So if I were to hypothetically start a Project....
Would anyone actually be interested in it?
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that-one-ranpo-kinnie · 16 hours
we as a society need to talk about Tim Drake getting SHOT THROUGH THE THROAT. I’M SORRY. HOW DID I JUST FIND OUT ABT THIS?
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that-one-ranpo-kinnie · 17 hours
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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that-one-ranpo-kinnie · 19 hours
Jason: You are worthless and small. How old are you?
Tim: I’m 16.
Jason: See? When I was your age I already died.
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that-one-ranpo-kinnie · 23 hours
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By all rights Maps Mizoguchi should be Robin by now if DC had any sense of editorial direction, I am being deadly serious
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More fake screenshots! These are really fun to make.
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i know i don’t have a lot of followers but i would like to ask you to please match my donations if you can (any amount for any of these fundraisers) or reblog to boost these campaigns. lets keep the momentum going!
(6 june 2024)
€10 towards nada and her children to evacuate gaza. nada reached out to me and is currently at €668 of her goal of €15,000 - please reblog her post here to help her gain some traction
€10 towards khalil’s family and his sister nahla’s family to evacuate gaza. they are currently at €1,266 of the €40,000 goal
€10 towards ahmed and his family to evacuate gaza. he is currently at €6,985 of his goal of €35,000
$10 towards doua’s family to evacuate gaza. currently at $17,369 CAD of their goal of $120,00 CAD
$10 towards crips for esims for gaza. they have been fundraising money to provide esims for palestinians in gaza. donate here. for usd, they ask you to consider donating via p*ypal under jane shi writes
$10 towards helpgazachildren as facilitated by @fairuzfan and their friend hussam who is currently in gaza. hussam has been providing care for his people over the last several months. see information and updates here, and please consider supporting
i know people have been experiencing problems donating to gfms, so if thats the case please take a look at this post for some possible fixes
if you have the means to help more, please see here, here or here to find more campaigns to support. every bit counts
please match and/or reblog! and don’t forget your daily click
receipts below the cut
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If you ever think Tim Drake met a hinge at any point in his life, please understand that he very much has not. Unhinged feral chaos goblin king.
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Dick: I’m glad you’re alive, Jason.
Jason: …I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
Dick: It—it is? Little Wing? I’m so sorry— *proceeds with octopus hugs*
Jason: Wait, no—
Dick: We love you so much! I’m so happy you’re alive! You’re my little brother and I love—
Jason: *shoves Dick* It was sarcasm, okay? Jesus Christ, Dickie, I was joking!
(He was not, in fact, joking. He just panicked at the emotional vulnerability and backtracked.)
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You, a fool, when characters state different or contradictory things about backstory events or how the world works: This is a plot hole!
Me, wise, enlightened: Not so, neophyte. Have you considered all the exhaustive possibilities in which one of these characters simply has no idea what they are talking about, or better yet, is a fucking liar?
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YJ Pool Party.
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superhero squad with remy lebeau, tim drake and tmnt donatello called the bō boys. is this anything
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Most of you don't realize the limits of creating pjsk ocs are literally just "Hatsune Miku has bestowed you with a world from your feelings. Enjoy." So, I've come here once again to remind you guys to be creative.
Here are some parameters I rarely see being played around with while creating pjsk ocs:
Age: project sekai was created for a younger audience. However, characters in project sekai are a representation of the music producers (as in they create songs for Virtual Singers to sing), and a composer can be any age desired. This is not a limitation.
Character nationalities: yes, it would make the most sense for your setting to be Japan. However, seeing as vocaloid are international idols, that is not a limitation. 99% of those that read this have listened to vocaloid, only 1% if not less are Japanese. This is not a limitation.
Speciality: a common misconception is that, in order for Miku to become interested in you, you have to be a singer/composer. This makes sense, but had been proven wrong by canon itself: Rui is a director, Ena is an artist, Mizuki is a capcut editor. Heck, it's never even specified anyone outside of Nene sing in wxs. This is not a limitation.
People per unit: FOUR IS NOT A LIMITATION. PLEASE. If you're a perfectionist, you might want to have your card sets make sense, but I've seen people figure it out with groups of 3 or even 6. This is not a limitation.
I'm so tired of you guys saying it's not possible for an Urdu 70 year old lady to discover Hatsune Miku and go "oh! I like this :)" and then wake up in a parallel pocket dimension with a Japanese man pretending to be a cowboy, a Samoan Mozart-in-the-making twelve year old and Kagamine Rin.
It IS possible and if it's not, it would be FUN AS HELL, and that is PRIORITY.
Fuck shit up. Go crazy. Cringe is dead and you'll be too in a few years. Carpe diem til it kills you.
We don't know what a Sekai is, and we don't know what a fragment is. How are songs made? We don't KNOW! And even if you would like to abide by the pjsk worldbuilding rules, there's still so much you can play around with!
And don't even get me started on what you can do with SEKAI!! It's a world created from your feelings, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, especially because we don't know ANYTHING about them!
By the rules we're given in pjsk, Sekai could solve world hunger. By the rules we're given in pjsk, you can technically bring an unlimited amount of cats into your world. And if you take in the Miku Lore about her being from the future, A TIME TRAVELING SEKAI IS SOMEWHAT POSSIBLE.
This post you might know me for was actually a recycling of my own ocs! And guess what, by the rules we're given in the game, THIS COULD VERY MUCH WORK.
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happy pride month to Robin and unhappy pride month to everyone else here
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keeping the bestie updated
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