoden, you've gotta get yourself a hobbit man, I've got a spare one here. Denathor you big prick, take a hobbit - literally this is the bottom of the range but listen to him sing. Beautiful little bastard.
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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Ok this one is kind of a serve I would hang this sign on my wall
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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hangout spot :)
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
We should really appreciate the variety in pupae more.
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Like, here we have flies doing the absolute bare minimum. It's just a pod. Fly grows inside a pod, that's it.
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Butterfly chrysalises seem to have the same minimalism...but then you look closely, and can see the future butterfly parts are all outlined.
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And then you have beetles just making a whole balloon animal shape to grow into.
(Beetle pupa source: http://maria.fremlin.de/stagbeetles/pupation/pupation_captivity.html )
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thatwasagoodjoke ยท 5 days
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My tumblr notes when mutuales clock in to like my posts
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