that-witch-guy · 2 years
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🏴‍☠️🍺 “Drunken Sailor” Spell Bottle 🍺🏴‍☠️
Spell bottle for ease of worry/overthinking, happiness, humor, and de-stressing. Indulging in things that bring you joy (even if they feel pointless).
Inspired by the song & other sea shanties cuz I think they’re funny ☠️
Basil (courage)
Sea Salt (release negativity)
Lavender (de-stress)
Chamomile (peace)
Catnip (happiness)
Orange Peel (positivity)
Sage (good vibes)
Sugar (attract happiness)
Additional herbs that you just like & put you in a good mood 😄
Citrine (confidence and happiness)
Amethyst (reduce mind chatter)
Clear quartz (mood lifting)
Scroll of paper with sigil/rune (happiness)
Frankincense incense smoke (stimulate positive vibrations)
Ocean Potion
Vanilla Extract (ease anxiety/worries)
Bergamot oil (stop overthinking)
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
🐚Seashell Correspondence (Masterpost)🐚
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🍓🌼🌷 UPDATE 2021 More shells added! (Shells marked with***) Thanks for the likes/reblogs everyone! 🍓🌼🌷
Disclaimer: This list is of associations collected from various sources around the internet and a mix of my personal ones!
👒 How i assign correspondences to shells 👒
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿      ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Abalone: love, healing, prosperity, luck, wealth, balance, peace, cleansing, meditation, psychic abilities, self-love, feminine energies, earth + water element
Angel’s Wing: determination, freedom, angelic energies, positive spiritual guidance, protection, aid in receiving and sending energies, air element
Auger: fertility, strength, courage, power, masculine energies, fire element
Argonaut Shell: protection,transparency, fertility, clear thoughts, home, water element + feminine energies ***
Ark Shell: safety, protection, finding strength in the outer world 
Bear’s paw: power, strength, vitality, nurturing, protection, warmth, feminine + masculine energies, earth + fire element 
Baby’s Ear shell: purity, grace, innocence, ear health, aggression, warding/shielding, protection, masculine energies + air element ***
Babylonia shell: peace, scavenging, protection, aggression, masculine energies + earth element (not to be confused with junonia shells) ***
Bailer shell /Melo-Melo: beauty, purity, prosperity, aggression, can be used as a water vessel, feminine energies + water element ***
Banded Tulip Shell: binding, friendships, relationships, social life, water element
Bonnet Shell: secrecy, the unknown, protection, mystery, trust, beauty, air element
Button Shell: connections, gatherings, friendships, spirituality, divination, air element
Bubble Shell: inspiration, creativity, happiness, curiosity, wished, intuitions, cleansing, hope, faith, psychic abilities, divination, air element 
Carrier Shell: overcoming shyness, helps getting out of your shell, courage, protection, strength, escaping from negative thoughts, attraction, wealth, love, peace, luck, friendships, good health, can be used to attract anything, femmine + masculine energies, earth element ***
Cat’s eye Shell:  protection against jealousy, gossips and negative energies
Cerith Shell: sexuality, fertility, masculine energies, fire element
Clam: purification, love, friendships, abundance, communication, healing, stability, vitality, protection, protecting emotions, truth, balance, peace, grounding, feminine energies, water element
Cockle: love, friendship, relationships, emotions, centering, gateway to a new life, new beginnings, feminine energies, water element
Conch: love, beauty, friendship, communication, feminine energies, truth, art , beauty, clarity, freedom grace, movement, speech, spirituality, strength summoning, trust, truth , vanity, feminine energies, air + water element
Cone Shell: protection, control, motivation
Cowrie: abundance, prosperity, fertility, love, wealth, pregnancy, growth, divination, sexuality, protection, beauty, menstruation problems, feminine energies, water element
Crown Conch: associated with crown chakra, meditation, divinity, intention, confidence, intuition
Delphinula/Dolphin shell: loyalty, weatlh, abundance, wisdom, playfulness, protection, gentleness, feminine + masculine energies, air + water element ***
Drupe Shell: reflecting oneself, discover and being comfortable of who you are, self trust, confidence, bravery
Elegant Venus Clam: fertility, love, pregnancy, growth, cycles, female sexuality, protection, beauty, menstruation problems, feminine energies + water element (actually looks like a lady’s privates) ***
Fig Shell: wisdom, creativity, peace, love, luck, fertility, divination, fortune, water + air element
Fighting Conch: aggression, defense, warding/shielding, protection, masculine energies, fire element
Frog Shell: moving forward, starting over, new beginnings
Harp Shell: secrecy, beauty, art, protection, feminine energies, water + air element
Helmet Shell: grounding, protection, strength, honor, masculine energies fire element
(Horned) Turban: protection, faith, trust
Horse Conch: beauty, freedom, grace, strength, progress, water + earth element
Jackknife Clam: (inner) strength, speed, warding, secrecy, masculine energies, air element
Janthina Shell: faith, peace, trust, moving forward, going with the flow, trust in the universe, air element
Jewel Box Clam: beauty, vanity, glamour, passion, (self) love, self care, feminine energies, water element 
Jingle Shells: wealth, prosperity, cleansing, positivity, trust, intuition, earth element
Junonia Shell: strength, beauty, marriage, fertility, childbirth, feminine energies, named after the Roman goddess Juno/Hera (Greek)
Kitten’s Paw shell: youth, innocence, playfulness, protection for cats, feminine energies + water element ***
Keyhole Limpet: finding a way in/out in a situation, meditation, unblocking psychic/divination abilities  
Limpet: courage, confidence, strength, nurturing, self  trust, peace, endurance
Left-Handed Whelk: making drastic / positive changes in life, transformation, air element
Lightning whelk: awareness, banishing, intent, trust
Lion’s Paw: strength, courage, protection, inner strength, victory, pride, masculine energies, fire element
Miter Shell: peace, spirituality, grounding + centering, calm energies, spiritual introspection, lunar magick, feminine + masculine energies, water element
Moon Shell: purification, peace, protection, meditation, clarity, vitality, rebirth, cleansing + charging energies, psychic awareness, cycles, progress, warding, lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Muffin Snail: peace, grounding, protection, sweetness, humility, can be used as a salt/water vessel, earth element + feminine energies ***
Murex: protection, defense, binding, masculine energies
Mussels: communications, friendships, luck, health, travel, abundance, dedication, determination, community, life giving stability, enduring life’s hardships, feminine enegies, water element
Nacre/Mother of pearl: intuition, beauty, imagination, creativity, new ideas, clarity, new beginnings, harmony, balance, cycles, protection, healing, cleansing, motherhood feminine energies + water element ***
Nautilus: focus, intentions, clarity, wisdom, growth, peace, endings + beginnings
Nerites shell: male beauty, youth, slowness, peace, tranquility, masculine energies + water element, Named after a minor Greek sea god Nerites ***
Olive Shells: healing, hope, love, friendship, hope abundance, opportunity, water element
Oyster: love,luck, good fortune, prosperity, banishing, fertility, (hidden) beauty, vitality, passion, turning pain into beauty (pearls), lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Oyster Drill: curses, warding/shielding, protection
Pear Whelk: control, life, progress, trust, strength, manifestation, fire element
Pen Shell: beauty, confidence, creativity, self-love, art, love, inspiration, feminine energies, water element
Periwinkle: grounding, intuitions, focus, friendships
Purple Snail Shell: beauty, divination, psychic abilities, air element
Pyram Shell: determination, hope, strength, air element
Red mouth rock shell: wealth, royaltly, hardwork, high status, abundance, strength, aggression, masculine energies + air element***
Scallops: travel, love, friendships, movement, beauty, grace, change, fertility, peace, healing, travel, spirituality, happiness, communication, patience, diversity, openess, all-purpose shell, feminine energies, water + air element
Slipper Shell: balance, generosity, transformation, healing, peace, community, helping others, air element
Snail Shell (Garden Snails): fertility, sexuality, travel, protection, home, feminine + masculine energies, earth + water element
Spider Conch: maturity, responsibility, self-defense, maintaining your position, fire element
Spindle Shell: inspiration, meditation, fate, change, karma, destiny, vitality
Star Limpet: strength, growth, beauty, art, water element
Strawberry top shell: beauty, (platonic) love, sweetness, compassion, attraction, healing, friendships, innocence, feminine energies + water element ***
Strombus Shell: truth, communication, divination, speech, trust, air element
Sundial Shell: hope, success, victory, the sun, fire element
Thorny Oyster: defense, creativity, intuition, focus, beauty, art
Tooth Shell / Tusk Shell: wealth, business, abundance, strength, aggression, masculine energies fire element
Top Shell: spiral energies, centering, helping energy flow, control, beauty, art, centering, gentleness, helping energy flow, control, helps with breastfeeding, feminine energies + air/water elementair element ***
Triton Conch: happiness, intentions, prayers, helps clearing your voice/intentions, use to seek help/attention, air element
True heart cockle: true love, relationships, emotions, soulmates/twin flames, gateway to a new life, forming strong bonds, new beginnings, feminine energies + water element ***
Turkey Wing: freedom, happiness, emotions, lifts bad moods, change emotions, water + air element
Venus Comb Murex: vanity, beauty, glamour, love, feminine energies, protection, water element
Wentletrap: creativity, inspiration, art, water element
Whelk: taking control, get a hold of a situation, life changes, good fortune, wisdom, guidance, control, positivity, understanding, spiritual development, air element
Whelk Egg Casing: abundance, new beginnings, faith, luck
Worm Snail Shell: tenacity, hope, life and death, creation, overcoming obstacles, hope, changes, earth element
❤ Note: Please use/collect your shells ethically! ❤
    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
🐚🔮 Seashell Divination II 🐚🔮
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🌸 Another random idea at work again! Here’s part 2 of my seashell divination series! I’ve been trying to develop this method for some time, this method works best if you only read between 1~5 shells when divining them. I only use the major arcana to assign the shells since 22 shells is quite enough rather than using all major and minor arcana cards and assigning them all which is waay too much! 🌸
🕯️ Things you’ll need: 🕯️
• Basket of mixed shells or select the shells on the list below!
• Cloth, hanky or dolly to cover the basket
• Herb bundle or sage/rosemary incense
• Seashell correspondence list
💐 Cover and pick method 💐
• Ask your question. Cleanse, cover and gently shake the basket close your eyes and pick your shells . Pick between 1 or 5 shells for better reading. You dont wanna pick more than 5 otherwise there’s too much frustration.
• If the shells you picked has an open mouth or the hole is up it’s a reversed meaning. Closed mouth or the hole is facing down you can just read the shell as it is!  
🎲 Tossing method 🎲
•  Ask yourself a question. Cleanse, shake and gently toss the shells on the mat. Let’s say I’m doing a 3 shell reading.(you can pick shells between 1~5)  
I’ll chose one shell that’s nearest to me and the second shell in the middle and third shell farthest away from me then divining your shells
• When picking your shells you don’t want to turn the mouth or hole facing downwards leave as it is! Since this is a reversed meaning.
🔮 The shells and tarot 🔮
• The Fool: whelk egg casing, janitha shell
• The Magician: pear whelk
• The High Priestess: crown conch, moon shell
• The Empress: conch, cowrie and junonia shell
• The Emperor: auger, cerith shell
• The Hierophant: spider conch
• The Lovers: clam, cockles, tulip shell
• The Chariot: helmet shell, cone shell
• Strength: lion’s paw, bear’s paw shell
• The Hermit: drupe shell, frog shell ,carrier shell
• Wheel of Fortune: whelk, spindle shell, left-handed whelk
• Justice: slipper shell, conch
• The Hanged Man: mussel 
• Death: worm snail shell
• Temperance: angel/turkey wing shell,
• The Devil: oyster shell
• The Tower: left-handed whelk
• The Star: bubble shell
• The Moon: moon shell
• The Sun: sundial shell
• Judgement: scallop shells
• The World: worm snail shell, scallop shells
Note: You can personalize/assign your shells to fit your own meanings!
🌷🎀 Happy casting! 🌷🎀
💖🖕 Radfems/terfs can fuck off 💖🖕
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
🐚🔮 Seashell Divination 🐚🔮
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I had this idea while I was bored at work. Since seashell divination is a difficult/uncommon skill in sea witchery here’s my methods of ways of divining! I may post a small series dedicated to this skill ♡
Note: before divining you’ll need to acquire the meaning behind the shells! Checkout my seashell correspondence post!
🐚🕯️ Things you’ll need:🐚 🕯️
💐 A small basket with mixed shells ( it can be any shells even chipped, broken and ugly ones! The more mixed the better! )
💐 A hanky or a cloth to cover the basket
💐 A herb bundle or rosemary/sage incense
🌛 One shell reading method 🌜
Its like daily one tarot card reading but with shells!
🌺 Cleanse the shells with the herb bundle to remove away any negative energies
🌺 Cover the basket with a hanky and gently shake the basket
🌺 With your eyes closed pick a shell and divine its meaning
It goes like this:
Shell meaning
🌊 My method of divining its meaning 🌊
🌹 When I divine its meaning i start off with the color of the shell. This represents your emotion of the day. Green shell? Might feel lucky today!
🌹 The pattern/texture. This represents your situation/behavior of the day. Is the shell chipped or bumpy? You might bump into things or may have a small accident. I take note of every chip, smoothness/bumpiness, color pattern or characteristic as they all add valuable info!
🌹 The meaning behind the shell. This represents the overall message of the shell or what I’ll find throughout the day! Depending on the shell. Ex) conch shell: an old friend may call/text you, or getting compliments throughout the day or your S.O. doing something nice for you.
🔮 The Yes or No method 🔮
🌷 Instead of using a three shell method like I see on tumblr here’s my way of finding the answer with mixed shells!
🌷 Ask yourself a question then cleanse, cover and gently shake the basket. Then pick the first shell that you touch then divine it meaning.
🕯️  Interpreting the shells: 🕯️
🌸 Yes: smooth even texture, perfect looking shell, even vibrant color, no chips or holes present
🌸 No: bumpy rough texture, holes or chips, uneven colors less rich color, barnacles, moss, mold or coral bits present
🌸 Maybe: a good looking shell with a little uneven color/textures, very little chips or small holes, a grainy color/textured shell, or a broken tip especially on auger, whelks and conch shells
💕 Happy casting! 💕
💖🖕 Radfems/terfs can fuck off 💖🖕
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
💐🌿🌊 Sea Witch’s Plants 💐🌿🌊
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🎀 From my personal grimoire! I made a common list of plants you can find at home/store for beginners.🎀
❕ Toxic herbs not included ❕
🌿 Herbs 🌿
• Allspice: prosperity, increasing energy, love, healing, luck
• Catnip: cat magic, love, beauty, happiness, dreams , protection
• Chamomile: prosperity, peace, healing, harmony, happiness, money, sleep, purification
• Cilantro / Coriander: prosperity, protection, peace
• Cinnamon: spirituality, success, power, beauty, love, lust, romance, healing, strength, protection, psychic powers
• Coriander: love, health, protection, easing pain of a broken heart
• Cypress: healing, peace,protection, confidence, meditation, calmness
• Ginger: energy, adventure, health, confidence, lust/libido, prosperity, success, protection
• Lavender: stress relief, sleep, anti-anxiety, meditation, love, depression, peace, harmony, protection
• Mint: health, protection, love, success, prosperity, luck, happiness, wealth, communicating with spirits,
• Oregano: health, beauty, happiness, energy, strength, protection, Love, prosperity, healing, courage
• Parsley: power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity, luck, success, health
• Rosemary: protection, wisdom, health, healing, focus, memory, love, lust, purification
• Skullcap: love, calming, peace, binding
• Vanilla: beauty, love, friendship, passion
• Verbena: divination, protection, inspiration, abundance, love, peace, healing, prosperity
• Yarrow: courage, healing, love, psychic powers
💐 Flowers 💐
• African Violet - spirituality, protection, healing
• Bird of Paradise - intuition, insight, protection
• Calendula: optimism, protection, success, love, happiness, focus
• Chrysanthemum - longevity, mental clarity, optimism, protection, soothing grief
Eucalyptus: healing, purification, protection
• Gardenia: love, harmony, healing, peace, spirituality
• Heather: beauty, fortune, protection, spirituality, luck, memory
• Hibiscus: love, lust, divination, dreams, freedom, independence
• Honeysuckle: money, success, abundance, confidence, intuition, sexuality, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sweetness
• Jasmine: divination, innovation, attraction, dreams, love, prosperity, abundance
• Lotus / Water lily: creativity, healing, love, purification, protection
• Lily: fertility, renewal, rebirth, marriage, happiness, prosperity, love
• Morning Glory - binding, banishing, attraction
• Orchid - concentration, memory, focus, willpower
• Passion flower: friendship,love, prosperity, attraction, strengthen libido
• Plumeria / Frangipani: love, trust, spirituality, vitality
• Rose: divine love, self-love, friendship, happiness, relationships, protection, purification, healing, beauty, attraction, fertility
🍎🥦 Fruit + Veggies 🍎🥦
• Avocado: love, beauty, lust, luck, sex
• Apricot: love, self love
• Apple: offerings, love, healing, friendships, beauty, wisdom, harvest, passion
• Beet: beauty, blood, desire, fertility, healing, love, passion, relationships, sexual energy
• Cherry: lust, love, fertility
• Coconut: fertility, fidelity, good luck, protection, prosperit
• Cucumber: calmness, chastity, fertility, healing, lust, peace, relaxation, stress relief
• Fig: happiness, divination, love, prosperity
• Grapes: prosperity, mental clairity, fertility, offerings
• Guava: love, self love, lust
• Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
• Kiwi: health, love, lust, happiness
• Leek: anti-impurity, exorcisms, friendships, healing, love, protection, purification, strength
• Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
• lettuce: astral travel, divination, love, lunar magick, meditation, protection, sex, sleep
• Lime: purification, protection, harmony, calmness, tranquility, strengthening love, healing, love, happiness
• Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
• Mango: love, lust, fertility
• Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
• Papaya:curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love, binding
• Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
• Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
• Pomegranate: Divination, wishes, wealth, fertility.
• Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
• Tangerine: solar / sun magic, strength, energy work
• Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion, anti-negativity,creativity, passion, prosperity,
• Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
🌿🌊 Seaweed 🌿🌊
• Brown algae: growth, youth, family, maturity
• Green algae: wealth, travel, luck
• Irish moss: life, mental clarity, increase psychic awareness.
• Kelp: family, health and wealth, knowledge, prosperity
• Mermaids tresses - clarity, meditation, getting back on track in life
• Nori: family, ancestry, health, harmony friendship.
• Sugar kelp: Purity, cleansing, spiritual awareness and balance
• Red algae: maturity, time, past lives, scrying
• Sea lettuce - Happiness, good energies, love and peace
• Seaweed: happiness, communication and travel, luck, curse
• Turtle grass: kindness, softness, trust, sweetness.
• Wire weed - Banish negativity, banish bad habits
💖🖕 Radfems/terfs can fuck off 💖🖕
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
🕯️🐚🌊 Sea Witch’s Tools🕯️🐚🌊
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💐 Here are some basic tools for the beginner sea witch plus other beach findings! Requested by @lavender-vvitch💕 From my personal grimoire💐
Blue Altar Cloth: Represents the ocean and water energies.
Bucket: Used to gather sand, shells and water. It also can be used to place a cauldron (metal ones!)
Cauldron: Represents the womb, used for burning loose incense/bay leaf wishes, scrying, making oils infusions and potions
Chalice / Cup: Used for offering drinks to your god/goddess or spirits
Coral: protection, devotion, calm energies, healing, peace, wisdom, repels negativity
Driftwood: Can be used to make a wand, spiritual guidance, strengthen spells, bringing positive energy
Hag Stones: Used to see the fae/mer-folk, protect against negativity, prevent nightmares
Sand: Used for grounding, peace, travel, dreams manifest and calming spells
Sand Dollar / Starfish: Can be used as a pentacle. renewal, balance, prosperity, wisdom, good luck, intuitions, wisdom, strength, manifestation spells
Sea Glass: A very versatile rock/crystal can be used for any spells. Depends on the color which can correspond with any intent
Sea Salt: Used to dispel negative energy, purification, blessing, banishing and protection spells
Seashells: Used as an offering bowl, divination tool, offerings, spells, altar decor, to hold herb bundles and candles
Seashell Spoon: Can be used as a wand and an offering
Sea Urchin: Protection, wisdom, loyalty, cleansing, clearing unwanted energies
Sea Water: used in all spells, blessings, charging/cleansing items with the power of the sea
Seaweed: Used for curse, hexes, jinx, bindings, bad luck, prosperity, healing shielding and warding spells
Shark’s Tooth: Banishing, cursing, warding, binding, aggression, protection, 
💌 @lavender-vvitch​ hope you love it! 💌
💖🖕 Radfems/terfs can fuck off 💖🖕
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Connecting With Trees
A great way of connecting with the element of earth, or even another form of grounding or meditation, is to connect to a tree. Here’s how:
Find a large tree and sit down with your back against its spine. (You can also climb the tree and sit with your back against it in it’s branches)
Close your eyes and feel the tree’s solid strength as you rest against it.
Breathe in and out in a relaxed manner. As you do, visualize the energy of the tree being absorbed into your body. Breathe in and out thirteen times, each time taking in some of the tree’s energy until your whole body is enveloped. Feel yourself becoming part of the tree.
Call to the tree’s spirit, commune with it, and settle into the feeling of being a tree. Rest in this state for as long as desired.
When you wish to return to normal, bid farewell to the tree’s spirit and breathe in and out thirteen times, this time releasing the energy of the tree. Open your eyes.
If for any reason, you feel uncomfortable or “rejected” by the tree, simply disconnect from its energy, apologize for intruding, and leave the area. It doesn’t happen very often, but it’s possible.
For more advanced witches, this exercise could be evolved to include transplanting your consciousness into the tree.
If you’re going to do a magical working that conducts energy through a tree (e.g. drawing energy down through a tree, using a tree to symbolize the element of earth in a circle, etc.), it’s polite to use the exercise here with the tree, and when you feel a connection, ask the tree’s permission to participate in the magical working. Aside from being polite, this also help’s align the tree’s energy flow with the rite’s, starting things off in the correct manner.
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Death water
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Death water is a heavy curse and protection water that I use on my enemies
Here's how you can make your own!
What you'll need:
Dirt from the gates of a cemetery
Onyx chips
Mustard seeds
Cinnamon or chili powder
The ashes from any incense or cleansing sticks you've used and will use
6 thumb tacks
Lemon or lime juice
3 nails or train spikes
New moon water or eclipse water
Small bits of wormwood.
Bird's eye chilis.
Thorns from a blackberry bush
Blood root or dragons blood
Dried stinging nestle
Dried thistle
A jar
How to do it
Fill your jar with your water + your lemon/lime juice
Grind up all the herbs
Put in all the tacks, thorns, nails and dirt
Mix it all together
Keep it in a dark place, never let it see the light if you can help it.
This is my basic starter death water, mine that I have has been mastered and refined over years so it's a rather nasty mix.
Curse your enemies or keep wicked things away.
Your choice.
I always suggest taking the names of your enemies, writing them on paper burning them and feeding them to your water✨
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Cemetery Etiquette From Your Local Death Witch
I've been an Occultist for the last nine years of my life, with the last three of my practice being specifically dedicated to death and grey magick. I've seen a lot of posts about cemetery Etiquette for new witches, but I feel that they don't extend as far as they should. These are some things I've learned during my practice that could be helpful to practicioners.
Do not litter, by any means. Not only is it disrespectful to those in the cemetery, it's also harmful to the environment.
When you enter, take a moment at the gate to pause and express that you're entering, and come without malice.
Bring an offering for those buried there. I like to hand make bouquets of flowers to give to children's graves that haven't been visited, but you can bring coins, stones or crystals, alcohol (so long as you're of age), etc.
If you have to step over a grave, pardon yourself and apologize as you do so. You wouldn't run into a person who's alive without saying anything, so don't be rude to those resting either.
DO NOT TAKE GRAVE DIRT FROM SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER VISITED. If you plan to gather dirt, find a specific person and develop a relationship with their spirit before doing so. Bring offerings, talk to them, and build a connection with them before you gather dirt from their grave.
If you smell roses where there are none, there's a benevolent spirit nearby that's taken an interest in your presence.
If you begin to experience goosebumps, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, dizziness, or fatigue without any reason, thank the cemetery for allowing you and leave without turning around. You are no longer welcome.
Know the laws in your town or state in regards to bringing food or candles before you bring them to the cemetery.
If you see trash, weeds around graves, headstones covered by grass, or plants that have uprooted or tipped over, greet the person they're with, and pick it up or fix the issue. Give thanks for allowing you to visit before leaving. This both is respectful to nature, and is also a show of respect and care towards the spirit and their resting place you're tending to.
Don't try to banish spirits in a cemetery. I feel like this should go without saying, but I've met a lot of people who have attempted this. You're essentially visiting their last home and telling them to get out, which is immensely disrespectful.
If you hear music or bells where there should be none, don't be alarmed. A child's spirit is nearby.
If you want to leave a written message, write it on a leaf. It's a more natural way to leave written word for a spirit without littering.
As you leave, give thanks to the spirits there for allowing you to visit, and exit without turning around. Turning back allows for spirits to attempt to follow.
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Moonlight Academy’s Witchcraft Book PDF Links
Note: I have not been able to read through all of these yet, I am slowly making my way down the list. If there is a book that is offensive or incorrect please send me a message and I will review it and remove it from the list if necessary. 
Modern Magick Second Edition; Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig 
The Witch’s Magical Handbook by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 
Nocturnal Witchcraft; Witchcraft After Dark By Konstantinos 
Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson 
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of Spells by Michael Johnstone 
The Mystical World of Ancient Witchcraft; An easy Insider Guide To the life changing Power of your Magick Energy by Rose Ariadne 
Old World Witchcraft; Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi  
The Study of Witchcraft; A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland 
The Witch’s Master Grimoire; An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas, and Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England; A regional and comparative study guide by Alan Macfarlane 
The Pagan Federation; Witchcraft Information Package
Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich
The basics of Magick by K.Amber
The Book of Night Magick by Phillip D. Williams
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore By Patricia Monaghan 
Celtic Mythology A-Z By Gienna Matson & Jeremy Roberts
Storytelling; An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore 
Norse Mythology; Legends of Gods and Heroes by Peter Andreas Munch
Constellation Legends By Norm McCarter
Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology By Luke Roman and Monica Roman
Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena; Mythical Creatures By Linda S. Godfrey
A Guide to Astrology By Fredrick White
How to Use Astrology; How and Why it Works By Michael Erlewine 
A Manual of Astrology
Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion
The Astrology Book; The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences By James R. Lewis
Astrology Course
The Cyber Spellbook; Magick in the Virtual World By Sirona Knight and Patricia Telesco 
Herbs in Magick and Alchemy; Techniques from  Ancient Herbal Lore By C.L. Zalewski
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs By Scott Cunningham 
The Magical Household; Spells & Rituals for the Home By Scott Cunningham & David Harrington 
Herbs Magickal and Otherwise 
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews By Scott Cunningham 
Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herb Craft By Dale Pendell **
**This book contains information on Poisons and is for informational purposes only, read at your own risk. 
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs By Richard Alan Miller
Cunnigham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic By Scott Cunningham
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs; Their Medicinal and Culinary Uses
Spiritual Alchemy; The Inner Path
Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy By Manfred M.Junius 
Real Alchemy; A Primer of Practical Alchemy By Robert Allen Bartlett
An Illustrated History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry 
Alchemy Unveiled By Johannes Helmond 
Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition; An Ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland By David E. Allen & Gabrielle Hatfield
Slavic Pagan World
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen By Scott Cunningham
Cunningham’s Book of Shadows By Scott Cunningham
Learning Tarot
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot By A.E Waite
Tarot Symbolism & Divination 
Tarot; Mirror of the Soul By Gerd Ziegler 
Tarot Keys By Andrea Green 
The Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky
Healing Crystals; The A-Z Guide to 430 gemstones By Michael Geinger 
Dooney’s Crystal Database
An Introduction Guide to Crystals and Healing Stones By Ron & Sue Windred
The Healing Crystal First Aid Manuel By Michael Geinger
Practical Crystal Healing By Nicole Lanning 
Divination Systems by Nicole Yalsovac
How Divination Systems Work
The Path of the witch
The Weiser Field Guide to Witches
Practicing the Witch’s Craft By Douglas Ezzy
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to add to the list!
Moonlight Academy
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
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“I Can Manage My Anxiety”
Wear this on yourself over your heart if possible or meditate with this sigil briefly in the morning before starting your day
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
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“I Love Who I Am”
I always want to encourage people to get creative with how you use sigils. I leave suggestions in the descriptions here just as ideas, so if you can think of a better way to use this sigil than what I mention here please do it! That being said here are some methods that come to mind for this sigil:
Tape it to the top of your mirror
Write it in your personal journal if you have one
Draw it on yourself 
Burn it to ash and add the ash to some bath salt for a self-care bathing experience
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
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“This Plant Will Grow Fast And Strong”
Requested by @inkyhorror
Draw or paint this on the bottom of the pot you are putting your plant in. Or if it wont be in a pot but in the earth, write this down on paper, burn it, and mix the ashes with the soil around the plant or seed.
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
What to do when the Moon is in _______
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When the Moon is in Aries, the energy is:
ambitious, exciting, playful, self-focused, risk taking
Things to do that honor an Aries Moon include:
having a workout, go after a goal with full confidence enjoying a bonfire with friends, going to an amusement park, letting out your frustrations healthily, standing up against bullies
When the Moon in in Taurus, the energy is:
patient, sensual, artistic, practical, earthy
Things to do that honor a Taurus Moon include:
planting a garden, doing a sensual dance, lighting candles/incense and decorating your home, spending time on a creative hobby—ideally one that can make you money, getting a massage or beauty treatment
When the Moon is in Gemini, the energy is:
adaptable, flexible, fun, curious, perceptive, social
Things to do that honor a Gemini Moon include:
reading and/or writing, helping friends out, posting on social media, taking a trip, returning calls, engage your mind in philosophy or interesting topics, laughing as much as possible lol, watching your fav show
When the Moon is in Cancer, the energy is:
emotional, compassionate, sensitive to others’, family-oriented, home-oriented
Things to do that honor a Cancer Moon include:
Cleaning and decorating your home, cooking your favorite nourishing meal, expressing your emotions, contacting loved ones and relatives, visiting the beach or any large body of water, honoring your ancestors, having a nice bath
When the Moon is in Leo, the energy is:
generous, fun, dramatic, determined, joyful
Things to do that honor a Leo Moon include:
Buy new clothes or jewelry, take charge, try out new creative ideas and share them with peers, express your confidence by dressing up and doing something that is out of your comfort zone, express your care/love for someone close to you, get physical—do yoga, a workout, dance, s*x, etc.
When the Moon is in Virgo, the energy is:
health-oriented, focused, methodical, down to earth
Things to do that honor a Virgo Moon include:
catch up on any work/studying, read your fav book/s, try out a new health regimen, groom your animals, try out a new healthy recipe, grab a green smoothie
When the Moon is in Libra, the energy is:
relationship-oriented, communicative, social, artistic, diplomatic, loyal, reconciliations
Things to do that honor a Libra Moon include:
host a gathering, have a heart to heart conversation with loved ones, or your partner, sing love songs, beautify your home and surroundings, reconnect with friends, get a beauty treatment, indulge in self care
When the Moon is in Scorpio, the energy is:
passionate, intense, willful, secretive, sexy, mysterious
Things to do that honor a Scorpio Moon include:
creating an altar to a goddess you really connect with, enjoy intimate sex with someone, do your research, practice deep breathing, pay attention to your insights and intuition, do a tarot reading, shadow work
When the Moon is in Sagittarius, the energy is:
spontaneous, fun-filled, travel-oriented, energetic
Things to do that honor a Sagittarius Moon include:
travel to a fun location, tap into your spirituality, get out in nature and take up space, give to a cause close to your heart (this is a very philanthropic energy), enroll in a class of interest
When the Moon is in Capricorn, the energy is:
down to earth, goal-oriented, reliable, authoritative
Things to do that honor a Capricorn Moon include:
speaking to a mentor, remodel your home, make long term investments, plan out your day, week, month or year/s, organize your home/closet, enjoy sensual, earthy s*x, organize finances
When the Moon is in Aquarius, the energy is:
friendly, innovative, independent, social
Things to do that honor an Aquarius Moon include:
Working a charity event or volunteering, connect with friends again, chat up a stranger, make a vision board, build a website/online platform, learn about new technology that could be of use in the future, research new scientific findings
When the Moon is in Pisces, the energy is:
lethargic, dreamy, imaginative, sensitive, psychic
Things to do that honor a Pisces Moon:
Write down and ponder your dreams, listen to music, get artistic, meditate and connect with your higher self, receive a healing from a trusted, credible practitioner, center your energy, set intentions to express and receive love, compassion and understanding, offer forgiveness or reconnection to yourself or someone
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Misconceptions in astrology
Capricorns are obsessed with luxury and quality things, not Taureans
Virgos are obsessed with hygiene not because they're "virgins", but because in Western astrology Virgo falls into rat nakshatras Magha and Purva Phalguni (0°-20°39' Virgo). Rats like to clean themselves
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Vesta asteroid is responsible for virginity, not Virgo
Pisceans might have addictions to drugs and alcohol because Pisces fall into Shatabhisha nakshatra (0°40'-13°59' Pisces in Western astrology) responsible for having addictions, not because Pisceans are disillusioned and want to live in a fantasy world
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Geminis are not two-faced. They hate copying people and pretending to be someone else. They want to be individuals. Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra (14°-27°19' Pisces in natal chart) is actually two-faced because her symbol is man with 2 faces
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Taureans eat much not because they're lazy, like food or have nothing to do. It's because they need energy for their hard work
Taureans are not lazy. They just don't like to brag about what they've achieved in a day. In Russian Taurus is "Телец" [Tsyléts] which means "body". Taureans are bodybuilders, that's why they always want to do something hard. They're overachievers
Aquarians are not social people or party stars. They prefer to live in their own head full of fantasies. They often don't react to people because they simply don't pay attention cause real world is boring to them. It's because Neptune is exalted in Aquarius, Neptune is a planet of illusions and idealism
Leo Risings have lots of thick healthy hair which usually are long not because lions have a big mane. It's because Pluto, planet of wealth and success, is exalted in Leo
Jupiter doesn't bring you luck. Part of Fortune is about luck. Jupiter is a planet of control and restrictions despite also being the planet of expansion. Expansion for Jupiter is expansion of control and domination
Saturn is not bad in synastry or natal chart. It's not abusive or restricting. It's about being a protection talisman. Saturn is associated with having connections to the higher powers like, for example, god. People with strong Saturn are protected and often interract with unusual events where they suddenly get saved
Geminis are not talkative at all. Virgos are the ones who can't shut up since Virgo is exalted in Mercury, planet of motion and chaos. Virgos like to piss off people by being loud and spreading dirty rumours
Chiron is not about healing. It's about staying in an abusive relationship because you think you can fix a person. Chiron are people who're obsessed with draining our energy
Healing in astrology is associated with snake nakshatras Rohini and Mrigashira (4°-29°59' Gemini in Western astrology). Snake venom is known for healing hard diseases. People with such nakshatras in planets or houses have a healing saliva, they also might accidentaly spit it during eating or talking
Sun is not the main planet describing you. It's Moon since it's a genderless planet meaning it affects both sexes the same way
Ascendant is not how we behave in public. It's how people expect us to behave. Better check Mars for it (ruling planet of the 1st house)
Our family is not the 4th house, but the 5th house since it's a house of our place of living and it's residents. 4th house is about our ancestors and traits our relatives and us got from them, also, about people from our family we might look alike
Libra sign is associated with beauty sphere not because people deem Libras as attractive, but because Saturn, planet of cats, is exalted in Libra. Cats are known to have strong paws which they use to caught their prey. Beauty workers see other people as their preys. They often destroy people's beauty since cats are aggressive towards their preys
Your kids are not the 5th house. It's a house of possessiveness, not ownership. Kids usually go under the 11th house, house of people who seek our help and hold a lower position than us. This house is responsible for helping oppressed people and leading them to a better life. Also, house of a humanitarian work
12th house is not how you behave at the parties. It's about the 11th house, house of being in the big groups of people
12th house is not how you behave while being drunk. It's about the 3rd house of pretending to be someone else in front of the new people since you forget people while being drunk. Also, 3rd house is how we talk, drunk people won't shut up
11th house is not about our friends, only if you consider people who party with you as best friends. Best friends are usually the 6th house of people who spend their most time with you including doing routine together
Saturn is not about time. For me it's the 6th house of a daily life or things we do on a daily basis. We usually pass time by doing routine ruled by the 6th house. Also, this house is about how we're gonna look or behave when we grow up and what we'll learn with time, our life experience, what will be our mastery, people who'll never leave us, our life partner (not every partner will be rulef by the 6th house)
Stability isn't ruled by fixed signs. It's the 6th house responsible for something we do on a daily basis without changing our routine. It's about traits we can't get rid of. People with a strong 6th house (having planets on it's cusp or 6th house stellium) are usually very determined to achieve their goals and become an independent individual
What we post on our page is not our 3rd house. It's what new visitors expect us to post including pictures and text. 10th house is about what we really post since it's a house of perfoming in front of our audience
Childhood wounds are not Chiron. It's the 3rd house of our 1st attempts of socializing and connecting with people. 3rd house theme might've been very torturous for you to interract with in your childhood. 3rd house is about people you can see through and help them with your advice since it's easy for you to read their hidden reality (3rd house of putting on a mask in front of people and acting fake)
What people expect us to be is more about Moon, not Neptune responsible for illusions. Moon is about how people label you in a bad way, also, planet of stalking. It's hard for people with Squares to Moon to be themselves and not care about critisizm
Aquarians like to change hair colour because Aquarius falls into Dhanishtha nakshatra (17°20'-29°59' Aquarius in Western astrologt) ruled by a lioness. I've noticed how lion and lioness nakshatras (Purva Bhadrapada and Dhanishtha) often change their hair colour and are into subcultures. Maybe, they're obsessed with their hair because cats have pretty looking hair
Finances can be found in all houses, but mainly in the 7th house of work. If you get money from your own business or freelance, it'll be the 12th house of doing your own thing. Money from sugar daddy is the 8th house, money from posts on your page and perfoming in front of the audience is the 10th house
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
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Garden Blessings
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that-witch-guy · 2 years
Crystal Knot Magic
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Knotting a crystal net is very easy if you are able to use your fingers for this kind of crafting.
They are often called crystal "wraps" and many tutorials can be found on Youtube.
There are many, many ways to make a crystal net. The style you use determines the final appearance. More importantly for us, the style you use determines how many knots there will be, and their size.
We can draw on four common elements of magic: Crystal/mineral correspondences, color correspondences, numerology, and knot magic.
The stone (or other object) is like the battery which holds and radiates power. The object you net should correspond to your core intent.
The color of cord or thread you use can modify or hone your intent. For example, if using clear quartz, the color correspondence might be doing most of the work.
Then again, this spell will work with cotton twine and a river stone, so just do whatever suits you.
The total number of cords you use dictates how many knots total will exist in your spell. Crystal nets are made by tying two strands of cord together. If you use four cords, you will have eight working ends, and therefore you will tie four knots per row. If you have five cords, you will have ten working ends, and you will need to tie five knots per row. I align my numerology to the number of knots, not strands, because the knots themselves are holding the magic.
The knots are used to tie intent and bind power. I create most of my charms in a style that has one big starter knot at the top and one big finishing knot at the bottom. There are tons of ways to utilize knots in this project. The first knot can hold the only intent, while the rest bind powers to support it. Or the intent can be split into its composite parts and each part gets its own knot. Or every single knot can have something unique, or they can all be identical... lots of options.
Conceptually, the inner object is the focal point or battery of the spell. The knots can be understood as tools that the object uses to carry out your will, instructions to guide the object in its work, vessels that carry additional power (like tidepools on a beach), or tangles that capture and bind up unwanted forces.
To perform this sort of magic:
1. Learn how to make the nets first from an arts and crafts perspective :) you can cut the cording off to re-use the same stone later. It is really frustrating to try and do a craft in a ritual headspace if you have to learn the craft simultaneously!
2. Gather up your cording and object to be netted. Do any ritual techniques you prefer to prepare them.
3. Decide how you want your intent to be tied in. Do you want to use the same phrase for each knot? Do you want to chant your intent continuously while you do many knots? Etc.
4. Make the crystal net in your ritual headspace/magic zone. Pour your intent into each knot in whatever methods you choose.
5. I recommend making the final knot of your project into the seal which completes and finishes the amulet ("so mote it be," "as my will it has been done," etc).
6. If you did not raise and direct energy during the spell, ensure the amulet is charged afterwords. Like all amulets and talismans, it requires feeding and repowering as time goes on.
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