telvani-archive · 4 years
What’s up this blog is super bugged so it’s an archive now and I have a new one at the same url as before ( @telvani ) ✌️ please consider having a look etc
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telvani-archive · 4 years
Pick Your Poison
Third and probably final instalment for OC Kiss Week, featuring @telvani‘s Lyra and my Reif. A sort of follow up to this
Glasses clink and idle chatter fills the air. Banal small talk about the latest fashion trends and who’s been sleeping with who not so surreptitiously and how delightful these canapés are you really must try one. Behind the chatter, music plays, the band under-appreciated as only a few couples lazily twirl their way around the dancefloor before returning to their inane prattle. (It’ll be a few more drinks before it livens up, and a few more still for it to become what you could truly consider a party). Every now and then a laugh cuts through the noise, obnoxious and loud. It’s the only honest thing on display this evening. 
Reif smiles to herself as she takes in the room, sipping at her champagne that truly tastes awful, how is anyone drinking this swill? 
This is a far cry from home. The glamour. The dishonesty. The falseness of it all. She loves it. 
She knows she shouldn’t. She wasn’t raised into this kind of world. She was taught modesty, living off and with the land, compassion for one’s fellow man. This is the complete opposite of that. Perhaps that’s what draws her to it. The alienness of it all. The spectacle. Because if there’s one thing it is, it is a spectacle. A charade. One big show of wealth and overcompensation for any lack of real character or worth. 
Reif wonders what that says about her being here. Is she now at their level, so high and yet so so low? She sets down her champagne glass and goes in search of a real drink. 
“How is it we always seem to meet at bars?”
She instantly recognises the owner of the voice and smiles. “Lyra. It’s been too long.” She turns to greet her old friend, arms open. She kisses the air beside her as they hug, one cheek then the other. “How have you been? You look well, as always.”
“And you flatter me my dear, as always.” She nods towards the bar. “What’s your poison tonight?”
Reif chuckles. “Anything other than whatever it is they’re serving over there. I’d rather pay their exorbitant prices than stomach another sip of that shite. Seriously, have you tried it?”
“You could not pay me to.”
“Perhaps,” says Reif, “but I can return an old favour and pay for your drink.” Lyra doesn’t protest much, just the usual feigned resistance one puts up before oh go on then if you insist. Reif orders an elven vintage, supposedly from some vineyard almost near home. She eyes the bottle suspiciously before tasting it. “Nope, definitely not Skiplands wine. Too tart.” 
Lyra raises an eyebrow. “But better than that swill they’re calling champagne?”
Reif takes another sip to test. “Much.”
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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This is like. “I had to see it so now you do too” except I made it 🙄 I love these funky lil rebels
why is this the closest i can find for the original link ಠ_ಠ
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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It’s international Alec Is Awesome day (I’m late with a gift so now it’s ‘’on time’’ stfu) and Zaria is wonderful so here is @vixils‘ Zaria 🧛🏽‍♀️❤️
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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So @vixils is the real MVP for many, many reasons and here’s his good tall boy that he commissioned! In this house we love and support Mark 🤠⚜️
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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I was lucky enough to commission @telvani for a portrait of the loml ; my oc Shaun Massey. She did such a great job and the result is amazing. Before she closes her slots I’d recommend y’all getting one !! Her stuff is great and she’s so nice and sweet
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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It’s been a pretty slow year art-wise and I guess improvement-wise thanks to my lame health but I still had at least one thing for each month so I’m considering it a victory! Here’s to next year, may it be filled with embarrassing character art and experimentation 🎉
january | february | march | april | may | june | july 
august | september | october | november | december
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telvani-archive · 4 years
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these kids deserve more proper art and for me to. actually figure out their faces but for now here are some doodles?
[edit because i forgot the refs: liv / ellie (hair pin link)]
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Leithianel for @untaintedtea! Thank you for being patient and wonderful in general, loved drawing this sweet gal 🌼🧶
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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A gift for a friend o’ mine. We’ve both been having Not The Greatest Time but at least there are memes 🧝🏿‍♀️🦋
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Ririka for @untaintedtea! Three months late so I’m just going to say this is a joint present for her and Ririka’s birthdays 🎻⚜️
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Tina for @crimsonsrite! I finished it a while ago and forgot to post it like a complete dingdong, anyway here’s some content of the cool kid 💎💖
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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It’s the good halloween content! Nothing is more validating than a bunch of kids going “is that the girl from the addams family?!”
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Heya! I still have two tiefling designs for sale so I’m gonna put them on here as well. They’re £15 each, and all payments are done through paypal. Please DM me or email me at [email protected] if you’re interested!
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Jack for @unitedrussia who is absolutely iconic and has rad af characters! 💚🔫
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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I blurred it too much to be recognisable as a ghost shell but bungie finally gave me exactly what i wanted 😭🙏
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telvani-archive · 5 years
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Cora ( @trenchantdante​‘s guardian) had a birthday last week so here she is with her one true love, the trash gun 🎆🔮
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