terfandproudofit · 2 days
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terfandproudofit · 8 days
One of the things to say about surrogacy [there are a lot of things to say about this topic], is not only that it commodifies women's bodies, it also denies body autonomy to every woman, by using the argument of the right to have a family (in this case a biological one).
Let's start with the basics. Having a family is not a right. It's a desire.
Having a family is something that happens if you have the means to make it happen (you and your partner are able to have kids, neither of you are infertile, you have enough money to take care of a child...), and everyone involved is okay with it {you and your partner want to have children and are okay with it}.By no means having a family is something anyone is entitled to.
But using this rhetoric of the right to have a family makes men think that they are indeed entitled to form a family (a biological one), and that makes them entitled to women's bodies.
And entitlement to women's bodies has consequences [rape, anti-abortions laws (that deny body autonomy to the woman), emotional manipulation...]
Surrogacy is using the body of another woman, usually one without resources to have a biological child, because you think you are entitled to it. But this rhetoric used here, like I have said above, not only hurts the women in surrogacy, it hurts all of us.
What happens with women that are fertile but don't want kids? If their boyfriends want kids, they feel entitled to them too. It isn't uncommon to hear stories of boyfriends emotionally manipulating their girlfriends to have kids instead of being reasonable human beings and realizing that their expectations of the future are not compatible and they should part ways.
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terfandproudofit · 11 days
i am so sick of the blame/accountability always landing on the woman no matter the situation.
a woman’s nudes leaked? why did she take them in the first place?
a woman is assaulted? what was she wearing?
a woman has trauma from sex work? why would she enter that work to begin with?
why is a woman labelled as having “daddy issues” instead of a man labelled as a bad father?
why is a woman pressing charges against her assaulter “ruining his future” but assaulting a woman is not?
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terfandproudofit · 12 days
Like y’all it’s not an accident that the aspects of womanhood which are constantly emphasized today as vital to the “identity” are the ones that men can access if they choose to.
Men can buy makeup, can wear clothes marketed to women, can participate in beauty rituals typically required of women, can have tendencies towards “feminine” things. Some men can do these things and be read as women in some situations. These experiences are held up as innate to womanhood, as some sort of “feminine identity” despite the fact that they don’t even apply to many women.  These things are not innate or inevitable, are actively harmful to women, and many of us choose to discard them if we are in a position to do so. But we have men musing genuinely that because they liked dresses and dolls as a kid, or have some notion of “feeling like a woman” (based only on the limited experiences of ours they can access, again) they were a woman all along.
You know what’s not held up as important to womanhood? Having a female body, facing issues related to female reproductive health, and undergoing female socialization as a child. These things are facing lashback for being suggested to be experiences of women at all. Why? Because men cannot access them. They do not happen to men. And because they don’t happen to men, they aren’t valued, they in fact need to be silenced for interrupting the views some men have of themselves as being women.
The parts of womanhood that men can access, the physical trappings of it that they themselves forced on us, are the important parts. The parts they can’t access must necessarily be denigrated as unimportant, no matter the impact these aspects have on the lives and wellbeing of women. It is the only way their misogynistic ideology can work.
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terfandproudofit · 13 days
so sick of this backtracking of feminism being led by OTHER WOMEN. these (wealthy conventionally attractive white) women are sending us back to the stone ages as a ‘lifestyle trend’ because nothing is at stake for them like ok. you gave up and decided to be some sugar daddys tradwife. fine whatever. KEEP THAT SHIT TO YOURSELF. you actually loooooove makeup and shaving and cooking for your husband with ribbons in your hair and your dream has always been to be a stay at home mom who makes organic granola. nothing wrong with that fundamentally but keep it to your fucking self!!!!!!!! stop imposing it like this is a base level of womanhood stop promoting it as the ideal lifestyle for other women stop letting the patriarchy use you as an example as to why women should be and are actually happy in the stereotypical roles theyve been cornered into for centuries. fuck OFF.
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terfandproudofit · 13 days
Women's pain is entertainment for men. If the women is sexy or if the nature of her suffering is sexual (such as rape) or just easy to sexualize, it's porn. If the woman is not sexy or the suffering doesn't lend itself to sexualization, it's comedy.
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terfandproudofit · 13 days
You don't see transmen overwhelmingly bogarting their way into male spaces, locker rooms, group therapy, gay clubs, or demanding that males stop talking about their anatomy and life experiences. You don't see 5'4" transmen threatening to beat up 6' cismales in a bathroom, or trying to worm their way into men's shelters.
And you know full well why.
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terfandproudofit · 14 days
This is a friendly reminder that it is not a "hate crime" to say that biological men cannot and will never be women because it is literally a (very basic) scientific truth. It doesn't matter if a man "feels like a woman," he will never, ever be able to change the fact that he is male. His sex chromosomes will always be XY, regardless of what he does to alter his body and appearance or how badly he believes that he was "born in the wrong body." Femaleness is not merely a feeling; it cannot be experienced by anyone who is not born into it. A man may be able to put estrogen into his body, he may be able to appear traditionally feminine (although it is often painfully easy to tell that he is not really a woman), and he may be able to get surgeries to alter his body so that it looks more like a woman's, but what he cannot do is actually be a woman. He knows absolutely nothing about actual femaleness and never will because it is literally impossible for him, as someone who is inherently male, to do so. He can only pretend. I will never understand why some people find that so difficult to accept, or why it has become an offensive thing to say.
I feel the need to be mean about this because of how ridiculous of an issue it is. 🤦‍♀️
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terfandproudofit · 14 days
men get told to man up for crying and women get told that all women should be banned from politics and the work force and never be allowed in leadership positions and are never able to make rational or logical decisions for crying like which of those 2 things sounds worse to you
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terfandproudofit · 15 days
“Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider. When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person. When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question. But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect. I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.”
— A Benediction For My Daughter (via oeua)
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terfandproudofit · 16 days
Right wing men: Women who disagree with me deserve violence
Left wing men: Women who disagree with me deserve violence
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
Women legitimately cannot do anything without being somehow criticized for it. These are just a few examples of what I mean:
If a woman doesn't shave the hair on her vagina, which grows naturally since she is a mammal, she is considered lazy, careless, and unhygienic. However, if she does shave the hair on her vagina, she is deemed a "slut" or "ran through," meaning that people (men, specifically) assume she only does it because wants to look good and sexually appealing for the men she has sex with.
If a woman appears traditionally "feminine" (wears makeup and dresses, has long hair, etc.), then people (men, specifically) automatically assume that she is submissive, unintelligent, and wanting of male attention, whether that attention be romantic or sexual, and that she could never be anything without a man in her life. However, if she appears traditionally "masculine" or somehow deviates from the traditional image of a woman (exclusively wears pants and shirts/suits, has short hair, etc.) people (men, specifically) tell her that she is trying too hard to be something that she will never be and is making a fool of herself because no man would want a woman who looks or behaves like a man. (In other words, no man would want an intelligent, independent woman whom he could not control and manipulate.)
If a woman wants to be sexually active, she is often considered (by both men and some women), in some way or another, a desperate whore. However, if she does not want to be sexually active, whether that be because she simply wants to remain celibate or because she is waiting until after marriage, she is often considered (by both men and some women) "boring" or is pressured to be sexually active by people who tell her that her life could be so much more enjoyable if she was sexually active or that she is too old to shy away from sex. (I have heard from several women, in real life and on the internet, that they have been encouraged by doctors to be sexually active.)
I absolutely fucking hate how normal and socially acceptable misogyny has become. We (biological women) are essentially regarded as subhuman in so many ways. I am aware that we "have it better" than women did in the past in many ways, but misogyny still exists and impacts us every single day in so many disgusting, dehumanizing ways.
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
Men like to frame their most apathetic tendencies as a natural result of their superior logic, frequently positing that women are too emotional to make rational decisions. Let me make this clear: empathy makes people smarter. Compassionate people make smarter decisions. Humans evolved to feel strong emotions because THEY ARE NECESSARY FOR HIGHER LEVEL COGNITIVE PROCESSING. If we didn’t feel guilt, rage, sadness, love, and every other feeling we quite simply wouldn’t have come this far as a species. The human brain would never have evolved. We have this in common with other highly intelligent animals such as apes, whales, and elephants. They grieve powerfully, and form significant social bonds that affect their decision-making. If anything the cultural restriction of male emotional development and the encouragement of male rage, jealousy, possessiveness, etc, just makes them (males) closer to beasts operating on the most animalistic of instincts.
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
how life feels when everyone on tiktok is finally shitting on Dylan Mulvaney and recognizing how misogynistic he is
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
Females who are pick mes are a danger to women and girls, and they uphold misogyny. They sit here and say that women shouldn’t have the right to work or vote. They will say that as women, their only duty is to submit to men and be mothers and nothing more. This goes for conservative women, trad wives, and women who are religious. They do not deserve sisterhood, and we need to leave those women and girls behind with the rest of the males that they so desperately look up to.
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terfandproudofit · 19 days
When a man says he prefers a woman who is strongly opinionated and independent, don’t take his words literally. Because what he truly means by that is he is looking for a woman he can ‘tame’, someone he can bend to his needs because men are insecure and wanna prove their ‘manhood’ to themselves through ‘dominance’. He wishes to acquire a woman he’d otherwise not stand because it feeds his male ego. They view strong women as a conquest to be won, exotic birds they can collect, only to imprison them and dehumanize them, as it gives them a sense of ‘accomplishment.’ They perceive the challenge of ‘taming’ such women as a test of their own prowess. Men love to test their limits on women. He views naive women as boring because he sees no ‘thrill’ in pursuing them. Women have never been humans to men. Don’t take men’s words literally.
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