teddy-bear-os · 2 months
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teddy-bear-os · 2 months
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teddy-bear-os · 6 months
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also ruined my birthday but we don't talk about that
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teddy-bear-os · 6 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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teddy-bear-os · 10 months
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summary: “He was tall and mean with venom eyes so green; wanted reconciliation, but my tongue was in my teeth.”
pairing: toji fushiguro x f!reader
overall warnings: toxic relationships, mentions of gaslighting, mentions of cheating, (f) oral receiving, creampie, mentions of abortion, breakups, angst, heartbreak
listen to: the lighthouse - halsey ❧ so sad so sexy - lykee li (acoustic) 
a/n: I was in a good mood and wrote all of this on tumblr mobile dfghjklkh pls don’t judge 
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You were ending this relationship.
Having endured blistering humiliation at the hands of your boyfriend; from cheating behind your back – “baby, she’s just a friend,” – to stealing your money and gaslighting you that it was all in your head… you were sick of it.
Sick of him.
Keep reading
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teddy-bear-os · 10 months
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𖨆♡𖨆 itoshi rin x fem!reader x itoshi sae
✧˚ · . a tornado meeting a hurricane, a wild flame catching onto dry straw—that was how it felt like to love the both of them: disastrous.
✧˚ · . cw. love triangles, sae is 27 / rin is 25 / yn is 24, cheating (w. rin), established relationship (w. sae), explicit smut, degradation (w. rin), dubcon (w. rin), stalking (rin), unprotected s[e]x (w. rin), language, tension, family dynamics, mentions of food, toxic relationship dynamics
dawn says: a reupload !! hopefully this permanently stays in the tags askdjf enjoy <33
masterlist | playlist
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The ticking clock overhead mimicked the nervous bumps of your heart as the atmosphere around the Itoshi dining table remained frigid. 
Despite Mrs. Itoshi’s efforts to keep the conversation going (Hana—she told you to call her Hana), the hard block of tension icing over the two grown men in the centre of the fold could’ve cut anyone’s efforts short. Sae was picking at his kare dish, listlessly nodding whenever his mother tried to poke more information about Spain out of him. Sometimes, he would reach underneath the table to take your hand, squeezing it—a silent reassurance that this will be over soon, baby, okay?   
But, funnily enough, it wasn’t your boyfriend who was contributing this level of unease throughout dinner.  
Sae was a perfect angel tonight (well, as perfect as one could get).
He remembered his manners, treated his parents with respect, did not turn the wrath of his apathy on them and even helped his mother to set the table while waving you off to catch up on the 7 o’clock news with his father on the sofa. 
The reason why this delicate balance of comfort this entire evening threatened to tip towards outright edgy nastiness was because of one dark-haired striker glaring at you from across the table.
Sae’s little brother, himself: a glaring and uncommunicative Itoshi Rin. 
Your friends did tell you that meeting the family for the first time would be awkward, but was it this uncomfortable?   
Despite your thin blouse and skirt, you felt stuffy and itchy all over; one hot gust was enough to make you break out in sweat like a sinner in church. You tried to be nice to Rin; asked him about his progress in Blue Lock, encouraged his sharing on his victories on the field (while pinching Sae’s thigh so the elder Itoshi would not make a nasty remark which would boil over this unbearable tension—and wisely, he kept his mouth shut). 
But, all your efforts were in vain. 
Rin would give you one syllable retorts or grunts, never peeling his glare from his slowly congealing kare. Even Hana had noticed and with the patience of a martyr, tried to worm out what was bothering her youngest. You could see how much she loved Rin; those teal irises she passed on to her sons would soften, and she would ask him about how hard his courses were; if he was happy with his friends and staying on campus. 
Oh, yes. It was winter now, and the clubs were closed to prepare for football season in the early summer. You had halfway forgotten.
“I had a friend who studied fine arts,” you tried to gain a foot into the conversation. Sae’s shoulders suddenly tensed, as if preparing for a fight. If you had an iota of self-awareness, you would’ve noticed how the older brother’s eyes flashed towards the younger, a wordless warning to be fucking nice to you. “She loved it so much and spends every weekend in a rented studio. Is that something you’ve always wanted to do, Rin-kun?” 
For a moment, he didn’t reply. Rin slid his sullen glare from his food to you, and your heart made a weird, constricting movement somewhere above your knotted stomach. You hadn’t realised you were holding your breath. 
Those cool, aquamarine eyes appraised you with barely concealed disinterest, though unlike his older brother’s natural apathetic appearance, Rin could not quite hide the flickering flame of anger behind the stoic facade. It made you want to curl upon yourself—hide your face in Sae’s shoulder until he told you it was safe to come out.
The tablecloth rustled for a moment, and Rin winced. The hostility soon clouded over, and a neutral sort of detachment took its place. 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, using the tines of his fork to poke a limp carrot. “If football wasn’t so demanding. Yeah.” 
At least he had uttered five more words to you than before. You counted it as progress.
Rin’s animosity aside, the entire dinner with Sae’s family was lovely. His father was good-natured enough to jab a few jokes, and his mother was a complete sweetheart with how much she doted on everyone at the table.
Only one person did not give you his full approval, and you desperately wanted to earn it. 
His acceptance would mean you and Sae were right for each other; that this relationship was worth pursuing and sticking to in the long haul. Granted, Sae and you have only been dating for a year, but you really could see yourself going the distance with the famous midfielder.
But, maybe, Rin probably thought you were with Sae for his money. 
This wouldn’t be the first time. 
Though your relationship was not yet public, you could foresee the SNS pages not-so-subtly hinting at your poorer background as a sports physiotherapist who had managed to sink her talons into Japan’s football prodigy. 
It was unfair, but a completely plausible reason why Rin was treating you coldly.
With that thought in mind, you waited until your boyfriend and his parents were in the living room watching a movie before joining the youngest Itoshi in the kitchen to help wash up the dishes. 
While you were bemoaning Rin’s disdain for you, what you didn’t know was that Rin could not stand being in the same room as them—as those fucking pacifiers. 
Despite how his parents knew what Sae had done to him; how the older man had intentionally ruined their entire sibling relationship, they still decided it was a good idea to spring this dinner on him the very second he entered their house. 
Idiots. Rin squeezed too much soap onto the sponge and started to scrub his mother’s fancy strictly-for-guests cutlery roughly. Not only did they tell him at the last minute that Sae was coming for dinner, but they also conveniently forgot to mention that he was bringing his girlfriend along. 
His girlfriend who was far prettier than that asshole deserved; whose vanilla perfume engulfed him the second you stepped close enough to give him an awkward one-arm hug.
He couldn’t get rid of the memory of how your pretty eyes sparkled whenever his father told a joke, or how softly you glanced at Sae everytime that fucking bastard opened his fucking mouth.
You were too good; too pure for someone as undeserving as Itoshi Sae. 
He almost dropped the plate he was holding. Thanking his fast reflexes, Rin tightened his hold on the delicate porcelain and turned around to find you hovering hesitantly by the doorway. 
“I thought you could use some help.”
Before he even had the chance to open his mouth to crisply tell you that he had it under control, you padded over, grabbing one fluffy white cloth and picking up a mug to wipe it down. 
“It’s fine,” he gruffly muttered, fully expecting you to come to your senses and turn around in embarrassment with an excuse that you had to go back to Sae.
But, you didn’t do any of that.
Rin’s ears pricked with the sound of your tinkling laughter. He turned to face you and it was a huge mistake.
Your smile was purity in itself, shining brightly with your effervescent personality that drew him in like a moth to a flame. He raked his eyes down the dip of your collarbone (how did Sae even allow you to dress this provocatively in front of his little brother?) and drank in your plush thighs jiggling slightly from the high stockings you wore which just touched the hem of your miniskirt. 
I’m going to fucking kill him for putting her in front of me. 
“You know, Sae always did say you were a little, um… different.”
At the mention of his nii-chan’s name, Rin calmed the ridiculous thudding in his heart enough to shoot you an unimpressed grimace. “I take it he means something offensive?”
“No, no,” you retorted hastily, and impulsively reached out to touch his arm. Rin hated how that simple motion got his cock twitching in his pants, and he involuntarily jerked back, sloshing soap suds onto the counter. You gasped softly and reached for a cloth the same time he did. 
Your fingertips grazed the other and you hastily retracted your hand, unaware of how hot your face was growing. It felt like a spark had gone off between the both of you, and you were incredulous to discover blood roaring in your ears; your heart thudding a mile a minute.
Rin fell into a thick disquiet, returning back to the dishes. You scrambled to pick up the cloth, steadying your heartbeat and trying to pretend like these last few seconds never even happened. Perhaps you should try again.
“He meant it in a way that you’re special.” 
Whatever he expected you to say, it was not this. Rin stopped his methodical scrubbing, and glanced at you from under those glossy dark green bangs falling in his face. An irrational urge overtook you to brush those stray strands from his eyes, and you almost did. 
Almost reached out to sweep them away so casually you had to catch yourself from acting out on that impulse. 
Almost crossed a huge line when it came to your boyfriend’s little brother. 
The butterflies in your belly quickly became warning chimes. 
Rin’s presence itself set you on edge; like a predator to prey, you wondered when he would sink his jaws into you. Tell you that he knew the only reason you were with his brother was because you were attracted to the yen signs and not the man behind them. 
You could not bear to handle such an accusation from someone this familiar with Sae. 
The potential backlash from tabloids were one thing (you would never pay them any mind), but if Sae’s otouto himself deemed you were nothing but a money-hungry gold digger, you would never get over the utter dismay of not being fully accepted into the Itoshi family. 
So, you waited with your hands clenched around the soft cloth. Waited for him to throw you a harsh word or shatter his judgement into your face. 
You never anticipated what he would say next.
 “You’re too good for him.” 
Something deflated in your chest, making you curl forward and hunch yourself like a frightened animal. Rin’s words echoed in your mind like you were standing under a roaring waterfall, clogging your ears up with cold disbelief of the implications behind such a treacherous observation. 
There was nothing you could do but chuckle uneasily, shrugging your shoulders.
“I like to think I don’t deserve him.”
This time, the frustration was evident in his tone. “You’re nice. You’re smart, kind and funny. What the fuck are you doing with a man like him? You can do so much better.”
He dried his hands off and perched those large, veiny palms on the edge of the damp counter, peering at you with those piercing teal eyes you were halfway drowning in. Your throat felt like it was closing on itself, and the utterly heavy realisation that set in far too late shook you to the core. 
Rin… wanted you. 
He wanted you. 
You were sure of it. 
Those half-hooded eyes, the parted mouth. You had only ever seen that familiar expression on your boyfriend’s face. 
Like someone had thrown ice-cold water into your face, you took one step back; though you were positively sure he could not miss the way your pulse was rapidly ticking like a trapped hummingbird against your flushed neck. 
Rin did not corner you nor call you to come back. 
He simply let you mumble an excuse and high-tail it out of the kitchen. Later, when he was finally done with the dishes, he stepped out to an empty living room and his mother’s inscrutable gaze.
“Sae and Y/N have gone home,” she declared, standing up and smoothing her skirt. “I take it you were nice to the poor girl? You know how much she means to your brother.”
She does? 
Rin had barely noticed Sae’s presence at the table. 
“I was nice,” he murmured defensively. Then, he let curiosity overtake him. “Is she returning to Spain with him?” 
Hana hummed, running a hand through her silver-streaked reddish brown hair and shrugged. “She’s staying behind, I think. Sae didn’t mention anything about her following.”
His mother would never know how much her words ignited such a strong fixation in him to track you down and finish what you both started. As much as the world saw him as Itoshi Sae’s little brother, he had forged a name for himself beyond the association to his brother’s lukewarm prodigy status, becoming a formidable foe on the field.
And subsequently, someone with a ton of contacts. 
He would find you, and he would make you admit the inevitable truth—that what you both felt in that little kitchen was not as unreciprocated as you would’ve liked to believe.
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Ever since your encounter with Rin, you felt as if the air was humming with an inevitable storm. 
Its electric presence clung to the tips of your hair, a slight tremble in your fingers whenever a tall, dark-haired man appeared in your periphery. Sometimes, you would find yourself doing a double take at the familiar stranger and harp on your own stupidity. 
Rin wasn’t serious, you tried to persuade yourself. He’s just testing me to see if I’m true to Sae. 
And you were. You loved your boyfriend with every beat of your heart. You showed it to him through consistent calls and texts now that he was back in Spain. Sae’s presence was marked in your constant soft smiles and eager heart which yearned for him to come back. He had a match tonight and like a good girlfriend, you told him you would be watching it from home. 
Massaging your neck, you tried to ease out the kinks as you closed your shop for the day. As a physiotherapist, your expertise was sought out near and wide for giving mobility back to the people who needed it. Most of your clientele were athletes, which was how you were introduced to Sae when he came in for a sore hamstring. 
The world outside was quiet, streetlamps casting their orange glow on the rain slickened pavements. Your mind was working on autopilot, a constant hum of dishes, Netflix and mid-week laundry stringing in between your thoughts with the reminder of FaceTiming Sae after his match had ended. 
You didn’t hear the bell above your tinkling, nor feel a presence ambling into your shop until he cleared his throat.
A familiar pair of teal eyes shocked you out from your reverie, and you pieced on an uncertain smile when you realised who it was.
“Rin—hey. What’re you doing here?” 
He was clad in a pair of dark-wash jeans and a black turtleneck, his coat hanging limply in his arms. A cool draft seeped in from an open crack at the door, its chill mimicking the tightness in the corners of your eyes.
“I heard from Isagi that you’re one of the best for strained muscles,” he dropped his coat onto the counter and you tried to ignore how tall he was—easily towering over you and his brother. It would’ve been amusing to see how much Sae’s younger brother was bulkier and ganglier than him, but the flash of irony dissipated when he leaned forward, trapping you between the marble high top and his build. “Can you help me? My back has been feeling tight lately.” 
A bubble of nervous laughter spilled from your lips and you took one step back, trying hard to ignore how his warmth encroached your personal space and left behind the dizzying scent of pine and musk. 
You flickered your gaze to his damp hair, and surmised he must’ve been caught out in the rain. 
“Did you run here?” you tried to tease him, shifting past the behemoth of a striker to fiddle with the heater. Switching it up to sweltering proportions, you turned around and spared him a smile. “Don’t want you catching a cold.” 
You were ignorant to how Rin’s eyes darkened when you flicked off your white coat, pushed up your sleeves and beckoned him into an examination room. Warmth pooled from between the vents, swirling around both your close bodies when you positioned him on the table and started to feel up his tense back. 
Finding the tight knot in record time, you hummed. “I was right. A strained external oblique. I noticed it from the way you're compensating your weight on your right side—it must be sending dull sparks of pain upward, correct? Your brother had a similar injury before. Must be a family trait to kick the ever-loving shit out of a ball, huh?” 
Your joke barely found traction, and instead of offering a polite chuckle, Rin’s teal irises clouded over with an inscrutable emotion. The merriment withered on your tongue and you cleared your throat, beckoning him to remove his shirt. 
Rin did so without a single protest, and you couldn’t help yourself from raking your gaze down his defined back. 
“I sprained it while doing a sharp turn a few days ago,” he started to divulge. “Guess that’s what is causing my sleepless nights.” 
You prodded the toughened muscle with a pinch in your brow. “Is it affecting your sleep? That’s horrible. Let me help you get it sorted.”
Using a cold spray, you focused it on his strained muscle, the smell of sharp mint hitting your nose. When he was sufficiently medicated, you instructed him to raise his arms over his head. Rin did as you told him too, and you missed the tiniest shudder when you gripped his wrists and gently stretched him to the side, opening up his muscles slowly.
His hiss of pain made you wince and you chuckled lightly to hide your sudden nerves. “Deep breaths, Rin-kun. The pain will dissipate.”
“Why do you insist on calling me Rin-kun when you’re a year younger than me?” 
The sharp question he threw at you caught you off-guard. Luckily, your face was hidden from his prying eyes and you quickly schooled your features to one of professional neutrality. 
“I don’t know. Habit, I think. I am dating your older brother.”
It became like a game, then, for you to constantly remind him of Sae. You would tell him about his brother’s plays, the things he said about his otouto and the numerous dumb things you both would get up to, but it sounded hollow. Distracted. 
Rin could guess as much. 
“You hate it when he’s gone, huh?” 
He was bent forward on the table and your hands stilled from kneading his sides. Swallowing a sudden wad of nerves, you forced out a chuckle. 
“I do. I hate it so much. It makes me feel needy.”
Rin hummed, and turned his gaze behind to catch your wide ones. “It’s because he never made you feel secure in the first place.” 
You felt like he had scalded you; stripped your bare of your defences till you were left naked and bleeding, completely susceptible to his scrutinising dark eyes. Those same eyes that reminded you of Sae’s, yet were filled with more fire than his older sibling’s. More passion that made a shiver run up your spine just from thinking about it. 
Involuntarily, you took a step back, and the tense atmosphere tightened a bit more. It was unbearable how he was looking at you, like you were a treat dangling right in front of his face that he could not bite into. A forbidden fruit he was thinking of claiming for his own without caring about the repercussions. 
Rin shifted from his seat to face you, his thighs spread around either side of your body. You couldn’t move away, not when he picked up your hand and pressed it right onto his chest. 
“I meant what I said in the kitchen,” he mumbled, dark bangs falling in front of his face. Your fingers automatically brushed them back and his eyes rippled close, like your touch seared his skin and he lived for the thrill of that sharp pain. 
He brought you closer into his orbit, where you were close to crashing onto his murky surface. 
Rin’s lips ghosted your collarbone, and your breathing hitched. Unbidden, your eyes drooped close, and you held your breath.
Make it stop… I can’t keep away from him…
With a strength you never knew you had, you braced two hands onto his broad pecs and pushed yourself from the freefalling edge back into safe waters, gasping like you had nearly drowned. 
The spell broke and Rin’s eyes shot wide open. For a second, neither of you could speak. Your chest rose and fell with heaving breaths and his inscrutable eyes were peeled onto your faltering expression. 
“Are you testing me?” The quiet anger in your voice was unmissable. “Did you think I would fold and you could tell Sae that I’m nothing but a gold digger? You’re such an asshole.”
Rin blinked, computing what you were trying to say. “Wh—no. I didn’t,” he vehemently disagreed, standing up. 
You tried and failed to keep your eyes trained away from the deep V on his stacked abdomen leading to a slight dusting of dark hair, warmth scrawled across your cheeks. Embarrassment held you hostage to this situation, and you didn’t think to move yourself away from the crossfire until he roped his defined arms around you, bringing right back into the fray. 
The press of his lips on yours shocked you like a lightning bolt. 
Your gasp was mistaken for eagerness, and Sae’s younger brother didn’t hesitate to dip his tongue into your mouth, drinking in your honeyed moans with fervour. His warmth was intoxicating, spreading from your palms pressed onto his broad chest. Rin kissed you differently than Sae did; where the older Itoshi brother was hesitant pecks that melted into slow, mind-numbing kisses, his younger brother was all fiery determination to eat you whole one kiss at a time.
You barely noticed that your back was against the wall, only cognizant that your thighs were wrapped around his waist when he hoisted you into his arms. Rin kneaded your ass cheeks with an eagerness that belied his dirty intentions. The taste of him invaded your tongue, saturating it with something sweet, musky and a flavour that was all him. 
He grunted when you tugged on his locks feverishly, your core rocking against the half-hard bulge tenting from his jeans. 
Hands which were intimately acquainted to how his older brother’s skin felt gliding against yours trembled when they reached for his pants, unbuttoning it with one swift tug. Rin was agile enough to manoeuvre you higher against the wall while he released his cock from its denim confines, letting the leaking head touch your bare thigh. The short skirt you wore was perfect for this quick rendezvous, and you could sense his impatience when he pushed your panties to the side and lined himself up with your slick entrance.
“Rin—” your gasp was cut off by the delicious stretch of his cock invading your most sensitive inner spots.
The blunt head grazed a part in you that had you gasping and keening, your thighs tightening around his waist. Rin started to move and the pleasure was unbearable. It felt like hot coals sliding down your spine, bringing gooseflesh to your skin and tears to your eyes. 
You were close to combusting from both the guilt and rapture combined, your heart aching even as it soared when his lips collided roughly with yours.
“Fuck,” he grunted against your lips. “S’fuckin tight for me… like you were made for me.”
You didn’t give him a response, and he didn’t need one. The hitch in your breath was proof enough that you were quickly unravelling; giving him a prime view of an untouchable woman coming apart just for him. 
Rin could hardly believe this was happening: Sae’s shiniest trophy right in his arms, moaning breathily into his ear. 
As a teenager, he would spend hours in front of his brother’s most prized accolades, glaring them down, pushing himself to be harder, better, stronger so none of them would mean anything to Sae anymore when Rin could easily surpass him at every turn. This was no different.
You were a golden notch on Itoshi Sae’s bedpost, a woman out of his league that Rin halfway wondered if you were cursed with blindness for loving a man he had the displeasure to call his brother. What a lukewarm choice. Rin was completely serious when he said that you were too good for his brother. Your shining smile, your lovely laugh and your endless kindness was wasted on a man who cared about nothing in his life but football and himself.
Would it be a shame that you would never get to experience real love from someone who meant every gesture and promise? Sae could not give you that. He had lost both his heart and the respect of his younger brother in Madrid all those years ago. 
One particularly hard thrust made your toes curl in his periphery and your head toss back, a cry of his name rebounding across the room.
Take that, asshole, Rin thought viciously as he bit on your lower lip hard, swallowing your dulcet whimper. She’s already mine. 
The walls of your pussy were slowly melting around his cock, leading him down this final path of heady betrayal. 
What you both did could not be undone; you had effectively cheated on Sae with his younger brother. 
Rin had to hide his feral grin in the crook of your neck at the image of his older brother’s wide eyes; his shocked expression to find his girlfriend in his younger brother’s arms, swivelling her hips in a silent plea for him to let her cum. You lose, nii-chan. 
“Rin!” your gasp rang loudly and your release was swift. Those perfect velvet walls sucked his cock in deeper, not willing to let go. Rin was hard pressed to fight against it, letting your composure and release crumble all around him. Your body went lax in his grip, your keens turning softer, skin flushed with pearly drops of sweat.
He gave a few more pumps before white-hot strings filled you to the brim, eliciting another soft moan from your swollen lips. Rin leaned down to kiss you the same moment his cum overflowed and oozed down his length, staining the floor underneath the both of you with incriminating evidence of this betrayal. 
Your arms were tight around him, your face nestled in his neck that he almost missed your soft sobs. 
Rin used the remnants of his strength to sit you both down on the edge of the examination table. If you both were actually lovers, this scene would’ve been heart wrenching—you staining his neck with salty tears, thighs trembling around either side of his waist and your sweet cunt still moulded around his softening dick. 
He rubbed his hands up and down your back, offering you quiet comfort to ease the festering guilt slicing through his soul. The hard reality slammed into him the same second you lifted your watery eyes to touch his own darkened ones.
I fucked my brother’s girl. 
A firm push of his hands away sobered him back to the grim reality that you two were not lovers. The darkened look flitting across your face was enough to remind him of his misdeeds. 
You clambered off his lap, the fall of your hair hiding your trembling lips and shiny eyes. Methodically easing your panties back up your hips, his outstretched hand to help was met with an instinctual flinch and a frosty glare from you, one which shocked the young striker into silent regret.
“Get out,” your cold voice pierced him worse than any injury he had ever faced from the brutal fields. “This never happened between us, do you hear me?” Taking a deep breath, you had no idea how much your next words hurt him to the core. “I love Sae. I love him. He’s the only one I want, not you. Get out.” 
Rin wisely kept his mouth clamped shut, though his hard teal eyes told a different story. I know you’re just trying to convince yourself.
He could sense it in your tight shoulders and downturned grimace. You loved every single second of this. How could you not see it? 
The both of you were perfect for each other. 
But, Rin sensed it was better to keep at bay than goad you on. 
He eventually regained his common sense and pulled his pants up, shrugging his shirt back on and walking out of the clinic, letting the door creak close with a muffled thud to cover your slowly spiraling sobs.
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© LALUNANYMPH. do not copy, repost, or claim as your own.
973 notes · View notes
teddy-bear-os · 10 months
✵ STUBBORN FATE✵ underground fighter!toji
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your next door neighbor looks scary, but he cannot be far from it. little did you know his gentle smile and kind demeanor was masking his other life as an infamous underground fighter and he did not like you knowing about it either.
✵ underground fighter toji x uni!reader
✵ tags — SO MUCH ANGST AND HURT, blood, violence, vague assault from stranger, corruption kink, virginity loss, soft!dom toji, slow burn, mutual pinning, sfw, heavy nsfw, unprotected sex, (toji’s 26 reader is 20), protective toji, virgin!reader, spit kink, praise kink, crying, corruption kink, oral (f!receiving), fingering, crying, angst, bite kink,
✵ notes — the way this fic took me longer than I intended. I was gonna split it into two parts but i knew I’d get lazy and not complete it so I pushed thru and made it one long one shot
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you weren’t scared. no you weren’t. you’re not…fuck
why couldn’t you be more aware? yes, you took this path many times to get to your apartment, but you should’ve remembered that this time was different. unlike the other times, someone had been tailing you since you left work. of course at night this section was much darker. and so, once you turned the corner, a pair of arms came around you.
the man from earlier now smiling, a darkness overlaying his sinister face as he pulled you further into the path, away from the main street …you couldn’t breathe. your body struggling as you flailed around. another pair of arms was holding you back, as you kicked out. able to get your elbow to collid with his stomach letting one of the men drop you.
“fucking bitch!” you felt sharp pain knock you down, holding your stomach as the other man came and gave you another kick to the back. the wind knocked out of you allowed the men to easily hold you down on the ground. you were completely vulnerable, the only thing you could do was scream for help. over and over…
your mind was fuzzy, you couldn’t stop your tears, trying your best to kick your legs out, only to receive a sharp slap across your face. “stay fucking still,” the hand covering your mouth allowed you to bite his finger, causing the man to hiss in pain, his hand bleeding.
you could barely see, your vision black….calm down calm down…i can’t see I can’t see—don’t touch me. get off me….what’s going to happen after? I want to go home! your ears stung, someone was screaming…I can’t breathe…why does my throat hurt?
you hadn’t realized that the one screaming was you— a gentle hand touched your face. flinching back, throwing your arms out, screaming—
“hey! it’s me! y/n! it’s me,” the familiar voice had you blinking. I can’t—I can’t breathe…a sudden wave knocked you over, filling your eyes with fat tears, letting out a broken sob.
“t…to…toji,” you couldn’t stop your tears anymore, breaking down completely, letting the man pull you into his embrace, his arms secure around your waist as he held the back of your head, allowing you to sob into his chest. he held you close, his own eyes bloodshot as he tried to stabilize his own breathing. holding you close to hide his own body shaking.
your vision was blocked by his body, not allowing you to notice what he’d done minutes ago to the two animals that lay dead on the ground. a black car coming with a few men you’d thought you’ve seen before…..
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it was your first time living away from home, or off campus, you’d dormed your first two years, but decided to finally get an apartment, not wanting to deal with roommates anymore. it was a big step forward, but you were excited…maybe too excited.
“why isn’t the door opening?!” you grumbled to yourself, wiggling the door handle over and over, jiggling the handle—
the door suddenly swung open, causing you to stumble back, tripping on your bag you’d stupidly placed right behind your feet, knocking your head against the half wall behind you with a loud thud.
“fucks going on here?” a deep voice snapped. you were grumbling to yourself, rubbing your head in pain, eyes slowly trailing up the black sweats hanging loosely on the stranger, going up to the black sweater accentuating his broad shoulders until you were finally met with the dark green eyes staring back at you. “don’t want any ads—“ he goes to close the door.
your body quickly struggling to get up, reaching out with a loud, “wait!”
his brows quirked, seeing you kneeling down in front of his door. who even is this?
“it says this is my apartment,” you turn your paper that the land lord gave you just a couple minutes ago. scribbled very messy in the corner is room 406
he reached out taking the paper to read. this allowed you some time to look over the stranger. he was quite intimidating. a shadow looming over him as if he was something you should definitely not associate with. he was a bit older then you, maybe a couple years or so. he didn’t have any wrinkles, but his face looked tired. eyes downcast, hair disheveled. what caught your attention though was the multiple cuts on his knuckles and the scar in the corner of his lip. was he part of a gang?
that didn’t stop your eyes from wandering a little more. you’d definitely never approach him willingly on the streets, yet you couldn’t stop the heat crawling up your neck. he was much bigger then anyone you’ve ever met. if you squint just a tiny bit you could see the subtle bulge—
“anyone taught you manners, kid?” your eyes snapped up, face burning from embarrassment,
you gasp. “I’m not a kid—how old are you—“
“older than you,” he quipped with a sly grin, handing you back the paper.
“the land lord’s almost 90, the new apartment is 407, he must’ve forgot,” he watched as your brows pinched together, looking down at your paper. why were you so focused, and you still haven’t gotten up from your position on the floor. cute.
“oh, ah!” your hand slaps over your mouth, head shooting up as you apologized, over and over. I’m so sorry, I must’ve been knocking like crazy! it’s all my fault! I didn’t mean to bother you!
the only thing that stopped your frantic words was the warm hand on your head. your gaze meeting the deep green eyes. stunned, your lips parted a bit too cutely for him to handle. he couldn’t help himself. he was squatting at your height, petting your cute little head because you were getting all panicky over something so silly.
“don’t worry about it,” his words went straight into your chest, your eyes practically seeing hearts. he’s so nice! you were so wrong about him, you like his warm hand.
“moving in on yer own?” he asked, immediately noticing how jittery you’re getting, how cute.
you quickly tell him that the moving guys are downstairs, which you quickly come to regret since he removed his hand from your head to look over the side of the tokyo apartment building to see the small moving truck below.
“that’s good, it seems that everything’s sorted out,” he moved to go back inside his apartment, only to feel a small hand around his wrist. a small rush filled his chest, why did he hear his heart skip? he had to listen. once he looked under his arm, the almost 26 year old, felt his heart jump. your bright eyes looking up at him.
both hands holding his wrist, unknowingly squeezing your pretty tits up just for him to see. the little gloss on your wet lips had him feeling a certain way. all he could think of was petting your head as he helped you swallow his fat girth. he could read you perfectly, he knew your pretty eyes would fill with tears, it’s too big, but he’d still praise your pretty head off just for you to get all excited and continue slobbering all over him until his dick would twitch and—
“l/n y/n, it’s nice to meet you…” you gave a respectful nod, before looking up waiting desperately to find out who your kind neighbor’s name is. not once did your hand leave his wrist.
“toji.” nothing further said, yet he felt his heart beat a bit too loudly when he saw your pretty hair fly up a bit like some ghibli movie, you were too excited.
“toji-san,” you repeated the name to feel how it sounded on your lips, not realizing that it too gave the man a similar reaction. his cheeks dusting a light pink as he felt a strain in his loose sweats. how could she be even cuter?
the encounter was not the only one you had with the mysterious man. you often heard him coming back to his apt at odd hours of the night. sometimes when you’d be buying a drink at the vending machine, you’d hear toji on the phone arguing. he tended to do that a lot. some encounters he’d have gave you the creeps. what does he do?
you obviously didn’t voice it, but you enjoyed running into him during your late night convenience store runs. you used to think it was a fun coincidence, but now it was something you looked forward to every Tuesday and Friday night’s. I guess you both needed something during these days..
“toji!” the man looked up hearing your voice. you smiled brightly jogging up to him in your big hoodie and little pajama shorts, his eyes took a quick glance at your bare legs. the small heat in his chest made him avert his gaze, but he waited allowing you to come over to him before he pushed off the fence and walked with you to the store.
“how was classes?” toji had a habit of asking about your classes. you never voiced this to him, but you knew he was really interested….
“what’re you working on?” toji sat across from you in your little apartment living room. you’d invited him saying you made too much food and he quickly took up the offer, not refusing a free meal.
“physics,” you mumble, mind focused on your problem as you leaned against your arm writing down the formula. toji was silent as he watched you, eating every couple of seconds only to pause, infatuation consuming him as he watched your eyes dart around the page as he followed along with your equation.
“is it fun?” he could see the intrigue, your eyes lighting up as you looked up, nodding your head.
“i get stuck sometimes, but when I figure out the equation it’s really fun!” you gush, cheeks dusting with excitement. toji blinked, biting his smile as he snorted.
“nerd,” his reply only had you taking fake offense.
as annoying and bothersome your neighbor could be. he had his own way of being considerate and subtly asking how you’re doing. you can’t help the butterflies it sets off. he doesn’t like talking about personal matters, yet always asks how you are.
toji, however, didn’t need a single thing from the store. but he began to notice your late night runs once you’d first moved in a semester and a half ago, which he really did not like. he began accompanying you because though Japan is considered a pretty safe country, it’s still not a guarantee, especially this late at night and in this neighborhood.
“why can’t you wait until the morning?” he’d ask you repeatedly, you’d come down for things that you wouldn’t even need that very night.
“cuz I’ll forget by the morning,” you say as if it’s the most obvious thing ever. he hated how you do most of your errands at night, he hated it even more when he’d see you coming back late to your apt. but what can he do? you’re an adult, of course you’re free to do as you pleased. but that didn’t stop his stomach for turning.
the man’s eyes were focused on you, as you headed back in the direction of your building. you were going on and on about something that toji probably wouldn’t even care about if it was anyone else. but he enjoyed listening to you, he couldn’t help it when you were telling him about how your professor was praising you for your hard work and his hand was suddenly placed on your head. you stopped moving, blinking wide.
“you’re pretty smart, aren’t ya,” his deep voice had your eyes gazing up starstruck. his hand sent a wave of warmth through your body, feeling your heart beating in your ears. “such a good girl, I’m proud,” your cheeks stung with heat, the words caught in your throat because why? why did this man send your mind in shambles!
“tch, it’s not a big deal,” you try to brush off the praise, but toji can tell how much of an effect his has on you. you always melt whenever he touches your head. what would happen if he just kissed you right now? would you part your pretty lips for him? let him swallow up your whimpers—you were dazed, staring up into his deep warm eyes. he’d tease you about your homework one day, then praise you the next. you were unsure, confused, but that didn’t stop your chest from warming up.
“ahh toji, we’ve been waiting!” your words were cut by the three men taking a smoke against a dark suv in your buildings lot. they all were big, just like toji, their arms and necks tatted, which had an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach.
“are they your friends?” you bit your cheek feeling how he retracted his hand, the two of you still walking, toji a bit more cautiously. the elevator was beside where the men were parked. you looked over at toji once he didn’t respond. feeling the hairs on your arm stick up, heart beating a little faster. his jaw was clenched, a vein bulging, and hand curled into a fist, and his eyes…they were as dark as night. “toji—“
“cmon man! we’ve been waiting for awhile now,” one of the men spoke, suddenly taking a beat until you caught his eye. “oh oh.”
your body jumped feeling toji’s hand rest on your lower back. his body almost pressing against your side like a guard dog. your eyes wavered on the men looking at you up and down.
“are ya havin’ fun with your little toy?” you felt a shiver run up your spine, feeling a warm breath against your ear.
“go straight to your apartment,” he was so close! your heart skipped a beat as he gave your lower back a little nudge in the direction.
“to—“ you looked over your shoulder, only to see that his eyes were dead set on the men across the lot. the street light casting a looming shadow over his face, his unkept hair darkening his eyes. yet…. he took a moment to meet your gaze, immediately letting his dark orbs soften with a reassuring grin.
“make sure you lock the door,” your heart flutters, “okay?” he waits for your little nod then points his head to the elevator, “good girl,” your body filled with butterflies as you calmly made way to the elevator. his eyes keeping a close watch on the men. he doesn’t move until the elevator doors finally close shut.
after your shower you tried your best to stay up, you felt a little uneasy about the situation. but you wanted to know if toji got back home safely. however, sleep overpowered your mind and you quickly knocked out on your comfy grey couch………
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“we’re taking you to a hospital,” toji was holding you close as he called for the men to get an ambulance. your hand grasped his shirt, shaking your head.
“don’t,” you let out a small sigh, trying to calm down. your mind was in scrambles, desperately trying to think rationally. luckily you didn’t suspect anything to be broken.
“fuck you mean? please just listen to—“
“I said no!” you finally shout, letting go of the man, instead hugging your own body as you carefully stood up. toji swearing under his breath……..
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you hadn’t seen toji in quite some time, he always seemed to be out when you’d come back home. you didn’t want to admit it, but you missed him. you missed walking with him at night. you missed giving him some extra food you’d ordered. you missed his comforting smile and warm hand. you never minded having him watch you do your homework. you wondered if he wanted to do more of your old homework.
“I finally got the tickets, cmon!” your friend, suna, had been going on about seeing this underground fight a couple months ago, however, you and your other friends didn’t believe him. suna took it a little too personally and desperately tried to buy tickets for months, and now he’s finally got them.
“this place is shady as hell,” you mumbled, yoru was holding your sleeve as you followed suna and your other two friends down the long dark alleyway, already picking up on the loud cheers and screaming.
after a few more seconds of walking, the small corridor burst into a huge underground stadium. your eyes blinking from the sudden bright lights.
“hey, stay close,” suna took your wrist leading you and yoru carefully past the huge bodies of people cheering.
“there’s so many people,” yoru shouted, your eyes trailing over the many different kinds of people that were here. it varied from high class businessmen, to normal average civilians. everyone seemed to be here.
“you guys should be on your knees thanking me,” suna boosted, you and your other friends rolling your eyes. “the price for this is not cheap,” neither of you said anything, considering how suna was a trust fund baby.
little did you know that the moment you’d stepped into the stadium, you caught a man’s unwanted attention. he’d only seen you once with toji, how beautiful, he thought, a sinister smile spreading across his teeth.
you all were watching the fights. it wasn’t like anything you’ve seen before. suna had told you guys earlier that this wasn’t the most legal friendly place, but you honestly could not have suspected this.
the rules of boxing had clear illegal moves, yet those rules did not seem to apply here. your body would cringe at the horrific sounds of bones breaking, fists breaking skin. the gruesome sounds sent your stomach turning, especially with this being with wraps instead of protective gloves like in a usual boxing match.
it was five different fights and you were getting close to the final one when a man by the name of raido, suddenly appeared in front of you. “you look like you’re enjoying the game,” his eyes closed in what seemed to be a kind smile. you felt a bit uneasy, but nodded your head, then looking past him to put out that you’re not interested.
“we’ve got some empty seats in the front,” he continued going on, this caught suna’s ear. “of course you can bring your nice little friends with you,”
“no tha—“
“holy fuck yes!” suna immediately jumps up, dragging you all with him as you scold him.
“suna!” you all hit him, clearly noticing how off putting this man is. he had tattoos that peaked under his dress shirt, he smelled of cigarettes, alcohol, and blood, and what was even more disturbing was the sunglasses. you couldn’t see where he was looking.
you kept an eye as the man, walking back to his seat, he seemed pretty important considering he had a place high in the stadium that overlooked the entire place. he whispered to the men he was sitting with, they all turned to meet your gaze.
“shit—“ you looked away, heart thumping as you prayed they didn’t catch you staring. luckily the next fighters were coming into the ring. finally allowing you a chance to breathe—“
suddenly you felt your dinner clawing up your throat.
“what is it?” yoru noticed your eyes wide open, staring straight ahead. “y/n—“
“and the moment you’d all been waiting for! the reason why any of you are here! the emperor of the night! tooooooojjjjjiiiiiii zeninnnnn!!!” the stadium burst with screams.
you couldn’t breathe. it felt like everything around you had gone quiet. you missed him. you cursed yourself. it’s been over three weeks or more, and now he was here. you felt your heart hammering. your mind dazed as he took of his robe. chills ran through your body at the sight. you would never have guessed. you only ever saw him with a hoodie or loose sweater, but now stripped down to just some boxing shorts, you had a clear view of the dragon tattoo that decorated his broad sculpted back. his bicep showcasing another collection of tattoos that wrapped around his arms. his sculpted thighs branded as well.
“y/n!” you were brought back by yoru’s concerned shaking, you apologize brushing her off so you can watch him. you didn’t know much about boxing honestly, but knowing this was not following the rules made you feel uneasy seeing toji here.
the night spent in your apartment as he looked through your old exams. you knew he had secrets, he rarely spoke about them except that he started working at a young age. he didn’t have time for studies. he’d always say you’re smarter than him. yet, he would be invested in your old homework. writing old problems down “just for fun”. the constant scratching of his head. his green eyes scanning the page as he tapped the end of the pencil against his scar on his lip.
“how’d you get this?” he’d shyly mumble, only for you to show him how you arrived at the right answer. he held onto every single word. he liked it. he liked it even more when you’d explain it to him kindly, no yelling, no degrading, just a simple explanation; and he’d get it. he wasn’t dumb…no… you think he was smarter than anyone you’ve ever met.
but he was in a place like this.
you wanted him to win. you didn’t want him getting hurt like the previous fighters. you wanted him to win so you can grab his hand and take him home…
toji’s feet pounded the ground, as big as he was, he was fast. faster than the fighters before. it was too easy for him. he dodged like no other, countered like no other, and punched like no other. as fun as this was for the crowd, it was not just a game for others. and for toji, it was a job.
he crashed onto the stool in his corner, spitting out some blood when his opponent got a cheap shot in. rinsing his mouth with the water his team fed him.
“fuck is taking you so long?” Raido suddenly appeared beside toji’s side, leaning against the ring. “you have a job.”
“I’ll rip that fucking flapper straight outta yer face if you speak to me that way, again,” his team was dead silent, frozen as ice. “you understand?” raido could not answer. instead he made the mistake of letting his eyes flicker up for barely a second. yet toji immediately caught his line of vision and he felt his entire body run cold.
“what is she doing here?” toji suddenly stood up, his eyes were dark, body boiling.
“boss, the rounds starting,” one of his men was waiting for toji to open his mouth to put the mouth guard on. toji couldn’t think clearly, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath he took.
yoru was yelling constantly in your ear. your eyes wavering between her and the ring. you couldn’t catch raido’s smirk as he strides back to his seat. he was lucky, if you weren’t here, he didn’t know if he’d be able to succeed, that’s only if his men gave him the correct information. if the boss truly likes you then…
“what’s this!!” the audience is in screams, having just witnessed the cleanest maneuvering and a clear hook the immediately knocks his opponent out, jaw definitely broken. “The emperor of the night!” suna was going absolutely ballistic beside you.
toji couldn’t cheer, his eyes instead settled on the men in the booth high up in the stands, raido whispering in their ears as they boiled with anger. he’d won… he’d won, but he hadn’t completed what was expected of him. what was ordered of him. his opponent was to have a minimum of two broken limbs in the course of seven rounds, and yet he’s won with a simple knockout in just three rounds. of course it was for one reason only…
he didn’t need you seeing him like that.
what he’d thought was something to spare you, only seemed to shine a huge spotlight on how deeply you affect the “boss”. it wasn’t hidden either, no, it was definitely shown to everyone else, friend and enemy as raido came forth slipping something into the hosts pocket.
“as we do every night, an audience member is chosen to greet the champion with his medal!” the audience bursting with excitement. “and our winner is!” The host takes out the slip of paper from his pocket and reads of the seat number.
“C8” the audience fell silent as they all looked to the front rows, waiting for the winner to stand.
“that’s you y/n!” yoru yelped, suna gasping as your friends stared at you dumbfounded.
“have we found our winner?” The host shouted. “ahh what a beautiful young lady!” the audiences that could see, were letting out whistles. “now don’t be shy.” you felt uncomfortable under the eyes of the entire stadium, your eyes briefly glancing up at the stands, shivering to see all the men in suits practically feasting on you with their greedy eyes.
your heart beating was the only thing you could hear. your friends shoving you forward didn’t help either. you silently prayed for it to be you, you wanted to see him closer. you didn’t want anyone else near him, touching him, looking at him—but…but now…now you wanted to run away, you didn’t like it. you didn’t like the way he was looking at you.
his warm eyes and gentle smile was not there. no instead their was an unfamiliar hardness replaced in the kneeled fighters face. raido held your hand, helping you into the ring as he handed you the medal to gift the fighter.
the stadium was filled with cheers and applause, you were dragging your feet, unaware of how close raido stayed, until you took another step forward and felt your body suddenly lunging forward. it was too fast to process, because suddenly your body was pressed firmly against toji’s warm body. you could feel his heart beating fast, and his hand was so softly resting on the back of your head. you hadn’t realized that he’d immediately took your wrist pulling you into his embrace.
“I guess the emperor also has a type!” the host laughed, taking the attention off the fighter as he joked, allowing raido to smirk at the fighter.
“seems like you’ve made your decision,” his words laced with snark and confidence.
“big talk after the fact,” toji couldn’t help the deep laugh that was crawling it’s way up his chest. you felt goosebumps erupt on your skin feeling his chest rumble with laughter. “ahh I guess I like games too,” toji’s glare immediately had raido averting his gaze as he walked away, not before looking down at you.
there was a brief moment of silence. he was sweaty, sticky, and clearly bothered. but his arms were careful not to hurt you.
“what’re you doing here?” his voice had shifted tones, suddenly your mind could immediately recognize he was directing this to you.
“I came with my friends,” you gulp.
“if I ever catch you here again—“ your head pushes off to look him in the eyes, letting his words be directed at you and not the air, he falls silent. words caught in his throat, green eyes wavering as he met your bright ones. he cursed himself even more, his heart was hammering uncontrollably.
“who are you to tell me—“ his hand pulls you to his shoulder, fingers behind your neck as your eyes looked past his shoulder feeling his lips tickle your cheek as he spoke.
your mind flashes to the night your classmate walked you home. you spent some extra time in the lab to finish some work and test out a certain theory you wanted to run by your professor. you could tell your lab partner was trying to get with you. he constantly hit on you, flirted during your labs, but he was pretty charming. so you weren’t afraid when he asked to walk you home.
toji had been roaming around the building. he knocked on your door a few hours ago. he’d ordered some food for when you get back. this time it was his treat. you were always home at this hour. why do I care? toji was coming back from getting a drink from the store when he noticed the exchange happening in front of the building.
you were holding your bag, lips moving as you spoke with your hands. the unfamiliar man stood in front, his eyes darting over your figure. his fingers grazing your exposed shoulder—
“ah!” your body was suddenly yanked back, hitting a firm body. “toji?” glancing over your shoulder at the man holding your wrist, meeting your gaze. why did he do that? he had no clue what was going on. “this is my lab par—“
“I ordered thai,” he cuts you off. he was praying you couldn’t see the warm heat crawling up his ears.
“oh, okay, I’ll be right up—“
“it’ll get cold, you don’t like cold drunken noodles,” he said holding your wrist a bit more gently as he pulled you with him. ignoring all the alarms going off in his head.
“y/n—“ your lab partner called, as you glanced over your shoulder.
“I’ll send over the report tomorrow morning,” unbeknownst to you, toji was glaring aggressively at the man. a giant guard dog looming over you, immediately making him feel unsafe as he quickly went off.
“did you wait long?” you opened your apartment, allowing toji to sit in the living room, legs crossed as he opened up the food, laying it out.
“no,” his tongue darted out touching his scar. eyes following your form as you disappeared into your room. the door slightly ajar, self control wasn’t something toji was familiar with. especially when it came to you. he couldn’t help his eyes from watching your form pull over your top.
fuck, his gaze dragged over the brief glimpses of your naked back. he wondered how his rough hands would feel against the soft skin, how his lips would feel as he searched the spot that’d make you whine. why’re his pants getting tight, he gulped seeing you slip on a loose fitting tshirt, kicking off your pants.
his mind ran wild. eyes darkening, he wanted to bend you over right there. he wanted to feel your ass against his palm, he wanted to kiss your shoulder, stroke his palm down to your warm pussy. how wet would you be? would you shy under his gaze or rut against his hand. ahh he’d peel your pretty pink panties to the side and pull his fat length—
“you didn’t have to wait,” you quickly shuffled out of the room, yellow shorts flowing against your glowing thighs, plopping down in front of your neighbor.
“you’re the one that likes having the first bite,” he quips, ignoring the bulging hard on he’s carrying for you.
“nuh-uh, I just like—“ his fingers slip a spring roll in your mouth,
“having the first bite,” he finishes, watching you take a bite, cheeks heating aggressively as he brushed the crumbs from your lips.
“you my maid now?” you say with a mouth full, trying to conceal your arousal.
“you’d like that. like it when i feed you?” he tilts his head, eyes half lidded as he watched you blink. “cat got your tongue?”
“no,” you huff, embarrassed how flustered you’re getting.
“open your mouth,” his command automatically had your lips parting as he slipped in a noodle, not bothering to use his chopsticks, allowing his fingers to touch your wet lips. your lips enclosed around his two fingers.
“you like sucking on my fingers?” his experience with previous women, was able to shield his beating heart. so infatuated with your warm mouth licking his finger, rolling over the pads of his rough digit. he swore under his breath, pulling his fingers out as he dragged your bottom lip down. your tongue lulling out in submission.
“are you still a virgin?” his thumb pulled at your bottom lip. your legs were clenching together, a warmth pooling inside your light pink panties. shifting for some friction.
“you have a corruption kink or something?” you bite his thumb.
“not necessarily,” he swears as you suck on his thumb, eyes fluttering as you open your lips to take little breaths. “you like sucking on people’s fingers?” his pupils were dilating.
“your not just people,” you reply, toji cursing at your flustered state.
“you’re not hungry?” he bites his cheek, shifting his weight feeling his dick straining.
“oh, ya,” your lips peeling away from his thumb as toji brushes his hand atop your head. petting you as you generously ate the food he’d ordered. your eyes would dart up to meet his, but he only ate his food as if you hadn’t just been sucking on his fingers, visibly turned on by it too. instead, toji helped you clear the rest of the food as he cleaned it up.
“you have more work?” he walked back into the small living room seeing your papers now piled on the table. your hand switching between jotting notes with your pencil, to typing quickly on your laptop.
“I have a report I need to finish up,” toji suddenly remembered the encounter earlier. he was unfamiliar with this feeling. he couldn’t understand why he pulled you away from that kid. and he couldn’t reason why he isn’t sitting in his usual place across from you, but instead plants himself behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
your body was on a fire. huh? “you t-tired?” you cleared your throat trying to remain calm.
“thought I’d keep ya company,” he mumbled, lips pressing feather like kisses on your exposed neck. your eyes fluttered as his hand brushed your exposed thigh. “you’re burning up,” he whispers, causing your head to lull back on his shoulder as his palm generously squeezed your hip. “I’m distracting you?”
“ya,” you sigh, whimpering oh so softly.
“if I asked you to let my eat your pussy, how wet would you get?” your definitely blew a fuse. head steaming as you clenched around nothing, definitely soaking your panties completely. Toji’s head went back in laughter.
“asshole!” you elbow his side, making him groan. “don’t tease virgins! it’s not nice!” you turn back to your work, desperately trying to calm your body.
toji settled peacefully behind you. eyes following your homework as if he wasn’t sporting a hard boner that was pressed against your lower back.
“keep working, I’ll keep up,” he reassured, ignoring your stiff body until you returned to your work. shoulders slowly relaxing, body easily molding in his embrace as he’d mumble here and there. couldn’t you also use this formula? how’d you get to that? his fingers danced on your thigh, gently massaging the flesh of your inner thigh, his warm palm had a wave of heat coursing down south, and he didn’t care.
his fingers would tickle as he crawled higher up to the pulsing heat. your shorts loose enough for his fingers to slip inside your pant hole and tickle your panties. your breathing hitched as toji continued talking as if this was just one of your normal little sessions. it was a good distraction.
“I’m sorry,” toji retracted his hand, you were too focused on your work to hear what he’d said, but his hand returned to your thigh.
nothing happened after. toji fell asleep beside you, legs stretched out under the table as he laid on his side, arm swung over your lap as you finished up your work before you too crashed on the floor. and yet…here you are now…
“you wanna act like a bratty little college kid, then go get fucking wasted at some fucking party and stay up late smokin’ pot, fuck if I care,” his voice dropped, warm breath only sending a cold feeling across your body, “go on a date somewhere else. get your pussy wet fucking on some ferris wheel,” you felt sick the more he went. “but don’t you dare come back here.” your heart wouldn’t stop pounding. “do I make myself clear?”
you aggressively try to push him away only for his grip to tighten clearly not finished. “you’re a big fucking problem, we talk a couple times doesn’t give you any idea what position you’ve put me in. I’m not your fucking boyfriend or some shitty friend; you’re nothing to me. so you’re going to leave and I never…never want to see your face again.”
you finally get free with a harder push, falling back on your ass. eyes wavering on his face. you couldn’t recognize him. this wasn’t the same man who’d walk with you late at the night, he wasn’t the kind man that would pat your head whenever you did something good…no…this wasn’t him.
the long nights spent in your apartment explaining equations, only for him to gradually catch up in which he’s finally beginning to understand the problems on his own. sharing food as you’d lean over the table to correct his problems and he wouldn’t feel insecure in the least bit that you’re a girl and you’re helping him. smarty pants, don’t let it get to your head.
“y/n—“ your friend’s calls fall on deaf ears as you quickly made your exit, ignoring everything and everyone around you.
toji quietly watched until you were completely out of his sight. allowing him the opportunity to have his full attention on the men in the booth. dead men walking………
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“what’re you doing?” toji stood from his spot as he watched you walking down the path, clearly trying to get back home. “y/n!”
you didn’t answer, instead focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, one arm across your stomach holding your side, as the other wiped the tears that felt endless.
the fighters jaw clenched as he watched you completely ignore him. his chest filling with frustration because how could this have happened. it was a message—someone was definitely targeting you in order to get to him—
a sudden yelp had toji immediately kicking off the pavement, arm around your waist keeping you from hitting the ground. you struggled in his hold, desperately trying to wiggle out “let…go,” your hands were clawing at his forearm, whining when he wouldn’t set you free.
“let me help you—“
“no!” you shout, only to whimper quickly after, suddenly feeling the kicks you received earlier. “I’m doing you a favor.”
“what’re you talkin—“
“you didn’t want me! I’m sparring you the trouble it’ll cause,” toji could feel your body trembling, your eyes stinging with anger and pain.
“hey…hey, take a deep breath, can you do that for me?” toji sets aside any of his own thoughts in order to calm your mind. talking you through deep breaths as he carefully kept his arm around your waist, until you were stepping into your apartment. sitting you down on the couch and moving to the bathroom.
“I guess it really would be trouble,” you mumble faintly, however, the man is able to pick up on it as he opens the first aid supplies. his green eyes flickering up to see your own swollen ones staring outside.
“I’m sorry,” your eyes return to him, watching as he gently cleans the cut on your lip and cheek. you don’t look at him. look at me, please! his thoughts were scrambled. no don’t, I don’t deserve it…
you felt your chest tighten, feeling the weight—he buried his face in your lap, hands gripping the sides of your long green skirt. your lips trembling as you watched his shoulders shake with anger. he’d unbuttoned your cream shirt, and he physically felt nauseous.
he’s caused worse, he’s received worse. but the dark bruise on your side looked like the worst possible damage in the world to him.
“why’re you mad?” your jaw clenched, blood boiling at his audacity. he had no right.
“I’ll kill them,” his words were muffled, he couldn’t think straight. “I’ll kill then all—“
“why?” his head snapped up, looking at you as if you’d just asked the most bizarre question ever.
“why?” he repeated, trying desperately to control his breathing, yet his eyes continued to look at the dark purple bruise.
“yes. why,” you pushed his hands off you, cursing as you stumbled only for his hands to come up to your waist, allowing you another chance to push them away.
“why? because they fucking hurt you!” he shouted, no longer able to contain his anger. especially with how loose you’re taking this. “you’re bleeding, and bruised—“
“nothings broken,” you snap back, staring out the window, not giving him the time of day.
“don’t be stupid.”
“what?” you whip your head over your shoulder, brows pinched. “you’ve come back with black eyes, the guys in that ring have broken bones, smashed in faces—“
“fuck kinda comparison are you tryna make here?!”
“the one between you and me,” your eyes were leaking, unbothered as you ripped out the pages throwing them piece by piece. “I’m the fucking problem, but I’m the one that you always come too. I’m hurt, but you’re always angry! you’re always angry even if you’re quiet even when you’re teasing me. I’m the idiot, but you’re an even bigger one!”
he stood silent.
“I left you alone because I thought… that it would stop your pain,” toji felt his heart squeeze, he didn’t like seeing you like this. what’s happening right now? of course this is his fault. when is it ever not his fault!? he’s brought this life on you, he caused this. only you’ve ever called him smart, but this man was nothing close to being smart. instead letting his mouth speak on foolish impulse.
“maybe i need to get further away.”
your tears collecting in your broken eyes. throat dry, lungs gradually running out of air over the course of the night.
“fuck…fuck y-“ you were holding your chest, clawing at your skin as you ran out of oxygen, breathing turning into hiccups for air. toji was an idiot.
stupid mouth. his body never listens. immediately holding you as he kneeled with your falling body.
“y/n! y/n, listen to my voice,” he held your cheek as you gasped for air, your panic attack sending your mind into a state of shock. “calm down…breathe, babygirl.”
your nails dug into his wrist, getting scared the more you tried to calm down. “breathe with me, come on, I know you’re a smart girl.” he held your hand letting you place it on your stomach allowing you a conscious physical feeling of breathing in and out, as he did it with you.
the panic attack slowly began to subside as you took in a few more deep breaths. his warm hand littered with scars and open cuts, gently caressed your cheek. your eyes gazing up at him, you hated him. but that didn’t stop you from squeezing his wrist.
his heart couldn’t shut up, what am I doing? this was not what he’d been preaching. quite the opposite. this was the closest he’s been to you. arms protectively holding you close. his cheek propped on his elbow as he gazed down at your sleeping form. cheeks still a bit damp. your scent engulfing him as he felt high.
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“are you still mad at me?” toji leaned against the vending machine as he watched you walk past him. you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder for the past month. and yet, he still stayed on you like a lost puppy.
“you’re the one that’s mad,” you roll your eyes, laughing to yourself when he’d do his routine of jogging up beside you, hands deep in his pockets as he accompanied you in your night shopping.
“why’re you still going out at night?” he huffed, frowning as he tilted his head staring at you from the side.
“I have errands.”
“which can be done later. can’t you be more cautious?” his jaw clenched.
“but you’re here,” you finally look at him. he blinks for a moment, noticing that the bruise on your cheek has healed, along with the cut on your lip.
“well, i won’t always be,” he bit his cheek, noticing your gaze still on him.
“then leave,” you pick up the pace. toji was starting to grow frustrated. you were not cautious. you went about your life as if there’s no risk. you didn’t care if it was night or day. you did as you pleased as if you hadn’t experienced a traumatizing event a month ago. and that terrified the man.
his hand held your arm, turning you back to him. “what’s going on? what’s the problem?”
“you tell me?” you shove back at him.
“you!” why does he always get so angry. “you’re the fucking problem!” toji cursed over and over. “why can’t you listen to me?”
“you’re nothing to me,” you threw his words back at him. he clenched his jaw.
“what do you want from me?” he needed you, he needed you so badly, but you can not choose him. he won’t allow you to trust him. not even if he’d give his life for you.
“you—“ your jaw clenched as well. he always makes your blood boil. “you’re just an idiot,” you burst. “fucking idiot!” you stomp away. “fuck you!”
“fuck you!” he yelled back.
toji cursed following you to and back from the store. “y/n!” toji called as you sped to your apartment, only for the door to slam in his face. “fuck me.”
his shoulders dropped, leaning his head against your door. what is he doing? he can’t put you through this, yet he already is. he was unfamiliar with this feeling. longing for someone. he didn’t like how calm he felt in your company. how his stomach churned whenever you’d meet his eyes with you’re bright and pure ones. you were too good for him. you were smart and ambitious. you had no limits, but if he was there he’d only drag you down. he wasn’t good for you.
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the blood splattered on the floor. the cheers faded in the background as toji rolled his shoulders back. he was surprised to see the opponent rise to his feet. he usually had no thoughts except the job in mind during these matches. yet, it always gets scrambled when one person faces him.
not here.
your arms and legs crossed, leaning against the seats in the second row, chin up as you maintained eye contact on the ring, specifically the star of the night.
toji could not afford to loose out on the money. he’d already gotten to the sixth round, barely keeping this opponent alive in order to break his right arm, and two ribs. but you’re here. why!
“fuck!” toji rinsed his mouth with the water. letting his team slip the guard back in his mouth, eyes sharp as he met your gaze. he was angry. feral. but you stay unfazed.
fuck it. this is what you wanted. he wanted you to leave him. so he’ll lay out all his cards. no limits.
he looked like a beast, his agility was superhuman, and his strength could not compare to anyone else. he snapped the man’s arm with a quick and calculated jab to the joint, and a hook directly hitting his bottom two ribs, cracking them instantly. the man’s scream and the sound of bones breaking made audiences cheer or look away gagging.
your grip was tight, nails digging into your bicep as you averted your eyes down. your heart was hammering. what’re you doing here? you’re asking for it now! but you looked up, as horrified as you felt, it didn’t compare to the complete and utter hurt in toji’s eyes.
you stayed seated, people jumping around you, an audience member handing toji another medal, that was cheap and easily disposable. his looming form stood back up, taking quick and long strides across and out of the ring, until an arm wrapped around your bicep.
“ow!” you wince, his strength was something you couldn’t compete with. “owww toji!”
“this hurts?” he snaps, not letting go until you’ve made it all the way outside, having gone through a back passage, as he finally let go of you. the sounds of cars and a bustling night city in the distance.
“you hurt me!” you yell back.
“was I? I didn’t know,” his words laced with sarcasm. his hands rubbing his face. he was angry. “are you dumb?”
“yes,” his eyes follow you. arms crossed again.
“why’re you so mad?” you’re really pushing his buttons.
“I’m the idiot!?” he exclaims. “Me!? fuck me!”
“you said I’m nothing, so why do you care so much? honestly it’s hypocritical. I can do what I want—“
“no you can’t! do you like acting like a fucking brat? you’re not allowed here—“
“who says?”
“me!” his chest is fuming, eyes wide and tired. “I said I don’t want to see you here.”
“no you said you never wanted to my face ever again. anywhere. but you’ve been breaking your dumbass rule over and over again. so it’s only fair that I do too,” his jaw clenches. “and I’m not a brat.”
“go home, y/n,” toji turns around, there’s no use wasting his breath. you’ve always been stubborn, since the day you’ve met. at least he dragged you away from the eyes inside—
his breath hitched. a weight pressed up against his back. toji felt his heart pulse, swallowing slowly as he feels your arms tighten around his fit waist. your hands were always so cold, so why was his body on fire? your face pressed deeper against his shoulder blades. “let go.”
“no,” you can feel your heart beating against your chest, stomach churning as you hold onto him so dearly. “I’m not leaving without you.” the fighter swears under his breath, eyes clenched tight recalling all the blood on his hands, the ghosts of the past. yet here’s an angel unable to let go of a monster—
“y/n, i said let go,” his hands try to pull your wrists off him, but you’re grasping onto him so desperately as you shake your head behind him. “stop acting like this!”
he’s able to get free, spinning around to face you. your hands balled into fists. he doesn’t need to say anything, he can easily read your expression. your lip jutted out, your eyes darting between his devoid of any ounce of doubt. his breath hitched. why are you so obsessed with getting hurt?
he left again—
that didn’t seem to work though. you were persistent. you came almost every night. watching every single one of his matches. it didn’t matter if you had work all day or exams the night morning. you would still show up. he would shout, yell, curse—repeatedly urging you to fucking listen to him—
“It’s fucking dangerous! what don’t you get?!”
“well that’s my fucking problem then,” you shrug, only causing the fighter to slam his fist behind you, cursing as the concrete alley wall broke the skin of his knuckles.
“fuck me,” his head dropped, brows scrunched. he can’t do everything. living this kind of life and having you. it was impossible. “I need to keep you safe.” he mumbles.
“i don’t need saving—“
“yes, you do,” he feels your delicate hand lift his head. “why’re you doing this to me? you’re always messing with my head,” he curses, your hands feel so nice. they could probably cleanse him of everything he once was, the horrors of his life and the trauma of the past. but he didn’t need the dirt staining you too.
“I’m not doing anything,” you answer, thumb carefully touching the scar on his lip. heart fluttering as his eyes fell to your lips. his entire being was fighting not to crash his lips onto yours. he wanted to know what you felt like. he could’ve done it with you ages ago, but it didn’t feel right. he didn’t want to disappear the next day. if he wanted to have you, he’d become obsessed—
“do I have to choose?” you couldn’t fully understand his predicament. you didn’t even know how dark his past was. but to you it didn’t matter. none of it mattered except that you could see the giant burden that had this man walking with a weight on his shoulders. living a life of crime and misery, when he had so much potential. potential that he thought to be useless, that was told by others was useless. but not to you. he was a diamond in the rough, and you were not letting that go.
“up to you,” you pulled away this time. as much as you held on, you couldn’t chain him down. he had to set himself free, you just gave him the key.
you knew what you were doing was dangerous. but you only had his best interests in mind—
the banging on the door startled you up. your eyes wavering at the extensive pounding. fuck fuck fuck, you messed up big time! it was because you kept going to his fights, now those men are here to kill you! skin you alive! fuck!
“shit,” you tripped getting off the couch, banging your side on the coffee table, hand quickly slapping over your mouth. the bangs were not stopping, praying the killer hadn’t heard you. your knees scurry across the floor reaching for the baseball bat—
“y/n, open the fucking door!” your hand freezes on the bat, ears perking. “y/n! come on I know you’re here!—“
“don’t fucking scare me like that!” you shout, swinging the door open, only to stumble back as toji grabbed hold of you. “what the fu—“ your eyes blow wide. “what the fuck!”
toji was drenched in blood. face splattered, arms and clothes—
“are you okay?!” his hand held your face, looking over it.
“me? what’re you—look at yourself!” your eyes couldn’t catch up with all the blood. was it his?
“stop yelling!”
“you’re yelling!” you curse as toji holds your wrist dragging you into the apartment. his hands moving around grabbing alcohol as he began listing a bunch of things as you ran from your apartment to his, not having time to look around before running back and dropping everything on the table.
“what do I do?” your eyes were shifting from toji’s face and his heaving body. suddenly feeling a warm weight press on your head.
“deep breath,” his voice sunk into your mind, gaze meeting as you swallowed thickly. “you’re fine?”
“stop asking that—“
“you’re fine? right?” his stern words immediately sent a flutter swarming inside you.
“yes…I’m fine,” your brows pinched together as he brushed his thumb across . “who’s bloo—“
“not mine…” he sighs tilting his head back against the couch. “not all of it is mine.” he takes a deep breath, “cut my shirt,” you immediately grab the scissors, cutting open his shirt, swallowing at the bloodied clothes as it fell down. you’re eyes darted around his body, the multiple scars and tattoos facing you now, but the bullet wounds on his side stood out.
“I’m not a surgeon—“
“you’re a nerd, don’t you read books?” he quips. your face shifting into anger, “there there, don’t get wet on me. I’ll talk you through it,” toji held your face, you’re panicked eyes couldn’t wrap your head around this. “now grab that scalpel—“
this didn’t seem like the first time something like this had happened. but it was the first time he was asking someone for help. his eyes followed your face, you’d mumble back to him after every order. “liking science doesn’t make me a surgeon.”
“just a bratty nerd, gonna run your mouth all night?” toji tsked, “ow! fuck!”
“maybe remember who has the knife right now.”
“scalpel, dummy,” toji corrects.
“scalppel, dummy,” you mimic, rolling your eyes with a huff. toji had a mouth on him, but it really came out when you had to dig for the bullet in his side.
“sorry,” you cringe, watching toji fall back on the couch.
“forgot how clumsy your hands are,” he sighed, your hands were shaky and it wasn’t helping. but eventually you pulled out the bullet and continued listening to his instructions.
“are you usually this submissive?” he was patting your head, eyes half lidded as he watched you work. you were wearing your pajamas. it was past midnight, his eyes flickering up to see your show paused. it was a bad habit of yours, staying up late to binge show.
“just when you’re half dead,” toji snorts.
“worth it,” his eyes follow your concentrated face, nose scrunched up as you finish stitching his hip.
“why are you not explaining anything?” your eyes dart to catch his.
“you didn’t ask,” he maintains eye contact. his smile only causing you to raise a brow.
“why’re you smiling?” you cut the end of the suture.
“is that not allowed?”
“it’s creepy.”
“you don’t like anything I do,” he rests his head to the side, staring up at you as you cover his stitches.
“that’s no true,” you mumble, still focused on treating him.
“then tell me,” his hand reaches up, cupping your cheek.
“tell me what you like about me?” his body was exhausted, yet he still had time to make you feel anxious, butterflies swarming inside you.
“i-i…” your face was heating up, words getting caught in your throat. “maybe you tell me what you like about me first!”
“your head,” toji easily answers. you snort, only for him to continue. “you’re the smartest person I know.” his grin suddenly has your chest warming. “you’re a good teacher.” his hand slides down to hold your hand instead, playing with your small fingers. “you’re pretty cute when you help me out. you rant a lot, and go on about stuff that I don’t fully get, but it’s cute in its own way. especially when we’re together here and you get nervous when I—“
“stop!” toji looks up, heart swelling as he sees the flustered state he’s put you in. it was too easy. “why did you actually answer,” you’re looking down at your hands, the dried blood didn’t phase you.
“you asked.”
“I did but like…”
“not good with your feelings?” toji clicks his tongue.
“my feelings?!” you blurt, cheeks flushed. “you-you’re just…”
“just what?” his arms suddenly hoist you up, planting you on his lap.
“what’re you doing?” you yelp, holding his shoulders as he leans his head up, sly grin painted on his lips.
“nothing,” you almost blew a fuse. the fairy lights casted a shadow over his face, his pupils dilated, lips parted. why does he look so good right now? one second he was bleeding out on your couch, the other he’s fucking teasing you!
“don’t,” you cover your face quickly, trying desperately to control your breathing. if he had you…if you gave yourself up and he continued this life, you didn’t know if your heart could bare it. “I don’t like seeing you hurt.” your words were muffled.
“this was the last time,” his hands wrapped around your small hands. “no more fighting.” you allowed him to see your flustered face. your lips wet and pouty, eyes half lidded. oh fuck. “that’s not the kind of face of someone that’s worried.”
“I am!”
“then why do I wanna kiss you right now?” your breath hitched, cueing the man to crash his lips against yours not wasting a single second.
your mind burst. stunned whines fall on deaf ears as toji holds your neck, thumb pressing up on your jaw, tilting your head as he devoured your lips. tongue slipping into your inviting lips as you held his wrist.
“you’re done?” you pant, “you’re done with that life?” toji kisses your lips again, the pecks expressing how much he’s longed for this. “will everything be okay?”
his lips trailed down the column of your neck. “I’ll make it okay,” he bit down on your shoulder causing a moan to slip out. “as long as you’re here.”
your hands pulled his face back up, lips attacking his once again. he smiled feeling your inexperience desperately crave for his attention, how cute. he helped your lips move with his, tongue playing as he held your hip against him, feeling his own arousal stir up.
“is it gonna hurt?” you mumble, fingers tangled in his hair.
“I’ll open you up, so you’re all wet and loose fer me. I’ll stretch you-“
“wait!” toji looks up. stunned to see your flustered expression. “I meant is it gonna hurt you? you’re the one who’s beaten up!” you blurt, still trying to wrap your head around what he’d just said. toji broke into loud laugh, cackling as he slipped his hands under your shirt.
“you’re so cute,” he catches your bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling on the soft tissue as you whine. the man grins once he pulls away to see you chasing after his lips. his fingers dragging your shirt over your head.
your cheeks darken as you feel the breeze against your exposed chest. nipples perking up like good little buds.
“aww, you got all hard,” he cooes, almost sending you into a coma as he caresses the soft tissue. his hands were huge, molding your tits in his grip. thumbs circling the pretty pebbles.
“you’re staring too much,” you cower, hands going to his eyes, as toji chuckles.
“getting shy now?”
“no, just—stop staring, perve—ah,” your face twists, body almost convulsing as toji pinches your sensitive nipples, only to latch his lips around one. “what the—ahh, you’re,, hahh-ah you’re biting!”
your hands grip the back of his neck, hips lifting as he held your chest to his face, sucking dark bruises on your bouncy tits. his voice groaning as he stared up at you. so pretty…so pretty… he couldn’t stop. he wanted to see more. wanted to hear more. he needed to touch more.
“pullin my hair?” his chest rose and fell, cheeks flushed a dark pink as your fingers held the back of his head, holding him back with his hair.
“you just started touching me!” you were beyond flustered. your face and chest flushed, nipples so perky and wet, you looked so fucking gorgeous.
“I can leave.”
“will you?” your fingers loosened from his hair.
“no,” his lips ghosting your own. “i wanna kiss you. touch you…I wanna fuck you so good, sweetheart.” your legs tried to close, but you only pressed down on his lap. “you’d like that?” his lips curled up. it was too easy to read your body. “you’re still a virgin right?”
“you really do have a corruption kink!” you blurt, cheeks puffed. “ah-you’re always biting—toji!” your arms squeeze in, unconsciously pressing your tits together as your pretty voice rises. his teeth nibbling at your nipples again. only to lift you up, tossing you beside him.
“i only have one for you,” his lips trailed down your body, sucking and biting as you squirmed. fingers permanently in his hair as he relished in your rough pulling.
“how are you gonna open me up?” you use his words from earlier, panting softly as you held his hair. his eyes smiled as he licked his scar.
“how do you want me too?”
your cheeks were flushed, yet you’re able to suck up the courage to place your tongue between your middle and forefinger.
he kissed his teeth, “dirty fucking girl, who taught you that?” his dick throbbed in his pants watching you act up from how turned on you were.
“what if I’m not a virgin?” you didn’t know what you were saying, maybe you just wanted to see how he’d react. you didn’t expect his lips to curl into a sinister smile as you watched your shorts fly off your body.
“then I’ll have to fuck you until your pussy can only cum for me,” his lips licked your torso, biting down as you squirmed, whines music to his ears. “but looking at how drenched your cute panties are, I doubt you’re anything but a pretty little virgin desperate to get her pussy ate.”
“toji, you’re too foul mouthed,” you whine, contradicting your so called pride as your hips try to get him to go lower. pressing his head down.
“shit, you’re teasing me now,” he dropped his forehead on your belly, laughing as he rubbed the outside of your thighs, fingers curling around the pretty light pink panties. “let’s make you cry, baby.”
you gasped, toji ripping the material of your panties as he brought your panties up to his face. “these are cute,” he grins watching your face steaming.
“stop doing weird stuff!” you slap his chest lightly, afraid of hurting him.
“just complimenting you, pretty,” he inhales the material, causing you to cry in embarrassment. “fine, fine, I’ll do that on my own,” he teases.
“perve!” he opens your legs nice and wide for his eyes. pupils dilating to a high at the jaw dropping sight. you forget your embarrassment, caught off guard by his reaction. he was mesmerized.
“fuck baby, fuck you were hiding this for so long,” toji was audibly groaning at the sight. pre-cum staining his boxers as his big cock throbbed at the sight. your pussy was finally visible to his eyes, his rough hands keeping them open as he watched your gapping hole throb.
“toji! you’re so shameless!”
“me?” his tongue kissed his teeth. his thumb suddenly began circling your clit, your juices immediately coating it. “you’re absolutely drenched,” he’s had his fair share of ‘long nights’ yet not once has he encountered someone that’s made him so visibly aroused without touching him. “you’re fucking leaking, and I’ve barely even touched you.”
“toji—wai—ahh—uh!” your screams bounced off the small apartment walls as his lips latched onto your clit, sucking desperately. he was buried between your legs, nose deep in your pretty cunt as he sucked and lapped, moaned and whined, he can’t even recall a moment when he’s felt so fucking good. has eating pussy always made him this aroused? no…fuck, he was really hard…it was just you.
“you taste so good,” his eyes were glazed over as your fingers dug into his scalp. thighs tightening around his head as your back arched off the couch, crying out. he was humming in encouragement, egging you for more until the cord finally snapped.
“ ‘m cum—ah! ‘m cumming!” your body convulsed as toji drank everything up. his tongue inside your hole as you gripped his hair whining, riding out his flicking tongue. he didn’t stop after you finished. “toji!” you gasp, pushing his head away.
“that was just my tongue, need to stretch you now,” his lips sucked bruises on your inner thigh, trailing over your hipbone as you let him kiss you over and over.
“are you gonna put your fingers inside me?” you were panting, yet you couldn’t help the twitch between your legs. his lips curled, rubbing his middle and ring finger across your bottom lip.
“i know how much you like sucking them,” he cooes, watching your pulp lips part so obediently. “there’s my good girl,” his praises run straight down as you start to feel lightheaded. tongue lapping and swirling around his digits, it felt so nice having him inside your mouth. you couldn’t help but wonder how it’d feel to suck his dick. the weight in your mouth, his hand petting your head over and over. he was definitely big—
“my virgin baby likes to tease me,” he feels his dick straining in his pants. he replaces his fingers with his lips. his arm wrapping around your waist as your legs crossed behind his back, smiling once he leaned up, letting you sit back in his lap. his fingers ghosting your hole before carefully pushing in. his eyes went bright as he watched your lips part.
“feels good,” you hold his face, wiggling your hips as he pumps his fingers. fuck, she’s so cute!
your nails dig into his shoulder. it was easy moving you around, spreading your legs further to pump another finger inside, cheek flushing deep red as he had you cumming once more. the moans only getting higher and louder as your juices trickled down his hand.
“your pussy’s doing so well for me,” he praises, cupping your pussy, pressing his palm down, before raising it to give it a slap.
“ahh!” your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as he rubs your pussy some more. his thumb pulls at your bottom lip as you loll your tongue out, letting his tongue glide over.
your lips play with each other, allowing him to nibble and bite at your bottom lip enough to have you shivering and rocking your hips desperately. you’re out of breath as he leaves open mouthed kisses on your burning neck, before sucking another dark bruise.
“can I have it now?” you pant, so blessed out but so desperate for it
“it?” he teases, fingers digging into your ass as he grips your cheeks firmly, pressing you down on his fat bulge, rocking you over him.
“want it,” you bite his ear, holding his hand as you place it on your lower belly. “feels so empty without you,” you’re practically purring. “fill me up, toji.”
toji swears under his breath, his pants on the ground and boxers tossed in a random direction as he lets his fat dick slap his tummy. your eyes gloss over at the pretty sight. his angry big cock glistening with his precum as it trickled down the bulging veins on the underside of his girthy length.
“now who’s staring, perv?” your cheeks flush at his words. toji scoops your dripping pussy as he wraps his strong hand around his thick dick as he begins pumping the pulsing ache. “keep yer eyes on me, pretty.”
“toji,” you whine as you shiver at how lewd he looked. face flushed, chest heaving as the tattoos accentuated his well sculpted body. his lips were parted as deep grunts flowed from his pretty lips.
“I’m so hard, fuck, you’re so fucking pretty, babygirl,” his head was tilting up to catch your lips again bringing your hand to his dick. his body shivering as your small soft hands wrapped around him. “good girl,” he cooes in bliss as you follow his movements.
his eyes watch your cute face staring at the way his cock twitches and leaks, hypnotized by the lewd scene. his stomach clenched, getting worked up. “keep looking at me like that and I’ll cum,” he pants, “i like when you stare at me.” you flush at his words.
“it’s big,” you mumble to yourself, lost in a trance you hadn’t noticed your words left your lips until toji drops his head back in laughter.
“need to make you feel all nice and snug, ya?” your thighs clenched around him. “wanna be a big girl and put it inside?” your head nodded immediately.
he helped you sit up, body hovering over his pulsing dick. is it gonna hurt? it’s so big! you want it inside you now! but how? “relax, y/n,” your eyes soften a bit at his call. his cock swiped through your wet folds, teasingly circling your tight entrance, before he held your hip with one hand and the other held your hand between your bodies as you squeezed it tight.
“ah, ‘s big, toji…toji—uh,” your whines were music to his ears, his dick only growing in size as you struggled to take just his tip.
“your pussy is squeezing me baby, relax,” he squeezed your hip in reassurance, only for your nails to dig into his hand as your eyes glossed over, panting heavier.
“it hurts…feels good tho….ah ah i—toji!” your face was pressed into his neck, absolutely stunning the man. did you just?
“I’m barely half way in, pretty” toji’s voice sent aftershocks as you shivered from your unexpected orgasm. “you’ve ever fucked yourself?”
“just played with my clit,” you mutter in embarrassment, averting your gaze.
“fuck me” his heart was beating as his cock pulsed. he was the first to be inside you, his hips jerked up unconsciously.
you whined, wiggling your hips as toji’s body caught on fire as he suddenly lifted you up. your eyes widening as your hands gripped his shoulders, stunned at his crazy strength. “sorry baby, I can’t hold back anymore.”
“huh? to—toji!” your scream pierced the air as he dropped your entire weight down on his dick, snuggling his full length in your warm tight cunt. your eyes rolled back in absolute bliss.
“shit! you’re squeezing me to death,” his body didn’t stop. it seemed like you’d forgotten how he was when he fights. even though the man was just shot and endured minutes of stitching, he had enough stamina to fuck you long and hard.
his cock squelching every time he thrusted. letting your pretty tits bounce in his face as he bit and sucked. the slight red that trickled down to the white cream base that decorated his cock had him going absolutely feral.
“lost your little virginity,” toji groans, you were squeezing him so tight. he’s dreamt of this for so long. squeezing your ass as he fucked up into you, slapping your ass every couple of seconds to hear the way you cry out his name, tears hitting his face.
he’s been dreaming of this. every time he’d stay up late with you, as much as he enjoyed solving your old homework and learning, he couldn’t help his mind from pondering when he’d finish. gazing up briefly to see your cute little face scrunched up in concentration, how much he wanted to bite your cheek, kiss your pouty lips.
“ so good…feel ‘s good, to…ah! uh uh! toji!” your high pitched screams were so beautiful. he didn’t care about the neighbors, or the noise complaints, not a single thing mattered other than wrecking the absolute shit out of the girl he’s been pinning over for months and months. he’s never felt so good inside someone. it was worth the torture of seeing you wearing you’re cute little shorts all the time, your tank tops that couldn’t hold in your tits all the way. the cute way you’d yell and tease him back.
“do you wanna cum for me, princess?”
“I wanna….yes…more please!” you were practically drooling as he let a glob of spit slip past your lips as you immediately came around his length. his cock was as hard as can be, holding your waist as he fell to the carpet floor, blanket falling to the ground as he laid you down, the pillow under your lower back. he pumped his dick between your legs as you panted, only to let out a loud gasp as he snapped his hips back inside.
“good girl, want all your pretty juices,” he praised. “fuck, I can’t live without you! so good, uh pretty girl,” his mind was so empty, the only things keeping him conscious was how much he needed you. his hand pinned both your arms above your head as he pounded into your squelching cunt.
“arch yer back, pretty,” you obey immediately, listening to the fighter as he groaned, feeling himself slide deeper. “atta girl.” your vision blurred the more pleasure toji pulled from you. “pretty girl, ugh, eyes on me,” he lets go of your hands, grabbing your face. “on me.”
your mind was so blissed out, his arms gripping under your knees, as he angled your hips higher, kneeling closer to your body as your ass slapped against his thick thighs, fat cock pounding your insides, kissing your cervix over and over. your arms splayed over your head as your back arched up, nails digging into the blanket underneath.
“taking my dick so well, uh, stretching ya out like a good fucking slut,” his chest was flushed, muscles flexing as your fingers went to pull him closer to you.
“I want more,” your words are slurred, eyes blinking with fat tears as you run your hands through his king raven hair, pulling him down closer as you take one of his pretty hands placing it on your lower belly. “want your cummy…toji…want it all inside me,” his cheeks beat red feeling his fat print bulging in your tummy.
“fuck,” his cock tightened, face scrunching as he felt your legs squeeze him. “don’t—don’t say things like that, baby.” his pace didn’t stop, keeping it rough and fast. the obscene noises only made your thoughts more hazy.
“I want it! ah ahh fill me up! want all of it, please!” your cries rang through the room as the man lost all vision. he wanted so desperately to paint your insides with his hot white cum. what would that feel like? to let go inside your untouched walls, to fill you with every drop of his heavy load—
“shit y/n!” toji bit down on your shoulder, groaning into your skin as you cried loudly, bucking your hips up meeting his thrusts as he cursed. “stop it baby,” he was desperately trying to hold onto his sanity, but you were making it too difficult.
your cries reached another pitch that he’s realized happens before you cum. rolling his hips into your pussy walls, your eyes practically crossed, drool sliding down your lips.
“shit! I’m so lucky,” he cursed, stunned by the shock, only to feel t your pussy clench desperately around him as your body shook, squirting clear liquid onto him.
“wanna be full, cum inside me, toji,” your legs locked around him, stopping him from escaping allowing his body to suddenly convulse. letting out a guttural groan feeling his abs constrict.
his head dropped against your own as he felt himself empty into your tight cunty. you rocked your hips with his as you milked out so much cum from his generous cock.
“so much, pretty boy,” you cooed, petting his hair as he groaned, burying his face in your neck as he continued cumming. he had so much for you, and you’d begged for it so sweetly, he couldn’t leave you empty until you were completely full.
“fuckin minx,” he licked the bite marks that decorated your neck. “take everything I’m giving you,” his chest heaved as he pushed himself up, meeting your lips. “you forced my hand, pretty.”
“kiss me more,” your lips caught his as he returned your sloppy kiss. tongues molding as he shivered, feeling you clench from the overstimulation.
he slowly pulled out, eyes half lidded at the sight of his cum oozing from your twitching hole. he almost passed out, but could only drop to your belly kissing it over and over as he pushed his cum back in. your fingers tangled in his hair, easily grabbing his attention as he crawls back up to you. your arms automatically wrapping around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.
“ya liked getting your pussy all filled up?” toji soothes his hands down your spine as you held him close.
“it was…” the sarcasm and rough exterior immediately fizzled. you felt so good right now. “nice,” you licked your lips, brushing them over his as his eyes fluttered. “don’t leave me, okay?” your sweet voice had toji blinking, before his eyes softened.
“I’ll die before I ever leave you,” he nudged his nose with yours, lips pressing firmly as you hugged him close. “you scared?” he felt your body shaking, suddenly growing worried.
your head shakes, “no….”
“y/n? baby, why’re you crying?” he was worried, his heart squeezing as he tried his best to wipe the falling tears.
“I’m not,” you sniffle, desperately trying to keep your composure, which only had your nose running and your eyes glaze even more. you looked so cute, is all he could think, but why’re you crying?
“you’re only allowed to cry about my big dick,” toji sighs, holding you close as he sits back against the couch on the floor. smiling when you break out into a laugh.
his chest rises and falls, closing his eye to rest his head back. your lips quiver, eyes looking over his tired body. fingers trailing over his tattoos, feather light touches as he begins to fall asleep.
“toji?” your soft voice calls him as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“hmm?” toji’s eyes are still closed, but he squeezes your hip to show that’s he’s listening.
“do you want to go to school?” your words are calm and collected, yet your heart is beating incredibly fast. you want him to get his degree, to pursue something he’s good at. though you’re pretty good at science, toji beats you in math. you didn’t know how he got to certain conclusions, yet it was all accurate.
“I want to be with you,” his words sent a fuzzy feeling inside, but you push it aside.
“I’m being serious,” he blinks, eyes open. “you’re enough for me…” his words trail off. you’re silent for a moment, it seems like he was going to continue— “but I need to support you some way.” he smiles, pulling you closer. “think I can get my degree?”
your cheek flare as your eyes brighten big, toji flushed at your reaction as you nod excessively, making him laugh.
“cmere,” his hands bring you back to his lips. “I want more, all the time,” he sighs, licking your tongue.
“possessive much,” you try to hide your smile.
“very,” he squeezes you close. almost causing you to pass out until he gets comfortable. “now sleep.” he sighs, “I think I lost all my energy cumming half my existence inside your greedy fuckin cunt.”
“d-don’t say that!” you exclaim.
“It’s funny,” he laughs, tired eyes blinking to stay awake. “but your still leaking.”
you push off him, unable to take all this embarrassment, stumbling to your feet. “I’m gonna shower,” you huff, limping to the bath— “what! what’re you—“ you felt your body loose gravity, suddenly dangling in the air.
“you can’t even walk straight,” toji grunts, holding his side as he had you up in one arm.
“you’re bleeding through the bandages!” you gasp, seeing the blood trickle from the stitches you’d just sown. you struggle to get free.
“stop moving or I’ll open up the stitches.”
“what kind of—?!” you immediately shut up, brows pinched as toji dropped you in the bathroom, holding the sink as he winced. “I thought it wasn’t bad??”
“it wasn’t,” he turns on your shower. “but I couldn’t hold myself back when we were fucking.” he steps in, letting out a deep sigh as the water cascades over his body. the blood, sweat, and other fluids running down his sculpted legs and into the drain.
“we shouldn’t have done anything then—“
“I was too hard, something was gonna happen,” he extended his wet hand out. waiting for you. “cmon, don’t make that face.” your face is scrunched up in guilt and frustration.
“I don’t like seeing you hurt—“
“you said that already,” he grabs your wrist, pulling you inside. you hiss at the sudden water splashing on you.
“you only listen when you feel like it,” you tilt your head up, eyes rolled in annoyance only for toji to grab your cute cheeks and squeeze your face so your lips were jutting out in a cute pout.
“I always listen, so don’t be so worried,” he kisses your cheeks, reaching over for the shampoo. “now let’s clean you up.”
it didn’t fully dawn on you until you were laying under your soft comforter, warm body snugged close against you, face buried in your hair as his large arms held your back close to his chest. his hot breath even. but he was here. turning over, you gazed at his face, snuggling closer to him.
“toji” you whisper softly. It was a high possibility that he was fully knocked out now, but your fingers couldn’t stop caressing his cheek. his black lashes resting on his cheeks as his lips part with each soft breath. “I’ll do my best for you,” your own eyes starting to grow heavy. “so trust me, please.” your lips part to exhale.
“okay,” his lips gently press to your forehead. “I already chose you.”
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teddy-bear-os · 11 months
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series masterlist
fushiguro toji x f!reader 
summary: In the jujutsu world, they hate to see a woman thrive. They’d do anything to tie her down to marriage to make her incapable of succeeding. So when the Zen’in clan sees a woman associated with their rival clan, the Gojos, who’s a young successful jujutsu sorcerer capable of creating change in their wicked society, they try to break her down. Unfortunately for the Zen’in’s, their very own stray has his sights set on her.
genre: angst, 18+, cheating, arranged marriage, age gap, au 
series warning: explicit smut, violence, blood, manga spoilers, profanity, MDNI, cheating, family issues, arranged marriage, emotional abuse, physical abuse, blackmail, noaya being abusive, mentions of suicide, alcohol and death, grammar errors
series status: completed
general masterlist
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chapter one ♕ sit
chapter two ♕ roll over
chapter three ♕ good girl
chapter four ♕ heel
chapter five ♕ bark
chapter six ♕ come
chapter seven ♕ bite
chapter eight ♕ play dead
chapter nine ♕ stay
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series playlist ♕ song association ♕ reblogs are truly appreciated<3
2K notes · View notes
teddy-bear-os · 11 months
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Long time no see…..
172 notes · View notes
teddy-bear-os · 11 months
Tell Me to Stop (NSFW Rengoku x F!Ice Hashira Reader, Part 1/2)
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Once more, I have ZERO self-control.
See this post for a synopsis, but as a refresher: post-Mugen Train AU where Rengoku lives and Y/N, the Ice Pillar, takes his place on the mission to the Entertainment District with Uzui. This is the angsty part, and Part Two will be SUPER NSFW. So absolutely no minors.
There are three POVs in this part -- Y/N's, Shinobu's, and Kyojuro's. Each is clearly marked. There are also several flashbacks, and they are marked in all italics, to make the reading a bit more seamless.
CW: 5.9k words. Angst. 18+, cursing, graphic descriptions of injuries and poisoning. Mention of amphetamine use and likely improper medical procedures, but I'm not a fucking doctor and this is fiction.
(Y/N’s POV)
At first, she thought she was in the afterlife.
Her eyes struggled to focus as the brilliant white lights above her nearly blinded her, and for the briefest moment, the Ice Pillar had felt a flood of relief, because at least she could then rest.
But then the pain hit.
It hit her like one of the heavy training rocks Himejima used on lower-ranked slayers, and briefly, Y/N wondered if she had misjudged the situation — wondered if she was, in fact, in hell.
Her heart was slamming against her chest, however, and the pain was far too acute for that to be a plausible explanation, especially as the lights above her sharpened into focus.
The light was not the soft, beckoning afterglow of a world beyond; rather, it was the collection of sterile utility lights that the Insect Hashira had specially installed in the recovery rooms at the Butterfly Mansion.
To her slight disappointment, the Ice Pillar found herself alive.
She was alive and her body felt like it had been dropped off the tip of a mountain. There was not an inch of her body that did not feel as though it had been smashed open and flayed.
“L-Lady Y/L/N!” A surprised squeak came from Y/N’s right.
It took a great deal of effort to turn her head to see one of Kocho’s girls standing in her doorway, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at the now-conscious Ice Hashira.
Y/N truly had meant to greet the young girl, but the only thing that came out was a long, pained groan.
“I-I’ll go get Lady Kocho, right away!” The girl hastily bowed before scampering out, the sounds of her excited yelling growing dimmer as she ran away.
Y/N had briefly fallen back out of consciousness before she felt a pair of cool, soft fingers brushing against her forehead, and her eyes fluttered back open.
“Good morning,” Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira and her dear friend, said, smiling down at her, her eyes full of relief.
“We were starting to worry about you, you know.”
Y/N responded with something between a smile and a grimace as pain wracked through her once more. “How long have I been out?” Her voice was weak and cracked, which led Y/N to conclude it had been at least a few weeks since the battle in the Entertainment District.
Shinobu’s smile faltered for half a second, before her friend recovered. “Almost two months.”
Y/N’s eyes widened, what little breath she had in her chest wheeze out, as the horror of Shinobu’s words sunk in.
She, a Hashira, had been unconscious for nearly two months. She’d be surprised if she was allowed to keep her title at all.
“Uzui?” Y/N asked quietly, remembering that her comrade had also been quite injured following the battle with the dual Upper Moon Sixes.
Shinobu smoothed Y/N’s hair back, an affectionate move that eased some of the tension she felt. “He was in rough shape as well, but not nearly as bad as you were.” Shinobu pressed her fingers against the pulse point on Y/N’s neck, silently counting the number of beats. “He managed to carry you back most of the way before his body gave out — luckily, just as the two of you came across the Kakushi team dispatched to assist you both.”
Shinobu’s gentle fingers pried Y/N’s eyelids back to check her pupil dilation. “He’s back home with his wives. I discharged him about two weeks ago.”
Shinobu motioned for one of the girls to fetch pain medication, now that she had sufficiently apprised herself of all Y/N’s vitals, and Y/N felt a rush of gratitude for her friend.
“How bad was I?” Y/N asked after a moment, once she and the Insect Pillar were left alone.
Shinobu’s practiced smile finally dropped, and for once she looked tired. “Uzui said you took a direct hit from the Upper Six’s blood demon art. Not only did he manage to impale you, but he discharged a massive amount of poison into you.”
Shinobu’s lower lip wobbled slightly. “That poison should have killed you — it would have, had you not used your Ice Breathing to lower your body temperature. Doing so kept the poison from spreading as quickly, but it also made you hypothermic.”
“You were…near death when you were finally brought in. Your body temperature had dropped so low in an effort to keep the poison from reaching your vital organs, but it was already doing so.” Shinobu sat back into a stool she’d rolled over beside Y/N’s bed. “Honestly, you were so touch and go that I thought I was merely prolonging the inevitable.”
Y/N swallowed hard, nodding. Perhaps her initial reaction when she’d awoken hadn’t been too far off — she had nearly died.
The two were silent for a moment, the weight of the events of the day weighing heavily in the air around them.
Shinou broke the silence first. “Your vitals seem relatively stable for now, but I’m going to need to keep a close eye on you over the next few days to judge your recovery.” She stood, brushing non-existent dust from her lap. “Do you feel like eating anything at all? Or drinking some tea?”
Y/N shook her head as much as she could, though her movement was limited by the stiffness in her neck. “No. I’m in pain.” She groaned.
The Insect Pillar smiled softly at her. “I’ve held off on administering any pain medicine to you – I didn’t want to risk prolonging your coma.” Shinobu paused. “I suppose I can mix a good dose in with some broth – I would really prefer you to have something nutritious, if you think you can stomach it.”
Y/N nodded again, her lips suddenly feeling cracked and dry. “Broth would be wonderful. Thank you, Shinobu, truly.”
Shinobu patted her friend’s hand in response. “The medication will likely put you to sleep for the rest of the afternoon – but your body needs rest now. I’ll check in on you in a little while. You’re in the private infirmary room just down the hall from my office – I wanted to ensure you wouldn’t be disturbed by the regular chaos wrought by the younger slayers.”
Shinobu made to exit the small room, but paused in the doorway, her back turned to Y/N.
“Y/N…I am so thankful that you’re all right.”
Y/N smiled, and for the first time since she’d awoken, she felt glad to be alive.
Shinobu had been right – the medicine she’d mixed into the warm miso broth had been potent. Y/N had barely consumed half the cup of the soup before she’d felt drowsy, slumping back against the soft down of her bed and falling back asleep.
Hours later, judging by the darkness of her room, Y/N had awoken briefly, and in her disorientation had cast her eyes around her private recovery room in alarm until she distantly remembered that she was safe and in the comfort of her friend’s hospital.
As she looked blearily around, she’d noticed a pair of vaguely familiar amber eyes staring owlishly at her from the wall across from her bed. Y/N, however, had collapsed back against her pillow, unconscious once more, before she could investigate any further.
But she dreamed of fire.
When Y/N awoke the following morning, she was still in a great deal of pain.
“I don’t understand why I can’t use my breathing to help,” she’d complained to Shinobu’s second-in-charge, a pig-tailed, severe-looking girl who bustled around Y/N’s room as she restocked the Ice Pillar’s medications.
“Lady Kocho was very clear that you shouldn’t be using your Ice Breathing for a while yet, Y/L/N-San,” the girl, Aoi, said as respectfully as she could, though Y/N could hear the slight reprimand edging its way into her tone.
“After all, when you arrived, your body temperature was barely 75 degrees — and it had been lower than that already, according to Lord Uzui”
Y/N’s head snapped up and she pinned the girl with her icy stare. “That’s not possible,” she said sharply, “I may be a Hashira, but a body temperature below 75 degrees will kill anyone.”
Aoi audibly gulped. “Well, it was probably because of Mr. Rengoku-“
“What?” Y/N snapped, sitting up straighter in her bed. “He was there?”
The awkward girl nodded frantically. “Yes! He was the one who brought you here!”
Y/N sat silently in her bed, jaw slackened as she stared at the pig-tailed attendant.
Aoi fidgeted under the intensity of Y/N’s gaze. “He met you and Mr. Uzui a few miles outside of the Butterfly Mansion. He carried you the rest of the way because Mr. Uzui had passed out.” Aoi busied herself with replacing the used towels next to the small sink in Y/N’s room to avoid looking at the Pillar.
“Lady Kocho said he had turned up his body temperature while carrying you to keep yours from falling any further.” Aoi finally turned back to Y/N, tears sparkling in her eyes. “You were so cold and so blue by the time he barged through the doors, that Lady Kocho assumed you had already died. Mr. Rengoku kept you alive long enough for Lady Kocho to intervene.”
Y/N didn’t remember getting out of her bed, nor did she remember the way her legs shook as she took her first steps in nearly two months, stumbling awkwardly down the hallway to her friend’s private office.
(Shinobu’s POV)
Shinobu startled at her desk when Y/N flung the lacquered wooden door open.
“Y/N! You should not be up-“Shinobu began to reprimand her, but Y/N cut her off.
“You lied to me, Kocho.” Shinobu froze at the terse, formal way that Y/N used her surname — a sure indicator that she was irate. “You told me the Kakushi found me. You never said anything about Rengoku.”
For once, Shinobu felt sheepish.
“I wasn’t lying to you, Y/N,” she promised, her palms turning up towards the Ice Pillar in supplication. “Please, I’m happy to explain everything, but you need to get back in bed.”
Her friend swayed in the doorway, hand shooting out to weakly clutch at the frame in an effort to remain upright. It seemed that she had only managed to make it all the way to Shinobu’s office out of pure spite, and now that it had worn off, her weakened body threatened to fold beneath her.
Y/N may have been as stubborn as an ox, but she was not a fool when it came to recognizing her limits. Her chin dipped once in a jerky nod, and Shinobu clapped her hands. A Kakushi appeared in an instant, lifting Y/N onto her back and whizzing her back down to her private quarters.
Once Y/N was settled back and bed, and the two women were alone, Shinobu pulled a chair over and sat down.
“I wasn’t planning on keeping the details from you for very long,” Shinobu began, holding Y/N’s searing stare evenly. “But the circumstances of your arrival were…extreme, and equal measures had to be taken.”
Y/N’s mouth set into a hard line. “I don’t know what any of that means.”
“Y/N, when the Flame Pillar kicked down the front door, with you unconscious in his arms, I thought you were already dead.”
Y/N’s eyes widened softly. Though Shinobu had devoted years of carefully crafting her emotionless mask, she could not stop the small shake in her voice as she recalled that horrible night.
(Two Months Prior)
Shinobu had flown into the entry hall of her estate the moment the loud crash reached her ears. Her hand had been on her blade, ready to eliminate any threat that had come knocking on her door, but she came to a skidding halt when she beheld who stood in the ruined splinters of her doorway.
For half a heartbeat, Shinobu’s world had come crashing down around her for the third time in her life. Because there was the Flame Pillar, looking wild and frantic and angrier than she had ever seen him.  His uniform shirt had been missing completely, and his eyes were bright and glassy with the first signs of what Shinobu knew to be a high fever.
Clutched in his arms was the woman that she’d considered as much a sister as Kanae and Kanao were to her. Beneath the streaks of red and odd purple and black staining on her skin, Shinobu could see she was deathly pale, the areas around her mouth and eyes turning an unsettling blue.
She wasn’t moving.
She was barely breathing.
“ANTIDOTE.” Rengoku bellowed, his volume jolting Shinobu into action as she began barking orders at the Kakushi that arrived behind him.
“Get her over here and lay her down on the floor — we don’t have time to get her into an examination room.” Shinobu shrugged out of her late sister’s haori and spread it out on the floor — Y/N was one of the only two people left in the world whom she would be willing to do such a thing for.
In a matter of seconds, Shinobu had deduced three, critical facts:
First, Y/N had been poisoned — severely so, and was mere minutes, if not seconds away from death.
Second, that she was bordering on hypothermia, given the chill of her skin and the discoloration around her orifices.
Third, the only reason she’d not succumbed to said hypothermia was because of the bare-chested Hashira who held her like she was his entire world, who was willingly burning with a near-deadly fever in an effort to keep Y/N alive.
Shinobu dug into the pocket of her hakama pants and produced a sharp pair of medical scissors — the only pair she owned sharp enough to cut through the resilient fabric of the Demon Slayer Corp’s uniform.
Rengoku had made to lay Y/N on the floor and pull away, but Shinobu lunged to stop him.
“Don’t you dare let go of her, Kyojuro Rengoku,” Shinobu snarled as she cut Y/N’s shirt from her body, exposing the purple-mottled skin of her chest where the Upper Moon’s poison had spread. “Keep her warm— her body is going to try to keep fighting the poison.”
Rengoku maneuvered so that he sank to the floor of the Butterfly Mansion hall under Y/L/N, the Ice Pillar still pressed to his bare skin.
“Aoi,” Shinobu called for her second-in-charge who appeared instantly by her mistress’s side. “Bring me the wisteria antidote and the amphetamine,” she ordered as she checked for Y/L/N’s pulse, her mouth settling into a hard line as she realized the Ice Pillar barely had one.
Rengoku was burning, his skin nearly sizzling against the now-bared skin of Y/L/N. “She just keeps getting colder, no matter what I do.” He readjusted his arms to grip around Y/L/N’s waist and press her tighter against him.
Shinobu inspected where the poison had turned the veins beneath Y/L/N’s skin black. “She’s been using her ice breathing to slow the poison by lowering her body temperature,” she said quietly. “It stopped the poison from spreading long enough for Uzui to bring her back, but this is the most potent poison I’ve ever seen.”
Y/L/N’s chest rose shakily once but it did not fall.
“AOI.” Shinobu half-shrieked, and the girl finally came flying around the corner, the two syringes clutched in her hand.
She moved her scissors beneath the bindings around Y/N’s chest, cutting them open in one fluid motion and exposing Y/N’s breasts to the air. Out of reflex, Rengoku turned his head up towards the ceiling, if not to help preserve the girl’s modesty.
“We don’t have time for that nonsense,” She snapped at him, her tone forcing him to look back at her, frantic.
Aoi handed the two vials to her madam, who began flicking her index finger against the cylinder glass to dispel any remaining bubbles within.
“The sternum is the thickest bone in the human body,” Shinobu began, turning her attention to the second vial, filled with a clear, thin liquid. She unscrewed the top of the second vial and dumped its contents into the syringe full of purple liquid, repeating the process of tapping out any bubbles. “It takes an alarming degree of strength to penetrate it.”
She pinned Rengoku with her sharp eyes. “I do not have that strength,” she said plainly and moved to press the syringe into his hand.
“But you do. When I tell you, you need to slam this into her heart, right here.” Shinobu tapped her index finger precisely in between Y/N’s breasts, directly over her heart. “And then push down on the top of the syringe until all of that liquid is gone.”
Rengoku clutched the syringe in his hand tightly as he looked down at Y/N. Her heart had slowed to the faintest patter against her chest, and her breath had become nearly nonexistent.
There was no more time. He brought the fist clutching the antidote up over the spot that Shinobu had marked.
“Forgive me, Y/L/N,” Rengoku said, and without hesitation, he slammed the syringe down into the Ice Pillar’s chest, pressing every ounce of the purple antidote directly into Y/N’s heart.
Syringe still buried in her chest, Y/L/N bowed out of his arms with a deep, guttural gasp, her eyes flying open for the briefest of moments before she collapsed back against him, unconscious once more.
But breathing.
“What— what was that, Kocho?” Rengoku breathed, looking in wonder at the feebly breathing but alive Ice Pillar.
“The strongest antidote I have,” Shinobu grimaced. “And an amphetamine. To restart her heart.”
Rengoku’s eyes shot up to meet hers. “Re-start?”
She nodded solemnly. “Yes. For a moment, we no longer had an Ice Pillar.”
The Flame Pillar swore under his breath, his arms unconsciously tightening their hold against Y/L/N.
“She is not out of the clear yet,” Shinobu warned, her fingers brushing against the skin of her friend’s wrist as she measured her pulse. “Until the antidote is able to fully abate the effects of the poison, she will continue to subconsciously try to freeze her body.”
She winced. “As a doctor, I shouldn’t even be asking, but it appears you’re the reason she hasn’t fallen to hypothermia — “
“I will stay,” Rengoku promised, looking back down at the woman barely clinging to life in his arms. “Of course, I will stay.”
(End of Flashback).
“Rengoku stayed with you until your body temperature rose back to normal,” Shinobu said, her tone entirely clinical. “Though by the time that happened, he’d given himself a nasty fever from the amount of time that he’d kept his body temperature so high.”
A faint smile ghosted over her face. “He actually put up a bit of a fight when the Kakushi came to pull him away. His fever had made him delirious.”
Y/N flushed. “I’m sure that was quite the sight - two half-nude Hashira in a bed together. The poor Kakushi.”
Shinobu’s eyes flashed. “Not a single person thought it was anything more than a persistent effort by the Flame Pillar to keep his comrade alive,” she said sharply. “And I will discipline anyone who may suggest otherwise.” 
Her friend smiled at her, unmistakable gratitude in her eyes.
“I ended up having to keep him here for three days before his fever broke. He kept trying to come see you, too,” Shinobu chewed on her lip in thought. “I don’t think he understood that you were just unconscious and not half-frozen to death.”
“Why are you telling me all of this?” Y/N asked, softly. “I understand — and appreciate — you telling me what happened immediately after Rengoku brought me here, but…”
Shinobu reached for her friend’s hand and gently took it into her own, squeezing lightly.
“I just thought you should know the lengths that man went to to keep you alive.”
(Y/N’s POV)
Y/N laid awake for a long while after Shinobu had left.
Shinobu had told her that the Flame Pillar had visited her on a nightly basis for the entire period she’d been unconscious.
But that news hadn’t been able to hold a candle to the larger revelation that Shinobu had shared with her.
Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, had fought to keep her alive; and she didn’t know what to do with that information.
At best, her relationship with the fiery man had been complicated.
The two had survived and endured Final Selection together and had risen through the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corp at about the same rate. Their breathing styles were symbolic opposites – so much so, it was almost comical that they had been drawn to one another at all.
For years, their relationship had been defined by a series of almosts.
She’d almost asked him to accompany her on an overnight mission in the far-off mountains – what would have been their first solo mission together.
She’d almost accepted his haori when he’d offered it to her after her own had been shredded in a battle against a lower moon when they were Kinoe.
He’d almost brushed his hand against hers at the last Hashira meeting they’d attended – the one right before that fateful mission he took involving that cursed train.
She’d almost kissed his forehead when he lay unconscious in his bed at the Butterfly Mansion after Upper Moon Three had nearly stolen him from her for good.
But this game of cat-and-mouse they had played since they were Mizunotos hadn’t ever actually led them anywhere. Y/N had always assumed they were doomed to long for one another from afar, both too emotionally closed-off and too stubborn to ever confess their true feelings.
And in spite of the series of almosts that had defined their relationship, Kyojuro Rengoku had also been her biggest pain in the ass. The man burned as bright as the Sun itself; he was warm, jovial, and supportive to every Demon Slayer regardless of rank – even her.
Until it came time for her to actually do her job, in which case, Rengoku would never fail to corner her and demand her to sit out, or to let him accompany her, despite the fact that she had become a Hashira before him.
Truly, she thought he gave her emotional whiplash; he flirted with her one moment before openly questioning her competency as a Pillar the next. But she could not deny the slight flutter of her heart at the thought that he had been so concerned with her well-being, that he had checked on her every night since he helped to save her life.
There was no way he could have known that she had regained consciousness – at least, Shinobu had not mentioned that anyone had told him -- and so, Y/N felt slightly giddy at the prospect of finally confronting him. Perhaps she’d even goad him into admitting that he cared for her.
Pressed against her pillows in the dark, she waited.
But the Flame Pillar never came.
(Kyojuro’s POV)
He’d been training when he’d received the news.
Y/L/N had awoken after nearly two months of being in a coma.
His crow had flown to his estate the second it had observed the commotion within the Butterfly Mansion, having lingered just long enough to confirm that the Ice Pillar had regained consciousness and was being attended to, before rushing to inform its master.
Kyojuro dropped to his knees as the crow reported its news, the relief he felt almost overwhelming.
He’d begun to lose hope — they all had — that she would ever recover. These last days, he’d half expected his crow to return with the dreaded news that the Ice Pillar had finally succumbed to her injuries and left them all — left him — behind for good.
A Hashira being unconscious for that amount of time was nearly unheard of; after all, his fight with Upper Three had only knocked him out for three weeks.
Then again, Kocho had said the amount of poison Y/L/N had taken, coupled with how much time had passed before Uzui had limped into the Corp’s territory, with her cradled in his arms, would have killed most people. Including the other Pillars.
But she had lived. She was conscious.
Anger, righteous anger, chased away the relief he’d felt.
Now, Kyojuro was downright furious, nearly shaking with his rage.
It had not been her mission to go on.
It had been his. But he had been too injured after the battle on the Mugen Train, too wounded after his encounter with Upper Moon Three, that Kocho and the Master had refused to clear him to accompany Uzui to the Entertainment District.
So Y/N had gone in his stead.
(Two Months Prior)
“I refuse to allow this,” Kyojuro said severely, leaning heavily against the door frame of the Butterfly Mansion’s recovery room, panting. His rehabilitation training had been underway, and he was making steady progress towards full recovery — but not enough so that the Master would permit him to resume taking missions.
much less one against a suspected Upper Moon.
Y/L/N had come to the Insect Pillar’s estate to retrieve some last minute supplies before she was due to depart with the Sound Pillar for the Entertainment District.
“I don’t believe you’re in a position to give anyone orders,” Y/N said frostily, turning her back to him as she continued to organize her supplies.
She moved to brush past him when his hand shot out to grab her by the upper arm, stilling her.
“Orders be damned,” he snarled under his breath, his grip tightening as his fingers dug into the muscle of her bicep. “This is my mission, not yours. You have no business going there.”
Y/L/N bristled at his words, her smaller hand coming up to wrench his from its grip on her arm. “I am a Hashira, the same as you. You do not get to dictate what I do or what missions I accept.” She shoved him off her. “You do not get to play God, Rengoku.”
And so, he’d been powerless to stop her from breezing by and joining Uzui as the pair set off towards the Entertainment District.
In his fury, he’d reduced nearly half of the training dummies the Butterfly House kept to splinters during his rehabilitation training.
More than a week had gone by before they’d received any word from the Entertainment District — or, what was left of it.
Uzui and Y/L/N had succeeded in taking out the two Upper Moons, becoming the first Hashira in nearly one hundred years to do so — the victory had been immense, but not priceless.
They’d heard that there had been a near-total destruction of Yoshiwara as a result of the battle with the Upper Moons, as well as a number of civilian casualties. But by the time the Kakushi had arrived on scene, neither the Sound nor Ice Hashira could be found.
The Master’s crow had nearly exhausted itself flying urgently back and forth between the ruins of the Entertainment District and Headquarters as it searched urgently for the missing Pillars.
Kyojuro had been restlessly pacing the grounds of the Butterfly Mansion when Kocho’s raven swooped down from overhead.
“The Butterfly Mansion must send out a group of Kakushi!” It had cried, causing the staff mulling about the Estate to freeze. “The Sound and Ice Pillars are two miles east and both critical! Go now!”
Had Kocho been around, she might have been able to stop Kyojuro from taking off at a full sprint after her crow, but she had not been within earshot; and so, Kyojuro raced for his comrades.
The night was dark, and the light from the waning moon had been feeble. The crow led Kyojuro and a trailing group of Kakushi to a small clearing before the edge of a forest on the outskirts of headquarters.
With bated breath, the group waited as a shadow emerged — slowly, and gasping for breath, from the dark cover of the trees.
The glow of the moon had been just enough to illuminate Uzui’s bloodstained, and ashen face as the Sound Pillar limped into the clearing.
He was carrying someone.
Though bloodied and bruised, Y/L/N somehow still looked ethereal, her skin glowing beneath the faint moonlight. Her arm hung limply to her side, swinging idly back and forth with Uzui’s movements. Kyojuro squinted and saw that a great chunk of her haori had been torn away, exposing the bare skin of her arm — and the veins that had turned black beneath her skin.
After a considerable pause, Uzui crumpled to his knees, Y/L/N still clutched tightly against his chest, and Kyojuro rushed forward to catch him before he and Y/L/N fell to the earthen floor.
Kyojuro had moved to help him stand, but the Sound Pillar feebly shrugged him off.
“Not me,” Uzui panted out, “Take Y/L/N — she doesn’t have much longer.”
Kyojuro dared to look down at the unconscious woman cradled against Uzui’s chest, and felt his heart seize.
Beneath the splatter of blood crusted to her skin, Kyojuro could see that she was devoid of any and all color, her face frozen and hard. The skin around her slightly parted lips had turned a sickly shade of blue.
He reached out to check her pulse but snatched his hand away in shock before he could feel it.
Y/L/N had been colder than ice beneath his touch.
“Bastard impaled her on his poisoned blade,” Uzui managed, laboring for breath. “Got me, too. She used her ice breathing to help stop the poison, but she fell unconscious right after we decapitated the pair of ‘em.” Uzui pushed Y/L/N towards the Flame Pillar. “She’s just been getting colder since. I couldn’t even hear her heartbeat for the last mile.”
“Get her to Kocho, Rengoku. Now.” Uzui begged.
Kyojuro growled in frustration as he tore at his uniform shirt, ripping it in one clean stroke down the front and exposing his burning flesh to the cool wind.
As he gingerly plucked the rapidly fading Ice Pillar from Uzui’s arms, he burrowed deep within himself to use the breathing technique that would increase his body temperature beyond that of even the most dangerous of fevers. He felt his skin begin to burn and cradled Y/L/N tightly against his chest as he took off towards the Butterfly House at top speed, willing his body heat to seep into her icy skin and to burn life back into her.
Don’t you die on me, he thought as he flew towards the Mansion. Don’t you try to fucking leave me, Y/L/N.
He had expected her to awaken within a few days after Kocho had administered the antidote, but she’d remained unconscious.
Each day had followed the same pattern: he would wake up and wait for his crow to return with news from the Butterfly Mansion, and when the bird inevitably informed him that there was no update, he would engage in his rehabilitation training until his still-recovering muscles gave out.
And late each night, once he was sure most of the staff had either left on assignments or were peacefully asleep in their chambers, he would return to Kocho’s manor and keep silent vigil over Y/L/N’s comatose form.
But after the first month of that littke routine, Kyojuro had lost his patience.
“It’s been a fucking month, Kocho,” Kyojuro had growled, bursting through the door of the Insect Pillar’s private office and slamming it shut behind him. “Have you made any progress in finding out why she hasn’t woken up?”
Kocho hadn’t bothered to look up from where she sat at her desk, charcoal stick in hand as she made notes from a hard bound book spread open before her.
“Y/N sustained massive trauma from her battle in the Entertainment District,” her voice had been strained under her effort to keep it cool and clinical.
“So did I, and I awoke after three weeks,” he grit out through clenched teeth.
Kocho finally looked up at him, a vein in her forehead growing prominent in her ire. “You endured significant injuries, yes,” she conceded, though her tone was not kind. “But Y/N also was infused with a massive amount of highly potent poison — almost double what even Uzui took. That, combined with her blood loss, was in some ways worse than your injuries, Rengoku.”
“There is only one other person in the Demon Slayer Corp who would have survived that kind of poisoning,” the Insect Pillar had said frostily, “And that is me.”
He’d been annoyed at that, though he’d known it was irrational. “She’s a damn Hashira. Her recovery time is supposed to be better than that of an average slayer’s.”
Kyojuro scoffed. “She shouldn’t have gone on that damn mission at all if she was that weak.”
He’d regretted his words the moment they’d left his mouth, but it had been too late. The Insect Pillar slammed her charcoal stick down and rose from her seat, her eyes narrowed dangerously at him.
“Strong words from someone who had to be sedated after he tried to beat down the infirmary door to get to her,” Kocho had said coldly. “Your anger fools no one.”
She’d walked swiftly past him and opened her office door, refusing to meet his eye.
“You may leave now.” She’d said dismissively, and Kyojuro had known better than to fight her anymore.
Wordlessly, Kyojuro had slipped out of Kocho’s office, the latter slamming it behind him the moment he’d cleared the door jam.
He’d wondered the emptied halls of the Butterfly Manor until he found himself outside of Y/N’s private room.
Dejected, he’d pushed the door open and shut it behind him, leaning against the wall to the side of her bed and watching her, willing her to just wake up.
He had tried cursing at her, insulting her, goading her back into consciousness, all in hope that maybe he could incense her into opening her eyes.
But it had all been to no avail.
So that night, he knelt beside her bed, took her limp hand in his, and brought it to his lips.
“Wake up, Y/N,” he’d murmured against the cool skin, brushing his lips over her knuckles. “Please, open your eyes.”
Under the glow of the moonlight that beamed through her window, Kyojuro swore that he would tell her the truth about his feelings if she would just reawaken.
[End of Flashback]
He had sworn that he would tell her the truth, but she hadn’t kept up her end of their one-sided bargain; she hadn’t awoken.
At least, not for damn-near another month. By the time he received word that she’d finally, finally opened her eyes and rejoined the world of the living, Kyojuro’s heart only felt cold and leaden.
He had gone to see her once — while she’d been asleep — just to confirm for himself that she truly had not left him.
At first, she’d looked no different sleeping soundly in her bed than she had every night for the prior two months.
But he’d been able to discern a difference between that night and those prior by the stringent smell of the pain medication Shinobu used — a drug that she would only administer after someone had regained consciousness, given its tendency to make the ingestor drowsy. 
Kyojuro had only been watching her for a few minutes before she’d shot up in her bed, eyes glazed and unfocused as she looked around the room in alarm.
He’d been silent as she’d fixed her eyes on him, he knew she likely hadn’t even recognized he was there at all, given how quickly she’d slumped back against her pillows, asleep once more.
He’d not since returned to the Butterfly Mansion.
And, though the thought filled him with bitter self-hatred, he found that he could not make good on his promise.
So Kyojuro stayed away.
Don’t worry friends, Y/N will get her shit rocked in part two.
Tag-list (if you reblogged/replied, I'm tagging you, but I'm sorry if I missed anyone!)
@thedovahqueen @stuckinthewrongworld @homo-homini-lupus-est-1701@whatelsecouldgowrong @froyopet @kabe-u-don @umekohiganbana @kyojuro-my-wuv @amethystnightshade @alydeemoore @vzleria @mryackrmn
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
Lost and Found
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Eren Jaeger x Female reader
Chapter 1: Past and Present
Chapter summary:
After deciding to come home and try to fix the mess he made seven years ago, famous musician Eren Jaeger finds that not all things are as he left them behind.
Words: 2.9k
Eren Jaeger had forgotten what it felt like to be nervous.
Spending so much time on stage, in front of thousands of people, was sure to make you numb to the feeling. Alcohol and substances were a great help, too. Meshing them together was bound to bring success.
He wasn’t on either of those now, but his heart pumped like he hadn’t stopped for days.
The 26-year old man took a deep breath as he stood outside of his father's doorstep. The mix of excitement and apprehension was almost too much to bare. It had been exactly seven years since he’d last seen him, and he wasn't sure what to expect. Although, he was sure joy wasn’t one of the emotions he was about to see on his father’s face. He rang the doorbell once, then stepped back, his face down at his feet. Jaw clenched, fists balled. He was nervous alright.
A few moments later, the door swung open, and Eren raised his head up.
There he was, in the flesh. His father. Grisha Jaeger. The wrinkles on his face were deeper, his hair was thinner, but overall.. he hadn’t changed that much.
The man’s eyes widened, blinking a few times, like he was trying to make sure that the person who stood in front of him was truly his son.
"Eren?," he finally muttered, his son’s name sounding almost foreign to him, "What are you doing here?"
Eren felt a lump form in his throat. “Hey, dad.” When was the last time he said those words? “I wanted to see you," he said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
The older man remained quiet for a while, the shock still evident on his features, "When did you come back?”
“Just the other day. I’m staying at a hotel downtown.”
An inevitable quietness settled, as Eren watched his dad try his best to comprehend everything.
“I- I was around the neighborhood, and I thought..”, the attempt of making his appearance out of the blue seem natural crashed down as soon as he spoke the words. He hadn’t been here in seven years. Not sevens days, not weeks. Years.
“I see.” Grisha’s tone was low, not emitting any type of warmth. Not that Eren expected any. “Well, then.. Come on in, I suppose.”
Eren looked at his dad like he wasn’t supposed to let him in so easily. He realized that deep down, he expected to be rejected, just like he rejected him all those years ago. But nonetheless, as soon as he stepped inside the house, he was instantly hit with a wave of memories. The smell of his mother's cooking, the sound of his father's laughter, the feel of the carpet under his feet. It was all so familiar, yet so different. Like it was just yesterday, yet so long ago.
The younger man walked through the house, taking in the changes that had been made over the years. The furniture was different, the walls had been painted a new color, and some of the pictures had been taken down. It was clear that life had gone on without him.
“Go in the kitchen. I’ll make us some coffee.”
His father’s voice echoed through the hallway as Eren took step after step. The emotions hit him like a truck. He thought he was ready for this, but boy, was it tough.
When he reached the kitchen, the image of his mother instantly flooded his brain. He remembered her standing over the old stove, stirring a pot of spaghetti sauce while he sat at the table, writing songs instead of doing his homework. He remembered the smell of freshly baked cookies, the sound of his mother’s soothing voice, and the warmth of her embrace. This was her space, and Eren was happy his father hadn’t touched a thing in it.
“Hasn’t changed much since she left it, huh?” Grisha asked while reaching for some coffee mugs from the upper kitchen shelves.
“Yeah.. it hasn’t.” The dark-haired boy replied, still looking around the room like it was the first time he was seeing it.
“Take a seat.” His father instructed before pouring the freshly made coffee into the mugs.
Eren sat down on one chair, while his father sat on the opposite side of the table. Silence crept up again, as the younger man tried to find the words to begin. His arms were on the table, his face down. He felt like he was 15 again, having to answer before his parents for coming home late. Although he’d much prefer having to deal with that a hundred times over, than having to deal with this once.
“So, Eren.” Grisha started, his dark eyes on his son, “What made you come visit after all this time?”
What made him come back? Starting with the real questions. Questions that Eren thought he was prepared for.
“Look, dad”, his voice was weak, still not having enough courage to look his father in the eyes, “I know that it’s probably too late to say this, but.. I wanted to come here and tell you that.. I’m sorry.”
Grisha stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. Eren thought that he must’ve sensed how hard this was for him.
“I’m sorry about everything.. I’m sorry I abandoned you.” Saying the words out loud cut like a knife. “It was just.. I was stupid. Too stupid. And wrong. I was so wrong, and you were right. And I know that it must mean nothing right now, but.. I just wanted you to know that.” He finally looked up at his father’s face, “I’m sorry.”
The older man didn’t say a word. He just stared at his son, reading his face.
Eren felt the need to continue, “I- I shouldn’t have left like that, without saying goodbye. I should’ve called you, kept in touch. I know I messed up.”
After a few seconds, Grisha crossed his arms over his chest. "You're damn right you messed up. You left everything behind, without a word. You didn't care about anyone but yourself."
Eren flinched at his father's words, but he knew that he deserved them. "I know that. I was selfish, and I didn't think about the consequences of my actions. But I'm here now, and.. I really want to make things right."
Grisha let out a bitter laugh, “You want to “make things right”? Eren, it’s been how many.. seven years? But I suppose with your way of living, they might as well have been a few months.”
Another silence. Eren wanted to disappear. The words “you deserve worse than this” echoed in his mind.
His thoughts went to a dark place. What if something had happened to his dad? What if he’d needed him and there was no one else he could turn to? In the seven years that he’d been gone, he was sure there were moments when his father needed him the most but had to live with the thought that his only son had abandoned him. Those thoughts brought an instant headache, along with the inevitable regret and anger he’d been living with for so long.
“I know I can’t fix the past. It’s there, and it’s never going away. But I do want you to know that I’ve spent my fair share of being miserable.” He shared a quick look with the older man, then continued to stare at a little crack on the wooden table. It’d become his comfort zone throughout this entire conversation. “There were times when I wanted to call you, come home.. but then the shame made me decide against it. And then one day,” he took a deep, exhausted breath, “I realized I couldn’t do it any longer, so.. here I am.”
Grisha fixed his glasses, then continued to stare into his son’s piercing green eyes. Or were they blue? He never could figure it out.
“Here you are.” He repeated the words, and the reality of them made Eren want to pinch himself. He was really here, in his old house. Talking to his father. It felt surreal until now. “Eren.. I truly want to believe you’ve realized the severity of your actions. And if that’s true, I’m happy for you. You’re my son.” The word made Eren draw the tiniest smile. He hadn’t heard that in years. “But it’s not so easy. You can’t just waltz back in and expect everything to be okay after the mess you left.”
“I don’t expect it to.”
“That’s good.” Grisha took a quick sip of his coffee, “Because it won’t be. You’ve hurt a lot of people.”
Oh, how Eren knew that.
“I know. Trust me, I do.”
“Well, then, if that's true.. maybe you aren’t as hopeless as I thought.”
Eren nodded his head, eyes staring at the black coffee in front of him, “Thank you, dad. Really, I don’t deserve you even talking to me right now. You’re too kind to me.”
“I’m not kind. I’m old. And I only have one son.“
Eren couldn't help but chuckle at his father's response. "Well, I'm lucky to have an old man like you then."
Grisha rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "Don't push it, kid.”
And just like that, Eren felt like he was a teenager again. He truly didn’t deserve his old man.
Another silence settled, but this time, it was a more comfortable one. The two men stood there, father and son, both thinking about what could’ve been.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes, dad,” Eren spoke after a while. The need to get the guilt off his chest was immense, and he thought now was the right time to acknowledge it.
“Yes, you have.” Grisha nodded his head slowly, “Leaving Y/n was the biggest one.”
Eren’s whole body stiffened. He didn’t expect his father to be the one to bring the subject. In a way, he was kind of thankful. Uttering your name was hard enough for him.
“You had a good thing with her, Eren. A really good thing.”
Eren’s jaw clenched. He deserved to hear it, not only think it.
“Why’d you throw it all away?”
It was a genuine question, without any malicious intent. And still.. he felt the weight of the words. He knew that he had no one to blame but himself.
“I don't know," and with his voice tinged with sadness, it was a genuine answer, "I was young and stupid. I thought I could have it all."
Grisha set his eyes on his son, no longer a boy, but a grown man. He noticed that in the past couple of years, he had begun to look a lot more like him. When he was younger, he was a carbon copy of his mother. He still had her eyes, though. That was never going to change. "Listen, Eren,” he spoke firmly, “I don't know if you can make it all right.. But you can start by making better choices for your life. That’s what Carla and I always wanted for you.”
Eren's eyes widened at the mention of his mother's name. He felt a pang of sadness in his chest, knowing that she would’ve been so disappointed with his life choices. "I know. I still want to make her proud. I want to.. become the man that she taught me to be."
Grisha looked at his son for a long moment, studying him carefully. "Alright then. But remember”, the older man stood up from his seat, collecting his coffee mug, “It’s not just about making things right with everyone else. It's also about making things right with yourself. You have to be at peace with the choices you've made, and you have to be willing to move forward."
Eren nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards his father that he hadn’t felt for anyone in years. The first sincere conversation he’s had in a long time. "Thank you, dad. I will."
And forward, he would move. The first step had been taken.
Time moved faster than anything else in the world, relentless and unforgiving, and with it, everything changed. The world spun on its axis, the seasons came and went, and people grew older as well. Nothing stayed the same forever, and that was the nature of life.
Eren felt a sense of nostalgia come over him as he drove through the familiar streets of his hometown.
As he drove past the old diner he used to go all the time with his family and friends, he couldn't help but smile. It was still there, just as he remembered it. The same neon sign, the same red and white checkered tablecloths. It was like stepping back in time.
But as he continued down the road, he noticed how some things were never going to be the same again. The old hardware store that he used to visit with his father was now a trendy coffee shop, complete with outdoor seating and a fancy espresso machine. He couldn't help but shake his head at the irony.
And then, as he walked into the local grocery shop, the one he and his mom used to shop at every week, he realized that it was possible to stay the same, but also go through change. His footsteps echoed on the well-worn floor as he inspected the rows thoroughly. The fresh produce was now positioned at the front of the store, with the intent of driving people to be more healthy. The rows of canned goods had been moved to the middle, and the alcohol section which his dad loved to choose from had been moved to the back. And then, there were the things that looked just as he remembered them. More precisely, the bakery sections with their mouth-watering treats.
As he walked past them, he couldn't help but wonder about your favorite dessert. You used to come here together all the time, and with your big sweet tooth, he remembered how you used to watch the treats with hearts in your eyes. He wondered if they still sold the same chocolate cake with strawberry filling that you used to love.
Lost in thought, he didn't notice that someone was walking towards him until it was too late. Eren stumbled backward, almost knocking over a display of apples. "I'm sorry," he said, looking up to see who he had bumped into.
He swore his heart could’ve stopped right then and there.
The person he'd spent the last seven years longing for, the one that had haunted his dreams every night, was now standing in front of him, looking as stunning as ever. You.. you were exactly the same. Your hair was now shorter, with a couple of hairs framing your pretty forehead, but other than that, it was like he was back seven years ago. You had a simple white sundress on, that showcased your collarbones and slender shoulders. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The one he had let slip through his fingers. His dreams could never do you justice.
"Y/n..,” he muttered, still in shock.
You looked up, your pretty eyes going wider as you took in the image of him, like you’ve just seen a ghost, "..Eren?”
Frozen in place, his heart was palpitating as he struggled to process the sight before him. However, his surprise was multiplied when he saw a little girl clutching to your hand, with a tiny dress resembling yours, and a cute little bow on top of her head.
Eren, too stunned to speak anything with a little bit of sense in it, exchanged looks with the little girl. She had dark hair and the most striking eyes he had ever seen.
"Who’s this?", he asked, not leaving his eyes off her.
You visibly swallowed, taking a moment to comprehend his question, "T-this is Lily."
His tongue was tied inside his mouth like he had forgotten how to speak. He had always imagined a reunion with you, but never in a million years did he expect this.
“Is she..?” Eren didn’t know exactly what he was asking, but he knew he needed some kind of answer.
You looked back at the little girl, who was questioningly staring back at Eren, “Yes.. she’s mine.”
He had to take a small step back.
You had a kid.
“I’m sorry.” He said weakly like he’d run a thousand miles. "I didn't mean to intrude."
"It's fine," You replied, voice cold and distant. The shock that you’d felt had now visibly turned into frustration, "We have to go now."
Without another word, you turned on your heel and walked away, the little girl still clutching your hand. He watched you go, feeling a mix of emotions - shock, confusion, sadness.. and happiness. Happiness that he’d finally seen you in the flesh, and not in his dreams.
He couldn't ignore one thing, though. That little girl.. She looked.. No, it couldn't be. Eren stood there, too dumbfounded to move.
When he found the strength to walk back to his car, his mind was racing. He had so many questions, so many things he wanted to say. But he knew that he had to be patient, that he couldn't rush things.
At the end of the day, he didn’t know how many hours he’d spent driving around town with his car. What he did know, was that something important happened today. Something that was probably going to change his life forever.
A/N: Hiii<3 So, the idea for this story is inspired by a movie I watched a few weeks back. If anyone’s watched it, you may find quite a few similarities, but that would be only in this and the next chapter. I just love the idea so so much, and I couldn’t help but imagine it with Eren. I also decided not to make Grisha a bad father just like in every AoT fic I’ve ever read lol. I hope you like it. I’ll try to post the next one soon.💙
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
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Gojo ‘I will ruffle your hair if you are shorter than me, and you definitely are’ Satoru
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
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✵ SUMMARY — photo leaks of toji going down on you in public is suddenly exposed for everyone to know about the infamous fighters girlfriend.
✵ CONTENT — explicit smut!! age gap, fem!journalist!reader, slight angst, spitting, slight exhibitionism, slight oral fixation, dacriphilia, soft!toji, oral (f/m!receiving), slight sub!toji, pussy slapping , pet names (sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, pup…) , degrading, praise, squirting, brief cockwarming, creampie, dumbification, fingering, edging, size kink, overstimulation
✵ notes — took inspo from some requests! also inspired by that one batman vs superman scene in the tub :p
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it was a secret. it had to be.
toji was not some movie star or billionaire. but he was an athlete. not just some athlete. the man was one of the best mma fighters of all time. he knew that and so did you. as many times as he wanted to show you off, you refused. rightfully so. how on earth could you deal with all the problems that could arise, especially with you still being in university, you did not have the time to deal with that.
yet you slipped up. after you published your story about toji, you received a job offer, and were no longer associated with sports journalism. it wasn’t your dream to be in sports anyways, you were glad to be done with it. you received a job at another news publication, and started in a new department, with new co-workers. that’s when you became careless.
toji was prepping for an upcoming fight. all the attention was focused on him and his opponent. yet he still wanted to take you out. it was normal for you both to go out together, no one really paid much attention. once in awhile a fan would come and ask him for an autograph or photo, which annoyed him but he did nonetheless. none of his fans really took notice of you waiting a few feet away.
so neither of you would know that you were being followed unintentionally. because someone did notice you. “why you were always next to the infamous fighter?” “who is she?” so they watched across the street.
watching when his lips devoured yours. watching toji park a distance away from the restaurant to satisfy a quick thirst before your reservation time. not knowing the unknown eyes that drank up the immoral scene. the way toji stood outside the car, and the beautiful women that laid across the backseat as he disappeared underneath her long dress. one of her legs swung over his clothed shoulder.
the faint sounds of moans were only known by the stranger that took one photo after another. the long lens only capturing figures. snapping more and more of tojis back as his muscles moved under the dress shirt as he made out with your hidden wet plushie pussy, lifting your dress up so only he can get a better look, which he always did, wanting to see the flutter of your wet hole as you came on his tongue. smiling as his thumb pulled at the hole to see your legs tremble and chest rise and fall as you bucked up for him.
“adorable, tiny baby hole,” he would mumble, your eyes rolling as he rubbed his thumb through the pretty mess. he helped you sit up after cleaning you with his tongue, groaning when he had to pull away, but coming up to capture your lips as your dress fell down, your hand reached for a tissue in the backseat as he kissed your cheek repeatedly. “love how you taste, can’t resist my pussy,” toji mumbled carelessly into your skin as you blushed, but still able to hold him back so you can wipe your juices from his chin and and nose. his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you out of the car.
your arm wrapped around his shoulders as his tongue devoured yours, once his face was all clean. unknown to the headlines that will soon be released.
he could not have enough of you. your moans as his salvia slid into your mouth. the whines for him to stop so you can go to dinner. his hand grabbing your ass under the dress as he slipped a finger between your folds to take one last taste. your face beating red as he pulled you into him, leaning down to kiss your neck. he was latched onto you. it was unlike anything. the toji fushiguro could not be this close with a women. impossible! he was too attached. what did she have over him??
yet what was that smile? his grin as he let the women fix his tie, her hair somehow perfect, even after she’d been devoured by the man. her dress covered her exposed skin, as it hugged her body perfectly. only toji took notice of the bruise on her thigh that was just barely revealed through the long slit on the side. yet his eyes…they remained on her face, winking when she looked back up at him, brushing down his jacket as he kissed her cheek.
the stranger in the distance watched as the fighter took hold of her hand as the two walked into the restaurant. later walking out with an arm around her waist as he pulled you closer to his body, not needing you to crane your neck, but him coming down to capture your lips again. kissing your cheek over and over until you reached the car as he let you circle around and kissed you again once the two of you were sat in, his hand slipping around the back of your neck, groaning into your lips as you let him drool into your lips filling you with warmth, before the two drove off. snap
“y/n! is that you! it’s you!” you looked over your shoulder to watch your friend rush over to you in the student lounge.
“bro stop yellin—“ you couldn’t get a word in before her phone was shoved in your face. you weren’t sure what you were looking at until you read the headline. you almost threw up—
“how many times have you guys done it? how long has this been going on—“ her words poured one after another. and she was not the only one. more people you’d talkin to once, but were somehow major fans of mma or toji, bombarded you. though your name wasn’t in the headlines, the blurred images were recognizable to people that knew you, especially those who had read your story a month or so ago about the athlete.
it only took a few hours for the news to get updated with your name now exposed. fuck me. to say that you were ripped apart was an understatement. paparazzi and fans tore bit by bit. a college junior with a popular and well known mma fighter toji fushiguro. were they dating or was she just shagging him for intel for her story? is she leaching off his success to make her career?
“sweetheart? hey it’s fine, don’t worry—“ toji spoke on the phone as he stepped out of the room. he’d been in press meetings all week for the upcoming fight.
“how can I not worry?! did you see the shit I sent you?” you were walking down the streets of tokyo, skipping your afternoon classes.
“it’s just some stupid articles, no one’s gonna take it seriously—“
“y/n!” you were suddenly stopped by three girls surrounding you, one recording you as another shot questions. “how do you feel about fushiguro-san’s past? he’s only using you! stop blackmailing him with your power—“
“ ‘scuse me,” you shoved past them, toji having overheard the entire thing.
“y/n, honey? ya still there?” you quickly turned the corner running into the train station.
“fucking piece of shit, fuck me—I don’t want this, I’m getting fucking dragged for doing a stupid story,” you stop for a moment, taking a deep breath. the emotions were suffocating, you were angry, upset, think think! what to do what to do—
“i’m coming to pick you up—“
“no,” you interject quickly. “don’t come,” toji was quiet. he could hear you breathing. “I need to go to work, i need to clarify…things,” you hang up.
“toji you alright, we needa wrap this meeting up—“
“make some calls,” sukuna raised a brow. toji turned around storming to his manager. “make some fucking calls and tell me who the fuck took those fucking photos!” toji threw his phone at sukuna who finally saw the trouble.
“fuck,” sukuna cursed, blood boiling, this was not the fucking time to have peoples attention away from the fight and doubting toji’s ability.
you wore sunglasses, as you sped into your building. you were overwhelmed, the eyes of your co workers were all on you as you maneuvered through the building, until you finally reached his office, knocking a little too frantically.
“l/n-san,” your boss nanami was not very surprised. nanami looked up watching you anxiously close the door before taking a seat in front of his desk.
“i have to clarify…things…” you started. first breaking down your relationship and job and so on.
“so in other words, you fell in love,” nanami’s words sent a flush as you looked up. concern for your job was written on your face. nanami sighed. “it’s not a crime to fall in love, especially when you’d gotten the job not knowing the outcome. you were given this job for your journalism ability and instincts, this… “scandal” does not erase that,” nanami reassures you, watching the way you still anticipate his next words.
“you can relax, your job is not on the line. however, I am worried about the publication of your story this week. though you’re not in the sports department, your name has been spreading everywhere. since you are an up and coming journalist, I cannot do much with covering your name, but I can keep your job safe. the rest is something you have to deal with,” nanami finally concludes.
“that’s more than enough, thank you so much nanami-san!” you thank him over and over.
at least your job was safe. but that’s for now. if you don’t get a handle on this, your career might be ruined because of your name.
you felt a buzz in your pocket, opening your phone to thousands of tags and comments, every social media was blowing up. a fucking headache honestly. you should stay away from toji, you cannot afford to be caught with him again, nor does he have time for that.
“what’re ya sayin, just come—“
“you said it yourself, the entire block is crowding your building, and if they’re not, then they’re across the street watching—“
“I’ll get you through—“
“I don’t want to be seen,” you huff, groaning into your hand. “just focus on your fight, i don’t want you to get distracted—“
“i’ll find the fuckin scumbag that took those photos,” your brows furrowed at his words.
“it’s not about the photographer, it’s already released, people have seen them. just let it die down,” you argue back.
“then come home,” toji snaps back. “stop hiding,”
“I’m at my apartment, I’m not hiding, I still live here too,” your blood was boiling. he understands, he knows this, so why is he acting like that?
“bullshit, you said it yerself, you don’t wanna be seen together—“
“because we’re being watched—!”
“who fucking cares, werent you planning on moving in too— they all know already, so just come—“ you hang up. “fuck!” toji tosses his phone.
“annoying dumb fucking stupid fighter,” you curse, why is this so fucking difficult?! your roommate soi, steps out of her room as she comes over to you.
“you alright?” she asks taking out some food.
“no, hate my life, hate all this, so stupid,” your face is smooshed on the counter, as you groan in frustration.
“i think it’ll all settle down by the end of the week,” soi tries to reassure you.
“ya think?” your head perks up. heart dropping at her body cringing. she’s lying.
one week later, and no goddamn change. no sorry, my apologies, it in fact got worse, because why wouldn’t it? all of toji’s past scandals were resurfaced, your face in his past fights were front pages as they tried to dissect your intentions and “unprofessional” behavior towards the fighter.
toji was pissed. of course at the paparazzi, but most importantly at you. his attention and anger all pouring onto you avoiding him like the plague in public. hang ups on the phone, messages telling him she saw him in front of her apartment. again and again and again. the only times he can see her is on the phone or now—
“sweetheart! stop acting like a fucking brat!” he shouts into the penthouse. door slamming shut as he storms further into the house, shoes tossed as he hears the water running. he doesn’t bother to knock as he swings the bathroom door open.
“finally come back? were ya just gonna sneak in grab sum things then leave like a fuckin slut?—“ you were in the bath, hugging your legs as your eyes glared up at him.
“someone threw coffee on me,” toji was silent. it was his lobby man that informed him you were back home. his blood was pumping, he’d ran out of promo video at the gym, sukuna screaming his head off for him to come back since the film crew had shown up to record him, but he drove off.
you sank down into the bath hugging your legs. you’d just finished work when you were walking to the train station to get home when someone came shouting at you and throwing the hot drink on you. screaming in the station was embarrassing in itself, but the coffee too, everyone was staring. luckily it wasn’t on your face, but your shoulder burned. you changed course, having enough of it and coming straight here.
“not sum slut,” you mumble averting your gaze to the tub, only to see a clothed leg step into the water. “huh—“ you look up to see him, fully dressed in his suit, step into the tub, grabbing your face.
“I’m sorry, pretty girl,” his lips were soft as you felt them press against yours. his lips like medicine as you feel him gently caress your cheek, only for his eyes to sink into yours. “don’t push me away,” his words went straight into your core. “I’ll fucking handle it—trust me,” he’s holding the sides of the tub as you hum nodding your head as you lean up for his lips.
“i trust you,” you chant, toji granting you his lips as he rolls his body between your legs. he pulls away for a moment, tossing his suit jacket on the ground and pulling his dress shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground. his grip tight returned on the tub behind your head your hands held his face keeping up with his lips.
he smiled as your tongue hung out for him, legs opening wider to press your naked body further into him. “missed my adorable girl,” he mumbles, devouring your face, snaking a hand between your bodies, spreading your pussy lips. “wanna cum on my fingers?” toji bites your neck as you moan, humping into his hand.
“i’m sorry,” your lips trembled as he sinks a finger between your legs, his brow furrowed as he looks down at you. your lips were pressed to his, somewhat feverish, as he tilted away from you.
“sorry?” toji was lost. his fingers remained inside you, only to have you whimper when he continued pumping. your lips fell open as he continued to pump your pretty pussy lips open. the water sloshing as his muscles flexed with each moan of your body. your nails dug into his shoulders as you squeezed around his fingers. tears prickling your eyes not from the pleasure but from something else…
“tojii,” your body was trembling as he kissed your neck. sighing as he felt you whine the more he rubbed your clit. “don’t…don’t leave me…” you’re quiet begging had the man freezing. your chest rising and falling as he slowly pulled back. brows creased as his eyes stared directly into yours.
“why would I leave you?” why would you think such a thing. your lips trembled as your fingers traced the scar on his lip. trying to stop your tears from slipping. his fingers felt so good inside you, his huge body looming over you felt so reassuring.
“they’re saying….a lot of stuff…” when have you ever gotten so insecure, of course his baby was vulnerable. but to have her this shaken up, really made his blood boil.
“it’s shit talk, don’t bother with it. I’m going to handle it, ‘kay?” his words had your lips tremble as his hand wrapped around your wrist, pressing his lips to your palm. “i would never leave my bratty puppy,” he tried to lighten the mood. seeing how his shit talk would only worry you, the best little secret he knew about you was his praising.
“came so fast right now, were you touching yerself when you were hidin from me?” toji rubbed your plush thighs as his lips latched onto your neck.
“i-i wasn’t,” you whimper, making the older man smile as he groaned pressing his bulge between your legs.
“you sure? i know when someone’s touched my pups pussy,” your skin burned as he chuckled. “can you be a good girl and help me out of this?” toji led your hand down to his waistband.
“why’d you get in the tub with your clothes?” you said, trying to suppress the heat from your cheeks. toji hummed as you unbuckled his belt pulling it off as he stood above you.
“cuz someone hurt you,” toji noticed the small pause in your movements, smiling. how adorable. you kept your cool, pulling his zipper down and doing your best to tug the wet material down his fit thighs. your pussy throbbed at the clear print of his cock seen through his white boxers.
“eyes up here,” toji tapped your cheek, your head snapped up, fuck me. he almost whimpered, simply at the sight of you completely naked on your knees in the bathtub, dried tears in your eyes. “can i fuck you?”
“mmm” you lean forward kissing the hairs that peaked out of his waistband.
“cuz yer rubbing your face all over my dick, I’m afraid—“
“you’re afraid?” you tease, drool staining his wet boxers. what a brat, he swore. your tongue flat on the head of his covered fat cock.
you missed him so much. it’s barely been a week, but you always want him. just him. no one else could ever compare to him. your fingers pushed up the leg hole just a bit, to reveal his cock head stuck to his upper thigh. you audibly whined, toji felt a buzz at the sudden rush of heat that overcame your cheeks.
“fuck baby, don’t,” toji was warning you. you knew the tone in his voice, he meant it. he did not want to deal with this side of you right now…yet that look. the bright shine in your eyes, the pout and drool on your plump lips, the slightly dazed look on your face.
“but…please,” your tongue was hanged out slightly. drool dripping down, as you pressed your cheek to his thigh. his stomach flexed feeling your hot breath fan against his wet cooling dick.
“don’t…” his jaw clenched. you always get like this. it was not surprising. you had no control when it came to your slight oral fixation. he’s realized their was a word for the way you always suck his cock. even after he’d cum, you still suckle on the tip or drool on his balls. the amount of times he’d have to cum until he’s forced to pull you off because the overstimulation was too much sometimes. he always needed to occupy you with his mouth, or fingers, or fuck you enough so you’re mind would go hazy.
right now though…he knew you couldn’t resist. though it’s been a week for him, it’s also been a week for you. his cock had not been properly pleased all week. his baby girl all wet and ready for him, but of course she wants something in her mouth right now.
“just a taste…” he gently pats your head, your pussy fluttering. he knew that was a lie. nonetheless you didn’t wait for his answer to take an “innocent” little lick. a wave of pleasure coursed through your body.
“okay, now—“ toji was ready to pull you away, until you latched onto his tip, sucking harshly. “fuck!” his hand held the back of your head as you whimpered and moaned, panting as you swallowed more and more. toji groaned as you pulled out his cock from the boxers and gave him some attention.
after awhile he had to do it. “that’s it pup, shit, cmon,” toji pulled you up, he had to quickly drop down to his knees and lift your legs up, not giving you a second to think before he pushed into you. your eyes nearly popped, he was resting his head on your shoulder for moment, god you were sucking him like crazy, he could feel his dick trembling in your hole.
“toji, ah, ‘s big,” you whimpered and whined, drooling as toji lifted his head, his eyes rolling as you squeezed him. god he missed you so much.
“such a fucking—brat,” he snapped his hips, picking up speed as you cried out, his babygirl was so good. your nails dig into his back as the water splashed onto the floor. your tits bouncing with every sharp snap as he bit and sucked every exposed part of your body.
“i’m sorry,” you kissed him, toji remembered you saying that earlier.
“why’re you sorry, ugh,” toji seemed to always get your real thoughts out when you were really fucked out.
“sorry for ah —hah being a brat,” your moans echoed through the huge bathroom. “I want you to win the fight…ahh,” your legs shook as your head went back, cumming around his relentless pace. “I’m sorry I was avoiding yo—ahh—“!
“don’t fucking apologize,” toji snapped, his grip on the tub had his veins bulging, his biceps flexing as he watched you whimper and moan underneath him, thrashing in the water as he fucked you some more. he wanted to see more. his arm wrapped around your body as he lifted you up to sit on the outside of the tub, kneeling on the side he opened your legs to see the pretty sight of the juices frothing at the base of his dick, sliding down his heavy sack.
“ya always take me in so well,” he rubbed your clit as he slowed his pace, so drunk on you he couldn’t stop. the slow reveal of his large thic cock, then disappearing back into your dripping warm pussy, the squelching of your juices as you whined.
“who cares about everyone else,” toji held your chin up. your eyes foggy. “doesn’t matter what everyone thinks, ugh—i love you.” his lips swallowed your cries as he picked up the pace. his large palm grabbing your tit as he fucked you with all his love, until his heavy balls finally emptied inside your warm walls. he groaned into your lips, milking the most of his hot white cum. his lips pressed against your own as he caught his breath.
your hand was deep in his hair, caressing his head as he drooled on your shoulder, rocking some more cum in before slowly pulling out enjoying the sight of his thick cum leaking down to your asshole.
“everyone thinks I’m using you, or that I’m too young for you…that you need someone smart…” you held his wrist that caressed your perky nipples. his eyes lift up, noticing the worried concern written all over. your pussy pulsing as more thic cum squeezed out as he massaged a palm on the inside of your thigh to keep your legs spread for his eyes.
“you are bossy, and can act like a brat,” he replies, your brows crease in annoyance,
“I’m not bossy, you’re just,” you scoff, “and I’m not a brat—ah,” you’re face beats red as toji flicks your clit. “don’t do tha—aht,” he gives it a harsher slap this time. your face bursts into deep red. he snickers as you try to close your legs, but accidentally slipping down into the bathtub, with a yelp knocking his legs as well as he fell. he quickly catches himself, looking down at you bursting out of the water.
“I almost drowned!” you cry dramatically. “i was abouta die.”
“smart isn’t the word…but yes dramatic,” toji continued, you huff pushing his chest back. he couldn’t stop laughing as he sat in front of you. The tub water was all over the ground as he filled it up again. “like I said.”
you looked up at him. “even if the whole world doesn’t understand…as long as we do, then that’s all that matters,” toji held your face gently.
after some more discussion, you finally allowed yourself to trust the fighter. you also decided that their was no point in hiding anymore. it was not liked by some. but others were just in shock. because who wouldn’t expected this scary huge man to actually be a sweetheart.
“my girlfriend did it for me,” toji answered the directors question. they were filming him in the gym as he trained for the upcoming fight. it also was the best place to fix all the misconceptions that were spreading around them.
the director and the crew were shocked. the cute little earring that toji had pierced a month ago on his right ear was revealed to have been done by you. not only that, but you had a matching one as well. toji has collected tattoos over the years and a recent one of a crescent moon over his heart was revealed to have been gotten because of a special person in his life.
“we’ve been dating for almost a year, she’s very private, so that photographer is a fucking bitch for taking those photos,” toji snapped, sukuna was behind the cameraman telling him to calm down. the director ran with how open toji was being. though he never went into detail about personal information about himself or you. that meant the most he talked about was how much he adores you.
new headlines took place, some twisted his words trying to read between the lines, while others believed the truth. but it still wasn’t enough. not until the day of the fight. everyone’s eyes were not only on the fighters, but the girl with a crescent moon necklace and wearing toji’s mma shorts cheering him on.
he reassured you over and over and you finally listened. because who cares? at the end of the day it’s only you and him. you sat beside his team instead of the usual seat beside the journalists.
your nerves were high, you were afraid this whole scandal deal distracted toji from his training. you were worried as you watched him in the ring. he was taking a lot of hits, your heart hammering as he continued to take the punches. your voice was numb in the loud audience that cheered for him.
your hands grasped at your jacket as you winced when he took a harder hit to the ribs. toji slumped over, coughing some blood, when the wind got knocked out of him. your eyes were wide with worry.
you were shouting nonstop. “toji! get up!” you were grasping the sides of your head as you watched him push back up, holding his side, his breathing was slightly off, but his eyes flickered to the side, noticing you’re worried expression.
your smile grew hundred fold when toji knocked his opponent. your cheers were ear piercing as you jumped on the seats as you celebrated with the whole team. toji’s undefeated streak! geto and gojo screaming along with you. journalists and cameramen flooded the ring as you continued cheering on top of the stadium seat. however your eyes caught the fighter pushing his way through the crowd.
he jumped out of the ring, ignoring the sharp pain all over his body, and instead made his goal you. he grabbed your waist, pulling you down as his lips crashed into yours. your entire body was leaning into him as your feet fell down, standing on your tippy toes as his lips devoured yours. audiences screamed as journalist surrounded.
you whined as his tongue played with yours, letting his hand travel down to get a handful of your ass. right on top of his name that was printed on the back. you moaned so quietly that only he could feel the vibrations, letting his tongue pull away, only to capture your lips again. your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, until he winced.
“how’re you feeling?” you whispered, as he groaned, burying his face in the your neck. your arms securing around him brushing the sweaty mess of hair. she’s so warm. toji sighed, if only it was just them.
“so many people,” he complained, your hand combed through his hair. “hate the fuckin press.”
“then why’d you make a whole scene?” you mumble, trying to calm your heated face. only for him to come up and kiss your cheek, wrapping a secure arm around you. as he kissed your cheek again and again.
“so people can see I’m yours,” he winked, you cringe at the attention, hugging toji in embarrassment as he laughed, and pushed through the crowd. he answered some questions on the way, however you hung around answering some questions for him.
“were you confident about the match? any nerves?” someone asked.
“hard work pays off” his answers were so simple.
“he was very nervous. he always trains hard, but before matches he goes like crazy and is all jittery when he’s not at the gym,” you chime in brightly, the journalists all laughing, as toji looked at you with bewilderment. the journalists took complete advantage of you, and you were having a blast.
toji had to be stitched up, cuts on his face and ribs meant the journalists could go on and on and you were all laughing as he gave you multiple side eyes. of course journalists get along with each other.
On the return home, he was leaning completely into you. this had to be one of his most difficult matches in his professional career. he was so worn out, yet his hands could not stay off you.
“let me open you up till we get there,” toji was pulling at your shorts, slipping his hand into your panties.
“wait—dudeeee,” you gasp holding his wrist as he played with the slick that built up. his lips curling into a smirk as he sighed against your ear.
“what was this from? the make-out right now, or when my tongue was down your throat in front of all those people?” toji sent shivers running through your whole body. thighs squeezing only for him to lift your leg over his lap opening you up. “don’t be shy now,” his middle finger circled your clit as he licked your ear, earning a small whimper from you. so cute.
“could feel your lips begging me to give it to you. in front of the cameras?” you went red, he could always read your body better than you. his fingers opened your folds, going down to circle your tight little hole. “didn’t know my puppy was a dirty little brat, chatting with those fuckin journalists.” he pushed two fingers inside you, earning a moan. “now now, don’t want to bother the driver.” Luckily the screen was up but it wasn’t sound proof.
“stop teasing me. you’re so annoying,” you roll your shoulder making him huff, fingering you faster as you clawed his arm.
“stop fucking with me,” he groaned, “stay still,” he hummed as you squeezed around his long digits, as he curled them. “love you, love my pussy, lemme see,” man gets too drunk on your most intimate parts.
the moment you arrived at the penthouse, he pulled you into the bedroom, stripping your clothes as he devoured your pussy. his body was wincing as his tongue lapped and slobbered on your sopping pussy lips. his entire body making out with the heaven between your legs.
“we can do this tomorrow, you’re all patched—“
toji slapped your wet little pussy, earning a surprised moan. “what the fuck?” you gasp looking down at him, as he rubbed his fingers quickly seeing how wet your pussy is getting. his chin and lips were already drenched in your juices as he panted. he was purely going off adrenaline and lust.
“don’t care if I’m fuckin dyin, always gonna eat my puppy up,” toji was sucking all your worth as your back arched, nails digging through his scalp as the sounds of his lips echoed through the room as he pulled back after you came.
“so hard for ya sweetheart, mmmm” he smiled, “so pretty baby,” toji licked his lips as your legs shook from the aftershocks only for his palm to come down on your pussy.
“wait! ahh toji!” drool was slipping down your cheek as he had your pussy wiggling from his relentless slaps. “uhh gon..ahh cum!” you cried out, toji immediately moved up. his fingers slapping your clit, humming as your legs shook.
“yer gonna take me all like a good girl?” he stroked his heavy hanging dick. Kneeling up, his arms coming up to move his wet black hair out of his face letting you get a full view of his sculpted patched up chest, the sweat trickling down his dark happy trail, leading to his full balls hanging in anticipation, his dick too heavy to stand tall and slumping forward, grazing your pelvis. your cheeks blew red as you watched his cock twitch.
he noticed you catch your breath. your nipples brushed by his teeth and wet with his saliva from earlier when he was taking your clothes off. you threw your arm over your face, he was about to ruin you— “drenching the sheets too soon, sweetheart,” he slapped your pussy with his dick, licking his lips as you whimpered. his hand coming to push your legs up, spreading your hole for him.
“ugh wonder what—uh you’d be like if I didn’t stretch you out,” he groaned as he pushed in, his eyes rolling back for a moment. definitely the best feeling was entering his love after a long fight.
“ah ‘ts big—ahhh,” you grab at the sheets beside you as he holds your thighs up, crashing his hips into yours. he moans loudly, your eyes were shinning, he was so loud tonight.
“so fucking perfect, perfect love,” he snapped his hips faster, relishing in the lewd sounds of your pussy squelching. his lips crashed into yours. “wanted to fuck you right there ugh uh in front of everyone.” your jaw slacked at his pace and words.
“in the ring, ahh!” you added on, making toji groan deeply, driving his hips deeper only to hit your soft spot, sending your vision white.
“show em how good of girl you really are, not such a fucking brat?” toji groaned, slightly wincing as he continued his pace, feeling your walls squeeze him. your mind loosing grasp of his lust and your pleasure.
“d-don’t sa-ahy things like—“ you whine, tongue lulling out as toji licked it up, salvia running into your mouth as your tongues played, his hand pushing your thighs further up to your stomach as he slammed his hips into yours.
“ah fuck puppy, gonna gush on me?” toji dropped his head to your neck as he continued his pace only for his body to convulse, you were so close, yet toji was whimpering so gently into your neck.
“uh—‘oji?” your hand caressed the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. toji whimpered again, his pace slowing down. your concern grew as he panted against your neck.
“just a second pup,” he kissed your neck, his breath was heavy, your mind trying to clear up, trying to ignore the fat pulsing cock that was still intruding your insides. “gunno cum if you keep squeezin me,” toji rocked his hips, biting your shoulder only for you to finally realize what was happening.
“shit! your stitches opened,” you noticed the blood that soaked the bandages around his torso.
“ ‘is fine, give me a moment—ah pup don’t mov—shit,” toji groaned as you pushed his shoulder back, trying to be careful of his bruises and other cuts. he fell onto his back with a distressed face, you took a deep breath, lifting your body up.
“no, pup, keep me inside you,” toji begged, thrusting up, only for you to yelp, pushing down on his chest firmly and lifting up. a shiver went through your body as his fat cock slipped out of you. shuddering at the loss.
“what’re you doin—we didn’t fini—“ toji tried to pull you back onto him. your slippery folds rubbing against his drenched cock.
your hands stopped him. “you’re injured, don’t need you bleeding out as we’re fucking,” you scold him. toji groans as he tries to pull you back as you move off the bed.
“I needa be inside you, i won. lemme me feel you?” he grumbled, only for you to pull him up.
“then let me fix your stitches, and let’s change the bandages,” toji groans but ultimately listens since that would be the only way he’ll fuck you.
you slipped on a robe as you had him sit on the wide ledge seat against the windows in the bathroom. you handed him a towel to wipe himself only for him to roll his eyes. “leave it, wanna slip back into you easily.”
“animal,” you grumbled, trying to hide the heat it sent through your body. you carefully unwrapped his dirty bandages. he pushed his sweaty hair back as he watched you move around the bathroom, carefully examining the open cut. going back to wash your hands, toji puffs out his cheeks.
“you’re welcome,” you sarcastically say to his expression.
“gonna wear a little nurse outfit fer me?” he teased.
“ha ha,” you rolled your eyes with a smile, making toji smile. his insides filled with warmth as you tightened his stitches back. he’d wince every couple seconds. and you’d mumble a bunch of “sorry” “almost done”
“it’s fine,” toji leaned his head back against the window, eyes screwed shut. you were gentle wrapping the bandages around. he’d peak his eyes just to get a look at your focused expression, brows creased in concentration. so cute. you’d leave a delicate kiss on his stomach a few inches above the cut. toji looked away, trying to ignore the sudden warmth it sent to his face. his hand couldn’t help but come up to caress your cheek. your eyes flicked up to his face to see his soft expression.
“what?” you wrap a new bandage around his torso, while also cleaning his other wounds. rubbing some ointment on the bruises.
“nothin,” he lifts his arms up to help you. you sigh as you finish up, unbeknownst to his adoring thoughts. you wiped some sweat from your forehead.
“all good?” he asks, hands coming up under your robe to hold your waist. your hands fell on his shoulder, nodding as your hands caressed his tousled hair.
“don’t like seeing you hurt,” you mumble, toji smiles, leaning forward to kiss your sternum. his hand slipped to the back of your thigh to lift your legs onto his large thighs, letting your legs spread hovering over him.
“It is my job,” he smiles making you roll your eyes.
“ya I know,” he laughs, kissing the space between your tits again. his lips getting sloppier as he pushes the robe to allow him to suck your nipple. he allows himself to fall into his pain from the injuries as well as his heightened neediness, as he whined for you.
it was so incredibly rare to see how vulnerable he was being. half lidded eyes as his drool covered your tits as he sucked and bit letting his cock grow on his thigh, your sighs filling his ears. to hear his angels voice echo always had his blood rushing south.
“drip all over me puppy, please,” he groaned from the back of his throat as his cock bounced from the heaviness hanging between his open legs awaiting your pussy to leak onto him, “wanna fuck ya , feel you—uhh,” he latched onto your nipple again, whimpering when he felt your juices rub against his cock. “so full for ya—ugh, just like that—“ toji groaned as you stroked him some more rubbing him through your folds. you could feel how heavy and full his balls were making him whine some more.
he hung his tongue out, lapping at your nipple as he made eye contact, his cheeks were flushed a deep red. he was acting like a needy brat and you couldn’t help how much it was turning you on. you brushed the hair from his face, stroking his cock between your folds as he begged for more. yearned for more.
“wanna fill me up? huh?” you wanted to know how far he’ll beg.
“please, needa be inside you,” toji whined, biting your nipple as you rubbed his head in encouragement. “cmon pup, put me inside,” he drooled. you couldn’t get any words in, your face was too heated to reply to his submissiveness, so you obeyed his begs. slipping his heavy length inside your squelching hole.
“shit!! so warm,” his head falls back as you take the lead, careful of his injuries.
“uhh feels good—“ your head is back as he drinks up the lustful view of you bouncing on his dick. his grip is leaving bruises on your waist and thighs as his body shudders. he yanks the robe off, groaning as your tits bounce in his face.
“close puppy, uhh fuck—if ya keep lookin at me like that—‘m not gonna last—“ toji groans as you shiver above him, wanting so badly to cum with your lover. it was so rare to have him cum with you. you always lost to his stamina, but not now.
“cum inside me,” you moan into his lips. licking his tongue as he groaned so deeply.
“don’t say that y/n/n,” toji’s veins strain as he feels it coming. his abs clenching as his groans came from deep inside him.
“rub me, gonna do it for ya,” you whimper as you bring his fingers to your clit, letting him rub quick circles as your eyes roll back, shuddering as you let go, but he’s waiting. his hand slaps your clit repeatedly, your jaw dropped as a silent scream comes out as he rubs quick circles until your eyes fill with tears and you finally feel a rush. you squirt, toji shudders at the splash on his lower half, finally giving the last of his energy to thrust up into the gushing hole until he finally lets go with you.
“fhuck! ah shit—such a good girl, ugh fuck,” toji whimpers as his cum mixes with your mess as your nails dig into his shoulder. “ah sweetheart,” his lips latch onto your neck as you whine, shaking above him, letting him empty his fat balls, as he has you bounce until every drop is pulled out.
you’re panting holding his head against your chest as you slowly tried to catch your breath. with toji at his limit, you had to screw your head back fast. you could feel his body slumped on your chest as his arms lazily wrapped around your body for security. he sighed.
your body gently moves back, holding his face in your hands as he looked up at you with half lidded eyes. you brushed the hair from his face as he rubbed gentle circles on your waist. his lips were swollen, chest heaving, cheeks flushed a deep red. his eyes fluttered from the gentle feel for your hands on his face.
“wanna go again?” the man was funny. he could not go again, and yes you were sure.
“let’s clean up,” you laugh, he hums helping you get off him. he gives a small shudder at the juices that spill out. humming as you stand on shaky legs to turn the shower on. licking his lips at the mess that drips down your legs.
you help him in the shower, washing his hair and body as he sighs. he was beyond exhausted, and having you taking care of him was the only thing keeping him slightly awake.
“you feeling okay?” you were kneeling up on the bed as toji sat in front of you, drying his hair. a fresh bandage on him again.
he only hummed, he was tired. you gently turned his head, making him look up over his shoulder. his eyes were barely open, arm wrapping around your waist inside your robe as he fell on top of you.
“wait—lemme grab some clothes,” he doesn’t respond, only kicking his towel off the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist from the exposed open robe. his lips pressing lazily on your sternum until he rests his head above your breasts immediately sinking into a deep sleep.
there was no moving from this position.
you brushed his hair. the blankets enveloped the two of you as you fell asleep. unknown to the new headlines that would spread across the news. all along the lines about toji’s insane match, but also the sunshine of a girlfriend.
one fan even stating, “i couldn’t take my eyes off them! when they were whispering in the middle of the chaos, my heart was melting! that’s when I knew all the rumors were bs, because the two looked so in love!”
“the first time I’ve ever seen THE toji fushiguro simp for a lady!”
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
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Gojo is finally free!!! 
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
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credit to @catskze <3
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teddy-bear-os · 1 year
Three Little Words
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x gn!Reader
Warnings: Pure Fluff
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*Cute little drabble, i’ve been thinking about him all day long (i always do)
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Toji isn’t the type of man to voice his feelings. He really doesn’t like to express himself. He just hopes that his actions subtly express his love. 
He doesn’t even see the point in saying those words. They’re three little words that don’t even begin to capture the amount of love that he has for you. Three little words can’t say that much. In the end, you know that he loves you, so he’ll just waste his time by telling you so.
But occasionally, he has an urge to say it, and the thought won’t leave his mind unless he says those three little words. 
This time, he sits on the couch, playing his stupid game of Candy Crush. You’re planning on watching a movie, but you ended up wanting popcorn, making you get up from the couch and putting a bag in the microwave. He distantly hears the popping, and he knows that you’re awkwardly waiting around, watching as the bag spins. He slightly turns to look at you, and he chuckles when he sees you doing exactly what he was expecting.
He focuses on his game again, and he realizes that you’re back when you put the bowl of popcorn right under his nose. He didn’t even feel the couch dip. He smiles before he shakes his head. 
“You’re so predictable.” You chuckle. He always rejects the popcorn. 
“Am I?” He questions and you hum in response. He bites down on his lip for a moment before he blurts out, “I love you.”
You freeze in time. For a minute you stare at him, holding back a smile, before you put down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. You don’t say anything, and Toji feels awkward. He can’t read you. He never can. Maybe that’s why he’s so scared to say a simple I love you. “Say it again.”
“Huh?” He furrows his eyebrows, confused. You don’t answer with words, instead you throw your hands over his shoulders and kiss his lips. You kiss him multiple times, laughing between kisses, and he laughs as well although he’s confused. 
“Say it again, please.” 
“I love you.” Toji repeats himself and you’re radiating happiness in a way that you’ve never shown before. Or maybe you have and he just hasn’t noticed. He just knows that he loves this, “I love you so much.”
Maybe those three little words aren’t all that meaningful to him, but they are to you. So he’ll voice his love more often.
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