templetour · 1 month
Omkareshwar Temple Darshan Timing
The Omkareshwar Temple generally opens its doors for darshan (viewing the deity) twice daily. Morning darshan begins at 5:00 AM and concludes at 3:50 PM. The temple reopens for evening darshan from 4:15 PM to 9:30 PM.
Several significant aartis (prayer rituals) occur throughout the day. The Mangal Aarti at sunrise (around 5:00 AM) marks the start of the day's activities. Jalabhishek (sacred water offering) is performed between 5:30 AM and 12:25 PM. The Evening Aarti takes place between 8:20 PM and 9:05 PM.
It's advisable to check the official website or local sources for potential variations in timings during festivals or special occasions.
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templetour · 2 months
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templetour · 2 months
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templetour · 2 months
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templetour · 6 months
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templetour · 6 months
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templetour · 6 months
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templetour · 9 months
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templetour · 9 months
Sheshnag Lake Jammu & Kashmir
Sheshnag Lake is a high-altitude alpine lake located in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is situated at an elevation of 3,590 meters (11,780 feet) on the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage route, about 17 kilometers (11 miles) from the town of Pahalgam. The lake is named after Sheshnag, a serpent deity in Hindu mythology. Sheshnag is said to be the abode of Lord Shiva, and the lake is considered to be a sacred site by Hindus.
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templetour · 9 months
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