tenacne · 6 years
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tenacne · 6 years
Skin Care For Acne Step 3 By Ross
Skin Care For Acne Step 3: Treating Acne Scars
Hey guys, let’s just say in the past, you had some mild acne, maybe some more severe acne, you finally got that resolved and now you’re left with terrible acne scars. If you’re watching this video, just know you’re not alone because it was my most highly requested video topic and I took some time to make it because I wanted to make sure we got all the information right the first time. Let’s get started, I want to try to cramp this all in under 10 minutes.
First off let’s talk about some of the causes of acne scars. They are pretty unpredictable in general, they may just occur as a result of having acne but some of the most serious acne scars occur as a result of overall manipulation. Maybe you had acne and you really had very poor self control, you couldn’t stop yourself from picking poking and popping pimples. Maybe the acne was coming on faster than your skin could actually handle, and it just causes your skin to kind of break down and left you with some terrible scars.
In general, it doesn’t matter how you got it. It’s a painful thing to experience and we want to make sure you can resolve that also just like you resolved your acne. In general the most important thing for healing your acne scars is just time. They will eventually go away on their own especially some of the more mild types of acne scars. But I’m going to talk about some of the things you can do on your own to help accelerate scar healing and also some of the professional treatments that are available but you may want to consider, they’re going to be very expensive. So just weigh out the benefits and the negative each one.
  Is Vitamin E Good For Acne?
The first thing I want to address is vitamin E. People seem to think that vitamin E is the cure-all in vitamin when it comes the scar healing, whether it’s on your body or on your face. Now I want to let you know that vitamin E is not what you should be using to cure and heal your acne scars. I did a little research on this and there have been independent research done that shows vitamin E actually is detrimental to scar healing. It can make it worse, it does not improve how quickly the scar will heal and it doesn’t make the end result any better than other treatments. So just drop vitamin E, stop taking those capsules and breaking them open and smear on your face. It’s not what you want to do. No, that’s out of the way.
Let’s talk about the different types of acne scars. They can range from pretty mild redness and inflammation, to a little bit more moderate discolorations like brown or purple marks, finally to the most severe which would be physical changes in your skin like pitting, changes in the texture that you can actually feel. The most mild form of acne scars which was the inflammation, will go away on its own but it’s going to take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. You must have patience and, in the meantime, the best thing you can do is don’t make it worse.
Just treat your skin good, have a good skin care routine, protect your skin from the sun, which can cause exacerbations of your acne scars, and let time do its work. Sun exposure and sun damage will make your acne scars worse. It’s very important to wear sunscreen every day, as if I haven’t said it a thousand times, and just follow a good skin care routine in general. Using good face wash, use a good moisturizer every day and every night, and keep your skin hydrated so it can do its work.
I don’t want to dwell too much on the mild types of acne scars because there really isn’t too much you can do for them except let time do its work. If you do have discolorations so we’re talking about brown or purple marks there are some things that you can do on your own. You might want to look into chemical exfoliants and I’ve talked about them before.
  Chemical Exfoliants For Acne Scars
Chemical exfoliants are things like BHA also known as salicylic acid, or AHA, alpha hydroxy acid also known as glycolic acid. These chemical exfoliants will promote cellular turnover which is basically a natural function of skin but the exfoliant causes it to occur faster so you’re going to be stripping off the top layers of your skin, encouraging your skin to produce new cells, and you know, promote cellular turnover. I don’t know how else to explain it.
There are some excellent products available in the market. My favorite one is by Paula’s Choice. I’m just putting it out there for the fiftieth thousand time. Their BHA AHA products are awesome and they will be beneficial to your skin whether you still have acne, active acne or whether you’re just trying to combat your acne scars.
So again that was the BHA, beta hydroxy acid, and AHA. Both of those are chemical exfoliant. Also you can look into mechanical exfoliant. It’s things like scrubs, maybe a washcloth that you used to gently scrub your face, morning and night or a face brush that again, it’s the same thing you’re just gently removing the dead skin cells from the outermost layers of your skin. That’s going to do the same thing in terms of promoting a faster turnover rate in your skin.
  Professional Treatments For Acne Scars
If you want to look for professional help, you can always go to a spa or salon and see an aesthetician, someone that specializes in skin care and you can try a microdermabrasion. If you do go to a spa or a salon, the aesthetician will give you a very superficial microderm, that’s something that���s important to know.
Aestheticians can’t take off very many layers of skin because they’re not licensed like a practitioner is. The microderm is much more intense than anything you could do on your own, but it takes off a couple more layers of skin and really causes that healing process to occur, hopefully revealing younger more healthy skin on underneath layers.
If you want to go for a more serious like microdermabrasion, you can see a practitioner who will go much deeper than an aesthetician will, they’ll have specific instructions on things that you need to do in order to protect your skin afterwards but it’s going to be a little bit faster than what you would get at the spa.
If you do decide to choose microdermabrasion, it’s important to keep it on a regular basis like once a month and protecting your skin afterwards is incredibly important because your skin is going to be very vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun and ultraviolet light.
Finally, moving on to the most serious form of acne scars, I’m talking about pitting and changes in the texture of your skin. Most of the time, your best option is going to be available from an actual dermatologist or a practitioner of some sort. Laser therapy is the number one treatment when it comes to treating acne scars but it’s incredibly expensive in the thousands and thousands of dollars per treatment. What that will do is it actually uses a very specific laser to damage the outermost layers of your skin and really promote the growth of a perfectly normal and healthy skin underneath. It is one of those things that takes multiple treatments but at the end of the day your skin is worth it.
Skin is your largest organ in your body, it will boost your confidence and it’s something that you might want to look into more seriously. I always want to make this clear though you don’t want to make your acne scars worse. So if you still do have active acne don’t be popping them or picking at them. Just let your skin heal. Follow some of my other advice in terms of building a really good skin care routine and let time do its job.
Some other professional treatments that might be available include acid peels which are different from the chemical exfoliants I was talking about earlier. Acid peels are going to be much more intense, again they’re going to go it’s all about accessing those deeper layers of your skin and causing much more damaged which will allow your skin to rejuvenate itself. All that kind of stuff must be administered by an actual practitioner or microderm or dermatologists because they are very risky and there’s very precise timing involved with it.
  In Conclusion
Just know that regardless of what the products available over-the-counter claim, there is no miracle ingredient for treating your acne scars. Vitamin E is not going to do it. You just have to treat your skin good, use some things that cause exfoliation, whether it’s a chemical or mechanical option, and potentially seek professional help if you have serious acne scars.
I apologize because that’s it. That’s all available in market and it is a very unfortunate thing, acne scars can be very painful to have and you can experience very poor self-esteem. But just by you watching this video, you’re already taking the next step into healing yourself and getting a better skin. So check out some of my other videos. If you’re new to this whole thing about acne skin care, you can build a routine, you can learn a lot. So thanks for watching guys. I really hope that helped you a little bit and just clarify some things as you try to resolve your acne scars. Alright, take care.
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tenacne · 6 years
Skin Care For Acne Step 1 By Ross
Skin Care For Acne Step 1: Identify Type and Cause
Hey guys, this is the video you have been waiting for. This is the first video in a series on skin care for acne. Now, this topic was highly requested. I want you to know that if you’re watching this video, you are not alone.
Acne is such a common problem and some people are just better covering up than others. Keep in mind, it is not a one-size-fits-all thing. Many products on the market today are just labelled as one-size-fits-all treatment. And in my opinion that is not the right way to treat acne. Every person is an individual, every situation is going to be different and the cause of the situation is going to be different. That’s why we’re starting off today with identifying the type of acne you have and identifying the causes behind that acne.
The battle against acne can be extremely painful, both emotionally and physically. My advice is going to be more geared toward mild to moderate acne. If you do have severe cystic acne (cystic acne is the type that is very painful, hard, nodes underneath of the skin), you should absolutely talk to your doctor. Only prescription strength products are going to be appropriate for treating severe cystic acne. So, keep that in mind, if you have mild to moderate problems, that’s okay, that’s why I’m here to help you. If you have more serious problems, you should absolutely talk to your doctor.
The best part about this video is that – it is totally free. I enjoy doing this. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with people. Take it for what it’s worth, empower yourself with the knowledge and you really will be able to help yourself. Let’s get started. We’re going to talk about identifying the cause of your acne and identifying the type of that you have.
  Identifying The Types Of Acne
I generally put it into three different categories: 1) blackheads; 2) whiteheads, or the more serious 3) papules and pustules.
1) Blackheads are relatively easy to take care of. You might see them around your nose, around your chin area, sometimes on your cheeks. They’re not too common to have blackheads on your forehead. Maybe on your back a little bit but mostly on your face. What happens with the blackhead is you have a pore or a hair follicle that is clogged. It’s as simple as that.
Now what is your pore clogged with? Well, it could be a couple of different things. It could be excess oil, which is called the sebum. It could be dirt and dust from the environment. It could be dead skin cells. Our skin is constantly renewing itself and shedding these old layers. If those skin cells aren’t able to come out and just fall off, then they’re going to be stuck in your pores and they could really cause some trouble.
With a blackhead, that oil, those dead skin cells are trapped in there but it is still open to the air. Air can get in and what happens is that air oxidizes the oil in the pore. It’ll start off changing to a yellowish colour, brown and the longer you let it go, it might even turn black which is where the name comes from.
2) Now moving on to whiteheads. The very similar situation, it’s a clogged pore or a clogged hair follicle but it is not open to the air. It is actually closed off so when you can see that actual whitehead, you’re actually looking at that oil. Those dead cells that are trapped underneath the layers of your skin, at this point there’s no infection.
3) When you do start to get an infection underneath of your skin, then it moves on to a more serious type of acne called papules and pustules. Papules are a little bit deeper under the skin. They do not have a head and they’re generally tend to be painful when you push on them. You might see some redness, some swelling of the skin around it.
Pustules are the same thing except they’re a little bit more towards the surface and they do have a head. What’s happening on your skin there, is there’s that trapped oil, that traps sebum as we call it. And there’s special bacteria under the skin that actually feeds on that oil and the dead skin cells. This triggers an immune response from your body, so it starts sending white blood cells to attack that bacteria and eat it up basically. You’ll see the swelling, the redness that I talked about, and it can be a little bit painful too. This is more of a problem generally for people, because it can be cover a large surface area. You got to keep that in mind.
Why I put them in these three categories is because we treat them all differently, which is going to be another video, but figure out what you have and you might have a combination of whiteheads, blackheads and then the more serious infected papules and pustules.
  Identifying The Causes Of Acne
Now that we know about the three different types, let’s talk about the three different, the multiple causes of acne we already know that an excess oil production can cause acne, so that is generally a hormone imbalance. It’s very common in teens and even some young adults. If you have hormones that are triggering your body to produce more oil than it can handle, you’re going to see some acne.
Another common thing that I see is acne that is localized to certain areas on your face. Some people see or just around their chin, maybe under their jaw line, or on the edge of their hairline. Think about what you do during the day. Do you sit at your desk with your hand on your chin? There’s oil and bacteria and dirt on your hands. If you’re physically putting that on your face, you’re going to cause some trouble, so keep that in mind.
Something similar to that I see is for younger females on their neck and their upper back. If you have hair that’s up in a ponytail, is your hair dangling down and are brushing up against your skin? There’s a lot of natural oils and grease that is in the hair and that can absolutely cause some trouble on your upper back. It happened to my sisters and I was able to identify right off the back. Her hair was in the ponytail. It was touching her upper back and she had a localized spot of acne just because of her hair.
You got to look at every, your situation in particular, and figure out is it because you touch your face, do you pick your face without thinking about it, is your hair long, is it touching your back and the grease clogging your pores? Everyone’s going to be a little bit different, but generally, if it is truly a hormonal imbalance, there’s a couple of different things I’m going to address in future videos of how to take care of that acne.
  Thank You For Watching
Thank you so much for watching. If this is your first time seeing my videos, welcome to Men’s Skin Care with Ross. Of course, I say have that name but females are more than welcome to watch this too and benefit from it. If you’re one of my loyal followers, thank you so much for all your continued support. I really appreciate it but anyways, look forward to my future videos and any comments questions you can put it below. It’s really hard for me to answer all the messages that I get, so I feel really bad but I do my best. Okay guys, thanks for watching, have a really nice day.
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tenacne · 6 years
How To Pop A Pimple Without Making It Worse – Dr. Ava Shamban
How To Pop A Pimple
Can touch in your face somehow cause the spread of acne? The answer to that is a very simple, yes ~ no ~ maybe.
Okay so you have a pimple right here and you want to pop it, great, should you or shouldn’t you? Mostly you shouldn’t because the truth is that though popping a pimple, possibly might get rid of it a tiny bit faster. It’s a much bigger possibility that you will cause unintentional damage and spread the problem even more.
It sorts of makes sense that popping a pimple will open up the blockage and release everything that’s trapped below, right? Wrong. It could have that effect if you are extraordinarily careful but more than likely what will end up happening is that you will inadvertently spread the infection and this is why.
If you apply too much pressure onto the skin, what you’re really doing is pushing that build-up of oil and bacteria down, which causes pressure, the bacteria spread all through your skin and suddenly, what was one contained problem has now multiplied into multiple, not so contained problems.
In addition, picking at your skin has a huge potential of causing scarring and I’m talking about permanent scarring. So don’t do it. What Dr. Ava, you ask, I just have a single whitehead and I’ve got a really hot date. What am I gonna do? Okay, in that case because a whitehead isn’t inflammatory, you might be okay if you do it properly.
Here’s what I mean, you take a warm washcloth, you hold it on to the pimple. That will soften up the rice krispy top. Then very gently, take two q-tips and apply a little bit of pressure, just so that little whiteness comes out. Afterward, you can put a little soap and water on it followed by hydrogen peroxide, some salicylic acid or even a tiny bit of toothpaste. You can take that off and put your makeup on before you go on your hot date. That’s how you pop a pimple.
Caution: If your acne is more than just a simple occasional whitehead, steer clear of popping or picking at it. You’re much better off seeing a dermatologist.
Be sure to check out the links to some of our other videos here and leave your thoughts in the comments below. I’m Dr. Ava Shamban and this is Dr. Ava Says.
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tenacne · 6 years
20% Adult Women Suffer From Acne – Dr. Ava Shamban
Adult Acne In Women
Maybe you suffer through breakouts as a teen, or maybe you didn’t. But adult acne is just more proof that life is full of surprises but don’t despair, you can do something about it.
Aside from being absolutely horrifying, breakouts in adult women behave a bit differently than they did in our teens where acne popped up anywhere. Adult acne tends to cluster along the jawline, chin, neck and chest. In fact, the numbers of women getting adult acne is increasing rapidly.
One in five adult women suffer from acne. Why is that? Stress. We’ve become the ultimate multitaskers. All of this stress leads to increased cortisol levels. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress. Our bodies used to produce it only in moments of imminent danger. Now it’s just an integral part of our daily lives.
Number #1. Here’s a speedy spot treatment that can help make a blemish look less angry right away. First cleanse with hydrogen peroxide, then ice it until the skin is chilled. Finally, apply a dab of cortisone and wait 2-3 minutes. You should look better within the hour.
Number #2. This anti acne regimen is straightforward but needs to be tailored to your skin type. A gentle cleanser twice a day, a salicylic acid moisturizer with SPF in the morning and at night at benzoyl peroxide product plus moisturizer.
Number #3. Manage your stress. Establish a routine, exercise, eat well, meditate, going to bed and getting up at the same time, take care of yourself like you would a child. The rest of the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you will watch your acne vanish.
Number #4. Choose what you eat, switch to a low glycemic diet, which means no packaged foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce, or ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup. We all know the value of changing to a diet that our bodies were designed for ~ proteins, fruits, vegetables, not donuts.
Number #5. Finally, if your acne is painful and cystic doesn’t clear, or is leaving you with indented scars or brown spots, please see a dermatologist or healthcare professional to prevent permanent damage.
I hope you enjoyed and were informed by this video. Be sure to subscribe and check out the links to some of our other videos here and leave your thoughts in the comments below. I’m Dr. Ava Shamban and this is Dr. Ava Says.
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tenacne · 6 years
Dr. Ava Shamban Tells You What Is Acne, How To Get Rid Of It Forever
What Is Acne & How To Get Rid Of It Forever
Acne, acne, acne, what is acne anyway?
Now, there are a lot of different types of acne, acne mechanica, acne fulminans, pyoderma faciale, acne conglobata, consort acne, pomade acne, acne rosacea, but the most common form of acne, the one that we generally refer to when we simply say acne is “acne vulgaris”. These are the blackheads and the whiteheads and the bright-red pimples that torment us in our teenage years that sometimes turn into papules, pustules, nodule, cysts.
That may sound like a lot of fancy doctor to “blah blah blah” but what’s actually happening inside your skin is really quite simple, kind of. All you really need to know is that your skin is constantly shedding dead cells, it’s the natural way that our skin breathes and rejuvenates itself. Some of those dead skin cells get out through your body through tiny little holes called “pores”. People, everybody hates their pores. People talk about them non-stop these pores are connected to the oil glands through a canal called a “follicle”. These oil glands produce a greasy substance called “sebum” which is your body’s own natural moisturizer that lubricates your skin.
Trouble begins when the process slows down and the oil and the skin cells clump together and clog the pore, blocking the pathway out. Think of it like here in your shower drain, clogged or not, your body doesn’t just stop creating more oil or skin so. What happens is that instead of going out, all that oil builds up underneath which pushes out the skin, creating the bump or pimple that we all read.
Acne goes into full bloom when the bacteria notice Propionibacterium-acne jumps onto the scene. To fight this mob, your immune system rushes bacteria fighting your white blood cells to the scene and the unfortunate side effect all of this is a reddening of the skin in the affected areas. So what does it look like? It looks like a volcanic explosion, like a pizza gone bad.
So just imagine, when you have acne, what’s really actually going on is an epic power struggle between your immune system, bacterial cells, clogged pores. Nothing can get free. That’s the simplest way to understand it.
Acne Tips:
No 1. Use an acne skincare routine twice a day. Every day for the years you have acne.
No 2. Ideally your skin routine should contain some combination of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid.
No 3. Use a moisturizer. All acne treatments are drying to the skin and you will have a reflux oiliness unless you use a lightweight moisturizer.
No 4. Try some do-it-yourself acne remedies such as plain Greek yogurt, mixed with a spoonful of honey, apply it to your face. Another option is playing egg yolk. For more recipes, see my book Heal Your Skin and…
No 5. If your acne is severe and is not going away, don’t waste any time, go see your dermatologist.
I hope you enjoyed and were informed by this video. Be sure to subscribe and check out the links to some of our other videos here and leave your thoughts in the comments below. I’m doctor Ava Shamban and this is Dr. Ava Says.
    The post Dr. Ava Shamban Tells You What Is Acne, How To Get Rid Of It Forever appeared first on 10acne.com.
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tenacne · 6 years
Exposed Skin Care, Reviewed by Rachelle, BorderHammer
Exposed Skin Care, Reviewed by Rachelle
Hello everyone, this is Rachelle and today I want to bring you guys a new skincare line that I’ve been trying it out. It’s a brand called Exposed Skin Care and here, it is here, and it come to a plethora of things for me to try out. It is for acne prone skin. The thing I like about this brand is that they do try to include some natural elements in it. Some tea tree oil, witch hazel and I think peppermint oil so I did appreciate that. I feel like it’s gentle enough for older skin and like teenage skin. I’m not sure how would we do with more severe cases but it says on packaging it works for that as well. I believe just more of the product would need to be applied.
So anyway I want to introduce you to everything I’ve been used and let you know my thoughts on it. So let’s here we go. And by the way guys, they have like a one-year money-back guarantee. Okay? So a whole year to try this. There’s something go wrong, you know you can get your money back. Listen, actually less expensive than what I normally use and I do normally use a different brand but it just so happened that I was on my last leg of vets. I was like, there goes fall back again. But I was contacted by this company to review their brand. So, okay that’s right on time.
This is how your product will come to you if It is something that you’re interested in ordering. That comes with a little information graphic here (Quick Start Guide). It tells you how to prevent acne and things like that. Things with kind of new but some of you may or may not know for instance, change your pillowcase, drink plenty of water, avoid sugar and dairy (that’s a big one for me), keep your hands out of your face, when you sweat, wash it off. it’s not a skincare line just for your face. Five people have the acne on their shoulders and back, and they have included a body wash just for you. It is still has the active ingredient in there – Salicylic Acid. The thing about it is it’s in a much lower percentage so won’t be harsh on your body.
By the way guys, click the link below and use promo code freebodywash127 and they’ll throw this body wash in free with any $40 purchase. Okay guys, let’s get crazy with these products super quick.
They have the Exposed Facial Cleanser, the clearing toner or it says Clearing Tonic but it’s a toner, Acne Treatment Serum, a Clear Pore Serum, a Microderm Scrub. And it has like this, the exfoliating cloths and I spoke to you guys about these before in another acne video. So I know how helpful these can be. Ah guys, I can’t speak for every product in this box because I haven’t used it the product in the box. I’m going to talk to you about what I have used and what I like.
Now three products that I have used to be facial cleanser, the clearing tonic or toner basically, what is, and the clear pore serum. I use the facial cleanser and again the main ingredient Salicylic Acid, but it’s in a lower concentration. Salicylic Acid in this facial cleanser is 0.5%. As Pro-Vitamin B5, sage extract, like a lot of the acne washes, you’re going to feel it, you feel a little tightness after you have used up, you dry your skin. I didn’t feel that at all with any of these products. In fact, it somehow my skin felt more moisturized.
And the next one that I want to talk to you about is a clearing tonic. Love this and it’s basically a toner and this one has the green tea extract, passion flower and Azelaic Acid. It has a little bit more of the Salicylic Acid in there. So this has 1% but even still is less than what I normally use.
This is the clear pore serum, Salicylic Acid acne treatment. And it has a licorice root, green tea extract and meadowsweet.
Alright, and you know what you have like the clogged pores of the, I guess blackheads what they are, you know strips, rip it out. That hurts, doesn’t that? It hurts, okay? So I wanted to try this and see if it would help clear out the pores stuff and I did find it did. I noticed about maybe a 75% reduction overnight. I’ll tell you why. I have a new certain ones too. One in particular, the acne treatment serum. Okay? I feel like it works. It does when I use it once by accident because I was enjoying the rest of the stuff that I was using and I saw this bag in the box. And I was oh I forgot to use this on, why had I not use, without realizing I set it aside because it has an ingredient in there my skin is not happy with – Benzoyl Peroxide.
So like I said, not thinking, I picked it up and I had a little something coming in and I want to put this, use it as a treatment. Didn’t realize ahead Benzoyl Peroxide in it and my face swollen up. But it’s not this product. Can be just the ingredient in general. All we knew that, it worked, I mean take the bomb away but like I said can’t use that. You have a product that can’t really speak on, it’s a microderm scrub. I didn’t use it because I already have a nice exfoliating system that I’m using, I want to talk to you about that too. So I didn’t have a chance to use this but I probably will at some point and the Derm-X Cloth, I already have this and I know this works well.
So in the brand call Exposedskincare.com, I hope you guys have enjoyed this honest review as always. I put links and promo code all the stuff below. Oh yeah guys, hope you guys have enjoyed the review. Questions, comments, concerns, do leave them below and I’ll see you on the next one and thank you so much to Exposed for sending me this wonderful skincare line. Do appreciate it. Thank you so much now.
See you guys on the next one and talk to you soon, bye.
    The post Exposed Skin Care, Reviewed by Rachelle, BorderHammer appeared first on 10acne.com.
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tenacne · 6 years
Face Cleansing Brush: Dermatologist-Designed For Acne
Face Cleansing Brush For Acne
The best way to keep acne away from the face is by keeping the face clean and free of dirt, oil and makeup all the time. What we have seen however, is that no matter how people try to achieve this, they often fail because there is no guarantee that impurities will not hang around the pores. These impurities are always present because they are usually unreachable when we clean the face with our hands, sponges, washrags, etc.
Your face deserves all the tender, loving care you can give it, because it is the principal makeup of your body and by a large extent, it determines the essence of your body. One important tool that you need to give your face the perfect care it deserves and keep it clean, exfoliated, smooth and glowing is the facial cleansing brush.
Facial cleansing brushes are one of the essential skin care tools for the treatment of acne and for clean, radiant skin. Our exposure to dirt on a daily basis leaves a ton of it on our face and our body. While our clothes cover much of the dirt that falls on our skin, no piece of fabric actually covers the face and this is why it is important that one take proper care to ensure it is dirt and germs free.
Usually, when acne settles on a face, dermatologists find a hard time suggesting medications, as they may be a dip in a wild pool. They believe proper care can prevent any skin ailment and this is why they suggest ways to get your skin better without necessarily resorting to medication.
  How Do Facial Cleansing Brushes Work?
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A face brush allows dead skin exfoliate faster and allows the production of more collagen that will give a tighter skin. The face brush removes any oil or debris that blocks your pores and will allow medication and other cosmetic applied on the skin penetrate through the pores.
Acne is generated subcutaneously and this leaves us with no much option to prevent them. In essence, it is necessary to try to take care of acne and do not allow it foster from the outside. There may be drugs to combat acne subcutaneously, but dermatologists have continued to make it clear that heredity and excess secretion of sebum are major factors that affect acne formation.
The facial brush is a very vital tool because it is gentle on the skin and is naturally designed to tackle bacteria formation. It creates a massaging effect on the spots where it is applied, while it promotes blood circulation as well as increased generation of collagen and are perfect for the most sensitive skin because they are smooth, soft and silky. Facial brushes are especially perfect for the removal of makeup, environmental pollutants and dirt that aids the formation of acne on the face.
While all of the benefits of the facial brush are targeted in one direction, it should be noted that there are precautions that should be considered strongly so that it can yield the best results as desired.
  Precautions While Using Facial Cleansing Brushes
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The most important precaution is to ensure that you purchase a dermatologist-designed facial cleansing brush. Buying another type of brush and using such in place of facial brush is the first signal of a disaster waiting to happen. It is imperative that you check the bristles of the facial brush and you should likewise ensure that it is dermatologically tested.
After the purchase of the brush, there are a few other things to note so you can get the maximum desired results from using the facial brush.
1. Before you use the facial brush, endeavor to wash your face with acne treatments before using the brush for the first time. This will reduce irritation.
2. Use the brush once or twice weekly and slowly build up the frequency of using it.
3. You can use the facial brush everyday if you have normal skin. If you have sensitive skin, once or twice a week should be maintained even after the initial stages.
4. After each cleansing, make sure you apply topical medications to your face.
  Taking Care Of Your Facial Cleansing Brush
There are precautions that have to do with the care for the facial brush. They are listed below:
1. The facial brush should be cleaned with soap and water or alcohol to prevent acne build-up in the brush.
2. After cleaning the brush, place it in a microwave for a few seconds to kill bacteria and other germs.
3. Do not use the brush on active acne, pimple and open wounds. If care is not taken, this will lead to the spread of infections.
4. The facial brush should never be used in combination with a chemical exfoliating agent.
5. The best time to use the facial brush is at nighttime. Then, all of the sebum, pollutions and dirt from the day will be washed off together.
6. Use the facial brush with a gentle facial cleanser i.e. those with a balanced PH and those that are fragrance free.
7. Avoid sharing your facial brush with friends and family. One brush is meant for your use alone and this is why it is advisable that you carry it along with you wherever you go.
User experiences with facial brushes are varying but largely, they yield desired results. When you start using any facial brush, your skin might flare within the first 2 weeks. This is because the dead skin cells will become opened up and because there will be fewer dead skin cells to exfoliate; your skin will flare up.
What you need to do, is to reduce its usage because continued usage of the facial brush can lead to broken capillaries, irritation, redness, sensitivity and excessive dryness and these signs are not good at all. The only way to control them is to desist from using the facial brush at that time. A visit to your dermatologist will confirm what went wrong and necessary ways to address it is.
    The post Face Cleansing Brush: Dermatologist-Designed For Acne appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/face-cleansing-brush-for-acne/
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tenacne · 6 years
Light Therapy Acne Mask
Light Therapy Acne Mask
Before looking at what light therapy acne mask is, let’s first consider what light therapy is in essence. Light therapy is a way of treating skin conditions and symptom of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) through exposure to artificial light. It uses controlled artificial ultraviolet light to reduce the progress of some skin conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis, and eczema. Light therapy is a useful acne technology that is clinically approved and has been used by dermatologist for more than a decade.
The light therapy acne mask is a new revolution in the treatment of skin acne; the face mask makes use of clinically proven technology to clear acne and skin break out within a short time. Light therapy can be used to treat 2 important types of skin acne, and that is bacteria and inflammation. The blue light has been clinically proven to stop skin breakout while the red light helps in interrupting the breakout cycle and reducing inflammation.
  Types of Acne Light Therapy
There are 3 types of light therapy for the treatment of skin acne, and they include:
• The Broad-band UVB – This uses the full spectrum of the Ultraviolet B.
• The Narrow-band UVB – makes use of a small part of the UVB radiation. Most dermatologists usually recommend the narrowband UVB because it has fewer side effects and is more intensive in treatment.
• In the treatment of skin conditions, the Psoralen ultraviolet A (PUVA) is used, which involves the use of light therapy and the Psoralen chemical to treat skin acne. This compound causes the skin to become very sensitive to the light.
  How Does Light Therapy Acne Mask Works?
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To use the light therapy acne mask, all you need to do is to wear the mask for 10 minutes a day while you work, do yoga, or chat on the phone; it is an excellent alternative than having a chemical session or a $500 light therapy treatment session with your dermatologist.
It works by allowing the energy from the red and blue light to penetrate the skin and destroy acne-causing bacteria’s and also reduce aging and skin breakout. Light therapy is very active in the treatment of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo because it reduces the overproduction of skin cell that builds up to form the hard skin, it also stops the skin from becoming inflamed.
  Benefits Of Light Therapy Acne Mask
Light therapy acne mask produces results as early as 7 days from the first day of its use and improves over time. After 3 months, only a few users still notices breakout on their skin. Many people who use light therapy in the treatment of skin acne have testified to the disappearance and reduction in the appearance, size, and redness of breakouts. Also, the light therapy acne mask is a cheap and better alternative to the light therapy session that takes place in a dermatologist office and cost hundreds of dollars for a single treatment.
Finally, with the light therapy acne mask, treatment of acne and skin breakout is now very easy and can be done in the comfort of the home. Before wearing the mask, it’s recommended that you wash your face using a gentle skin cleanser and after wearing the mask, use an oil-free moisturizer and any topical acne treatment on your skin.
    The post Light Therapy Acne Mask appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/light-therapy-acne-mask/
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tenacne · 6 years
How To Use Blackhead and Comedone Acne Extractor?
Blackhead And Comedone Acne Extractor
Acne and blackheads are undesirable elements that disfigure the skin. Many abounding methods have proved successful in kicking them out. One of the methods is the acne tool or blackhead and comedone acne extractor, and it is the subject matter of this article.
The face is a delicate part of the body and is cherished by all because it houses the eyes and other sensitive organs of the body. Beyond that, in relation with others around you, the face can present your feelings, emotions and can attract and endear others to you. As much as the face forms a major make up of our image, it is often exposed to dust and several other harsh elements. The face protects us from most of these things and they form as blackheads, acne etc.
Nobody likes blackheads and acne on their faces and I am certain that you are very eager to know how blackhead extractor works and how it will benefit you. We will get to that, but it is important that we understand blackheads and acne in order to appreciate the extent to which this extractors can stop the formation of blackheads and acne on our faces.
  What Are Blackheads And Acne?
Blackheads are tiny, dark bumps inflaming the pores of a person’s face and sometimes the neck of an individual. They consist of oxidizing melanin, and they appear during those times when an individual’s hormones produce sebum underneath the skin pores.
One characteristic of blackhead that distinguishes it from acne and other types of comedone related infection is that the infection causes an opening in the skin pore, it is this opening that traps air and then makes the sebum underneath the skin to turn black.
Medically, blackheads are a milder stage of acne.
Acne, on the other hand, is an advanced stage of blackheads. It is also known as pimples. It is simply excess oils clogged under the skin.
  How To Treat Blackheads And Acne With An Extractor?
Acne extractor is a very effective tool used for removing blackheads and acne and it achieves better results than popping them with your hands. Also, it is one of the very fast and simple methods available to anybody. This tool looks like a small rod having sharp hooks attached to both ends. It is with these hooks that an individual would pull out the comedone.
It is important now to say that before anybody uses an acne extractor, he is expected to have made some preparations. These preparations are:
  1. Regular Skin And Facial Treatment Procedure
Most people don’t take care of their faces, they don’t wash their faces, and they don’t give it the necessary treatment needed. As individuals, it is our face that makes people appreciate our beauty and attracted to us. So, it is expected that before you use an extractor, you must ensure that you have a regular facial cleaning and treatment. This treatment wouldn’t require much of your time. It only requires that you wash your face and cleanse them with a very good facial cleanser. You are to dab your face with wet towels and not use sponge that will scrub the part where the comedone is on your face.
  2. Get Your Acne Extractor
This merely entails that the individual involved should purchase the extractor he deems appropriate, that is, the size must be an appropriate size. However, you must be careful not to select an extractor that is not meant for the type of infection you have, meaning you cannot use a whitehead extractor for a blackhead.
  3. Sterilize Your Extractor
You do not want to pick up another infection from your extractor, so it is essential that you sterilize it before you use it. There are several ways you can sterilize your extractor, but the one that is most recommended is that you soak it inside alcohol.
  4. Get Your Towel, Water, And Disinfectant In Place
These stuffs are essential because when you are done with the extracting, you will need to clean your face and the extractor likewise. Also, you will need to protect the pores of your face that have been opened as a result of the extraction.
  How To Use The Blackheads And Acne Extractors
Firstly, you must have sterilized the extractor and must have cleaned your hand. Afterwards, you will bring the sterilized extractor close to the part where the acne or blackhead sits on your face. Ensure that it is well-positioned. For most people who find it difficult to see the positioning of the extractor on their face, they can make use of a mirror or a magnifying glass, whichever comes handy at that time.
After positioning the extractor adequately on the part of the face where the acne or blackhead sits, then apply a bit of pressure at the base of the extractor. You will continue to apply this pressure, until you become very sure that you have extracted all the comedones.
The next step is to remove the extractor from that part where you used it, disinfect or sterilize it before you can use it on any other spot on your face. So for every blackhead or acne that you remove, you must remember to clean and sterilize your extractor.
When you are satisfied that you have successfully removed all the blackheads and acne on your face, then you can clean the extractor for the last time and keep it in a safe place.
After this, you must not forget that you should protect the open pores on your face from another infection. Leaving them open afterwards is an open invitation to further infection, which may turn out worse.
Although the use of extractors is quite modern, it has witnessed a great level of success and is bound to be the next best thing in the tackling of Blackheads and acne.
A lot of people have used extractors to remove acne and blackheads on their faces, and these people can vouch for its effectiveness.
    The post How To Use Blackhead and Comedone Acne Extractor? appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/blackhead-and-comedone-acne-extractor/
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tenacne · 6 years
FREE* Face Moisturizers For Acne Prone Skins (Oily, Dry, Normal)
Face Moisturizer And Acne Prone Skin
For people dealing with acne, oily skin and black spot, finding a lasting solution to this annoying skin condition isn’t a stroll in the park. Yes, there are tons of over-the-counter medications that claims to help you effectively deal with your acne, but on the long run, some of this medications cause more damage to your skin; you wouldn’t want that will you? So, what’s your best bet in your bid to rid your skin of acne and blemishes? I’m glad you asked. Read on and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to rid your skin of acne.
For eons, people have believed that curing your skin is just a matter of keeping your skin dry. According to beauty experts, people dealing with acne, whiteheads and acne can absolutely deal with this condition by constantly moisturizing their skin.
If you have acne, especially those annoying ones that results in red pimples on your face, head and nose, you’ll enjoy impeccable transformation the instant you start moisturizing your skin. Again, for people with oily skin having to deal with blackheads and whiteheads, moisturizing your skin regularly will go a long way to help you deal with this skin condition.
  Why Moisturizer?
This is one question everyone dealing with acne can relate to. And this is because there seems to be lots of alternatives to curing acne. While I wouldn’t agree any less, some of the alternatives out there cause more harm to your skin on the long. But by using moisturizers, you can hardly go wrong. Thing is, moisture in the skin helps rid the skin of oil that clogs skin pores, resulting in acne.
Amazingly, moisturizing your skin isn’t so difficult, an occasional splash of water may just be what you need to keep your skin properly moisturized and hydrated. This is not to say there aren’t other amazing moisturizers out there. According to beauty therapist, moisturizing your skin doesn’t only keeps off acne and blackheads, it does lots of amazing stuff to your skin like getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines.
  Is One Moisturizer Enough To Give You That Acne Free Skin?
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For many people looking for a lasting skin care from acne, they get to struggle with this question. the truth is, when it comes to curing acne, there has been lots of tit bits by beauty experts; while some are of the opinion that one moisturizer is just good enough to give you that sparkling skin you have always drooled after, others argue that the skin around your eyes, nose and neck needs special moisturizers or ingredients that’s safe and that’s because of the delicate nature of this body parts. While this may be true, there is no scientific evidence to back up this claim.
To make the most of your moisturizer especially when dealing with acne, you’ll want to stick to places that are prone to acne and that’s the face and neck. This should help you do the magic. Also, you’ll want to go for moisturizers that work just for your skin. We all have different skins, what works perfectly for someone else, may not work for you. To make things easy for you, you’ll want to check with a beauty therapist, he/she is in the best position to determine what will work for you.
  How To Use Moisturizers?
Yes, moisturizers are meant to add moisture to your skin. But then again, it also helps locks moisture in your skin. More so, the best time to moisturize your skin is just after you must have cleansed your skin. While it makes a lot of sense to apply when you have patted the face dry, you’ll want to apply when your face is a little bit damp and soft. Don’t wait till your skin is desert dry, that’s a big no-no, you may not enjoy instant result.
Of course, what is and will remain one of the best moisturizers, but then, there are other amazing products that are designed to rid you skin of acne and blackheads. But before you go for any moisturizer you think will do the magic, it will make a lot of sense to go for moisturizers that are recommended by beauty specialist. Don’t just settle for a moisturizer because it came highly recommended by a friend. For what it is worth, you both may have an entirely different skin.
  DIY Moisturizers For Acne Prone Skin At Your Home For FREE
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1. Aloe Vera Shea Butter Facial Moisturizer For Acne
Ingredients * 4 tbsp raw shea butter * 1 tsp pure aloe vera gel * 1/2 tsp raw honey * 1 tsp rose water * 4 drops tea tree essential oil * 4 drops geranium essential oil * 4 drops lavender essential oil * Magic Bullet * 4 oz amber glass jar
Directions Add all ingredients to a small blender like a Magic Bullet and blend for a few seconds till you get a white fluffy mixture. Transfer to a sterilized amber glass jar. Store in a cool dry place for up to 3 months. Wash your face, pat dry and apply a pea-sized amount.
Tip Always use a clean finger tip when scooping the moisturizer to prevent spreading germs.
  2. Olive Oil Shea Butter Facial Moisturizer For Dry Skin
Ingredients * 4 tbsp of raw shea butter (get it here) * 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (get it here) * Medium-sized bowl and whisk
Directions Add 4 tbsp of raw shea butter into a medium-sized bowl. Mash it up to make it creamy then add 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Whip it up for 5 minutes using a whisk. Transfer the resultant white cream into a clean amber glass jar. Store in a cool dry place for up to 6 months.
Tip If you want a scent or added benefits, you can mix in any of your favorite essential oils to this shea butter facial moisturizer.
  3. Jojoba Oil Shea Butter Face Lotion For Normal Skin
Ingredients * 4 tbsp of raw shea butter (get it here) * 2 tsp jojoba oil (get it here) * 6 drops of lavender essential oil (get it here) * 6 drops of geranium essential oil (get it here) * Magic Bullet (get it here) * 4 oz amber glass jar (get it here)
Directions Put all your ingredients in a Magic Bullet (except the essential oils). Blend for a few seconds to get a white creamy mixture. Transfer it into an amber glass jar. Now stir in the essential oils with a disposable chopstick. Store your cream in a cool dry place. Get ready to apply this aromatic & healing shea butter facial moisturizer on your skin!
Tip If you can’t find jojoba oil, use sweet almond oil.
Reference https://beautymunsta.com/3-shea-butter-facial-moisturizer-recipes-for-acne-more/
  4. Rose Petals Moisturizer For Oily Skin
Ingredients * One cup of rose petals * Rose water * Aloe juice
Directions First take a vessel and boil the rose petals with a few drops of rose water. Filter the mixture as you need the liquid only. Add about 2 tbsp of aloe juice after the rosewater mixture cools down to room temperature. Place it in your fridge for a while and apply it on your face.
  DIY Green Tea Moisturiser At Your Home For FREE
Hey! This DIY deep moisturizing face cream is made with green tea so its full of antioxidants and is great for revitalizing your skin. I love this recipe because it is easy to make and it makes my skin feel so nourished. I apply it 1-2 hours before bed as a night moisturizer because this allows it to absorb without rubbing off on my pillows ♡
DIY green tea face moisturizer recipe:
– 1 tbsp wax – 2 tbsp coconut oil – 3 tbsp almond oil – 1/2 tsp vitamin e oil – 1-2 tea bags organic green tea – 5 drops essential oil – I used lavender for its nice smell and skin regenerating properties but you could use for instance eucalyptus, rosemary or tea tree oils for acne, or others for any other effects.
Melt the oils and wax. Pour in green tea sachet while oil is still on heat & leave for 10-15min before straining through cheese cloth. Then whip the strained liquid with an electric beater until it is room temperature and creamy. Store in a jar in a cool dry place, should last until finished because it primarily consists of oils.
Original content here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPC4ONfEYj4
  Best Face Moisturizers For Acne Prone Skin On Amazon
Organic Rosehip Oil – 100% Pure Unrefined and Cold Pressed Rosehip Seed Oil – Best Moisturizer for Face, Hair, Nails – Great for Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Acne Scars, Sun…
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* HIGH UP IN THE MOUNTAIN AIR OF SOUTHERN CHILE – the Mapuche Indians have been using Rosehip Oil for centuries. This amber oil has been used to protect their skin from the anti-aging effects of the harsh weather, heal scars, soothe burns and treat rashes and stretch marks during pregnancy.
* THIS WONDER OIL CAN HELP YOU TOO – This oil is a great natural moisturizer which will help to soothe dry skin conditions, minimize the appearance of fine lines and slow down skin aging, Many users have also reported a reduction in redness, age spots, scars as well as improved skin tone and elasticity.
* YOUR BOTTLE CONTAINS JUST ONE INGREDIENT – Organic, Cold Pressed, Rosehip Seed Oil. Check the pictures opposite for proof. Your oil comes in a dark amber bottle to minimise light seepage and with an easy to use dropper top. Choose between the 1oz Trial-Gift Size or the 4oz Best Value Size. Don’t forget to use your Coupons for Multi-Buys!
* THIS IS A TRUE HEAD-TO-TOE PRODUCT – When you order today the company will send you a FREE PDF GUIDE detailing all the ways you can make the most of this oil. You might find some surprising uses in there! Karen said on November 30 – “I’ve only been using the oil for a few weeks but already my skin feels stronger and smoother.” Kelly said on November 21 – “Great for a moisturizer and scar reduction! Excellent customer service as well!”
* 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – The company believe Rosehip Oil is great for all skin types. However, if you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase they will insist on refunding your money. You even get to keep the bottle so your friends or family can try it out. It’s what they call Risk Free Lifetime Guarantee. Sarah said on October 21 – “Love, love, love this oil. I’d heard good things about it and decided to give it a try and am so happy I did!”
Rosehip Oil is the NATURAL WAY to repair dry or damaged skin. Rub several drops of oil between your fingertips and apply to your face, body or hair. Use for fine lines, wrinkles, rashes, burns, age spots, stretch marks, hyper pigmentation and dry skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea. A truly VERSATILE COMPANION and a great way to START A NEW, CHEMICAL-FREE BEAUTY REGIMEN. The secret you will be telling your friends is Teddie Organics Cold Pressed Rosehip Seed Oil.
Just ONE ingredient ­- Pure, Unrefined Organic Rosehip Seed Oil. The oil is ★ ORGANIC ★ which means the rosehip fruit is grown in an area where pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are NOT used. As you are going to be putting this oil on your face and body, the company want it to be the best quality it can be. The tightly controlled production processes where the rosehip seeds are cold pressed, help to preserve the key nutrients so you reap all the rewards this prized oil has to offer.
Apply 2-3 drops to clean, damp or dry skin and massage in gently. Smooth over fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. Apply directly to dry zones such as elbows, heels, feet and hands to help repair damaged skin. Rosehip Oil is a DRY oil as it quickly absorbs and doesn’t leave any residue. Also add to your moisturizer, shampoo or conditioner to boost hydration. For external use only. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Avoid direct contact with the eyes. Do not ingest.
      The post FREE* Face Moisturizers For Acne Prone Skins (Oily, Dry, Normal) appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/moisturizer-and-acne-prone-skin/
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tenacne · 6 years
Spot Treatment For Acne & Pimples *GUARANTEED TO WORK!
Acne Sport Treatment
Spot treatments are over-the-counter acne products that help to heal those pesky pimples. Unlike other types of acne treatments, they are meant to be used only on existing blemishes. Some spot treatments are left on overnight; others dry clear so you can wear them out during the day. You can even find tinted spot treatments that help camouflage breakouts. Whichever product you choose, make sure to read and follow the usage directions.
Spot treatments are most helpful for people who only succumb to the occasional zit here and there (if that describes you, you’re so lucky). For those of us who battle with more frequent breakouts, spot treatments aren’t going to be quite as beneficial. Since spot treatments aren’t applied over the entire face, they won’t clear up a case of acne. For that, you’d need a different type of treatment.
If your acne is mild, an over-the-counter acne product might be enough. But for severe acne, you need to get yourself a prescription medication, either topical or oral. These medications, like BenzaClin, Differin, or Isotretinoin help stop breakouts before they start. You can still use spot treatments to help individual pimples heal more quickly, even while using these acne medications, so long as your dermatologist gives you the go ahead. Read the original content here…
  DIY Acne Sport Treatment At Your Home For FREE
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Recipe #1: Aspirin & Water
Step 1: Take one aspirin and using the back of a table spoon, crush it down into a powder. This isn’t supposed to be back-breaking labor either. As you can see from the video above, it only took 10-20 seconds to crush the aspirin.
Step 2: Mix in about 2 tablespoons of water with the crushed aspirin until you have a consistent looking paste. Again you can check out the video for an example of what it should look like.
Step 3: Apply the paste as a spot treatment to the areas most effected by acne. Leave on for about 10 minutes before washing off with water.
This is the perfect spot treatment for those morning where you wake up with one of those annoying zits that takes over your entire face!
  Recipe #2: Baking Soda & Lemon Juice
Step 1: Take your tablespoon of baking soda and mix it in a bowl with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Stir using a spoon and you should start to notice it froth a little before calming down into a paste.
Step 2: Apply directly to the problem areas and rub in a circular motion for about a minute. Leave on for about 20 minutes or better yet overnight for maximum results.
  Recipe #3: Coconut Oil & Turmeric
Step 1: In a bowl, mix 1/2 tsp of turmeric with 1/2 tsp of coconut oil. Just stir until the mixture looks nice and even.
Step 2: Using your ‘clean’ fingers, apply the treatment directly to your problem areas about 20 minutes before going to bed. Rub in gently in a circular motion.
Step 3: After waking up in the morning, rinse off your face with warm water.
Read the original content here…
  AMAZING DIY Spot Treatment For Acne & Pimples
This is a VERY simple yet highly effective DIY.
This is the most effective spot treatment I have ever used, I have been blown away by it!
You will need:
* Rosehip Oil – known for it’s great scar and redness reducing qualities I thought this would be the ideal carrier oil.
* Tea Tree Oil – Works very well as a spot treatment, has great antibacterial properties
* Lavender Oil – Very soothing, encourages healing, also antibacterial.
How to make:
Mix the essential oils with the Rosehip at less than 10 parts essential oils to every 100 parts carrier oil…. and there you have it! A brilliantly effective spot treatment. Apply this with clean fingers or a cotton bud (Q-tip) and you will notice a massive improvement in active and historic blemishes, literally over night. Read the original content here…
  Best Spot Treatment For Acne & Pimples On Amazon
TreeActiv Cystic Acne Spot Treatment, Best Extra Strength Fast Acting Formula for Clearing Severe Acne from Face and Body, Gentle Enough for Sensitive Skin, Adults, Teens, Men, Women (0.25 Ounce)
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* Bentonite Clay draws out toxins, eliminates impurities and helps in calming irritated skin. Effectively eliminates acne by providing oxygen to cells via drawing out excess hydrogen produced in the cell, allowing oxygen to replace it.
* Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil reduces inflammation and swelling while fighting infection and contains high levels of vitamin C which plays a crucial role in collagen production. Witch Hazel is an extremely powerful astringent that eliminates acne by reducing inflammation, clearing away excess sebum, and balancing the oil in your skin.
* Peppermint and Spearmint water have antiseptic and antibacterial properties which tame blemishes by killing bacteria within pores and balancing oil production on the face to keep pores clear and skin properly moisturized, thus reducing scarring and smoothing complexion.
* Tea Tree Water and Essential Oil have potent antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing, toning and astringent properties to help eliminate severe acne while leaving skin looking beautiful and refreshed.
* Lemon essential oil balances overactive sebaceous glands, helps clear acne, and encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Aloe Vera ensures that the essential vitamins E & C are immediately available to promote new, healthy skin growth.
This Cystic Acne Spot Treatment is the most effective treatment for severe and cystic acne. Packed with all-natural ingredients that calm the skin while eliminating acne from within. Continued use eliminates existing acne while preventing future breakouts by balancing the oil production of your skin and reducing the bacterial load on your face.
Gently massage a tiny amount into blemishes. Allow product to dry and absorb into skin for 30 minutes before rinsing. Leave on overnight for extra strength results. Reapply as often as needed. For stubborn Cystic Acne, rinse and reapply several times per day.
Bentonite Clay, Tea Tree Water, Witch Hazel, Peppermint Water, Spearmint Water, Spearmint Essential Oil, Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Aloe Vera.
  Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 Acne Spot Treatment Medication, 1 Oz.
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* 1-ounce tube of acne treatment * Acne medicine gel helps treat pimples * For normal, oily, and combination skin * Contains 10% benzoyl peroxide * Prescription-strength formula goes to work immediately
Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 Acne Medication targets breakouts to help clear skin. The acne treatment is suitable for normal, oily, and combination skin. This gel is a maximum-strength acne treatment with 10% benzoyl peroxide, the number-one pharmacist-recommended acne medicine. To help treat and prevent breakouts, the gel immediately goes to work by releasing benzoyl peroxide deep in pores where pimples begin. With regular use, Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 Acne Medication can help keep skin acne-free.
  Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 Acne Spot Treatment Medication, 1 Oz.
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* #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand; Clinically proven to kill acne bacteria in 24 hours. * 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Medication.
10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Medication. Scientifically shown to: unblock pores; fight blemishes; absorb oil; soothe irritated skin. Attack acne head on with the bacteria-fighting power of benzoyl peroxide.
    The post Spot Treatment For Acne & Pimples *GUARANTEED TO WORK! appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/acne-spot-treatment/
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tenacne · 6 years
FREE* Essential Oils For Acne & Scars
Essential Oils For Acne
If you’ve got stubborn acne, or you’re looking for an alternative to drugstore and over-the-counter acne treatments, you might consider essential oils. They are plant chemicals extracted with steam from stems, roots, leaves, seeds, or flowers.
Plant extracts have a long history in traditional and folk healing, and are regularly studied in modern medicine for their fabled effects, including how they kill bacteria, one of the primary causes of acne. Learn more…
There are hundreds of essential oils with suitable qualities that can be used for acne management, but here’s a list of the best essential oils for acne, pimples, acne scarring and pimple marks. This list is pretty extensive and makes for a really long article, so let’s dive right into it!
(Note: Please consult your doctor/healthcare practitioner before using essential oils. AVOID essential oils particularly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Avoid using essential oils on new born babies. Here is the list of best essential oils for acne management and treatment.) Read the original article here…
  List Of Best Essential Oils For Acne, Pimples & Scarring
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1. Tea Tree Essential Oil Tea tree is the number one essential oil antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral and disinfectant properties and if you had to choose just one essential oil for acne, tea tree should be your top pick.
2. Lavender Essential Oil Lavender essential oil is helpful against acne because of its analgesic, antibacterial and antiseptic properties among others. Many people swear by it for healing their acne, while others say it didn’t help at all – this is partly due to lavender being drying for the skin. Dry skin can aggravate acne in some individuals so it pays to test it out on a small portion of your skin before taking it up as a daily routine. For those with oily skin, lavender oil can work wonders in controlling acne breakouts.
3. Basil Essential Oil Though not as popular, basil is one of the best essential oils for acne due to its strong antibacterial properties, which is why it is a popular remedy for respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, coughs, colds and flu. Basil is potent against acne and skin conditions too. Even fresh basil leaves can be used to make anti-acne face masks.
4. Geranium Essential Oil Despite its strong flowery scent, geranium essential oil is actually extracted from the leaves of the geranium plant and it has a green color. It is rich in antioxidants and is recommended for aging skin, but is rich in antibacterial compounds that make it effective against acne.
5. Clary Sage Essential Oil Clary Sage has been used for beauty and cosmetic purposes since historical times, and is a known anti-depressant. Its antiseptic, bactericidal and astringent properties make it a powerful remedy for fighting acne.
6. Chamomile Essential Oil Chamomile is effective against many types of skin issues and is valuable in calming acne and breakouts. It lightens dark spots and acne scars, too.
7. Oregano Essential Oil Oregano is said to have the highest percentage of phenols out of all aromatic plants. Phenols are organic compounds characterized for their strong disinfectant properties. Be careful when using oregano oil – always go by the rule, “less is more” as it is known to cause skin irritations in large amounts. But when used safely, oregano essential oil is highly effective against acne.
8. Neroli Essential Oil Neroli is one of the most loved essential oils in the aromatherapy world due to its pleasant smell, along with its amazing healing properties. It has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties and is used to treat headaches too. Its anti-infectious, bactericidal and antiseptic properties make it one of the best essential oils for acne.
9. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil When it comes to skin care, ylang ylang makes it onto the list of best essential oils for acne as it has antimicrobial and astringent properties, which make it good for oily skin, too.
10. Frankincense Essential Oil Frankincense is a gem of an essential oil, dare I say it’s my all time favorite oil in the world. It has amazing healing, revitalizing and invigorating properties that help all skin types keep healthy and youthful. It works wonders against acne and eliminates acne scars and pimple marks.
11. Rosemary Essential Oil Rosemary essential oil is effective against acne and inflammation caused by acne bacteria. Apart from its anti-inflammatory properties, it also has antimicrobial properties that can fight full-blown breakouts, as well as stop acne before it forms.
12. Rose Essential Oil Being highly anti-bacterial, rose essential is a top choice for acne treatment, as its antioxidant, antiseptic and astringent properties make it an all-round healer for pimply and acne-prone skin. It is also effective against acne breakouts caused by hormonal imbalances. Whether you have mild acne or cystic acne, rose essential oil is a therapeutic oil that will bring positive changes to your life as it is anti-depressant and promotes peaceful sleep.
13. Bergamot Essential Oil Extracted from the skin and rinds of the bergamot orange, this highly potent essential oil is rich in many compounds, which make it effective against many health issues, including acne. It also has skin lightening properties, which will visibly lighten acne scars and blemishes.
14. Lemongrass Essential Oil The stems and leaves of the lemongrass plant are used to extract the essential oil via steam distillation, resulting in a pale to vivid yellow colored oil that is helpful for acne treatment. Lemongrass oil is rich in Vitamin A, which fosters cell renewal and repair and has important anti-acne properties, and also Vitamin E, which helps lighten acne and pimple scars.
15. Cypress Essential Oil Extracted through steam distillation of the twigs and needles of the Cypress plant, cypress essential oil has natural astringent properties that help tone the skin and prevent large pores. This essential oil is great for acne sufferers who experience oily skin or over-sweating/precipitation of skin.
  DIY Essential Oils For Acne Right At Your Home For FREE
When should you apply essential oils? When you want to say goodbye to acne!
This essential oils acne blend is gentle, effective, and all natural.
It’s made in a base of aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadensis), and includes four essential oils that are known to reduce microbes and support skin (even sensitive skin). It can be such a relief to have an essential oil acne blend, because a lot of skin irritation (and pimples!) can come about as a reaction to harsh chemicals in other products.
I’m using a 2 oz (60 ml) PET plastic bottle with a flip-top for this blend*, and filling it almost all the way with pure aloe vera gel (0:51), leaving a little room for the essential oils. (You don’t have to measure out exactly 2 oz/60 ml! Just fill your bottle most of the way up.)
Then add: * 10 drops Patchouli (Pogostemom cablin) (1:09) * 10 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) (2:24) * 10 drops Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) (2:47) * 6 drops Lemon (Citrus limon) (3:14)
You’ll have to shake your essential oil acne blend gently before each use to be sure the essential oils are distributed through the aloe. Then just get a small dab on your fingertip and use it as a spot treatment.
I recommend making this blend fresh every few weeks.
*I usually prefer to use glass with essential oils, but PET plastic is known as a non-reactive plastic that doesn’t leach. In cases when glass isn’t ideal, PET plastic is a good choice.
Original content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWj-bMTIXTw
  Best Essential Oils For Acne & Scarring On Amazon
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Rosehip Seed Oil by Kate Blanc. USDA Certified Organic, 100% Pure, Cold Pressed, Unrefined. Reduce Acne Scars. Essential Oil for Face, Nails, Hair, Skin
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* USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC ROSEHIP ESSENTIAL OIL – Kate Blanc’s Organic Rosehip Seed Oil is certified by USDA and is guaranteed to be authentic, pure, natural, and hexane free. 100% Guaranteed Authentic or FULL REFUND.
* SMOOTHER SKIN & LESS ACNE SCARS: Coldpressed organic rose hip oil’s unique anti-inflammatory properties reduce stretch marks, acne marks, fine lines and scars. It also help with dermatitis, acne and eczema. It works as a natural anti-aging solution by tightening the skin and keeps your face, lips, and body hydrated and supple. It’s also a great facial toner and has beautiful fragrance.
* ANTI-AGING SOLUTION: Rose hip oil is rich in omega-3, omega-6, and fatty acids. These vitamins gives your skin a youthful appearance by accelerating the skin’s cellular activity and slow down your aging process. It also adds shine and body to colored hair, permed hair, or hair that has been damaged by too much sun or cold weather. Virgin and unrefined rosehip seed oil makes great skin massage oil and beauty products and face cream. It’s a great facial oil that goes well under makeup.
* REMOVE DANDRUFF: Cold pressed mosqueta rose hip oil is also great for hair and nails. Rose hip oil can reduce dandruff’s flaking and itching. Kate Blanc’s Rosehip Seed Essential Oil is Certified Organic and is paraben free and cruelty free. It is a great beauty oil and can also be used as a moisturizing cream, hair growth serum, and natural scar removal.
* 100% GUARANTEE AND ONE YEAR WARRANTY – We aim to offer the highest quality and most authentic products. We guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please return it for a FULL REFUND within 365 days. Add to Cart.
Coldpressed organic rosehip oil’s unique anti-inflammatory properties reduce stretch marks, acne scars and fine lines. It is often used as the main ingredient in many hair anti-aging serum to reduce lines and wrinkles and repair skin. It works as a natural anti-aging solution by tighteing the skin and keeps your face, lips, and body hydrated and supple. The result is softer, smoother, and brighter skin.
Rosehip oil also moisturizes and hydrates dry scalps and reduce dandruff and flakes.
  Rosehip Seed Oil by Kate Blanc. USDA Certified Organic, 100% Pure, Cold Pressed, Unrefined. Reduce Acne Scars. Essential Oil for Face, Nails, Hair, Skin
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* AAA+ Grade with 45% Terpinen – This Tea Tree oil belongs to our premium Gold series of oils and has highest quality. Terpinen 4 ol is the major ingredient of Tea Tree oil and this oils has 45% of Terpinen.
* Supreme Quality Essential Tea tree Oil – This Pharmaceutical Caliber Australia Tea Tree Essential Oil is 100% pure, natural, unadulterated and untainted just to keep the efficacy most intact. A purified product of steam distilled fresh leaves. Non-Toxin, No Additives, No Preservatives, Unfiltered and Undiluted with no Fillers and No artificial ingredients added. Therapeutic Grade. Bottled in USA.
* Experience The Result – Try the First Botany Tea Tree Oil Now!
Tea Tree Oil, known by the botanical name Melaleuca Alternifolia, is known to possess antiseptic properties.
The First Botany’s Melaleuca oil is one of the best natural Australian oil and is extracted from the leaves and twigs by steam distillation. Tree Tea Oil is a key ingredient of soaps, creams, lotions, and disinfectants throughout the world.
Tea tree oil is known to be a source of solutions to a lot more than the above household uses. So Try Now with complete confidence and experience Tea tree essential oil 45% Terpinen-4-ol by First Botany to its fullest. Needed in all household ..
  Rosehip Seed Oil by Kate Blanc. USDA Certified Organic, 100% Pure, Cold Pressed, Unrefined. Reduce Acne Scars. Essential Oil for Face, Nails, Hair, Skin
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* Art naturals’ tea tree oil is the highest quality oil from Australia, where its therapeutic properties have been known for centuries.
* Tea tree oil’s antiseptic abilities fight and help heal skin irritations, including acne and dandruff.
* Can be used with a carrier oil or in facial washes and shampoos to add healing and deep-cleaning power.
* Used in a diffuser or humidifier, a few drops provide aromatherapy for home or office.
* All ingredients meet art naturals’ 100 percent natural standards, paraben free and cruelty free.
    The post FREE* Essential Oils For Acne & Scars appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/essential-oils-for-acne/
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tenacne · 7 years
100% Exposed Skin Care Overview: Reviews, Prices, Coupons, Good/Bad
Exposed Skin Care Overview
Hi, my name is John. I had what my doctor described as moderate severe acne that was hereditary. My doctor suggested trying medicine to combat my acne. He put me on a course of an antibiotic called Minocin SA. The long list of side effects he told me about was scary to say to least. Even though I was desperate to beat my acne, I knew I was getting into some heavy duty medication. Almost inevitably, the antibiotics didn’t work. The next step up was Roaccutane. Anyone who has suffered from acne knows that Roaccutane has an evil reputation, with good reason. It can harm your liver, dries out your skin, causes rashes and even induces suicidal thoughts.
Check out the posts below…
  My 30 Day Exposed Skin Care Reviews (Good/Bad)
This page is my personal review of Exposed Skin Care for 30 days usage. I hope it benefits you as much as I did.
Anyone who has suffered from acne knows how crippling it can be. It invades every aspect of your life. It’s there, ever present, crushing your confidence, holding back your social life, eating away at your self-esteem. There are a lot of times you feel you become the skin disorder, that it is your defining characteristic. You’re the spotty guy or girl. That’s how people remember you.
In a pretty cruel joke by the universe, it affects your face most severely. The one part of your body that is on show every day, the one part of your body that everyone you meet is guaranteed to look at. In an even crueller twist of fate, it is next to impossible to get rid of for many people. Learn more…
  Exposed Skincare Basic Kit (*New Price & Coupons*)
The first kit I tried from Exposed Skincare was their Exposed Basic 5-Piece Kit. I had read some fantastic reviews of Exposed’s products and decided to try their basic kit as an introduction to the system.
I have found from experience that there is no point in trying just one product from a range to see if it would help my acne. Everyone’s skin needs a couple of different things to look after it properly, and this is even more important when you are battling acne. It needs at a minimum a cleanser, a product to renew the skin, exfoliation and finally something to protect the skin. The Exposed Skincare Basic Kit has all of these necessities covered in a well thought out range. The kit itself consists of these: Learn more…
  Exposed Skincare Expanded Kit (*New Price & Coupons*)
The Exposed Skincare range is without a doubt one of the best systems I have tried. I have a pretty severe case of acne since high school and it hasn’t improved at all in the last few years. Nearly every product I have tried has made my skin worse rather than better. The problem is I have to use something so I have endured years of breakouts, red blotchy skin, inflammation, dryness and tightness. It is very frustrating to try so hard to have good grooming and appearance, only for it to make you look even worse.
I was given the Exposed Skincare Facial Cleanser as a gift and I loved how it made my skin feel after using it. It wasn’t dry and tight for a start. It felt smooth and soft, like it was actually moisturised and really healthy. I decided to order the Exposed Expanded 6-Piece Kit to replace all my existing products. I was considering the Exposed Basic Kit as well since I had heard such great things about it. However, I have a fairly bad problem with dry skin so I thought I really needed something like the Moisture Complex as well. Learn more…
  Exposed Skincare Ultimate Kit (*New Price & Coupons*)
I initially started out using individual Exposed Skincare products along with some generic, over the counter products in an effort to deal my acne. I am naturally very skeptical about any claims skincare products make after years of being let down. Every, and I mean every, product I had used before being introduced to Exposed Skincare was useless in clearing my acne. Absolutely nothing improved, not even a little bit. There was usually some kind of reaction to the product, so I had to deal with flaky, dry skin, redness or really greasy skin as well as the usual pimples and blackheads.
I think the first product I tried from Exposed Skincare was their Facial Cleanser. It was unbelievably gentle on my skin. I actually felt clean and refreshed after using instead of dry and tight. For that alone I would have kept using it but I also noticed an improvement in my acne. Gradually, I started using more products from the range until I was ordering the Basic Kit or Expanded Kit on a regular basis. Each new product I tried, from the Derm-X Cloth to the Clarifying Mask, worked amazingly well. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Acne Treatment Serum ($5 OFF)
Active Ingredient: Benzoyl Peroxide (3.5%)
Inactive Ingredients: Water, glycerin, propanediol, carbomer, camellia oleifera leaf extract (green tea extract), melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) leaf oil, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, disodium EDTA, sodium hydroxide.
The Exposed Skin Care’s Acne Treatment Serum is formulated with the latest and most advanced acne fighting ingredients. It is a benzoyl peroxide designed to clear whiteheads and blackheads.
One of the most important steps in the best acne treatment therapy is combating acne causing bacteria trapped beneath the skin. These bacteria lie at the root of the acne problem, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and scars. The key ingredient in the Exposed Acne Treatment Serum is micronized benzoyl peroxide, which will fight the bacteria in your pores to effectively clear skin and prevent acne breakouts. The serum contains a combination of acne treating ingredients that have been carefully selected to prevent further irritation and help you maintain healthy, balanced skin. Our cleansing serum products get rid of acne, and provide the best acne cure on the market. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Body Wash ($5 OFF)
Active Ingredient: Salicylic Acid (0.5%)
Inactive Ingredients: Water, sodium c18 olefin sulfonate, cocamidopropyl betaine, acrylate copolymer, propylene glycol, triethanolamine, ferric ammonium ferrocyanide, oxidized polyethylene, glycolic acid, phenoxyethanol, isopropyl palmitate, hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel) extract, melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) leaf oil, mentha piperita (peppermint) oil.
Exposed Body Wash is packed with the best acne skin clearing ingredients, including a special formulation of beta hydroxy acids, panthenol and sage extract. This revolutionary acne treatment cleanser will rid the skin of bacteria, remove the oil and dirt from your face, and penetrate your pores to kill acne causing bacteria. Unlike many other acne treatment cleansers, the Exposed Body Wash does not contain any harsh detergents such as lauryl and laureth sulfates, which can cause redness, irritation, and inflammation. This unique acne fighting cleanser gently washes away skin impurities, and brings you one step closer to removing pimples and obtaining the smooth, clear skin you deserve. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Clear Pore Serum ($5 OFF)
Active Ingredient: Salicylic Acid (1.0%)
Inactive Ingredients: Water, hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel) distillate, propylene glycol, glycerin, spiraea ulmaria (meadowsweet) extract , polyacrylate crosspolymer-6, triethanolamine, dl panthenol, glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) root extract , camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf extract , fragrance, ocimum basilicum (basil) extract.
It is a nightmare to wake up in the morning and find a massive breakout of pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and inflammation on your face. This is why Exposed has developed the Exposed Clear Pore Serum as part of its best acne treatment program. If you want to wake with clear skin that looks and feels smooth and healthy, then the Clear Pore Serum is one of the best solutions for you. Exposed Clear Pore Serum helps to cure unattractive acne problems because it uses a unique, proprietary combination of ingredients that treat your skin as you sleep. The green tea found in Clear Pore Serum has been shown to fight acne causing bacteria while the salicylic acid gently exfoliates and prevents further clogging of pores. The carefully selected range of acne treating ingredients will ensure that you wake up with balanced, clear, healthy, and acne free skin. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Clearing Tonic ($5 OFF)
Active Ingredient: Salicylic Acid (1.0%)
Inactive Ingredients: Water, glycolic acid, propylene glycol, azelaic acid, hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel) distillate, dimethylethanolamine, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydroxide, camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, passiflora edulis (passion) flower extract, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, salvia officinalis (sage) leaf extract, fragrance.
Acne is the result of pores becoming blocked by a mixture of dead skin cells and excessive sebum oil. When this happens there is a build-up of bacteria within the pore and acne breakouts occur. Therefore, a major component of acne treatment is to clear the skin of dead cells and prevent the blocking of pores.
This is where the Exposed Skin Care’s Clearing Tonic comes in. Its active ingredient salicylic acid is excellent as exfoliating the skin, salicylic acid is even more effective due to the fact that it is able to penetrate the pores and exfoliate from within. The removal of all dead skin cells on a daily basis will help prevent the clogging of pores and will help you to achieve and maintain clear skin. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Derm-X Cloth ($5 OFF)
The Derm-X Cloth is a great way to improve skin tone, reduce blemishes and firm up those problem areas. Derm-X is a dermatologist approved microdermabrasion cloth that is proven to exfoliate dead skin cells, remove cosmetics, oil, and dirt. It also eliminates blackheads & white heads! The Derm-X Cloth is great at bringing young and beautiful skin to the surface. Regular use also helps with skin discoloration, sun damage and even minor scarring. The Derm-X Cloth is small but important step in the Exposed acne treatment system.
There is no quick-fix acne treatment to counter pesky, unattractive acne and embarrassing scars. While you can’t eliminate bacteria with the snap of a finger, there are ways to treat redness and cleanse your hair follicles. Exposed offers a wholesome approach to acne treatment and provides visible results within several weeks. Other companies may offer acne products that wash away skin cells but cause inflammation and irritated, dry skin. Exposed goes above and beyond, providing oral and topical acne treatment solutions that remove dead skin cells, cleanse pores, and soothe the skin, leaving your face feeling smooth and hydrated.
Before you begin using some of your Exposed acne treatment solutions, wash away daily impurities that have settled on your skin cells, paving the way for oily pores and pimples. The Derm-X Cloth is an effective Exposed product that can be used to brush away the makeup and toxins that have landed on your skin during the day. Learn more…
  BUY Exposed Facial Cleanser ($5 Off)
Active Ingredient: Salicylic Acid
Inactive Ingredients: Purified water, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium olefin sulfonate, acrylate copolymer, triethanolamine, propylene glycol, polyquaternium-7, panthenol, phenoxyethanol, disodium EDTA, fragrance oil, salvia officinalis (sage) leaf extract, citric acid.
The best acne treatment begins with Exposed Facial Cleanser because the first step to clear skin is clean skin. The Exposed Facial Cleanser is a rich yet gentle face wash that is soap-free, non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. It is packed with the best acne skin clearing ingredients, including a special formulation of alpha & beta hydroxy acids and olive leaf extract. This revolutionary acne treatment cleanser will rid the skin of bacteria, remove the oil and dirt from your face, and penetrate your pores to kill acne causing bacteria.
Unlike many other acne treatment cleansers, the Exposed Facial Cleanser does not contain any harsh detergents such as lauryl and laureth sulfates, which can cause redness, irritation, and inflammation. This unique acne fighting cleanser gently washes away skin impurities, and brings you one step closer to removing pimples and obtaining the smooth, clear skin you deserve. The Exposed Facial Cleanser is an important part of the acne treatment therapy and the best acne face wash on the market! Learn more…
  The post 100% Exposed Skin Care Overview: Reviews, Prices, Coupons, Good/Bad appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/exposed-skin-care-overview/
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tenacne · 7 years
FREE Activated Charcoal Mask For Acne & Blackheads
Activated Charcoal Mask For Acne
So you have already tried out different creams, lotions and treatments for your acne problem. But unfortunately, they all failed you and left you behind to live with those stubborn acne, right?
Well, if you answered yes, then it is time you should equip yourself with an effective treatment to fight acne. And guess what? This treatment is all-organic and helps your skin to get rid of acne.
Wondering what is that treatment? Well, it is Activated Charcoal Mask.
Yeap, you heard it right, there is no scientific evidence yet, but hey, I know many people who’ve got amazing result using this simple acne mask. So why shouldn’t you give it shot?
After all, it doesn’t come with any side effects. So if things don’t work out, you will lose absolutely nothing. Not even your dollar. Because you can make an activated charcoal mask right at your home for FREE.
And in this article, we would discuss exactly how you can create an activated charcoal mask.
  Knowing What Activated Charcoal Is
Well, it is a chemical free simple charcoal that comes with an amazing absorption power. And with it you can easily deal with not just your pimples, but stomach pain, alcohol poisoning and hangovers, and swelling in scars.
However, the reason why activated charcoal is so beneficial for acne problem is the adsorption property that activated charcoal possesses.
When used on the face, the adsorption property attracts the bacteria, germs, and other toxins that trigger acne. And with washing off the adsorption or charcoal mask, you can easily sweep off those acne causing bacteria.
  How To Make Activated Charcoal Mask?
To make charcoal mask what we would be using as additional ingredients are rose water, and geranium oil.
Rose water is a powerful source of vitamin C. And it’s natural cleansing property will help your skin to fight inflammation.
And the anti-aging property of geranium oil will boost collagen production and stops further scar formation.
The process of forming an activated charcoal mask…
STEP 1. Take a bowl (small size, of course) and pour activated charcoal and 2 -3 tsp of rose water to make a paste.
STEP 2. Mix the essential oils and combine them thoroughly. (You can use popsicle stick to do this)
STEP 3. Now apply the mask on your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
STEP 4. And then, rinse of your face using some warm water. And of course, moisturize your skin later.
Simple and hassle-free….
So give it a try today. You don’t have to spend hours after hours to create an activated charcoal mask. In fact, it will take only a few minutes to make an activated charcoal mask.
Besides, the ingredients needed to form the mask are likely to be found in your kitchen. So what are waiting for? Just go ahead and give it a shot.
  Best Activated Charcoal Masks On Amazon
MEINAIER Black Mask Purifying Peel Off Charcoal Mask Blackhead Remover Mask Deep Pores Cleansing Face Mask With Activated Charcoal For Nose Acne
* NATURAL PLANTS EXTRACT —100% pure natural plant extracts, selected high quality bamboo charcoal, aloe plant extraction, and glycerol, can provide the skin with sufficient nutrients and nourishing the skin.
* DEEP ADSORPTION — In the form of liquid carbon, the porous hexagonal structure of bamboo charcoal is used to make the molecules smaller, increase the adsorption capacity, direct the deep pores, and better clean the dirt that adsorbs pores.
* PORE MINIMIZING & TIGHTEN SKIN — Pore cleaner, remove facial blackhead, acne, soften cuticle, effectively modify pores, Remove grease stains from pores, and tighten the pores, improve coarse skin.
* SMOOTH & MOISTURIZING CARE— Adjust the acid-base balance of the skin.Contain aloe ingredients that can smooth the skin, make dry skin moist.Whitening and deep nourishing the skin, improve skin gloss and vitality.
* COMFORTABLE SPA — Relaxing at home with a facial comfortable spa.User-friendly,just apply evenly on the face or local skin,waiting for the mask dry can peel off.
1. Wash your face and use hot towels or hot steam to open your pores.
2. Dry skin can be properly rubbed with lotion or face cream to keep the face moist.
3. Apply evenly to the entire face or specific area which you want.(It is recommended to be divided into different problem areas to avoid the pain of full-face tearing.)
4. Wait 20 to 30 minutes until the mask is dry.
5. Slowly peel the mask from the bottom and wash the face with mild water.
6. Follow by your daily skincare regime. Can be coated with some repair lotion, can be better purification effect.
1. Before using,you need to take a small amount of the product on your hands or behind your ears. After 15 minutes, no adverse reactions can be used.
2. Be patience to use the mask for a period of time,you can see the effect.
3. Discontinue use if discomfort occurs.
  Majestic Pure Activated Charcoal Mask,Clear Complexion Facial Mud Mask for Blackhead, Shrinking Pores, Fighting Acne, Toning Skin, & Removing Impurities – 8.8 fl. Oz
* Majestic Pure Activated Charcoal Mud Mask; made with highest quality activated coconut charcoal powder; not tested on animals; Made in USA.
* Great skin hydration and nourishment; deep cleanse, minimize pores, help improve skin complexion, fight acne, and remove blackheads; nourish skin and restoring healthy balance to skin. Gentle and suitable for all skin types, especially for oily skin.
* SAFETY WARNING: Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children. If pregnant, consult with your health care provider before use.
* Activated charcoal facial mask boasts beauty benefits for skin by drawing oil, dirt and other harmful substances from clogged pores due to its adsorption powers.
* Majestic Pure Activated Charcoal Mask is cruelty free and not tested on animals.
Majestic Pure Activated Charcoal mud mask for women and men, a unique formula made with highest quality activated coconut charcoal powder, universally known for its detoxifying properties. Combined with several beneficial ingredients such as organic aloe leaf juice, bentonite clay, organic olive oil and organic jojoba oil, known to be effective in restoring a healthy glow to skin. Excellent for detoxifying facial skin care, deep pore cleansing, and revitalization. Works well on all skin types. A fabulous facial mask for shrinking pores, toning skin, and removing impurities.
• Hydrate and nourish
• Deep cleanse & shrink pores
• Help improve skin complexion
• Fight acne
• Help remove blackheads and impurities
Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children. If pregnant, consult with your health care provider before use.
  Defining Stylez, Blackhead Remover, Black Mask, Pore Cleanser, Peel Off Mask, Charcoal Mask, Acne & Acne Scars, Blemishes, Anti-Aging, Wrinkles, Face Mask, Organic Activated Charcoal
* ORGANIC ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (STRONG PENETRATING) – Reduces size of pores, removes blackheads and dirt, turns blemishes into whiteheads to completely remove them. 2nd use will take them off overall, try not to pop them and use the mask again.
* ACNE CONTROL – Addition to clearing skin problems such as blackheads & oily skin, our face mask also removes acne & blemishes and makes the skin firmer among many other benefits to the skin.
* ANTI AGING – Improves skin blood circulation and generally contributes to a younger youthful and helps tighten skin.
* NO STRESS NO MESS – Completely easy to use mask that comes with basic instructions so you can put it to use right out of the box 60g, put it on, peel off and throw away.
* 100% GUARANTEED – Defining Stylez Black Mask Is Covered Backed By Our Money Back Guarantee, No Questions Asked.
* Eliminate Blackheads
* Pore Reduction
* Clears Dirt & Oils
* Remove Acne & Blemishes ( Allow Few Times Of Usage )
* Anti-Aging ( Anti Wrinkle )
* Peel Off All Impurities ( First Time Use )
* Provides Healthy & Nourished Skin
* Brighter Skin
* Restore Natural Balance
Step 1: Wipe Face With Warm Towel To Open Pores.
Step 2: Apply Mask To Face Or Desired Area.
Step 3: Let Dry For 20-30 Minutes Till Mask Hardens (Recommended).
Step 4: Once Completely Dried, Start Peeling Mask From Chin And Move Upwards.
Step 5: Wipe Off Small Areas That Are Left With Warm Towel.
  The post FREE Activated Charcoal Mask For Acne & Blackheads appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/activated-charcoal-mask-for-acne/
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tenacne · 7 years
SPEED UP Your Acne Treatment For Dry Skin
Acne is not the same for everyone, especially those with dry skin. Treating acne for dry skin is not the same as those with oily or even sensitive skin. Make sure that have an acne treatment for dry skin to get the best results.
Usually the worst time for acne in people with dry skin are winter and the few months following. This is because there is less moisture in the air and skin is more prone to cracking. When the skin cracks and peels bacteria can get into the skin easier and produces more acne.
  Home Acne Treatment for Dry Skin
Acne often goes away on its own and usually will with enough time, but there are some natural home acne treatment for dry skin that you can do to help speed things up. Remember that everyone is different; something that works for one person may not work for another, each home remedy should be adjusted to fit your specific needs.
• Citric acid helps reduce the look of aging and is a powerful cleanser that is used in many beauty products such as face washes is also great for getting rid of acne.
• Vitamin C is great for the skin and helps get rid of acne. Using foods that are high in vitamin C such as tomatoes, and citric acid such as lemons help get rid of existing acne and ward of coming acne.
• Use the pulp of a lemon with a chopped tomato and blend together until it resembles a liquid salsa. Rub on the face and areas that have acne and let the nutrients soak into the skin for 5 to 10 minutes, afterward clean away with water.
• To keep the skin well hydrated, a mask with a base of honey can help keep the skin moistened. Honey also contains lysozyme, which is an anti-bacterial agent. Put a pureed fruit full of vitamin C such as apples into the honey and mix until you have a fine mask. Keep the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  Best Acne Treatment for Dry Skin
To keep skin well hydrated and prevent further cracking, using moisturizer often and especially after hot showers will help keep skin healthy. Having the right kind of moisturizer is especially important with dry skin. Make sure that it is labeled for dry skin and also contain important ingredients such as mineral oil, linoleic acid and glycerin.
Face wash or acne cream is important for everyone regardless of their skin type. The best option for dry skin is to use a cream since typical gels can be harsh on dry skin. But having a face wash that is specialized for dry skin will not further your dry skin and can actually help moisten it. A good face wash will should have ingredients like olive oil, aloe vera, glycerin, lactic acids and alpha hydroxyl acids.
Most importantly in your acne treatment for dry skin is that you keep your skin moistened and clean. Keeping bacteria from entering your skin will help keep acne away and you will have healthier and acne free skin.
The post SPEED UP Your Acne Treatment For Dry Skin appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/acne-treatment-for-dry-skin/
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tenacne · 7 years
The PROPER Acne Treatment For Oily Skin
Having perfect flawless skin is ideal, but can be frustrating to achieve if you have acne and oily skin. Oily skin is prone to acne since the skin produces extra oil to lubricate hair and skin can clog pores and bacteria grows and turns into a pimple. Getting rid of acne can be difficult, but with proper acne treatment for oily skin things can look clearer quicker.
Having oily skin you must be careful about the everyday things you do which can cause acne. Wearing oil based makeup, shaving too often and with incorrect shave gel or cream, not properly cleaning the skin and touching the skin a lot with your hands can lead to more acne.
  Home Acne Treatment for Oily Skin
There are many products that help people with oily skin to treat acne, and there are also home remedies if you prefer a more natural approach.
• Getting your daily dose of sunlight not only gives you much needed Vitamin D, but it promotes healthy skin and can help dry out extra oil. Spending about 15 minutes a day in sunlight is all that is needed to dry out the extra oil, but spending more time can harm your skin if you are not protected.
• A powerful defoliant that helps to unclog pores is an aspirin mask. BHA, or Beta Hydroxyl Acid, which is found in aspirin helps to clear out acne faster. To make a mask you would need to crush aspirin pills and mix with water until a paste is formed. The paste would then be applied to the face for about 15 minutes and repeated weekly. This mask also helps reduce the appearance of acne scars.
• Using oatmeal is great for oily skin. Since oatmeal is dry and absorbs liquid, it helps to dry your face by absorbing the oil. Make a thick paste with a small amount of water and lots of oatmeal. The oatmeal should barely be moist. Apply the paste to your face and leave on for 10 to 20 minutes and washed off with cold water. This paste can be used as often as twice a day to once a week, but to get best results use it only once a day.
  Best Acne Treatment for Oily Skin
Having proper treatment for oily skin is essential to treat acne. Having a cleaner that moistens your face instead of drying up the extra oil can cause you to breakout even more. To make sure that you have the right kind of face wash use an oil based cleanser, not a cream. Oily skin needs good acne ointments that have powerful cleaning agents like benzoyl peroxide. Cleansers for oily skin should contain salicylic acid, such as Exposed Facial Cleanser which should be used continuously even when acne has cleared away.
Using astringent helps to dry out overly oily skin. Astringents that are alcohol based are extremely effective for extremely oily skin, but it can dry out skin quickly and should not be used every single day since irritation can occur. The best astringents have green tea, witch’s hazel and chamomile which are gentler on your skin than alcohol.
Everyone is different and requires a different acne treatment for oily skin. The best way to know if a treatment works for you is to use the same treatment for 3 months. It’s important to use the same treatment for 3 months since bacteria can build up for 3 months under the skin before turning into a pimple. If after 3 months the acne clears away you may have found the perfect treatment for your skin.
The post The PROPER Acne Treatment For Oily Skin appeared first on 10acne.com.
from 10acne.com http://10acne.com/acne-treatment-for-oily-skin/
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